Can We Talk?: The Rise of Rude, Nasty, Stubborn Politics
Defending and Expanding Americans' Right to Vote The Politics of Voter Suppression arrives in time to assess actual practices at the polls this fall and to reengage with debates about voter suppression tactics such as requiring specific forms of identification. Tova Andrea Wang examines the history of how U. The tactics that have been employed to suppress voting in recent elections are not novel, she finds, but rather build upon the strategies used by a variety of actors going back nearly a century and a half.
This continuity, along with the shift to a Republican domination of voter suppression efforts for the past fifty years, should inform what we think about reform policy today. Wang argues that activities that suppress voting are almost always illegitimate, while reforms that increase participation are nearly always legitimate. In short, use and abuse of election laws and policies to suppress votes has obvious detrimental impacts on democracy itself. Such activities are also harmful because of their direct impacts on actual election outcomes.
Wang regards as beneficial any legal effort to increase the number of Americans involved in the electoral system. This includes efforts that are focused on improving voter turnout among certain populations typically regarded as supporting one party, as long as the methods and means for boosting participation are open to all. Wang identifies and describes a number of specific legitimate and positive reforms that will increase voter turnout.
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For actual libertarians this was not a victory. Though it should be obvious, neither would Hillary's victory be a victory for libertarianism. You have to remember to remind people of that otherwise they'll think you're shilling for the other candidate.
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This election has been really good at making a lot of masks slip and fall off. Many who identified as libertarian were revealed as just another republican or democrat. That said, those that think Trump is going to "Make America Great Again" will be sorely disappointed by reality just as Obama's supporters were.
There's a reason why so many called Obama the Obamessiah in mockery. People fell for his "Hope and Change" they believed he would change the government, the country, the world. Some even had far more ridiculous expectations, but many were also joking making fun the ones that did believe some ridiculous nonsense. Trump, like Obama before him has no real integrity and no real plan on how he's going to fulfill his promises. Unlike Obama however, he'll have a bigger problem knowing which of his competing promises he should even try to fulfill. And on the other side, those that are dreading the coming years, they will probably be relieved.
Trump will still be a terrible president, but he won't bring the end of the world or anything. My bet is on him being too incompetent to do much of anything similar to Obama. In four years though we will be back to where we started, both the left and the right bickering and we could get Hillary as a form of protest.
Politics is like a pendulum, left right left right left right. The left screws up and the people vote right, the right screws up and the people vote left. Consider how terrible our congress has been, whether it's a republican or democrat majority, they screw up. The right has had a majority for a few years and people think it isn't a big enough majority. All of that bipartisan support for terrible policies would go away if only republicans had more members in congress.
I'm guessing that the ones in there are so cowardly they won't make the "right" decisions unless told to by other less cowardly members?. That so many on the right had been considered just as much outsiders just a few years ago and here they are now fitting right in with the establishment should have been a red flag for those considering Trump based on that criteria.
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Ron Paul fit that bill too but he had actual substance and integrity as his qualities not just populism. I don't doubt a bunch also supported him because they viewed him as being anti-PC, but somebody that childish and prone to overreaction is probably not that anti-pc. He has the same behaviors of a lot of SJW's actually. Those people will also be terribly disappointed in the coming months and years.
Notice how my sock puppet always gives the left a pass. The Paulista-goobers are always to blame for everything, since they are in league with the Christian Taliban and republicans I proudly voted for Hillary yesterday because she is the best representation of the libertarian party that I built that was stolen from me by the goobers. It's a blatant non-sequtiur but since I'm incapable of a good faith argument Having lost 2 careers and facing homelessness 3 times for the unpardonable sin of spending much of the past 25 years warning that this backlash which is only really just starting would come, I agree with the main thesis of this article.
However, as an enrolled member of the Cowlitz Indian Tribe who has experienced violent racism at the hands of whites in the sixties and social, educational and economic racism from blacks and women ever since, I categorically reject his assertion that Trump is a "real racist. While his spitballing and brainstorming comments begged further clarification, he has said nothing that qualifies as racism anywhere but in the special snowflake safe spaces and hypersensitive enclaves of the race baiters.
Political correctness is public shaming in the name of all inclusiveness. Think someone is different? How dare you point it out! Think it's ok to call someone the ethnic name you were taught was ok growing up? Shame on you you racist cracker! Think we should have stronger borders? Any opinion however slight, shall be shamed if it does not conform to the uber lib view of the world. So said the great left. And so went the world. People have different values. Some people like the city, some the suburbs. Leftists said living in suburbs is evil.
You have no right to value that. Some people think kids need 2 parents, male and female. Leftists said you are evil to hold that view and never mind what the kids think. It was claimed by the left not that there were different views and values and that we should look for compromise, but that ONLY their views were valid and any other view about anything whatsoever was racist blah blah blah. But people DO have the values and desires they have. Some even go to church. They really don't like being told they are invalid. And the invalidation was not merely ideological, it has been categorical: No possibility of redemption.
Trump supporters aren't mostly racist ahem, Robby.
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They are just accused of it because they are white and male and conservative. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump got more of the minority vote than anyone predicted. Can't get enough of the bitter salty tears today. And this attempt at reflection suffers from the same things it laments. Trump could only be considered a racist by laughable PC standards and the author continues to insult Trump followers and overestimates the morality and capacity for critical thinking of the left.
True, he only sees the flaws in their methodology, but fails to see the more glaring flaws in their motivations. I seriously doubt this was a major factor in Trump's victory. Another excellent column, Robby. See also an interesting article by Shelby Lyman on the culture of deference: It deals with the same family of issues. Another excellent article Robby. See also Shelby Lyman's article on the culture of deference: It discusses a related set of issues. Before the first debate I wrote on hardthinking: Lets not conflate the situation with hyperbole.
This election was nothing more than a moderately loud growl. If that ever happens, their aren't enough cops, armed paramilitaries, and willing soldiers to begin to stop the rage. I'm thinking one of these days we've got to get a handle on our wording so as to truly call things what they are It wasn't political correctness that elected Trump.
It wasn't the liberals and it wasn't Obama. He was elected by the people who voted for him, who are most certainly not liberal. And he was the nominee of the Republican party, not the Democratic party. I've noticed you cons never take responsibility for anything.
It's always somebody else's fault. This is just another example of that. You were the ones who elected Trump, not us. You own him, not us. The Pharisees were the epitome of both religious and political 'correctness'. So much so that it became their downfall. Instead of taking heed of the clear warnings against self-exhaltation over the common folk, the Pharisees went headlong into looking down their noses and wagging the finger at those with whom they elevated themselves above.
They would focus on the straw in the eye of their fellowman yet ignore the pole or rafter in their OWN eye. Finally, these "hypocrites" or "offspring of vipers" as they were described, were so intelligent til they were stupid and far from teachable! Yes, in addition to being One who spoke out against political correctness, President Donald Trump's foresight into which Group s would embrace his repudiation against it, particularly college students , is what worked out in POTUS Trump's favor!
HRC's 'bright teeth failed to conceal a dark heart' so to speak. The left sorted everyone into identity groups and then told the people in the male identity group that that's the only bad one. If you want to erase gender then you must eradicate French, Spanish and any other language that are practically two different languages depending on whether you're talking to or about a male or female.
French even assigns "gender" to various inanimate objects so if you want to say the same thing about two different subjects that happen to have different "genders", much of the rest of the sentence has to change.
Can We Talk?
This article must've went viral. My Feedly feed shows 72, reads. The highest by a metric shitton for a Reason article. There you have it. And to be against it is a "terrifying backlash". Go jump in the lake Reason Mag. That is, they don't "reason". You repeated with glee The New Republics TNR selective 33 quotes from his financial newsletter and helpfully rebranded them as a "Ron Paul's racist newsletter".
You and your fellow travelers without question accepted TNRs claims at face value. Not only that it gets worse. Your sick PC brand of libertarianism has fallen in love with "the party", that's right you love the "L" label by your name, it defines you, its your identity now and could not put on an "R". You're afflicted by "Party". Just like the Bernie Sanders loving democrats could not tear the "D" from their chest and vote their principles by replacing the "D" with a "G" for Jill Stein, so too did you fall in line and vote for Bob Barr. Aww yes, the Party must come first and you serve it well.
How sick is your brand of libertarianism? You accept the Left's terms, VAGUE and self serving ill defined terms for "race", racism, bigotry, bias, sexism, homophobia, etc. George Orwell, or is it the Party, would be proud of you. With libertarian "friends" like these, is it any wonder why other libertarians don't like your brand and created the R3VOLution in the first place? Reason Mag and the LP are helpful leftist dupes for they never ever question that moral high ground. Case in point, this essay here, where Robby Soave attempts to show the left where they went wrong. Sick libertarianism supports the false moral high ground of Political Correctness.
From having good manners? I don't think that this issue was that big an issue and didn't rise to the level of trade agreements and the oligarchy, but it is an issue in certain segments of society. But if true, it means that Americans have no interest in individual rights, but inflicting their will on others to create social order and that's frightening. That means that rights do not exist, only privilege at the discretion of the powerful. For example, either a person who feels that he or she is the wrong sex has the right to live as he or she sees fit or no one does, each of us must live as those is power dictate.
That is the tyranny of the majority that James Madison wanted to avoid in his addition of the Ninth Amendment. Political Correctness is not some evil.
It is a term used by the right to sum up every morally righteous view they can't stomach and don't want to accept. You may be right that this is why Trump received many votes, but to hold it up as a problem for the left to deal with is laughable. All one needs to do is watch Trumps speeches to see why he epitomizes everything wrong on the right. Women as objects, racism always veiled but definitely there , and fear as a tool for the masses. He won because he looked at the right and calculated exactly what they would buy. It's an old sales tool we old school insurance salesmen called 'creating the need'.
What about your family? Listen to his speeches. We all know, crime is a problem. Yes, crime is a problem, but he is magnifying it, just as the insurance salesman magnifies the chances of something happening to a healthy 30 year old father. As for who's a racist, take a look at the most racist act committed in the last few decades, all at the hands of liberals:. Obviously that's why the polls were so off. Political correctness may cow people into telling a pollster what they think the "right answer" is. Of course, in the voting booth, no one is watching.
The most powerful message driving working class swing voters to Trump was probably "You didn't build that". Not only did they build that, but they resent people who never built anything and live like royalty telling them that. I'd just like to point out that even many trans people only think there are two genders. They aren't normally transitioning to a third option. Blair White is a popular authority on the subject. You helped create Trump, and like Frankenstein's monster run amok, he's come to destroy you. May you be destroyed, precious snowflakes.
This post made me tear up. You have hit the nail on the head my friend. I have been complaining about Political Correctness run amok for years. My problem is that I have no reader base and I can't articulate it well enough! You have done a superb job of articulation here. I am so heartened to read that someone out there gets it and maybe eventually more people will too. No antifascist would vote Hitler, just because he's tired of being wrongly accused of being called fascist, if he is sincere antifascist.
He would only confirm he's fascist, and that is what others saw. And he's not even forced to vote at all. So, what kind of excuse is that, shifting the burden of someone's responsibility onto others? As a person who works in education, I see this as an important issue. Many of today's college students are ill-equipped to handle disagreement about issues and immediately want to label such as hate speech.
If someone disagrees about an issue like gay marriage, transgenderism, or illegal immigration, the discussion is immediately shut down by accusing someone as being homophobic or racist.

We need to learn how to listen to differing opinions without resorting to calling names. While I don't agree with much of what Trump has said, it has been refreshing to see someone speak his mind without fear or censorship. I don't like what he says, but it's important that he and every American retains the right to free speech. If ever these students finish their education and enter the corporate world, they're gonna have to get used to arbitrary rules governing 'hate speech' and a lot more besides. It is not 'leftist. Their lavish donations to Clinton and Obama show us this.
Do you really think that corporate behavior better defines the left right dichotomy? Or is it possible that corporations merely reflect the politics of those that run them? Corporations have been leading the way on many of these fronts, rather than leftists. Gays, for example, were welcomed in among corporate ranks while the leftists, Obama and Clinton, dragged their feet for years over the issue of gays in government service. What is the solution? It's easy to identify the problem.
Trump proved it's easy to get haters to hate. But what are we going to do about that? Seriously, what are the solutions, the opposite of being PC? Should we allow people to "tell it like it is". I say the term politically correct is offensive to those who only the see the word political and shut down. I would say the term could use an overhaul. How about respect or tolerance. Sure, you have the right to say whatever you want, but there are consequences to pay for your words and your actions.
The only saving grace is knowing more people voted for Clinton than Trump, not by much, but it was the majority. The people who didn't vote, they need to take these next four years to educate themselves. If they don't like the candidates that were offered then they should run themselves. Your electoral system like ours in Canada does not result in a true reflection of the numbers. It is not proportional.
Can We Talk?: The Rise of Rude, Nasty, Stubborn Politics (All Inclusive)
So it is possible to win an election without a literal majority. You didn't realize this? Re your final sentence: Yes, SO much misogyny apparent, though I do feel that HRC had only herself to blame - she didn't think of the optics, and how shifty and arrogant her behaviour would look.
Heck, how shifty and arrogant it was! Trump supporters were looking for an outsider, someone relatable. But in terms of qualifications there was just no comparison, even without considering what a hateful buffoon Trump is. No, I'm not buying this tired old meme of PC. Trump won because he tapped into the very real and justified anger of working men and women who have been cheated, lied to, and abandoned by a system that favours the wealthy and powerful - Dems AND Repubs. Clinton is a perfect example of the elite establishment insider - which is why choosing her as a candidate was political suicide.
In short, the reason was economic, the vote a retaliation, and the outcome a disaster. Most of the people who supported Trump are too busy keeping their heads above water to be worried about niceties of speech. I have not heard of a single example of freedom of speech being stifled in the name of PC - it is a strawman argument.
Is it a silly "liberal" frill to think about whether transgender people, for example, would have a preference for language that respects their identity? I suspect that transgender people would disagree, pace those "regular folks" who just can't get their heads around the idea that diversity exists. Try listening to the minorities in question and finding out what their experience is, rather than dismissing our demands that we be given the same respect and dignity as you.
It's a humane foible, and so much better than its alternative. Political correctness is a slippery euphemism. The exact technical term the looters struggle to evade is a little too blunt, a little too revealing. But anyone can put the hypothesis to the test. Switch in the real term--politically communistic--whenever you see PC and all of the pieces fall into place.
The looters could have repealed prohibition and made a giant stride for womankind, but noooooo. Looting the mercantile world for carbon taxes to subsidize Red China--over the protests of genuine scientists was more important. While I don't disagree with the writer, his article is a supercilious, over-simplification and discredits the very real reasons of why Trump was elected. Trump was elected because people are legitimately concerned about the direction of America on the issues. Trump's direct style gives added emphasis to those issues, but the pc corformity police social atmosphere did not get him elected all by itself Political Correctness is more accurately called cultural Marxism.
It is commonly known as "multiculturalism" or, less formally, Political Correctness. Trump one because the Democrats AKA: The Party of Hate told millions of hard working Americans that have followed the rules by graduating from High School, learning a trade or going to college, and working hard for what they had were told they were Racists, Nazis, Deplorable, and I hear irredeemable.
The arrogant LEFT hates people who do not support it and are willing to use the power of the Federal Government against them The Party of Hate told millions of hard working Americans that have followed the rules by graduating from High School, learning a trade or going to college, and working hard Don't let these racist Trump supporters fool you. They don't work all that hard. Anyone remember the Alamo? Gold-bricking whites sitting around getting slaughtered by hard working Mexicans.
I don't disagree with all of this, but people should be called what they want to be called, period. There's nothing inherently wrong with being PC, but many have definitely taken it too far. Insofar as there is also nothing wrong with being a raging asshole I accept your point. Similarly there is likewise nothing wrong with pointing out that someone is being a raging asshole.
There is something wrong with hurting people. Leslie Rasmussen said she remembered Brock Turner as a nice guy and she thought maybe drinking culture and partying culture and his past record of decent, respectful behavior should be considered when sentencing him and maybe even he hadn't actually committed rape, maybe he actually didn't realize she had passed out.
The jury disagreed with her and, as a friend of Brock's, she would not have been allowed on the jury. Her private letter to the judge after the conviction was leaked and she was seriously hurt economically by people who said she isn't allowed to have an opinion that differs from theirs because she's "supporting rape culture. You squeezed them, you hammered them to the point of desperation. And in their desperation, they turned to a man they didn't fully understand And in their desperation, they turned to a man they didn't fully understand. All of this could have been solved by applying the Non-Aggression Principle to social power and in some cases, political power.
The bullying tactics used by PC warriors is basically social power violently initiated against their targets. If they had chosen to peaceably inspire non-PC people to change their own minds aka education , they would not be hated. But instead, they committed violence with their social power especially obvious amongst Hollywood celebrities and then sought to expand this violence into political power and legal power resulting in fines for using non-PC language.
There's plenty of right wing political correctness out there. I see it all day here in Louisiana. Don't you dare sit for the pledge or the entire town police force will boycott your football game. They stick their "In God We Trust" decals on all of our public vehicles. They shove their mentally retarded religious beliefs in our faces constantly and "you're a bigot" if you call bullshit on it. This political correctness sickness is a bipartisan phenomenon. Maybe you're right, or maybe PC culture is there for a reason: There are more than two sexes, there are also intersex people.
Google Play Store Download that you desire to operate on your Personal computer nice. Reason is my favorite source for thoughts and ideas, and this is perhaps the most deadon, relevant, and important article I have read in years. Unfortunately, I can not share it because of one very big misstep.
Soave calls Trump a racist. I voted in line with my libertarian beliefs for Gary Johnson and was not particularly fond of Trump, but I do not think he is a racist. We need to be careful about throwing that word around like liberals do, or else it will lose its meaning. Progs are very angry that their candidate Clinton the racist warmonger did not win. The progs are very violent, no wonder they supported a warmonger. Political correctness is the indirect and direct pressure by special interest groups to inhibit any free-speech activity that is counter to their ideology.
I agree that from a tactical standpoint, the left is lost and confused. But the right, in their babyish rejection of political correctness is equally silly. Political correctness and the rampant anti-"libtards" that populate the internet are counteracting forces.
At the end of the day though, I have more sympathy with the left because they are actually trying to protect people while the anti-PC trolls are just venting hateful anger instead of trying to meet the pc crowd in any kind of constructive way. PC means that no one can have a rational conversation about immigration without being called a xenophobic racist. PC means that no one can have a rational conversation about marriage without being called a homophobe.
PC means that no one can have a rational conversation about climate changes without being called an anti-science troglodyte or a shill for big-oil if you are actually a scientist PC means that a white person can never ever say anything negative about a person of color without being called a RACIST!
So get your head out of the sand and actually acknowledge the utter assault of free speech and free thinking that the Owellian PC bullshit actually is. Maybe people who aren't racist, who do their best to always treat people fairly and who don't see through the false myth of 'race' got sick and tired of being called racist?!
Many of these people won't speak up outright thanks to political correctness but they'll sure speak through changing the channel, and acting against a narrative in any way they can otherwise. One way was voting for trump apparently. After Obama was elected, did we have racists going around beating, assaulting, car jacking Obama supporters in mass? Were there cases of this here and there throughout the USA? I wasn't made aware of any.
Did the KKK rise up and become what it had been decades before? The KKK remained a limp organization and to this day remains a limp organization, despite hysterical rhetoric that says otherwise. On the other hand, in the last several days I've seen news on a white 16 year old getting assaulted for supporting Trump, an elderly white man being carjacked, assaulted and dragged down the street for having a trump sticker on his car.
Bigotry is a problem in our culture but damn if hypocrisy isn't more of a problem. And part of the reason I have ceased supporting the Libertarian movement. The catch phrase "political correctness" is universally used by right wing and "libertarian" boors, Trump and his defenders for example, to respond to any objection to even the vilest public statements.
And Trump has broken some fresh ground in vileness and will probably continue to do so, with support from some claiming to be libertarians. Some left wing crackpots have tried to stigmatize civil, respectful disagreement by "speech codes" of some sort. But the overflowing sewer of racial, ethnic, and sexual filth that we have been treated to by the right and especially the "alt-right" can hardly be blamed on that.
Trump is a thug, his followers love it, and apparently quite a few libertarians can't hide their smirks. Nobody on the left, whatever their faults, did this; the right did it all by themselves. Not sure which alternative universe you live in, but this certainly doesn't represent anything I've experienced.
Nature created males and females and until nature changes this, there will only ever be males and females. No pronoun will ever change this fact. And before someone attempts to assert that a hermaphrodite is gender neutral, a hermaphrodite is genetically male with XY chromosomes, no matter which gender they choose. And PC can suck my hairy balls. I'll think, believe and say whatever the hell I like. I don't a shit about your tender feelings. And since we all want quality we must do our best to stamp out variation.
So if the liberals on campus can eliminate variation, including speech and opinion they will simultaneously eliminate a major source of knowledge, critical thinking, and even our ability to get along with one another. To my mind that is the major reason for education in the first place. So their success will lead inevitably to their failure and a dumber America. Like everything else about that crowd, their jettisoning of political correctness is a lie. It continues to apply to everyone but them. Trump won because he promised to fix the overreaches of the Federal Government, and get them out of our hair in every endeavor Americans attempt.
And choosing judges, and politicians, who actually adhere to their Constitutional pledge, was paramount. Political correctness is a small sip of tea to most Americans who voted for Trump. Government run amok was the primary cause of the left's downfall, other than running a corrupt, foul candidate for office. The list of Fed overreach, with Congresses' and Presidents' unconstitutional actions had finally led working Americans to a point where their freedoms were being relinquished without recourse, which, effectively killed due process for all citizens.
Americans, who work for an honest living with their hands, somehow understand more about right and wrong, as far as their lives, and the country's future are concerned, than the 'educated' and 'elitists', no matter how often the mainstream media misleads its audience, regarding who the 'educated' are. When a plumber must adhere to regulations exceeding three hundred forty seven pages in extent, he knows something is wrong with the system. When a doctor cannot prescribe medications he knows are correct for a patient, because of Fed intervention.
The main reason Trump won: Hillary wants to raise taxes. To do that, he will merely have to enforce the Constitution. Furthermore, eliminating that enslaving tax is the only way he can keep his promise to "drain the swamp. In order not to get eaten by those two notorious invasive species, the bureaurat and the congresscritter, which currently infest the swamp, he will need to humanely capture and remove all of them.
Want proof of the danger to Trump when he arrives in DC: With numbers that low, none of the Republicans who live there could possibly have voted for him. He will be walking into a minefield laid by establishment politicians of both parties and a nest of bureaurats with the media cheering everytime a mine explodes.
He can only hope to succeed if he cuts off the taxes on which the rats and critters feed. I guess this guy gets it right, although it sounds like he's actually part of the problem because he buys into the fundamental ideology at the core of political correctness. He is giving us hope for peace on Earth Remember when Madeleine Albright and Gloria Steinhem told women they have to vote for Hillary Clinton because she is a woman.
That was PC asking for a backlash. If you must have another white male gloat over the election at least don't have it be a natural blond. You alt right fascists! The Lone Loner The bathroom thing - apparently people on the Left Coast have absolutely no idea how that ranks on the bat-guano scale. I can explain a lot things to people. Free trade is good, protectionism is bad. We don't need to turn the country into a police state to defend against terrorism. The War on Drugs has led to corruption and government overreach. But that bathroom thing? Trump won because old people vote him.
People of America is not interested in Donald Trump. Trumps now becoming the worst president of USA ever. My Boyfriend broke up few months ago and left me heartbroken, this made me sick and my problem became very very difficult and it made me almost gave up but after the love spell from Dr Mack, my relationship was restored instantly, I was happy that the outcome was fantastic, only 3 days after contacting Dr Mack, positive change started happening. Never in my life have I thought this would work so fast. My man reconcile with me and he started acting completely different, we make love everyday, Dr Mack's spells works!
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