A Change of Genre
Before she became the queen of innuendo-laden candy pop, Ms Perry worked in the conservative world of Christian music. But few mainstream fans knew about it. To most, she arrived full-blown as the sexy, silly idol for teen girls — as well as some grownups. The full-scale metamorphosis Genesis went through had as much to do with changing market forces as a potentially ruinous defection. Who knew, that said stick-man, Phil Collins, had such commercial savvy?
Changing track: when musicians swap genre
Collins began leading them into an increasingly pop direction, mirroring the growing success of his solo albums. But the hardest turn they took occurred in the 70s, when they eradicated their original hard blues-rock roots enabled by guitar gods like Peter Green and Jeremy Spencer to become a major force in LA rock. Before they settled on their uniquely raucous brand of hip-hop, the Beasties began as hardcore punks. Very few musicians get the chance to radically alter their sound just one album into their career — especially following a release that went platinum. The dare paid off, making Pink!
As frontman of Hootie and The Blowfish, baritone singer Darius Rucker brought middle-of-the-road pop back amid the age of alterna-rock. Such counter-programming made their debut sell in the multimillions. But when that novelty wore off, Rucker reinvented himself brilliantly, as a country singer. His deep voice made him a natural for the genre, but he might have faced considerable prejudice, as one of the few African American artists in a genre which has promoted few such artists.
Rousingly, he beat those odds as well. But the former Mr Dogg already had a proven connection to Jamaica via his love of ganja. Fans first knew Latifah as one of the most powerful female rappers around. But the woman born Dana Owens grew up crooning jazz. It outsold every album Latifah ever released in the US, while moving more than 2m copies worldwide. With his Donald Trump-like ego, Kayne believes he can do anything — and do it better. More, the album featured a newly unified, synth-drenched sound.
Genre Shift - TV Tropes
Fans love Vedder as the best-selling singer of the grunge band Pearl Jam. Listeners yawned, but the music had focus and beauty. The ch-ch-ch-changes never stopped. The first hit by the Moodies had a far different sound than the one that made them millions. Two years later, Laine was out of the band, which solidified around a new lineup with a fresh style, offering a sentimental take on then emerging prog rock.
The result was the orchestral Nights In White Satin, followed by a newly grandiloquent sound. When they formed from the ashes of the early Santana band, Journey leaned towards fusion.
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Their first three albums stressed musicianship, a focus that shifted forever with the hiring of singer Steve Perry. He rebranded the band as corporate rock shills, with the string of stadium hits to prove it.
The rest of the film becomes a practical drama that deals with Simba's guilt and his need to fulfill his destiny by kicking Scar off the throne of Pride Rock. Though lighthearted elements are still present. The first three films are set in a mostly realistic setting, with no magical elements except for talking animals and Mufuasa appearing as a ghost. The Lion Guard adds a dash of fantasy to the setting. Simba's son has some kind of magic superpower known as the "Roar of the Elders. He can talk to Mufuasa's ghost whenever he wills. The paw prints marking the Lion Guard appeared supernaturally.
Rafiki is also shown magically cleaning up a cave, and making a pool of water appear in it out of nowhere with his staff. A Dinosaur's Story starts out as a cheery musical film about cute talking dinosaurs, but about halfway through the film, it turns into an animated horror film about an evil scientist and his Circus of Fear. Originally, DreamWorks focused on sweeping epics, and more serious stories such as The Prince of Egypt. These unfortunately fell under the umbrella of All Animation Is Disney.
Now, barring some of their more recent efforts , it can be hard to remember when their films weren't based primarily on pop-culture references and heavily marketed celebrity voice-acting. As alluded before, however, DreamWorks shifted once again, with its movies once more taking themselves seriously while remaining healthily comedic. The infamous Tom and Jerry: The Movie actually goes from a zany slapstick cartoon to a generic '90s Disney Renaissance cash-in film one with a generic, unoriginal plot to boot within the first few minutes!
Cars started out as a racing film; in 2 it became a action-spy film; in 3, it became a racing film again , and a much more dramatic one at that. The My Little Pony: Equestria Girls movies are mostly High School A. The third movie, My Little Pony: While Fireball was a fairly conventional electro-mechanical pinball without any real plot , for some reason the sequel was advertised as part of Bally's "Superhero Series". Dice Funk is ostensibly a comedy with a fantasy setting, but Episode 9 makes a hard right into horror. Wolf begins as a sci-fi comedy, and then suddenly adds drama and mystery at the end of the first season.
Episode one of the Cool Kids Table game Bloody Mooney is very zany, and episode two starts similarly with JT doing a sweet dance move to distract the government agents. Then Keri finds a blood-covered blanket hanging from the lights in her room, and blood all over Mooney's face. And one of her twin brothers missing. The other twin does show up. However, Keri's mother is not so lucky. From then on it's almost straight 80s horror. Billboard was originally a magazine dedicated to bill posting back in It evolved in the s to advertise circuses, carnivals, fairs, and vaudeville shows, and continued to shift to a more entertainment-driven focus in the s.
By the s, they began issuing music charts. The shift was completed in , when the magazine moved entirely to publication of music charts and music industry-related news. Championship Wrestling From Florida went from a regional territory in the s featuring matches made up mostly of mat wrestling, to a premier member of the National Wrestling Alliance in the ss that featured a very rough mix of grappling and brawling alongside such angles as a Satanic cult , to the FCW super indie in the late s that relied more on showcasing hyped up wrestlers and angles from elsewhere with very few regulars which briefly took back the CWF name in , to a developmental brand in the late s whose purpose was to send wrestlers elsewhere that was much more consistent in tone than its super indie days but much cleaner and more watered down from its NWA heyday.
Frontier Martial-Arts Wrestling started out as an anything goes martial arts vs pro wrestling company but increasingly the "anything goes" started to push out the "martial arts", eventually becoming blood sport featuring all kinds of improvised weapons , fights happening in all sorts of locations and all sorts of pro wrestling styles not usually found together on a single card.
The revival is closer to the blood sport, many styles anything goes approach but still has some nods to the "sports entertainment" era. IWA Japan started out as a violent garbage fed but in the long run it proved unable to compete directly with FMW on that front and became a more comedy driven product. In the mid s, Eastern Championship Wrestling was the flagship of the National Wrestling Alliance , featuring some silly gimmicks but mostly no nonsense technical wrestling matches.
Then a certain Shane Douglas promo was cut and garbage wrestlers began to multiply within the roster. Although this wasn't entirely by design. The company was still centered around technical wrestlers, and many wrestlers from Japan and luchadors from Mexico who were well versed in styles other than garbage were also brought in, it's just those wrestlers got poached by WCW , so hardcore violence ended up being ECW's legacy.
CZW went from Backyard Wrestling , to ECW imitator, to a more regulated, if highly divided by factions, sports fed that just so happened to regularly sanction garbage wrestling.
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All Japan Pro Wrestling 's infamous "Puroresu Love" period was a major genre shift away from the highly regulated, formal approach Giant Baba had as booker to a much sillier angle driven approach mandated by Keiji Muto on account the old approach would no longer work for them when NOAH was also using it with most of what used to be All Japan's roster.
NOAH's decline and Muto's departure saw an attempted return to form.

New Japan Pro-Wrestling dramatically switched from a promotion based around kicks, submission holds and junior heavyweight athletics lightened by comic relief and strange gimmicks to a "shoot" promotion that pitted pro wrestlers against judoka, mixed martial artists and such in a period known as "Inokism".
Ring of Honor increasingly moved away from the super indie it was at its inception towards the model of a more grounded wrestling promotion with a larger regular roster, more schedule and intermediate events in between larger shows while also relaxing some of the strict conduct enforcement that distinguished it from the other super indies somewhat which makes sense, seeing as it no longer qualifies.
EVOLVE went from a highly strict and regulated promotion with harsh punishment for violators with a constantly changing hierarchy based around mixed style fights to a very loosely enforced fed which power stables run rampant over basically diet Dragon Gate , to the point it ate DG USA. From there it found itself in the strange position as a shill for shill for larger companies like Flo Sports while at the same time trying to attract their fans to independent wrestling.
Adventure S3 Expedition to the Barrier Peaks starts off as a standard "clean out the monster-filled dungeon" scenario. After the PCs enter, they discover that the dungeon is actually part of a derelict spacecraft and they're fighting alien monsters armed with high-tech weapons. Lesser Shades Of Evil — the book begins with a disclaimer telling would-be PCs not to read any further, which is setting them up to make blessed champions of the gods in a high fantasy setting, then face all of the following in the very first session: Also, their main superpower is creating multiple bodies for themselves.
After this exposition-heavy first session which fast-forwards the PCs through their actions over these hundreds of years , one assumes the players are meant to go home and contemplate why any of that was kept secret if it were just going to be revealed as soon as they made their characters, anyway.
The latter parts of Second Edition went into a gonzo high-powered direction around Infernals, and a third edition has been stated with the intent of returning to the Pulp roots of the game. The primary campaign setting, Golarion, has different nations that could be considered a Fantasy Counterpart Culture Kitchen Sink , with regions that resemble colonial America, revolutionary France, the Wild West, Transylvania, the Conan mythos, Darkest Africa, etc, allowing for vastly different story genres.
They also created rulebooks for the other planets in Golarion's solar system—one is populated by alien-worshipping robots who don't understand their own technology, another is the undead ruins of a planet that destroyed itself when it used a superweapon on a neighboring world. The gas giants have merging gas-creatures as the primary form of life, while their many moons serve as more conventional adventuring worlds. A planet tidally locked to the sun has one side that is murderously hot and another that is equally cold, permitting life only in the border between them—this planet is an actively space-faring culture.
Another world is a jungle-planet of psychics, while near the outer edges of the system is a planet that is actually just a rocky crust over a gigantic spaceship meant to collect genetic samples. And on the very outmost part is a world that may be a living creature—and an Eldritch Abomination to boot, and it serves as a central point of the cultists of the Lovecraftian entities of the Dark Tapestry this is meant in the most literal manner possible.
Many of the Adventure Path's represent different genres. Carrion Crown however is the king of this trope; it takes on Horror Movie tropes, but each chapter is based around a different subgenre; haunted house, Frankenstein story, lycanthropes, Lovecraftian horror, vampire story, and apocalyptic horror.
The Gathering expansion Zendikar , the first two sets of the block are about adventure and surivial on a Death World. The last set turns it into a Cosmic Horror Story. Two of Pokemon Tabletop United 's sourcebooks, The Game of Throhs and Do Porygon Dream of Mareep , provide guidelines for playing fantasy and science-fiction themed games, respectively. William Shakespeare did it: Romeo and Juliet goes from sweet and funny romantic comedy to an Anyone Can Die Tragedy with lightning speed.
Witness Hamlet turning the standard bloodthirsty revenge plot into a more philosophical meditation on the human condition. Indeed, a lost play by the same title c.
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The Winter's Tale plays this the straightest: Fast-forward sixteen years and it's a pastoral comedy, complete with an archetypal Clown and the people-in-disguise hijinks reminiscent of As You Like It and Twelfth Night. For added fun, there's some Greek mythology mixed in throughout, with a Chorus of narrators, a trip to an oracle, and a statue of the queen coming to life. Most of the first act of Wicked is a Be Yourself kind of story, with the Daria-esque outcast protagonist hating, then befriending the preppy girl, falling in love with the class clown, dreaming of a political career , and discovering that she's a powerful witch.
Then she actually goes to pursue said political career, and absolutely nothing is how she expected. The first is a gradual fantasy-to Sci Fi shift done by revealing the true origins of seemingly mystical elements of the plot. This was planned from the start. Additionally, there is a case of Cerebus syndrome, as the plot went from a cartoonish Never Say "Die" Action-Adventure story to a much Darker and Edgier story that borders on Cosmic Horror Story at times.
El Goonish Shive 's change from comedy to dramedy was apparently planned from the very beginning. Over time, the setting itself has shifted from a typical webcomic World of Weirdness to Science-Fiction to Urban Fantasy. Ditto Unicorn Jelly , which goes from a quirky almost-but-not-quite Fantasy series the main character is a witch with apparently no magic to science fiction spanning hundreds of thousands of years and multiple universes.
A Powers Of 10 map on the site really hits it home, going from the main character's home out into the multiverse. College Roomies from Hell!!! The strip started out as the standard light college campus humor, but little hints and bits have added up so that it looks like it might have always been intended to end up with an apocalyptic ending.
If the author has stated for sure one way or another, I haven't heard. In spite of all this, the sitcom elements are still present, and often just as strong as ever. Penny and Aggie began as a relatively light-hearted, family-friendly Betty and Veronica comic with brief story arcs and a long stretch of unconnected gag-a-day strips. Word of God says this was because the creators tried to pitch it as a syndicated newspaper comic. When the syndicates failed to show interest, the creators took advantage of the Webcomic medium's greater flexibility by increasing the drama-to-comedy ratio and by introducing more experimental storytelling techniques "Second Looks," "20 Pennies" , mature themes "Behind Closed Doors," "Awakening," "The Last Summer of Youth" , and arcs running several months "Dinner for Six," "The Popsicle War," and "Missing Person," the first chapter of which was a Police Procedural , and the final chapter a Psychological Thriller.
FOG Club began life as a romcom about four college anime fans, before - with little to no explanation - having the cast sucked through a portal into an alternate dimension based on Trigun, where they fought an evil scientist called Falco Amadeus and an android duplicate of the main character. Achewood shifts back and forth between domestic, observational strips that find humor in the mundane, and surreal fantasy arcs involving Mexican Magical Realism , three-hundred-man outdoor brawls, and Heaven burning down.
MegaTokyo began as a simple, four panel webcomic about two friends trapped in Japan, the focus being more on the two men playing off each other verbally and talking about video games. As time went on, the comic drifted away from this , and began to focus more on the relationships Piro and Largo were creating in Japan, and picking apart aspects of popular Japanese culture. Questionable Content started out about a post-college Indie rocker, his friends, and his weird little Robot Buddy.
Change a song or album's genre
Then Faye got her tragic backstory, Pintsize got increasingly destructive and psychotic, Raven got kinda skanky, etc, until you can barely recognize the characters from the early strips. The comic was always set twenty minutes into the future , with sentient robots like Pintsize and Winslow running around, but recently the comic has shifted heavily towards storylines involving robots and AI. It may have started with Marten, Marigold, and Hannelore visiting her dad in deep space and coming into contact with Station, but since Faye got hired at the local bot-fighting ring the comic has almost become all robots, all the time.
Then after a hefty WHAM Episode it turns into a slightly-psychological adventure-based story on an epic scale. Within this xkcd strip. Bob and George was originally intended to be a superhero comedy webcomic about the titular brothers. It changed into a sprite comic after the author realized he couldn't draw.
Kid Radd started out as a general parody of video games. Then Cerberus syndrome sets in. Homestuck started out as a simple Spiritual Successor to Problem Sleuth , but in time became a riff on epic stories and creation mythos, which made the series much more popular. Later, When the trolls were introduced , the entire comic shifted to have Romantic Comedy elements and took a turn for the darker.
Since-ended Keenspot comic Cool Cat Studio started out as a mundane office comedy without any hint of unusual goings-on. Then one of the characters underwent Alien Abduction and cloning. Eventually the comic became an all-out Fantasy Kitchen Sink , with arcs centered around ghosts, magic, private eyes, and extraterrestrial war. Slightly Damned starts out as a comedic Bangsian Fantasy about the periphery of Hell, but rather abruptly turns into a Walking the Earth fantasy adventure a few years in.
Janet Steele in Contest Jitters was a budding amateur bodybuilder. In Satin Steele , she has become a professional bodybuilder who confronts aliens and a conspiracy. The Walkyverse has done this over the course of its various entries. An initially one-off alien abduction plot also returns and takes over the final arc, leading into the next comic. After that the story splits in two: Finally Joyce and Walky more directly follows It's Walky, beginning as a domestic sitcom, but eventually reintegrating the science fiction elements and tying up loose ends from the alien plot.
This is averted with Dumbing of Age , a spin-off-slash-reboot of the Walkyverse that excises the sci-fi elements, combines the casts of all the previous comics, and is a straight up dramedy throughout. Come strip , and the apocalypse happens, sci-fi elements and deities are introduced, and it looks at the concept of obtaining happiness. YouTube channel Midnight's Edge started out dedicated to Darker and Edgier comic book characters, but after the success of their Trankgate series chronicling the Troubled Production of Fantastic Four , they shifted focus to covering the inside details surrounding the productions of films part of major blockbuster franchises.
Blue veers all over the genre map as it progresses. Beginning as a mildly surreal, Halo-themed take on Mash , it quickly becomes more and more Pythonesque until it's nearly crossed into slapstick, Looney Tunes territory. Then, beginning with side stories like Out of Mind , it suddenly veers into serious science fiction, which spills over into the main series before settling into a very odd fusion of all the above genres.
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Which genre or combination of genres works best is definitely a matter of personal taste. As of its later seasons, it is firmly entrenched in Serious Business , albeit with some gags. RWBY , which was made by same company as the above, started out focusing on a Hogwarts-esque school for training teenagers in figting monsters called Grimm, in a Science Fantasy setting, while the main team had adventures in the surrounding City of Adventure.
However, at the end of Volume 3, said school is completely destroyed, and several main characters are Killed Off for Real , resulting in the characters instead now traveling their world, while the show gets a much darker tone , and the "fantasy" parts of " Science Fantasy " getting a lot more focus.
The first two seasons are political action thrillers granted, most likely a parody of them. The third season "Decker vs Dracula" though introduces monster horror, featuring many of the monsters from Universal Horror , to the series. This is rather short lived as Decker vs Dracula only lasted 3 episodes and the fourth season "Decker: Unclassified" went back to being an action thriller series until the last episode where the Big Bad is revealed to be Dracula.
It seems some of the episodes in Decker: Unsealed with also involve monster horror While many of the chapter reviews on the Mark Reads Twilight weblog follow the traditional "quote the source text, mock it ruthlessly , add some funny Angrish " formula that's far too common in most MST blogs, reviewer Mark Oshiro often goes out of his way to mix up the structure of his posts. A handful of his best genre shifts include: Bella and Edward writing letters to Stephenie Meyer questioning their own character development; Mark's own autopsy report after the chapter's stupidity drove him to "suicide"; legendary announcer Vin Scully giving a play-by-play of the infamous "Vampire Baseball" scene ; Charlie and Jacob staging an intervention to stop Bella from submitting to "Cullenism"; and Bella Tweeting away while she stalks Jacob Black.
He also likes to change his targets, for example, mocking the hate mail he gets from Twilight fans, liveblogging the Twilight movie with his readers, attempting to read the "Making of New Moon" page on Meyer's website , and calling out a relationship counsellor who uses Edward Cullen to give boys advice on romance.
He'd write the reviews as a script of the book, with characters commenting on plot developments, liveblog entries from various characters, and Hedwig-the-spy writing entries on her mission to guard the boy who lived. And we have to rescue our little cat friend from his cell.
Okay, seems to be a standard puzzle game, so far so good Similarly, The Nostalgia Chick herself went through a major genre shift. Going from the linear nature of the Critic to doing analytical reviews with her friends doing sketches related to the movie. She also no longer reviews movies aimed toward women exclusively, reviewing different films like Cool Runnings every once in a while. Used to creative effect in this short film by Mathieu Ratthe: In the middle of a secluded cornfield a man appears to be finishing killing a bloodied woman off screen.
Hurrying back to his truck, he grabs a towel and the audience presumes he's trying to cover up the body and perhaps dispose it in some way.
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During this time, suspenseful music plays to heighten the horror. Then just at the end the man says "It's a boy", and a newborn baby appears in view. The woman who sounded like she was dying was in fact in the midst of giving birth and the blood was just the afterbirth. The ending is accompanied by heartwarming music. While the series takes on a darker tone pretty early on, the later episodes seem to be heading to full-on horror and Genre Deconstruction territory.
Both had their moments of horror, but the former was a character-driven review show and the latter was a dramedy. A writer at The Rumpus described various classic novels as if they were bodice-rippers. Tereza is an ambitious photo journalist who's as sexy as she is talented. But after the Czech beauty takes a dangerous assignment, the Russians mark her as a dissident and nowhere is safe.