The Green Serpent and the Tree
Judd is listed in Who's Who Worldwide. Judd currently resides in Raleigh, North Carolina, with his wife Kathleen. He also hastwo married daughters and a step-son.
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Within the human system there are certain archetypes, centers, or vortexes of energy. As this energy or power exists at a different level than our conscious awareness it remains essentially dormant with most people, but when activated usually through meditation this force has a most profound influence upon our psychological, spiritual and physical nature. As this inner, subtle energy plays such a vital role in our overall being there is much to be gained from understanding this force, and how to benefit from its power. This information can be found in the ancient spiritual teachings of the Jewish Kabbala and the Hindu Kundalini Yoga, but the complexity of these teachings, particularly with Kabbala, makes it difficult to find useful answers as to how this inner power can be utilized.
Judd cuts through the confusing terminology of these teachings and, in an easy-to-read style using practical examples and illustrations, logically explains: The inner nature of man and structure of the soul. How Kabbala and Kundalini Yoga can be reconciled, and how they augment each other.
Why the seven inner centers Chakras of Kundalini Yoga are the same as the ten centers Sefirot of Kabbala. The significance of the Green Serpent Kundalini and the functions of the various channels that connect the inner centers. The different centers, with a detailed description of their psychological and spiritual influence. Relationship of meditation with releasing the power from the inner centers. The practical value of meditation, its four stages, and the physical, psychological, psychic and spiritual effects. The risks involved in releasing these inner powers, and how to avoid them.
The reason for the inter-relationship between Kabbala and Kundalini Yoga, and their original source. Although this book is written in an explanatory style which guides the layman through the intricacies of these two teachings as they relate to our inner powers, the material content contains much that will interest the more advanced student. Based upon thorough research, Dr. German naturalist Hermann Schlegel described the green tree python in as Python viridis , [3] from two specimens collected in the Aru Islands of Indonesia. This was destroyed in World War II.
For many years, the green tree python was classified as the only species of the genus Chondropython , with the binomial name C. In , Professor Arnold G. Kluge published a detailed phylogenetic analysis that found that the green tree python was nested within the genus Morelia and most closely related to the rough-scaled python M.
Two studies of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA published in and came up with differing results, one confirming the species in Morelia , the other placing it as an early offshoot with the Children's python genus Antaresia. This latter result was thought anomalous by later researchers. Raymond Hoser described the Australian population as a separate subspecies Chondropython viridis shireenae , after his wife Shireen, noting that the taxon consistently had white markings along the backbone, whereas snakes from New Guinea and Indonesia only sometimes had this trait, and the molecular analysis would bear out the distinctness.
The two likely diverged around 5 million years ago with the rising of the central mountain range in New Guinea.
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The authors suggested this might explain poor breeding success in Australia if people were unknowingly trying to breed the northern and southern green tree pythons, as they were not closely related. The two taxa are indistinguishable in appearance.

The green tree python is characterized by a relatively slim body. The head is large and clearly defined from the neck. The snout is large and angular. The body is triangular in cross section with a visible spine.
The Green Serpent and the Tree : James N Judd :
The size also varies depending on the region of origin. The weight is highly dependent upon the nutritional status of the animal. The type locality given is "Aroe-eilanden" Aru Islands, Indonesia. This species is sympatric with M. Its main habitat is typically in or near rainforest, and is primarily arboreal, residing in trees, shrubs, and bushes. Occasionally, it is seen on the ground. In , the green tree python was rated as least concern on the IUCN Red List of endangered species on the basis of its large range and isolated declines in population from smuggling.
However, the threat from smuggling for the pet trade was recognised and requires monitoring. Primarily arboreal, these snakes have a particular way of resting in the branches of trees; they loop a coil or two over the branches in a saddle position and place their head in the middle. This habit, along with their appearance, has caused people to confuse the two species when seen outside their natural habitat. The diet consists mostly of small mammals, such as rodents, and sometimes reptiles, such as geckos and skinks.
Green Tree Snake Facts: Lesson for Kids
In examining stomach contents of more than 1, animals, he did not find any evidence of avian prey. Prey is captured by holding onto a branch using the prehensile tail and striking out from an S-shaped position and constricting the prey. Wild specimens have also been observed and photographed wrapped around the base of small tree trunks, facing down in an ambush position, presumably waiting for ground mammals to prey upon.
Breeding has never been reported from the wild, but in captivity, eggs are incubated and protected by the female. Hatchlings are lemon-yellow with broken stripes and spots of purple and brown, or golden or orange-red.
- What is a Green Tree Snake?.
- The Green Serpent and the Tree - Kabbala and Kundalini Yoga (Paperback, New Ed).
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- What Does a Green Tree Snake Look Like?;
- Green tree python - Wikipedia.
Color change for red juveniles has not been observed in the wild. These snakes are often bred and kept in captivity, although they are usually considered an advanced species due to their specific care requirements; once these are met, they usually thrive in captivity. This has led to large numbers being illegally caught in the wild to the detriment of native populations.