A Mão e a Luva (Obras Machado de Assis Livro 1) (Portuguese Edition)
The ATISS measurement drone, developed at the University of Applied Sciences Wildau, is an electrical powered motor glider with a maximum take-off weight of 25 kg including a payload capacity of 10 kg. ATISS is equipped with an autopilot for autonomous flight patterns but under permanent pilot control from the ground.

The aim was to integrate a system for digital terrain modelling. Instead of a laser scanner a new design concept was chosen based on two synchronized high resolution digital cameras, one in a fixed nadir orientation and the other in a oblique orientation. Thus from every object on the ground images from different view angles are taken. Special advantage in comparison to laser scanning is the fact, that instead of a cloud of points a surface including texture is generated and a high-end inertial orientation system can be omitted.
The first test flights show a ground resolution of 2 cm and height resolution of 3 cm, which underline the extraordinary capabilities of ATISS and the MACS measurement camera system. Effects of a salsa dance training on balance and strength performance in older adults. Deficits in static and particularly dynamic postural control and force production have frequently been associated with an increased risk of falling in older adults. Static postural control was measured during one-legged stance on a balance platform and dynamic postural control was obtained while walking on an instrumented walkway.
Leg extensor power was assessed during a countermovement jump on a force plate. Programme compliance was excellent with participants of the INT group completing A tendency towards an improvement in the selected measures of static postural control was observed in the INT group as compared to the CON group. Post hoc analyses revealed significant increases in stride velocity and length, and concomitant decreases in stride time.
However, salsa dancing did not have significant effects on various measures of gait variability and leg extensor power. Salsa proved to be a safe and feasible exercise programme for older adults accompanied with a high adherence rate. Age-related deficits in measures of static and particularly dynamic postural control can be mitigated by salsa dancing in older adults. Transcriptomic profiling of genes in matured dimorphic seeds of euhalophyte Suaeda salsa.
Brown seeds are more salt tolerant, can germinate quickly and maintain the fitness of the species under high saline conditions. Black seeds are less salt tolerant, may become part of the seed bank and germinate when soil salinity is reduced. Previous reports have mainly focused on the ecophysiological traits of seed germination and production under saline conditions in this species. However, there is no information available on the molecular characteristics of S.
In the present study, a total of differentially expressed genes were obtained; and differentially expressed genes were annotated based on a sequence similarity search, utilizing five public databases by transcriptome analysis. The different expression of these genes may be associated with embryo development, fatty acid, osmotic regulation substances and plant hormones in brown and black seeds.
Compared to black seeds, most genes may relate to embryo development, and various genes that encode fatty acid desaturase and are involved in osmotic regulation substance synthesis or transport are upregulated in brown seeds. Upregulated genes involved in seed development and osmotic regulation substance accumulation may relate to bigger seed size and rapid seed germination in brown seeds, compared to black seeds. The transcriptome dataset will serve as a valuable resource to further understand gene expression and functional genomics in S.
Heavy metal contents and transfer capacities of Phragmites australis and Suaeda salsa in the Yellow River Delta, China. Plant samples including roots, stems and leaves of Phragmites australis and Suaeda salsa were collected in the short-term flooding and tidal flooding wetlands of the Yellow River Delta of China. Six heavy metals e. Our results showed that in the tidal flooding wetlands, the contents of As, Cr and Cd in roots of Phragmites australis and Suaeda salsa were higher than those in their stems and leaves.
Suaeda salsa showed higher contents of Pb and Zn in leaves than those in roots and stems, whereas lower levels of Pb and Zn were observed in Phragmites australis. In the short-term flooding wetlands, heavy metal contents exhibited a big difference between different tissues of Phragmites australis and Suaeda salsa , and both plant species showed higher levels of Pb and Zn in leaves. Suaeda salsa roots enriched more As and Cd, whereas higher enrichment levels were observed in Phragmites australis leaves, which indicated different transfer capacities of these two wetland plants.
The transfer factors for stems and leaves of Phragmites australis in the tidal flooding wetlands significantly differed from those in the short-term flooding wetlands, however, no significant differences in transfer factors for stems and leaves of Suaeda salsa were observed between these two types of wetlands.
Homologous cloning, characterization and expression of a new halophyte phytochelatin synthase gene in Suaeda salsa. The halophyte Suaeda salsa can grow in heavy metal-polluted areas along intertidal zones having high salinity. Since phytochelatins can eff ectively chelate heavy metals, it was hypothesized that S. A sequence analysis revealed that SsPCS consisted of 1 bp nucleotides, encoding a polypeptide of amino acids with one phytochelatin domain and one phytochelatin C domain.
A similarity analysis suggested that SsPCS shared up to a There was a new kind of metal ion sensor motif in its C-terminal domain. The SsPCS transcript was more highly expressed in elongated and fibered roots and stems P [Isolation, identification and characterization of ACC deaminase-containing endophytic bacteria from halophyte Suaeda salsa ]. We Isolated and characterized 1-aminocyclopropanecarboxylate ACC deaminase-containing endophytic bacteria from halophyte Suaeda salsa to understand the interactions between endophytes and halophyte. ACC deaminase-containing endophytic bacteria were isolated from root, stalk and leaf of Suaeda salsa and were identified based on morphological, physiological-biochemical properties, API and 16S rRNA sequence analysis.
Isolates were evaluated for their ACC deaminase, antifungal, protease activity, siderophores and phytohormones, such as indoleacetic acid, gibberellic acid and abscisic acid production, as well as atmospheric nitrogen fixation and phosphate solubilization. All the strains possessed the phosphate-solubilizing ability and could produce siderophores and phytohormones more or less. None of them could fix atmospheric nitrogen or produce protease. Only strain SS12 showed antagonism against two phytopathogenic fungi viz Fusarium oxysporum f. ACC deaminase-containing endophytic bacteria of Pseudomonas sp.
Using euhalophytes to understand salt tolerance and to develop saline agriculture: Suaeda salsa as a promising model. Background As important components in saline agriculture, halophytes can help to provide food for a growing world population. In addition to being potential crops in their own right, halophytes are also potential sources of salt-resistance genes that might help plant breeders and molecular biologists increase the salt tolerance of conventional crop plants.
One especially promising halophyte is Suaeda salsa , a euhalophytic herb that occurs both on inland saline soils and in the intertidal zone. The species produces dimorphic seeds: Consequently, the species is useful for studying the mechanisms by which dimorphic seeds are adapted to saline environments.
A series of S. The species is economically important because its fresh branches have high value as a vegetable, and its seed oil is edible and rich in unsaturated fatty acids. Because it can remove salts and heavy metals from saline soils, S. Scope Because of its economic and ecological value in saline agriculture, S. In this review, the value of S. Its uses in the restoration of salinized or contaminated land and as a source of salt-resistance genes are also considered.
Education, bilingualism, and cognitive trajectories: Education, country of origin, and language usage patterns were collected at the baseline assessment and used as predictors of longitudinal trajectories of cognition. Parallel process mixed effects models were used to examine effects of education and language variables on baseline cognition and rate of cognitive decline. Mixed effects longitudinal models showed that education had strong effects on baseline global cognition and verbal memory but was not related to decline over up to 9 years of longitudinal follow-up.
Differences in education effects between subgroups educated in Mexico and in the United States were minor. Monolingual-bilingual language usage was not related to cognitive decline, and bilinguals did not significantly differ from monolingual English speakers on baseline cognitive scores. Hypotheses that higher education and bilingualism protect against late life cognitive decline were not supported and education effects on late-life cognitive trajectories did not substantially differ across U.
As important components in saline agriculture, halophytes can help to provide food for a growing world population. Because of its economic and ecological value in saline agriculture, S. For Permissions, please email: Applying the method of physical fractionation, distribution characteristics of soil organic carbon and its composition in Suaeda salsa wetland in the Yellow River delta were studied. The results showed that the heavy fraction organic carbon was the dominant component of soil organic carbon in the studied region. There was a significantly positive relationship between the content of heavy fraction organic carbon, particulate organic carbon and total soil organic carbon.
The ranges of soil light fraction organic carbon ratio and content were 0.
Leprosy is endemic in many countries and results in activity limitations. There is a need for assessment tools to guide professionals in their evaluation and choice of intervention in order to improve conditions for leprosy-affected people. Specificity, sensitivity and accuracy were calculated. There was a good correlation 0. Sensitivity, specificity and accuracy were calculated with acceptable results. SALSA -am is considered a useful questionnaire for determining activity limitations in persons affected by leprosy, and showed good correlation with DASH-am.
The concurrent validity was considered good. Integrated approach for confidence-enhanced quantitative analysis of herbal medicines, Cistanche salsa as a case. Although far away from perfect, it is practical to assess the quality of a given herbal medicine HM through simultaneous determination of a panel of components. Herein, we made an attempt to circumvent these obstacles by integrating several fit-for-purpose techniques, including online extraction OLE , serially coupled reversed phase LC-hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography RPLC-HILIC , tailored multiple reaction monitoring MRM , and relative response vs.
Confidence-enhanced quantitative analysis of Cistanche salsa Csa , a well-known psammophytic species and tonic herbal medicine, was conducted as a proof-of-concept. Optimum parameters for the minor components, at the meanwhile of inferior ones for the abundant ingredients, ensured the locations of all contents in the linear ranges. The unequivocal assignment of the captured signals was achieved by matching retention times, ion transitions, and more importantly, RRCECs between authentic compounds and suspect peaks.
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Diverse validation assays demonstrated the newly developed method to be reliable. Particularly, the distribution of mannitol rather than galactitol was disclosed although these isomers showed identical retention time and ion transitions. The contents of 21 compounds-of-interest were definitively determined in Csa as well as two analogous species, and the quantitative patterns exerted great variations among not only different species but different Csa samples. Seed heteromorphism observed in many halophytes is an adaptive phenomenon toward high salinity. However, the relationship between heteromorphic seed germination and germination-related hormones under salt stress remains elusive.
To gain an insight into this relationship, the roles of gibberellins GAs and abscisic acid ABA in regulating germination of Suaeda salsa dimorphic brown and black seeds under salinity were elucidated by studying the kinetics of the two hormones during germination of the two seed types with or without salinity treatment. Morphological analysis suggested that brown and black are in different development stage.
The content of ABA was higher in dry brown than in black seeds, which gradually decreased after imbibition in water and salt solutions. Salt stress induced ABA accumulation in both germinating seed types, with higher induction effect on black than brown seeds. Black seeds showed lower germination percentage than brown seeds under both water and salt stress, which might be attributed to their higher ABA sensitivity rather than the difference in ABA content between black and brown seeds. Bioactive GA4 and its biosynthetic precursors showed higher levels in brown than in black seeds, whereas deactivated GAs showed higher content in black than brown seeds in dry or in germinating water or salt solutions.
High salinity inhibited seed germination through decreasing the levels of GA4 in both seeds, and the inhibited effect of salt stress on GA4 level of black seeds was more profound than that of brown seeds. Taken together higher GA4 content, and lower ABA sensitivity contributed to the higher germination percentage of brown seeds than black seeds in water and salinity; increased ABA content and sensitivity, and decreased GA4 content by salinity were more profound in black than brown seeds, which contributed to lower germination of black seeds than brown seeds in salinity.
The development of a short questionnaire for screening of activity limitation and safety awareness SALSA in clients affected by leprosy or diabetes. The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a method of measuring activity limitation in leprosy and diabetes. The resulting questionnaire should be quick and simple to use in basic clinical settings, not require any testing skills or equipment, be validated across a number of cultures in order to be widely applicable, be relevant for anyone with long-standing peripheral neuropathy and be sensitive to changes in clients' capabilities.
Because of impaired sensibility in hands or feet, persons affected by leprosy or diabetes are expected to be aware that many activities carry a risk of injury, particularly repetitive stress, excess pressure, friction or burns. They are expected to avoid these risky activities, or modify how they are carried out, in order to prevent injury. An additional aim of the study was therefore to find ways of assessing how far clients were aware of safety issues and how much they limited their activities voluntarily because of safety concerns. Lists of activities of daily living relevant for the target populations were generated through individual interviews and focus group discussions.
A questionnaire of items was compiled and administered to persons affected by leprosy and affected by diabetes in five countries in four continents. Occupational therapists not otherwise involved in this study gave an independent assessment of the degree of activity limitation of respondents.
The process of item selection from this database is presented step by step. The present set of 20 items is well represented by a single principal component and had a high scale reliability coefficient. On a item scale, one would expect a. Seasonal Variations of C: Variations of plant C: P stoichiometry could be affected by both some environmental fluctuations and plant physiological processes. However, the trade-off mechanism between them and their influencial factors were not understood completely.
In this study, C, N, P contents and their stoichiometry of S. The results showed that both plant organ and sampling times affected C, N, and P and stoichiometry of S. However, the slopes of C-N were found to be not significant within interspecific organs, but during the sampling times. These differences of plant N and C: N were related with the physiological demand for N in the specific life history stage. In the supratidal habitat, no significant differences were found in the slopes of C-N, C-P, and N-P within interspecific organs.
However, different slopes of C-N among the sampling times also indicated a self-regulation strategy for plant N and C: In contrast to the intertidal habitat, seasonal variations of P, C: P ratios within interspecific organs reflected the soil P characteristics in the supratidal habitat. Our results showed that the stoichiometric constraint strategy of plant S.
Editorial Reviews
Effect of frequency and waveform on inactivation of Escherichia coli O H7 and Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium in salsa by ohmic heating. The effect of frequency of alternating current during ohmic heating on electrode corrosion, heating rate, inactivation of food-borne pathogens, and quality of salsa was investigated. The impact of waveform on heating rate was also investigated. Salsa was treated with various frequencies 60 Hz to 20 kHz and waveforms sine, square, and sawtooth at a constant electric field strength of Electrode corrosion did not occur when the frequency exceeded 1 kHz.
The electrical conductivity of the sample increased with a rise in the frequency. At a frequency of 60 Hz, the square wave produced a lower heating rate than that of sine and sawtooth waves. As the frequency increased, the treatment time required to reduce Escherichia coli O These results suggest that ohmic heating can be effectively used to pasteurize salsa and that the effect of inactivation is dependent on frequency and electrical conductivity rather than waveform.
The effects of Salsa dance on balance, gait, and fall risk in a sedentary patient with Alzheimer's dementia, multiple comorbidities, and recurrent falls. Recent studies have looked at the effects of dance on functional outcomes for persons with balance, gait, and cognitive impairments. The purpose of this report is to quantify the effects of Salsa dance therapy on function, balance, and fall risk in a sedentary older patient with multiple comorbidities. The patient was an year-old woman with functional decline due to Alzheimer's dementia, late effects of a cerebral hemorrhagic aneurysm with right hemiparesis in the lower extremity, arthritis, and recurrent falls.
Intervention consisted largely of Salsa dancing activities for 24 sessions over 12 weeks. The patient showed improvements in range of motion, strength, balance, functional mobility, gait distance, and speed. This case describes the clinically meaningful effects of Salsa dance therapy as a primary intervention and its impact on functional recovery in a geriatric patient with multiple impairments.
Assessment of heavy metals contamination in soil profiles of roadside Suaeda salsa wetlands in a Chinese delta. Soil samples were collected to a depth of 40cm in these five sampling sites to investigate the profile distributions and toxic risks of heavy metals. The results showed that in each sampling site, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn have approximately constant concentrations along soil profiles and did not show high contamination compared with the values of probable effect levels PELs. All soils exhibited As and Ni contamination at all sampling sites compared with other heavy metals.
Correlation analysis CA and principal components analysis PCA revealed that Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn might derive from the common sources, Cd might originate from another, while As might have more complex sources in this study area. Here, we present a case study in which high-resolution in-situ aircraft measurements are employed to analyse and quantify turbulence in the described region with parameters such as e.
This analysis is supported by idealized numerical simulations to determine involved processes for the generation of turbulence. Culturally appropriate, innovative strategies to increase physical activity PA in women of color are needed. This study examined whether participation in SALSA , an 8-week randomized, crossover pilot study to promote PA, led to improved psychosocial outcomes and whether these changes were associated with changes in PA over time.
A research and modeling strategy is presented for development of distributed hydrologic models given by a combination of remotely sensed and ground based data. In support of this strategy, two experiments Moonsoon'90 and Walnut Gulch'92 were conducted in a semiarid rangeland southeast of Tucson, Arizona, U.
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Results from the Moonsoon'90 experiment substantially advanced the understanding of the hydrologic and atmospheric fluxes in an arid environment and provided insight into the use of remote sensing data for hydrologic modeling. The Walnut Gulch'92 experiment addressed the seasonal hydrologic dynamics of the region and the potential of combined optical microwave remote sensing for hydrologic applications. SALSA -MEX will combine measurements and modeling to study hydrologic processes influenced by surrounding mountains, such as enhanced precipitation, snowmelt and recharge to ground water aquifers.
The results from these experiments, along with the extensive experimental data bases, should aid the research community in large scale modeling of mass and energy exchanges across the soil-plant-atmosphere interface. The storage time 0, 12 or 24 h of the condiments prior to HHP as well as the pH 3.
This study demonstrates the dual efficacy of HHP to decontaminate fresh chile peppers destined for direct consumption and minimally process condiments possibly contaminated with raw peppers to enhance their microbiological safety. However, given the variable data quality and uneven data sampling associated with this type of model, it is essential that there be a means to calculate high-quality estimates of the path-dependent variance and covariance associated with the predicted travel times of ray paths through the model.
Full text of "The author as plagiarist : the case of Machado de Assis"
In this paper, we show a methodology for accomplishing this by exploiting the full model covariance matrix. With our approach the tomography matrix G which includes Tikhonov regularization terms is multiplied by its transpose GTG and written in a blocked sub-matrix fashion. We employ a distributed parallel solution paradigm that solves for GTG -1 by assigning blocks to individual processing nodes for matrix decomposition update and scaling operations. We first find the Cholesky decomposition of GTG which is subsequently inverted.
Next, we employ OOC matrix multiply methods to calculate the model covariance matrix from GTG -1 and an assumed data covariance matrix. Given the model covariance matrix we solve for the travel-time covariance associated with arbitrary ray-paths by integrating the model covariance along both ray paths. Setting the paths equal gives variance for that path.
Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-program laboratory managed and operated by Sandia Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation, for the U. Please Pass the Ketchup: One of the core competencies in the IFT Education standards is for students to achieve competency in communications skills that is, oral and written communication, listening, interviewing, and so on.
According to the IFT guidelines, by the time students graduate, they should not only be able to search for and condense information but also be…. Sin embargo, en todos los casos es necesario que el disco tenga un agujero en su centro. El radio de este agujero va desde los 3 a los 9 kpc. Presents a laboratory exercise on spicy food and body temperature that introduces the scientific method to introductory biology students. Suggests that when students perform their own experiments which they have developed, it helps with their understanding of and confidence in doing science.
Apresentam-se os resultados de um estudo espectral em raios-X de fontes do tipo Z. ScoX-1, 9, 7, CygX-2, 5 e 0. Trayectoria de los tornillos pediculares lumbares y sacros: In the United States, there is an alarming trend toward obesity and inactivity among children. Minorities and economically disadvantaged children are at an even higher risk.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention one in two Latino children will become diabetic. As a result, there is a dire need for tailored intervention….
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We determined if the Bruch's membrane opening BMO location changes over time in healthy eyes and eyes with progressing glaucoma, and validated an automated segmentation algorithm for identifying the BMO in Cirrus high-definition coherence tomography HD-OCT images. We followed 95 eyes 35 progressing glaucoma and 60 healthy for an average of 3.
A stable group of 50 eyes had repeated tests over a short period. In each B-scan of the stable group, the BMO points were delineated manually and automatically to assess the reproducibility of both segmentation methods. Moreover, the BMO location variation over time was assessed longitudinally on the aligned images in 3D space point by point in x, y, and z directions. Mean visual field mean deviation at baseline of the progressing glaucoma group was Mixed-effects models revealed small nonsignificant changes in BMO location over time for all directions in healthy eyes the smallest P value was 0.
In the stable group, the overall intervisit-intraclass correlation coefficient ICC and coefficient of variation CV were Bruch's membrane opening location was stable in normal and progressing glaucoma eyes with follow-up between 3 and 4 years indicating that it can be used as reference point in monitoring glaucoma progression. The objective of this ground-based program is to study low stretch diffusion flames burning PMMA as the solid fuel to determine the relationship between buoyant low stretch burning in normal gravity and forced flow low stretch burning in microgravity.
The low stretch is generated in normal gravity by using the buoyant convection induced by burning the bottom of a large radius of curvature sample. Low stretch is also generated using the Combustion Tunnel drop tower rig 2. Lastly, an ISS glovebox investigation is being developed to study low stretch burning of PMMA spheres to obtain long duration testing needed to accurately assess the flammability and burning characteristics of the material in microgravity.
A comparison of microgravity experiment results with normal gravity test results allows us to establish a direct link between a material's burning characteristics in normal gravity easily measured with its burning characteristics in extraterrestrial environments, including microgravity forced convective environments. Theoretical predictions and recent experimental results indicate that it should be possible to understand a material's burning characteristics in the low stretch environment of spacecraft non-buoyant air movement induced by fans and crew disturbances by understanding its burning characteristics in an equivalent Earth-based low stretch environment induced by normal gravity buoyancy.
Similarly, Earth-based stretch environments can be made equivalent to those in Lunar- and Martian-surface stretch environments which would induce partial-gravity buoyancy. This Report from Other Journals surveys articles of interest to chemists that have been recently published in other science journals. The articles selected specifically relate to the theme of National Chemistry Week Structured self-reflection as a tool to enhance perceived performance and maintain effort in adult recreational salsa dancers. The purpose of this study was to determine if the use of structured self-reflection in community dance classes would influence achievement goal orientations, levels of intrinsic motivation, or perceived dance performance.
The Monsoon'90 Experiment conducted at the USDA-ARS Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed in southeast Arizona was the start of a long arc of subsequent experiments and research that were larger, longer-term, more international, more interdisciplinary, and led to more direct integration of science for decision making and watershed management.
In this era, much of our research and science must be more directly relevant to decision-makers and natural resource managers as they increasingly require sophisticated levels of expert findings and scientific results e. Significant effort beyond focused, single disciplinary research is required conduct interdisciplinary science typical in large scale field experiments.
Even greater effort is required to effectively integrate our research across the physical and ecological sciences for direct use by policy and decision makers. This presentation will provide an overview of the evolution of this arc of experiments and long-term projects into a mature integrated science and decision making program.
It will discuss the transition in project focus from science and research for understanding; through science for addressing a need; to integrated science and policy development. At each stage the research conducted became more interdisciplinary, first across abiotic disciplines hydrology, remote sensing, atmospheric science , then by merging abiotic and biotic disciplines adding ecology and plant physiology , and finally a further integration of economic and social sciences with and policy and decision making for resource management.
Lessons learned from this experience will be reviewed with the intent providing guidance to ensure that the resulting research is socially and scientifically relevant and will not only result in cutting edge science but will also directly address the needs of policy makers and resource managers. The task of monitoring the Earth for nuclear explosions relies heavily on seismic data to detect, locate, and characterize suspected nuclear tests.
Path-dependent travel-time prediction uncertainties reflect the amount of seismic data that was used in tomography with very low values for paths represented by abundant data in the tomographic data set and very high values for paths through portions of the model that were poorly sampled by the tomography data set.
The pattern of travel-time prediction uncertainty is a direct result of the off-diagonal terms of the model covariance matrix and underscores the importance of incorporating the full model covariance matrix in the determination of travel-time prediction uncertainty. In addition, the computed pattern of uncertainty differs significantly from that of 1D distance-dependent travel-time uncertainties computed using traditional methods, which are only appropriate for use with travel times computed through 1D velocity models.
For our starting model, we use a simplified two layer crustal model derived from Sufficient damping is used to reduce velocity adjustments so that ray path Describes an activity designed to comply with the National Science Education Standards that introduces the principles of buoyancy and density by using plastic soda bottles, ketchup packets, and other simple materials.
Laboratory activity is included. Eight Steps to Prevent Heart Disease. Portions served in restaurants are often more than anyone needs. Condiments such as ketchup , mayonnaise and soy sauce Restaurant meals You know what foods to feature in Estrellas asociadas con planetas extrasolares vs. In this contribution we initially confront physical properties of two groups of stars: The Planet Host Star group has one or more planet mass object associated and the Vega-like stars have circumstellar disks.
We have compiled magnitudes, colors, parallaxes, spectral types, etc. We find that the samples are very similar in metallicities, ages, and spatial distributions. Our analysis suggests that the circumstellar environments are probably different while the central objects have similar physical properties. This difference may explain, at least in part, why the Planet Host Stars form extra-solar planetary objects such as those detected by the Doppler effect while the Vega-like objects are not commonly associated with these planet-mass bodies.
Autofrecuencias de las ecuaciones de Helmholtz y Liouville para un modelo de tierra tipo Jeffreys simplificado. The authors obtain expressions for the free frequencies of polar motion for an ellipsoidal, rotating and perturbed earth model constituted by an elastic mantle with an homogeneous liquid core of additional simple motion. Testing the importance of plant strategies on facilitation using congeners in a coastal community. Much is known about how environmental stress mediates the strength of facilitation, but less is known about how different plant traits affect facilitation.
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We examined interactions between the shrub Tamarix chinensis and two congeneric forbs Suaeda salsa and S. Field surveys showed that S. Transplant experiments showed that S. Thus, contrasting competitive abilities and stress tolerances of S. Use only salad dressings, sauces, and salsas that come in single-serving packages.
DO NOT eat raw vegetables or Tips for Shopping and Cooking. Condiments, seasonings and spreads. Herbs, spices, flavored vinegars, salsas and olive oil can add Spice mill or garlic press. These items make it Effects of soil abiotic factors on the plant morphology in an intertidal salt marsh, Yellow River Delta, China. Plant morphology plays important role in studying biogeography in many ecosystems.
Suadea salsa , as a native plant community of northern China and an important habitat for diversity of waterbirds and macrobenthos, has often been overlooked. To maintain and restore S. In our studied intertidal salt marsh, we found that less flood disturbance frequency, softer soil conditions, rich soil organic matter, total carbon and total nitrogen, lower water depth and water content, less species competition will benefit S.
Lower soil porewater salinity will benefit the below-ground biomass of S. Thus, we recommend managers help alleviate soil abiotic stresses in the intertidal salt marshes, making the soil conditions more suitable for S. Oswald, requests Guiomar's hand in marriage. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Archived from the original on 10 July Retrieved 16 March Works by Machado de Assis.
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