Der Schlaf und der Tod: Thriller (Niels Bentzon 2) (German Edition)
Stein has written a number of books featuring Detective Chief Inspector Axel Steen and the rights to three of them have been purchased by SF I am a huge fan of Scandinavian Noir so this was a book I knew I wanted to read immediately. Stein has written a number of books featuring Detective Chief Inspector Axel Steen and the rights to three of them have been purchased by SF Studios producers of "The Bridge" with the intention of making three films based on Axel's exploits.
His crime novels have been sold to more than ten countries, including France, Germany, Holland and Norway. It's safe to say he is a big talent. Why didn't I know about him sooner? The corpse of unidentified man is found bound and hooded propped up against a gravestone at the central cemetery. Axel Steen is assigned to the case and it initially looks as though the culprit could be a member of the police force when camera footage is found.
There also appears to be a link to the demolition of the nearby Youth House, a notorious spot where left-wing militants meet. However, Axel soon discovers that many people, both inside and outside of the police force, seem to be hindering the investigation in what looks like an attempt at stopping the case being solved.
The clues then take him to unexpected places such as the Copenhagen underworld where drugs and gangs are rife. Axel will not stop until the killer is caught, no matter the consequences. And the consequences for Axel himself may turn out to be greater than expected. I admired Axel's tenacity but he has some real personal issues to contend with. He is divorced from his wife who is hellbent on keeping him from being able to see his daughter. Axel's character is well-developed and despite him always being at odds with his bosses, I enjoyed reading about him.
The story is well written, easy to get into and fast paced. I read it within a day as I couldn't put it down, it was so good. I cannot wait to read more from Stein as I loved his writing style and the creation of a flawed character in Steen. There is a lot of circumstances and situations throughout the story where you feel sympathy for Steen.
I didn't mind that the author used that old trope of a Detective with personal issues which is really overused in crime fiction. It worked here and as I liked Axel this was neither here nor there for me. All in all, a fantastic, dark and gritty read that I had fun with.
I cannot wait to pick up some of Stein's other books, I know I am late to the party but better late than never, as they say! Mirror Books have secured the first five books in this series and this is the first time Stein's crime fiction has been translated into English.
I look forward to the reading the whole of the series. I was not required to post a review and all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own. Unrest — A riot through Copenhagen Being woken up in the middle of the night by headquarters, was never nice as it meant there was a fresh corpse for him to look at. Detective Axel Steen, not the most popular detective in Copenhagen, but the one that was the most terrier like when he was on a case. Fortunately for Stein the body was not far from his apartment and was in the cemetery. The Norrebro district where he lives, is a bohemian district of Copenhagen and had been on fire for most of the da Unrest — A riot through Copenhagen Being woken up in the middle of the night by headquarters, was never nice as it meant there was a fresh corpse for him to look at.
The Norrebro district where he lives, is a bohemian district of Copenhagen and had been on fire for most of the day. This all due to the police raid on the Youth House and all the violence that followed. So, when Stein got to the cemetery past all the smoke-filled barriers and resting police, is a dead body that looks like another left- wing protester. The body is eventually identified, which leads to more questions than answers, while drawing him into the heart of the Copenhagen drugs trade, the Balkans and the Security Police.
With nobody seemingly trusting Steen, he is slowly side-lined and ends up working the investigation his own way, but on his own. The investigation seems to be going off in different tangents, but Steen is not afraid to step back and look at all the information available. Like a jigsaw puzzle without a picture, Steen is the one who slowly pieces everything together. Even if it does mean going out on a limb.
Like any defective detective Axel Steen is not only the problem child of the Police Service, but the problem child with his ex-wife and his daughter. He has relationship problems that get him into trouble, before you count his dependency on hash. He is in the middle of a personal crisis, a career crisis, but he does not care he wants to solve the case and he will.
Jesper Stein has created a wonderfully defective character in Axel Steen, that even when things are going wrong around him he carries on. Set with a background of the bohemian district, you get a flavour of part of Copenhagen not often seen by the tourist. This is an engrossing read, showing that even the countries that are seen as sensible Europeans have an underbelly which is always willing to fight back. An excellent thriller that shows you not everything in Denmark is nice and shiny, but dark and gritty.
An excellent addition to the Scandi Noir Oeuvre. Nordic noir is one of my favorite genres, so I was pleased to learn that a popular author from Denmark had recently been translated. Unfortunately this novel, with not even one likable character and a convoluted plot, really disappointed me. Mijn nieuwsgierigheid is bevredigd. In mijn verwachtingen ben ik enigszins teleurgesteld, maar de drie sterren die ik 'Onrust' toebedeel zijn dik en vet.
Stein laat zien dat hij de potentie heeft een zeer goede thriller te schrijven, het komt er in deel 1 van de driedelige Axel Steen-reeks echter nog net niet 'Onrust', de debuutthriller van de Deense auteur Jesper Stein Jesper Stein Larsen, , is een bestseller in zowel Denemarken als Duitsland, wat nieuwsgierig maakt en verwachtingen wekt.
Stein laat zien dat hij de potentie heeft een zeer goede thriller te schrijven, het komt er in deel 1 van de driedelige Axel Steen-reeks echter nog net niet helemaal uit. Alsof hij te veel wil, bang is om 'stiltes' te laten vallen, zijn lezers tekort te doen als hij te weinig gedetailleerd is.
In Denemarken is deel 2 inmiddels verschenen, getiteld 'Bye buy blackbird', deel 3 staat op punt van verschijnen en heet 'Akrash', een begrip dat ook in deel 1 voorkomt. Nu hopen dat 'Onrust' voldoende verkocht wordt om het voor uitgever De Geus interessant te maken de volgende delen in vertaling uit te brengen. Rechercheur van politie Axel Steen speelt de hoofdrol in 'Onrust'. Na de rellen wordt een dode aangetroffen, vermoord, terwijl de politie in groten getale aanwezig was. Aan Axel Steen de taak uit te zoeken wie de dode is, hoe dit kon gebeuren en wie de moordenaar is.
Steen heeft zijn eigen werkmethodes, die hem niet in dank worden afgenomen, en wordt van het onderzoek gehaald, op een zijspoor gerangeerd. Dat is voor hem geen beletsel om verder te wroeten tot de onderste steen boven is. Zijn er wellicht politiemensen bij de moord betrokken? Het is lastig op gang komen in 'Onrust'. Bladzijdenlang weidt Stein uit over de onlusten, de oorzaken en gevolgen ervan, de diversiteit aan bewoners van de wijk, enzovoort. Uiteindelijk blijkt dat alles niet van cruciaal belang voor het verhaal, kennelijk had de auteur de onbedwingbare behoefte zijn kennis te etaleren.
De hoofdpersonages worden prima gekarakteriseerd, je kunt je moeiteloos een beeld vormen van hun uiterlijk en hun gedrag. Wie goed is en wie slecht blijft lange tijd in raadselen gehuld, al rijzen er tijdens het lezen vermoedens, de spanning stijgt gaandeweg. Steen neemt Emma mee naar zijn werk als het zo uitkomt, waar ze o. De schrijfstijl daarentegen kan een oppepper gebruiken. Over het algemeen zijn de zinnen kort en gebruikt Stein eenvoudige woorden; bij een verhaal van dit niveau zou de auteur qua taalgebruik een tandje bij mogen zetten.
Een strakkere insteek zou 'Onrust' ten goede zijn gekomen en het boek minimaal honderd pagina's dunner maken. Het inbouwen van rustmomenten zou ook niet verkeerd zijn, maar dat is een kwestie van smaak. Han har en lille datter, Emma med sin ex-kone. Da det viser sig at offeret er en albansk narkokurere som er udvist af Danmark for bestandig. Sagen bliver ikke nemmere da PET melder sin ankomst. Giver bogen 4 stjerner Heb vanaf de eerste pagina's op het puntje van mijn stoel gezeten.
A great thriller that for once does not revolve around the molesting and killing of children and women. The police dialogue is spot on! Czy to koszmar, czy senne marzenie? Na ten czy inny temat. Sitemap
Ma to swoje plusy, jak i minusy. Jul 28, Gordon Mcghie rated it really liked it. I am something of a convert to these Northern crime stories though and I enjoy that the have a very different feel to the UK or American crime fiction tales I have been reading for years. I cannot recall reading any Danish police procedurals prior to picking up Unrest so this was virgin territory — by the time I reached the climax as it were I was more than satisfied and would certainly like to repeat the experience.
Our main focus is Detective Superintendent Axel Steen. He is in the majority of scenes throughout the book so we get a good look at the lead character and the author spends time building up his background to good effect. He has a troubling medical condition, an ex-wife he misses terribly and a young daughter who he sees quite frequently but takes into crime scenes and the mortuary so perhaps fathering is not a strength.
Steen is investigating a murder. The body of a man, bound and hooded, has been found in a public location — left virtually under the noses of the police. There is a suggestion there has been police involvement as the murder appears to have been secretly caught on film, though the evidence has vanished so cannot be easily validated. Tensions in Copenhagen are running high as militant factions are protesting and attacking police near where the body was found — was this a police retaliation? The investigation the reader follows is methodical and, as the author is developing a life for Steen away from his job, this means the pacing of the story is not relentless and action packed.
This is not to be taken as a criticism, I thoroughly enjoyed the detail and the thoroughness which the author brought to Unrest. For readers hoping for fist fights or car chases every second chapter, there are other books out there for you. Unrest is for the reader looking for a good story, well told, and with a nasty murder waiting to be solved. I enjoyed Unrest and I hope Axel Steen returns soon. Jesper Stein emerges as an exciting new voice in Nordic Noir. When the novel opens, the city of Copenhagen in Denmark is on lockdown as riots break out. For me it did bring back memories of the London riots which took place in and I thought the scenes were very well written and very vivid.
Detective Superintendent Axel Steen enters the picture and as the situation comes under control, a body is discovered in a nearby cemetery. What immediately intrigued me was how the body had been left in the cemetery. It was clear that the victim had suffered horrific abuse before being killed and I wanted to know who he was and what he had done to deserve the fate inflicted upon him, or if indeed there was any reason at all.
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We immediately get a sense that the police face huge levels of mistrust in the city and you can see how it is going to be difficult for Axel to understand what has happened. Axel is an intriguing character.

The opening scene allows you a glimpse into the workings of his mind, and it does make you think about what has gone wrong in his life. I was interested to see how his character would develop further as the novel progressed, particularly his relationship with his ex-wife. Jesper Stein is a writer who I will be keeping an eye out for.
Unrest is an exciting debut novel and I would definitely recommended it for Nordic Noir fans. Thank you to Melaine Sambells at Mirror Books for inviting me to take part in the tour and for providing me with a copy of the book to review. I was lucky enough to win a copy of this book from a Mirror Group giveaway. While crime thrillers are not my usual genre I've read one Michael Connelly and one Jo Nesbo , this one really appealed to me coming to these shores billed as a 'scandi-noir' in the style of the TV dramas The Bridge and The Killing, both of which I am a major fan of.
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This shares many themes and locations of those series, and it also evoked The Wire season 1 and 2 for me. This is a dark and complex unfolding mystery, with I was lucky enough to win a copy of this book from a Mirror Group giveaway. This is a dark and complex unfolding mystery, with a flawed anti-heroic main character. There is a strong sense of atmosphere - the city, the burning streets, the shady cafes feel scary and real. It is easy to read in short bursts I read while commuting to work as the chapters are quick fire pages long. The translation is more or less spot on I would have switched perhaps only a couple of words and you soon forget you are not reading in the original language.
Overall this a solid start to a new series for UK readers , and I'm eagerly looking forward to the author's next installment to be translated - 'Blackbird'. Another new writer for me to savour. I had never heard of Jesper Stein until I read an interview with him and I thought I would take a chance on this, his first novel which has just been translated into English.
Thanks to Net Galley I have now discovered an exceptional writer who has introduced Axel Stein, yet another troubled character who overcomes his flaws and weaknesses and is a talented detective who gets things done his way. The book is long and detailed and there are several subplots but Another new writer for me to savour. The book is long and detailed and there are several subplots but the quality of the looting and writing ensures that you stay with the book which develops into a fascinating and memorable read.
I look forward to the rest of the series becoming available in English. I really tried to like this book, however, it just reminded me of Inspector Rebus series too much! Divorced Inspector who is on bad terms with his bosses, has a daughter and often crosses a line during the investigation. Axel Steen - hvor er du dog en ualmindelig irriterende karakter Dels er jeg ikke voldsomt imponeret over forfatterens evne til at skildre personerne i krimien. This book was a grower for me. Although I did not like Axel Steen at first, as his character developed I found his vulnerability endearing.
It was an action-packed Scandinavian crime novel, and I look forward to reading English translations of the other Axel Steen books. Jeg kunne dog rigtig godt lide twistet i slutningen! Een realistisch neergezet verhaal. Meno convincente invece la storia, quasi che lo scrittore non sapesse bene dove volesse andare a parare. Hat die Polizei einen der jungen Leute aus dem Jugendzentrum einfach kaltgemacht? Der Ermittler Axel Steen ist hier der Protagonist. There's a problem loading this menu right now. Get fast, free shipping with Amazon Prime. Get to Know Us. English Choose a language for shopping.
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