
Diritto processuale dei consumatori (Società) (Italian Edition)

The following are among the most widely used: Among the most important legal encyclopedias, we can mention here: Knowledge of this intention, in fact, whilst not decisive in the interpretative construction of a provision, may be of great help in understanding its original meaning. Among the Atti parlamentari published, in paper-based form, by the Italian Chamber of Deputies and Senate, the main one is Proposte e disegni di legge and Bollettino delle Giunte e delle Commissioni parlamentari.

As far as jurisprudential data are concerned, the user gains knowledge about them through a good many tools for their dissemination, set out here in accordance with their type. Some journals are, exclusively or mainly, specialised in publishing decisions and other judicial measures. Two monthly journals — Il Foro italiano Zanichelli, Bologna and La giurisprudenza italiana UTET, Turin — publish considerable numbers of decisions and other measures issued by judicial authorities of different kinds: Community, constitutional, civil, criminal and administrative case law are divided into special sections.

In searching for case law, from the methodological point of view, the digests are the first tool to consult: Other indexes of the published case law material include a chronological index and an index of the names of the parties in the legal actions. Also, in this case, there are more general and more specialised journals.

There is a very vast amount of scientific material, found in handbooks, encyclopedias, journals, treaties and monographs. Digests and bibliographies prove to be useful tools for consultation. Also, we must point out that there are various kinds of these tools, both general and specific, taking the shape of appendices to larger works, as in the case of encyclopedias and legal dictionaries as we saw above, in relation to legislative data , or autonomous works.

Napolitano since which appears annually. In this work, all the articles which have appeared since , in the journals examined are classified on the basis of a special index, as well as law books published since A panorama of bibliographical guides at the international level can be found in the Sistema della bibliografia giuridica.

Strumenti e metodi della ricerca bibliografica per la scienza del diritto , published by A.

Il diritto processuale dei consumatori - Prof. Zeno Zencovich, parte II

Other bibliographical guides of a general nature are: Introduzione alla ricerca dei dati giuridici , edited by G. Sciullo Giappichelli, Turin, ; Diritto , edited by G. Armani Garzanti, Milan, ; the same author has also written Come si cerca il diritto. La ricerca di leggi, giurisprudenza e letteratura attraverso biblioteche, bibliografie e banche dati. Strumenti e metodi Maggioli, Rimini, , in which there is a very long list of Italian law journals; A. Meloncelli, Come si cerca il diritto Maggioli, Rimini, ; G. Pascuzzi, Cercare il diritto Zanichelli, Bologna, We shall only mention some of the more recent: The fundamental law of the Italian State is represented by the Constitution, published in a special issue of the Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica on 27 December and coming into force on 1st January The text of the Constitution comprises articles and is subdivided into four parts: Among the English translations of the text of the Italian Constitution, we shall only mention a few here: The Constitution of the Italian Republic.

Italy , edited by A. An English translation of the text of the Italian Constitution , revised and updated to , can currently be found A. It is a translation, prepared by International Constitutional Law ICL , a scientific organisation which also translates other material relating to constitutional documents, providing a series of cross references aimed at enabling a user to easily and rapidly compare texts dealing with the same topic. The Commentario della Costituzione, in thirty volumes, edited by G.

Pizzorusso Zanichelli, Bologna, , is still today the most complete treatise on Italian Constitutional Law. After its promulgation, the Italian Constitution was integrated with numerous Constitutional Laws, passed within the period between and For many issues, the need was widely felt for legislative regulation laying down proper criteria for fully implementing the reform. In this perspective, Law 5 June , No. Among the other more recent innovations, we would like to mention here: The preparatory work on the Constitution of the Republic of Italy deserves separate discussion.

Only in was an actual analytical index created M. These legislative collections are not, of course, to be confused with the five proper Italian Codes, which collect together the fundamental rules in force within the field of civil law, civil procedure, criminal law, criminal procedure and navigation. Amongst the most up-to-date texts, we shall only mention here: De Vergottini and F. Roversi Monaco Maggioli, Rimini, ; Le leggi fondamentali del diritto pubblico e costituzionale , edited by M.

Scarciglia, Istituzioni di diritto pubblico e diritto costituzionale. Testi normativi Giappichelli, Turin, ; the Codice delle leggi amministrative fondamentali , edited by L. Tramontano Hoepli, Turin, ; and the Atlante normativo di diritto costituzionale by M. Apart from the case law sources mentioned with reference to Italian law in general, we would like to make note of the following among the specialised digests: There are many public law journals. Apart from the encyclopedias and dictionaries we have already cited in the part relating to Italian law in general, institutional handbooks of constitutional, parliamentary and administrative law represent important reference works for learning about Italian public law.

For Constitutional Law, the following are among the most recent and important handbooks: Rescigno, Corso di diritto pubblico , Zanichelli, Bologna, For Parliamentary Law, reference should be made to: For an overall but concise view of Italian Administrative Law, the following can usefully be referred to: Cassese, Le basi del diritto amministrativo , Garzanti, Milan, ; and G. The main journals in which authoritative contributions in the sector of public law are published include the following: From the point of view of the legal history of Italian public law, the work entitled Il Parlamento italiano.

There are several editions of the Civil Code, all preceded by the text of the Constitution. In choosing one edition rather than another, the accuracy of the transcription of the official text, its updating with the later provisions of repealing laws or the amendment of individual articles and with the abrogating decisions of the Constitutional Court and the selection of the main special laws found in the appendix to the Code must all be kept in mind.

Granelli, who have, in turn, coordinated more than one hundred authors, chosen from among the greatest experts in the various sectors of civil law. The work, in this case, only available on CD-ROM, contains comments on all the articles of the Civil Code updated with the introduction of the most recent legislation and case law. Special attention is paid to the articles of Book V, the object of the recent company law reform, in force since 1st January , including the Ministerial Report by way of explanation and comment. The database of case law, especially rich in material in the first edition, has been further widened and today contains approximately 33, documents, while the legislation database has been updated up until the early months of Furthermore, there are editions of the Civil Code in which, in correspondence to each article, information is briefly given on the main trends in case law and legal authority.

For a detailed view of civil law matters through knowledge about the preparatory work behind the drafting of the Civil Code, it is necessary to consult the work in six volumes by Pandolfelli, Scarpello, et. Here, reference should be made to a specialized journal entitled Le nuove leggi civili commentate CEDAM, Padua , which publishes, on a quarterly basis, a selection of legislative instruments relating to the material, supplementing them with in-depth comments relating to both the laws as a whole and to the individual articles of which they are composed.

The following journals contain civil law case law: Other journals specialised by subject matter dedicate a special section to the publication of decisions relating to that subject matter. We have set out here a basic list of these journals: The reviews are characterised by the fact that they contain a logical and systematic description of the case law.

Two large works, published in many volumes but still a long way from completion, need to be mentioned in specific reference to civil law matters: We will mention only the most important and popular titles: Branca, Istituzioni di diritto privato Zanichelli, Bologna ; P. Rescigno, Manuale del diritto privato italiano Jovene, Naples ; P. The following works are dedicated to commercial law as a subdivision of private law: Instead, the following have labour law as their specific theme and they include: These are mainly aimed at those practising the law judges, attorneys, public notaries, etc.

Within the ambit of the vast amount of literature existing on the Civil Code, we recommend: The series of volumes by different authors, organised on the basis of a plan which provides for overall coverage of the disciplinary area under consideration also belong to the category of Treatises. In this regard, we are able cite several works of great scientific importance as well as having a considerably broad coverage although all still remain unfinished: Commentaries are distinguished from Treatises in that, being specifically directed towards the needs for interpreting and enforcing the law, they follow, article by article, the order of the legislative text examined.

The most widely used work among lawyers practising Italian private law is, undoubtedly, the Commentario del codice civile Scialoja e Branca , directed by F. The Commentario del codice civile , edited by university professors and judges UTET, Turin is more concise and is of a prevalently informative nature, although it is still unfinished. For the main encyclopedias, see those that have already been discussed here in relation to Italian law in general.

The following journals are among the main Italian private law journals: There are also numerous journals specializing in specific sectors of private law. Apart from those already cited as also being important for the case law they contain, the following belong to this category: Because they are the result of legal research, they play an essential role in setting out in a systematic fashion the problems dealt with on each occasion, proposing path for investigation and, sometimes, even methods and original solutions.

Volumes which collect together the contributions of more than one author or the Proceedings of Conferences may also be of a monographic kind, in the sense of referring to a single main topic. In particular, the term includes: The main source of criminal law currently in force is the Criminal Code , which was passed under the R. Royal Decree of 19 October , No. It was integrated then by the Co-ordinating and Transitory Provisions R.

Specific amendments were brought about by the Constitutional Court, in conformity with its recognised powers within the Italian legal order. Apart from the Criminal Code , we need to cite the legal system relating to prisons Law 26 July , No. Ardizzone, who have, in turn co-ordinated a large group of professors, attorneys and judges. The paper-based work, to which the CD-ROM is appended, is structured as a commentary, in the sense that article by article it offers a very strict and in-depth analysis of the legislative provisions, taking into due consideration the contributions of greatest interest found in the most important legal authority and case law on questions of law and on the merits.

In this way, it is easy to carry out an entire series of searches, which also enable the work to be consulted in a transversal way. This Law, together with D. The following journals have an even more specific thematic approach, within the sphere of criminal law materials: Among the most recent and authoritative handbooks on criminal law, we shall only mention the following here: Antolisei, Manuale di diritto penale , Parte generale updated and fully revised by L.

Like search engines or directories , portals appear, from a certain point of view, to be in contradiction with the philosophy of the Internet.

Sovraindebitamento: salvi grazie alla Legge 3 2012

Their objective is, in fact, to structure and to give a hierarchy to information in a world characterized by nets and a horizontal nature. In fact, it is not very easy to give an exhaustive definition to a term which is currently much abused [i] and which include sites with very different features under the same label.

The closest definition we have been able to find is the following: Roughly speaking, portals are generally divided into two large sub-classes: By adopting an arbitrary but currently used nomenclature, we cite the following typical terms and expressions: Mailing lists, newsgroups and forums, lists of links to sites of interest, often divided by category, collaborations through sending of articles, proceedings, papers and theses , online advice, reviews, surveys, reports, FAQ, chat, online courses;. Among the Institutional Portals, an important place should, undoubtedly, be attributed to the following site: It is a very well organized site, clear in its graphics and approach and of great social interest.

Through its search engine, it allows a user to carry out an advanced search, with the possibility of using synonyms. It is a meeting point for over 3. There are also sections dedicated to searching for employment, to finding many different kinds of forms, and to setting out the pages of institutional sites which make material of public interest available, as well as newsletters, FAQs and, finally, a service, edited by Il Sole 24 Ore , thanks to which the citizen can ask for helpful advice via e-mail and receive an answer within 15 days.

Procedure di sovraindebitamento: chi può accedere e quali sono

This Web Site is continuously improving, providing citizens with more and more advanced services. Among the institutional portals, NormeInRete holds a very important position, but we describe it later on. Here we shall only mention a few private sites. It is very rich and well organized and is useful not only to the lawyer but also to the citizen; it can be queried in five languages and it is also provided with an advanced search engine.

The simplicity of its interface increases its appeal. The following are among its services: The idea is to provide a dual service, for both books and for journals: Newsgroups registration is not compulsory but open and free-of-charge ;. This Web Site, actually one of the best Italian legal Web resources, has been deeply modified whether graphically or from the point of view of the contents.

The HomePage is divided into three sections. The central section contains news related to the latest significant Court decisions, recent articles of legal literature, news about Courses and Conferences, quotations from famous literary works of legal interest, information about the present database and the possibility of querying the old database.

In the left section of the HomePage we can consult — by means of a simple search, or an advanced search, or an analytical index — a large database containing statutes, sentences, articles of legal literature and praxis in relation to private Law, commercial Law, social Law, obligations and contracts Law, labour and security Law, privacy Law and civil liability, new technologies Law, and information and communication Law.

Among the legal utilities we can find: It is one of the main portals for lawyers and is furnished with various and sophisticated tools for research amongst which a search engine with a proprietary database exclusively dedicated to the Law: Among its services are: However, these groups are not well defined. Legal authority, for example, is spread over more than one section and it is, therefore, not possible to make an accurate search.

It also offers the possibility for different kinds of searches: In other words, it behaved like an intermediary between users and the real search engines. Subsequently, the Journal created a new version which constituted a proper search engine. However, the earlier version also remains operational. Only documents and Web pages of legal interest are indexed. There is no notice in the site about the developers of it. Data selection and sorting are determined by algorithms. Law Web Guides are principally consulting instruments.

Many of institutional sites and online reviews contain them. The database, last updated on November , is organized in documentary units corresponding to the individual types of material taken into consideration: The information relates to providers, access free-of-charge or for a fee , the type of material Laws, Jurisprudence, Legal literature, etc. Three solutions have been prepared for those wishing to carry out a search: It is right to point out that the updating of these Guides is crucial for their efficiency since URLs and contents of the Web sites continually change, while the cooperation process, that is at the base of the Web philosophy, is still now disregarded.

DFP is a structured list of Italian Internet resources which makes public information available, focusing special attention on legislative information and legal information in general. It is also integrated with the discussion list of the Italian AIB-CUR librarians , in the sense that it gathers reports transmitted on that list. DFP is organized in three sectors: Official Gazettes, Official Bulletins of the Regions, general collections of legislation, lists and services of legislative amendments, jurisprudence files, services updating jurisprudence, general statistics, legal information sites;.

The bodies are represented up to the level of the region. For provinces, municipalities and other local bodies, reference is made to already existing digests. Founded in , AIB is the only general library association in Italy, the only national association member of IFLA and by far the oldest and largest association from this field in Italy. The site provides information about libraries and pertinent services online catalogues, calendars of events, inventories in the field of training and labour, directories of products and services, discussion groups.

Every Web resource is described by means of a Form containing its name, URL, and a brief description. Sites of legal interest. Apart from these resources aimed at retrieving legal material and access to the sources of Italian law or parts of them, there is now a great variety of institutional or private online sites, structured as portals rich in information and services.

This is the official site of the two Houses of Parliament: The most requested laws, bills that have been passed but not promulgated or published, and decree laws in the course of conversion into law can also be retrieved. There is also a database of legislative decrees which implement delegated law, EC Directives, or special Statutes , which the user can search on the Server of the Chamber of Deputies through a search engine.

The site of Parliament is divided into two sectors: Apart from providing information about its role, latest news and press releases, about the work underway as well as initiatives and events, the site of the Chamber of Deputies is especially important for its databases. The following are the characteristics of the database: The original nucleus, entirely created by the Chamber of Deputies, was made available on the Web through the joint efforts of the Chamber of Deputies, the Supreme Court of Cassation and the Regional Councils.

Since , the legislative texts have been directly supplied by the Regions and the Autonomous Provinces. Normative references of the laws are provided by the Supreme Court of Cassation, while the Library of the Chamber of Deputies takes care of the overall management and updating of the database. Beside providing information about its role, members, work, and guides, the Senate of the Republic site provides a database of bills, which can be searched by number or through a guided search on the basis of the TESEO classification on the XIII and XIV Legislatures; moreover bills of previous Legislatures can be searched.

Above all, it is necessary, in relation to the sites of the Ministries, to underline that they constitute an important source of information for the legal and administrative worlds. Almost in their entirety, the sites of the Ministries are presented as Portals with a variety of very important information and services see, in Appendices , paragraphs 1. The MEF homepage , contains information on the structure and role of the Ministry, and provides information about the Taxation Agencies, the CIPE, the Administration of State Monopolies, and the like, and a list of links — organized by type — to institutional sites.

It also offers a useful sector relating to services, including a guide to the services of the Departments, the calculation of road tax, the duplication of the Tax Code, information on taxation commissions and so on. It also contains a list of sites organized by type and a software sector on fiscal, cadastral and customs matters. From the site of the Ministry, the user can also access the Computer Centre of the Supreme Court, which provides an online service for the consultation of texts of legal interest collected and organized in specialized databases 30 databases storing over 4 million documents.

Access to the databases, regulated by law DPR The link is granted free-of-charge to constitutional, judicial and administrative organs of the State, to judges and to State prosecutors and attorneys; all other users pay an annual subscription fee for access. Currently the Italgiure-Web system is available on the Internet at the site , but is only accessible to ordinary judges while awaiting new ministerial regulations on how private users should be linked to the system.

Of particular importance in this sector are the sites of the independent Authorities and security and supervisory Commissions: These sites generally set out the legislative framework of reference, provisions, recommendations, and give a wide variety of documentation. Other national bodies should also be kept in mind: Among the regions, we would like to focus on the Emilia-Romagna region for its particularly innovative use of the Web.

Not only does this region give the user the possibility to search the full texts of the resolutions of the Regional Council, but it has also created Ermes, which presents itself as an access point able to offer an information path, a guide and a dialogue with users. We have already described the site of the Italian Supreme Court in relation to the Ministry of Justice.

On this matter, it is, however, helpful to refer to another site, because it is more complete and managed by the same official site, namely the Constitutional Court online , co-ordinated by Prof. A search may be carried out on the details of the decision, by key words or through the terms which the parties, the court or the subject matter dealt with may refer to. The decisions are in full text. It should also be noted that there is a large number of links to Constitutions and Constitutional Courts throughout the world.

On this site, the user can generally find, with some exceptions, decisions published after 1 October , and the most important opinions dating from September The most significant decisions deposited between 1 September and 31 May are currently available. The portal of the European Union , accessible in eleven languages, provides the user with a great deal of documentation on what the European Union is, how it functions, and how to live and interact with it.

All Italian universities and public and private law faculties have sites on the Web, containing a great deal of information and documents and with many services for students. The databases and the guides to which users have access free-of-charge are especially important on the site in question. In particular, these include the following. Law and Legal Informatics monographs and periodicals ;. It also provides information, reviews and lists of sites of interest for lawyers. A database of different kinds of documentation including legislation is also online.

The site also has an internal search engine. Its objective is to offer a rapid, complete and user-friendly tool which, on the basis of a selection made at the source, provides with updating made possible through the availability of the material the bibliographical details of legal literature regarding the Law of Economics, published since January Not only the section dedicated to news is interesting, but also the section regarding books, which — thanks to the publishing houses permission — enables users to browse summaries and tables of contents. Among the publishing houses specialized in the legal sector, we would like to mention: The online catalogue is updated daily with data on all the volumes published, both those currently on the market and those in print in the past.

It provides services, texts, periodicals and many offline and online databases which are distributed against payment of a subscription fee. The following are among the most important services in the legal sector: In particular, with regard to the legislation, it makes the following available to the user: It also furnishes numerous online services: The catalogue, made available by the publishing house, enables the user to consult the electronic cards relating to over published volumes updated in real time. Simone allows its users to search its Law Codes free-of-charge: Initially divided into frames, more recently it has been the object of a restyling.

Today, the site displays a navigation menu subdivided into two large sections: Finally, it provides a newsletter giving the user updated information. Apart from containing a series of important articles and contributions, it presents the annotated Italian Civil Code, the Italian Constitution, and lists of Italian and international sites. The following can be listed among the typically specialized journals: It contains general and scientific information and information related to the legal world. It is, therefore, a proper electronic journal, among the most prestigious within the Italian legal panorama on the Web, with many articles regarding legal literature, organized by subject matter or argument through a chronological index.

Italian labour law, in the traditional sense including industrial relations, employer-employee relations, and social security law, from their domestic and international viewpoints as well as international and comparative labour law. It also portrays itself as a qualified place for reflection and in-depth study, unique in the Italian editorial panorama, on issues related to intelligence and national security. The Journal publishes essays, forums, interviews, articles, curious historical anecdota, book reviews and bibliographical notes, reports of interventions by important persons from the world of politics, culture and the institutions.

It has also edited a full and systematic collection of the Italian and foreign documentation in the sector reports of parliamentary and governmental organs, bills regarding intelligence bodies, legislation and jurisprudence of interest. The second section is subdivided into three columns: The second reports events, such as conferences, debates or the publication of books. It is structured in four sectors: It is divided into several sections including: Ettore Giannantonio, who dedicated many years to the study of this topic.

It is rich in information, case law and legislation on the environment contributing to the discussion on this topic, and also has a newsletter which keeps users up-to-date on what is happening in the field. Many libraries, especially if they are of a certain importance, like university libraries, have transformed their catalogues into databases, usually making them available to the user free-of-charge. There are now also groups of these under the same organization which has created collective catalogues or MetaOPACs. By way of example, we can cite the virtual catalogue Cultural Site of the Tuscany Region , which permits this type of search in simple or advanced mode within a large number of Libraries in the Provinces and in the Universities within the Region.

It is a network of Italian Libraries created by the Ministry for Cultural Heritage in collaboration with the Regions and Universities; currently, it provides access to the bibliographical news which is periodically downloaded from the databases of the SBN Index: At present, the catalogue contains about 9 million localizations and 4.

The initiative falls within the framework of the reform of the Italian Public Administration aimed at guaranteeing transparency and simplification in its relationship with citizens. To better understand its importance, it is worthwhile mentioning that, in November , the Assembly of the Italian Chamber of Deputies passed a resolution regarding Government policy in which the NIR Project was given the highest priority within the ambit of initiatives for administrative simplification.

April 9, ;. The Italian Supreme Court of Cassation was a pioneer in the sector: From onwards, there was a gradual incrementation and consolidation of the system and definition of the access modes, provided free-of-charge for the Central Administrations and against payment for other user groups. At present, the possibility of consulting it is reserved only for users who have the right to link up free-of-charge and it will be come into effect through a gradual release organized by categories.

The ItalgiureWeb documentation system includes 41 databases, with a total of over 4 million documents. In particular, in the field of international and European Community legislation there are: In the field of national and regional legislation there are: In the field of national, Community and foreign jurisprudence there are: Ministerial circulars databases include: Ministerial circulars published in the Official Gazette since 1st January ;.

National and international legal authority databases include: It is organized in two sub-databases that can be searched independently: It also contains the titles of articles of legal authority from up until now;. Information, documentation and utility databases include: This is one of the tools being experimented with at ITTIG, the objective of which is to give unified access to material relating to legal authority distributed on the Web by different public or private, institutional, scientific and commercial organizations to provide a series of specialist services forums, distribution of documents, data interchange, etc.

It applies the rules of the legislation in force so the users are given a complete and effective picture;. It is an integrated software environment for lawyers, which has the important added value provided by a communication environment, based on Internet, allowing lawyers to link up and exchange information with the Court Offices;. Jurisprudence, Bibliography, Legislation, Forms.

This work contains all the jurisprudence, the legislation and the bibliography regarding the civil, criminal and bankruptcy regulation of companies, co-operatives and consortia. Italian laws in their current and co-ordinated version, with comment on the jurisprudence of all the Highest Courts;.

Guido Alpa - Wikipedia

The published documentation is appropriately classified and linked through a system of logical links and references;. Among the best services available, we would like to mention not only that offered by Google , which through a special search engine enables the user to carry out a full text search within the messages, but also that offered by Arianna. Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri. Ministero degli affari esteri. Ministero del commercio internazionale.

Ministero dello sviluppo economico. Ministero delle infrastrutture e dei trasporti. Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione. Ministero del Lavoro e della Previdenza Sociale. Ministero delle politiche agricole e forestali. Commissione Europea — Rappresentanza in Italia. Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali. Conferenza dei Presidenti delle Regioni e delle Province autonome.

Corte Suprema di Cassazione. Associazione italiana della comunicazione pubblica e istituzionale. Consiglio Nazionale del Notariato.

  • Bolzanos Theoretical Philosophy: An Introduction (History of Analytic Philosophy).
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  • Guide to Italian Legal Research and Resources on the Web - GlobaLex?
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  • Amen, Amen, Amen: Memoir of a Girl Who Couldnt Stop Praying (Among Other Things).
  • Menu di navigazione.

EuroJuris Italia — Gli studi legali italiani in Europa. The Cardozo Electronic Law Bulletin. Rassegna di giurisprudenza comunitaria e diritto europeo. Il portale del giurista - rivista giuridica telematica. Guida al Diritto on line — Il Sole Ore. Rivista di Informatica, Telematica e Diritto.

Rivista Internazionale di Informatica e Diritto. InterLex — Diritto, Tecnologia, Informazione. Guida aggiornata per aree tematiche su tutta la normativa italiana ed europea. Rivista Internet di diritto pubblico. Le Nuove Voci del Diritto. Rubrica settimanale di dottrina. Palomar — Osservatorio di diritto costituzionale. Quotidiano di diritto e delle nuove tecnologie informatiche. Censis — Centro Studi Investimenti Sociali.

Portale giuridico delle nuove tecnologie. Legislazione e Giurisprudenza italiana inerenti al Diritto di Internet. Internet e le sue leggi.

Viene chiamata legge salva suicidi: perché?

JeI — Jus e Internet. Leggiweb — Leggi italiane. Dipartimento Ambiente - Bologna. Contratti del settore pubblico [Aran]. Contratti e accordi collettivi di lavoro [CNEL]. Gazzette, leggi e normative [Rete civica Aesinet]. Leggi Regionali [Camera dei Deputati]. Normativa europea [Unione Europea]. Normativa comunitaria e internazionale, codici e leggi nazionali e regionali, contratti collettivi — ItalgiureWeb [Ced-Cassazione].

Giurisprudenza comunitaria [Unione Europea]. Giurisprudenza costituzionale [Corte Costituzionale].

  1. TIM and LG Electronics: signed a strategic collaboration agreement for 5G in Italy.
  2. TIM: from today the Republic of San Marino is fully covered by the TIM 5G network with Nokia.
  3. SHTF: A Guide to Surviving Almost Anything!
  4. Giurisprudenza costituzionale [Consulta Online]. Giurisprudenza della Cassazione e delle altre supreme Corti,. Atti di controllo e di indirizzo politico. Altalex — Quotidiano di informazione giuridica. Erga Omnes — Diritto alla fonte. IusReporter — esplorazioni giuridiche. Kataweb — i portali giuridici. NIR — Norme in Rete. Corte dei Conti Europea. Banca europea per gli investimenti. Fondo europeo per gli investimenti.

    Comitato economico e sociale. Europol — European Police Office. The repeal can be expressed by an explicit statement of legislator or implied because of inconsistency with subsequent law. Moreover it can be a consequence of referendum or due to intrinsic causes special laws issued for a limited period or in particular circumstances. Appello nominale [Roll call]: It consists in the calling in alphabetical order of each single Member of Parliament, who is expected to openly and publicly cast his or her vote. Assemblea costituente [Constituent Assembly]: Associazione Nazionale Magistrati [A.

    Atti di alta amministrazione [Upper Administrative Acts]: Atti aventi valore di legge [Legally binding Acts]: They are characterized by the fact that, although having all the effects of law, they are limited in terms of their duration or in what they regulate. Atti di concerto [Collegial Acts]: Atti di controllo [Controlling Acts]: Atti definitivi [Definitive Acts]: Atti generali [General Acts]: Public Administration acts dealing with general or abstract matters that apply to an indeterminate number of parties.

    Atti giuridici [Legal Acts]: Atti giuridici comunitari [European Community Legal Acts]: Atti ispettivi del Parlamento [Parliamentary Inspecting Acts]: In certain cases they take on a preventive form in order to solicit a decision such as, for example, in the case of parliamentary questions.

    Atti normativi [Normative Acts]: Atti parlamentari [Parliamentary Acts]: Alimenti e rate dei prestiti gli portano via tutto lo stipendio e per vivere accende una cessione del quinto, che lo mette in definitiva crisi. Pratica Omologata presso il Tribunale di Latina. I creditori accettano, evitando lunghe e costose azioni legali verso i soci.

    Pratica Omologata presso il Tribunale di Alessandria. Enrica, si vede riconoscere lo status di sovraindebitata e viene aperta una procedura di liquidazione del patrimonio. Pratica Omologata presso il tribunale di Brescia. I cookie ci aiutano ad offrirti un servizio migliore. Utilizzando il nostro sito accetti l'utilizzo dei cookie. Quando visiti un sito web, questo potrebbe archiviare o leggere informazioni nel tuo browser, solitamente utilizzando dei cookies.

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