Sin is our refusal of God and our refusals of God, are manifested in the ease at which we prove ourselves to be unwilling to love.
- Benjamin Britten (Kindle Single) (Penguin Specials).
- Voyage to Romance: A Prelude to Happiness.
- Le crépuscule dune idole (essai français) (French Edition).
- If I Could.
God has a plan through which he deals with original sin. This plan unfolds in the scriptures and culminates in the revelation of Christ the Lord. When we speak of Christ "saving us" or refer to Christ as our redeemer, what he is saving us from and delivering us from is original sin and its effects. Christ, who receives his human flesh from his mother, receives this flesh from a person who, by a singular gift from God, herself comes into this world without original sin.
This exemption is God's gift to the woman who would freely choose to be his mother. The gift highlights the extraordinary nature of the mission of the Mother of God- no one would even have the relationship God in Christ has to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Some might be inclined to think that something like the Immaculate Conception made things much easier for the Mother of God, and in this regard, I think such folks would be mistaken. The Immaculate Conception was not a kind of decorative accessory, but a reality that would be essential for the Mother of God to fulfill her mission.
It would express itself in a capacity to love that would have far exceeded our own. And this would not have made things easy. The Mother of God was an Immaculate Conception in a sin-filled world.
immaculate - Wiktionary
Those whom she loved suffered from the effects of original sin and her exemption would not have made her cold and aloof, but would have quickened her to life with a deep compassion that would have cut into her heart. She would have been to this world a sign of contradiction, a stranger, someone who would have always been on the peripheries, deeply in love, but beset with grief at how much God's love is refused in a fallen world.
Whatever we feel at the effects of the world's refusal to love, would have been intensified for Christ's mother. She would know, better than us, humanity's desperate need for a Savior and the consequences of our refusals of God would have been overwhelming, if not for the grace that she received in her relationship with her Divine Son.
The Immaculate Conception does not mean that Christ's Mother did not need a Savior or that she somehow saved herself. In fact, it means the opposite. Christ saved her in an extraordinary way and gave her a holiness that she did not achieve for herself. He did this for her, for the sake of her mission- a mission that only she would bear. In the United States and in a number of other countries, it is a holy day of obligation. See here for more information. If you like the information I've presented here, you should join my Secret Information Club. If you're not familiar with it, the Secret Information Club is a free service that I operate by email.
Just email me at jimmy secretinfoclub. Jimmy was born in Texas, grew up nominally Protestant, but at age 20 experienced a profound conversion to Christ. Planning on becoming a Protestant pastor or seminary professor, he started an intensive study of the Bible.
Immaculate Conception
But the more he immersed himself in Scripture the more he found to support the Catholic faith. Eventually, he entered the Catholic Church. What is the Immaculate Conception and how do we celebrate it? Here are 8 things you need to know about the teaching and the way we celebrate it.
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- Welcome to Immaculate Conception.
- Works of Joseph Priestley.
- The Immaculate Collection - Wikipedia!
- Immaculate | Definition of Immaculate by Merriam-Webster.
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Who does the Immaculate Conception refer to? There's a popular idea that it refers to Jesus' conception by the Virgin Mary.
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Instead, it refers to the special way in which the Virgin Mary herself was conceived. What is the Immaculate Conception? The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains it this way: Does this mean Mary never sinned? Does this mean Mary didn't need Jesus to die on the Cross for her? How does this make Mary a parallel of Eve? How does this make Mary an icon of our own destiny?
Catholic Church
John Paul II noted: Was it necessary for God to make Mary immaculate at her conception so that she could be Jesus' mother? Thus in preparing to define the dogma, Pope Pius IX stated: How do we celebrate the Immacul a te Conception today?

I send out information on a variety of fascinating topics connected with the Catholic faith. He has a lot of interesting things to say! In the meantime, what do you think? We encourage a lively and honest discussion of our content. We ask that charity guide your words.