Alias Papa: A Life of Fritz Schumacher
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Book review: Alias Papa, by Barbara Wood
Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Alias Papa by Barbara Wood. Schumacher, at a time of unlimited economic growth E. Schumacher, at a time of unlimited economic growth, challenged this ideology and proposed an approach that recognized the impossibility of continuous growth in a finite world, and warned against the world's increasing dependence on oil. He was a key figure in the development of the environmental movement and was adamantly opposed to what he saw as violent solutions to economic problems, arguing against nuclear energy and advocating human-scale technology and organic cultivation.
Schumacher's particular genius was to bring together the theoretical and the practical. He set up the Intermediate Technology Development Group now Practical Action to provide small-scale technology for developing countries, and his people-centered approach to development has now been adopted throughout the world.
Alias Papa: A Life of Fritz Schumacher by Barbara Wood
Alias Papa , written by his eldest daughter, shows how his thinking and beliefs changed and evolved as his rigorous and questioning search for truth caused him to reflect on the events of his life and embark on a spiritual journey which was to change him as an economist and as a person. Paperback , pages.

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- Alias Papa : a life of Fritz Schumacher / Barbara Wood | National Library of Australia.
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- Alias Papa: A Life of Fritz Schumacher.
- Alias Papa : a life of Fritz Schumacher / Barbara Wood - Details - Trove.
Schumacher, at a time of unlimited economic growth, challenged this ideology and proposed an approach that recognized the impossibility of continuous growth in a finite world, and warned against the world's increasing dependence on oil. He was a key figure in the development of the environmental movement and was adamantly opposed to what he saw as violent solutions to economic problems, arguing against nuclear energy and advocating human-scale technology and organic cultivation.
Schumacher's particular genius was to bring together the theoretical and the practical. He set up the Intermediate Technology Development Group now Practical Action to provide small-scale technology for developing countries, and his people-centered approach to development has now been adopted throughout the world.
Alias Papa, written by his eldest daughter, shows how his thinking and beliefs changed and evolved as his rigorous and questioning search for truth caused him to reflect on the events of his life and embark on a spiritual journey which was to change him as an economist and as a person.
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