The Comte De Gabalis
See also the What is the directory structure for the texts? FAQ for information about file content and naming conventions. Text and commentary on opposite pages. Scanner Kirtas APT ScarnatoGena - - January 2, Subject: Welcome to the Jungle reality. Spirits incarnate, living as humans in our midst; moving openly and freely, yet undetected by the masses, or even their hosts.
Carl Wessely, Griechische Zauberpapyrus, Raymond Lully and His Testament. It is written that man may not behold God and live. First Chapter of Genesis. Order of the Philosophers. Watch, Pray, Hope and be Silent. Spark of his Light. Pass the entire night in Prayer. When your Eyes have been Strengthened. The People of the Elements.
Cause of the Evolution of Consciousness. Wisdom of the Serpent. The Universal Fire or Solar Force. Exalt the Element of Fire. Compressed Air, Water, or Earth. Seats and Religions, their Cause. The Philosophy of Nutrition.
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To Prepare the Earth. Hermes, Messenger of the Gods. Ancient Religion of his Fathers the Philosophers. The Gardens of Ruel and the Cardinal. Sacred Books of the Sibyls. Maxim of the Poet of the Synagogue. The Principle of All Things. The Delphic Oracle's Prophecy regarding Christ. Gradations of His Spiritual Creatures. The Generation of Animals cited Ethics cited Aristotle. Plutarch on the Oracles. Rachel, Jacob and Laban. So not knowing how to get out of the difficult situa- tion in which I found myself, I said, "Renounce, Sir, is it necessary to renounce anything?
The identity of the God of the Muhammedans with the God of the Hebrews and Christians, and of the inner truth of these religions, is indicated by the fact that the word Elohim or mighty sun written in Arabic with the article means Allah, God Manifesting in Na- ture, the Undefinable, the Beginning, and the End. The Star, cf P. Oedipus JudaicuSj Page I do not know whether you can make up your mind to it, but I know only too well that Wisdom never dwells in a body subject to sin, even as she never enters a soul prepossessed by error or malice.
The Sages will never admit you to their Order if you do not from this moment renounce one thing which can never go hand in hajid with Wisdom. It is necessary," he added in a whisper, bending close to my ear, "it is necessary to renounce all sensual relationships with women. I was expect- ing you to propose some extraordinary renunciation, but since you merely desire me to renounce women, xxil that was done long ago.
Le Comte de Gabalis |
I am chaste enough, thank God! Nevertheless, Sir, since Solomon was more of a. Sage than I may ever be, and since all his Wisdom could not prevent his becoming corrupted, pray tell me XXfi how you gentlemen manage to do without the other sex? And why would it be inconvenient if, in the Philosopher's Paradise, every Adam should have his Eve?
Forthwith you will perceive in what ignorance all men live who are not of our number. Unhappy Adam's sin has deprived his unfortunate posterity of all knowl- edge of these beings and of all intercourse with them. The immense space which lies between Earth and Heaven has inhabitants far nobler than the birds and insects. These vast Seas have far other hosts than those of the dolphins and whales; the depths of the Earth are not for the moles alone ; and the Element of Fire, nobler than the other three, was not created to remain useless and empty. I "The Air is full of an innumerable multitude of Peo- XXVI pies, whose faces are human, seeniingly rather haugh- ty, yet in reality tractable, great lovers of the sciences, cunning, obliging to the Sages, and enemies of fools and the ignorant.
Their wives and daughters have-a- masculine beauty like that of the Amazons. XXV When your eyes have been strengthened. IMan has within himself, in the sympathetic and cerebro-spinal nervous systems, minor brain centres. When, by purity of life and thought and the right use of Solar Force, man awakens and energises these centres, he is able to penetrate into other states of being and discovers himself to be living in a world teeming with intelligences and entities exist- 1 ing in certain well defined realms of consciousness hitherto unknown and unperceived by him.
This also is settled that every Element nourishes it- self, or does that which is in it, or its world. IS sound and true. These are but the Elements of the ancient Cabala, and it only rests with you to verify my statements with your own eyes. Receive with a sub- missive spirit the Light which God sends you through my mediation. The ancient Sages called this race of people Undines or Nymphs. There are very few males among them but a great -number of females; their beauty is extreme, and the daughters of men are not to be compared to them.
They are ingenious, friends of man and easy to gov'ern. They furnish the Children of the Sages with all the money they require, and as the price of their service ask naught save the glory of being com- manded. The Gnomides, their wives, are small but very amiable, and their dress is exceedingly curious. Their bodies are built up of those finer materials which interpenetrate gross matter and its interspaces, even as man's own finer bodies are thus built up.
When speaking of the four Elements, their range of vibration in matter is meant. Obviously, visible and transitory flame cannot be the habitat of a long lived race. Yet the Element of Fire, or its rate of vibration, interpenetrates every manifestation of Nature, even the grossest, as the finding of radium in pitchblende evi-- dences, and in this clearly defined range of vibration a race of intelligences highly differentiated and evolved has its being.
The essences of the Earth, Air and Water are also filled with conscious and appropriate life. The Salamander women are beautiful, more beautiful even than any of the others, since they are of a purer Element. I had not intended to speak about them, and was passing briefly over the description of these Peoples since you will see them yourself at your leisure and with ease, if you have the curiosity to do so. You will see their dresses, their food, their manners, their customs and their admirable laws. TheJieauty of their intellects will charm you even more than that of their bodies, yet one cannot help pitying these unfor- tunates when they tell one that their souls are mortal, and that they have no hope whatever of eternal enjoy- ment of the Supreme Being, of Whom they have knowl- edge and Whom they worship reverently.
They will tell you that they are composed of the purest portions of the Element in which they dwell, and that they have in them no impurities whatever, since they are made of but one Element. Therefore they die only after several centuries; but what is time in comparison with eter- nity? They must return for ever into nothingness. This thought grieves them deeply, and we have utmost. He inspired them to the realiza- tion that just as man, by the alliance which he has contracted with God, has been made a participant in Divinity,- so the Sylphs, Gnomes, Nymphs, and Sala- manders, by the alliance which they have it in their XXV power to contract with man, can become participants in m immortality.
Thus a Nymph or a Sylphid becomes im- mortal and capable of the Beatitude to which we aspire when she is so happy as to marry a Sage; and a Gnome or a Sylph ceases to be mortal the moment he espouses one of our daughters. They had learned that these Elemental half-men sought the love of mortal maidens, and therefore imagined that the fall of the Angels had come about solely through their suffering themselves to be smitten with love for mortal women. Nevertheless a real, though pure, relationship exists between every true Phil- osopher and the People of the Elements, and is the mystical marriage to which the Comte refers ; the terms alliance and marriage are used in a symbolic sense.
As a general has lieutenants and armies at his com- mand, so the Philosopher, a general ''in the liberation war of humanity," has many helpers among the People of the Elements. Their duties are various. Some are messengers going to great distances to secure and de- liver information, others are protective powers keeping at bay disturbing forces operative upon their own planes of consciousness.
All consciousness is matter played upon by force, the higher the level of consciousness the more subtle the matter and the more refined the vibration. As on the physical plane, so on the superphysical planes, when two centres each vibrating at a different rate meet, a balance is struck and a mean vibration results. The true Philosopher or Initiate is a highly dynamic centre of divine consciousness, and all lesser evolved entities and souls contacting this centre have their own levels of con- sciousness raised in consequence.
Likewise that point which the Sage Augustine modestly re- XXX frained from deciding as to the pursuit of the African women of his time by so called Fauns or Satyrs; that also is cleared up by what I have just said concerning the desire tt ally themselves with man which all Inhabit- ants of the Elements have, since such an alliance oflFers the only means whereby they may achieve the immor- tality to which they are not heirs.
The Law is that kealisation of immor- tality permanence of consciousness is in direct proportion to the rate of vibration and in inverse proportion to the density of the medium. Cause of the evolution of consciousness. The more subtle the matter, the less the resistance to this force and the higher the vibration and resultant con- sciousness.
The evolution of consciousness is caused by the play of the life giving force or Universal Mind in matter. Page , Commentary Con- tinued. Augustine on fauns and satyrs. De Civitate Dei, Book ocv.
The Comte De Gabalis
There was never anything criminal in it at all. They were Sylphs who were striv- ing to become immortal. Far from scandalizing the Philosophers, their innocent pursuits appeared so justi- fiable to us that we have, with one accord, resolved alto- gether to renounce women and to apply ourselves solely to the immortalisation of the Nymphs and Sylphids.
To what extent does the f —: Instead of women, whose feeble allurements fade in a few "days and are succeeded by horrible wrinkles, the Sagesj OS- sess beauties who never grow old and whom they have the glory of rendering immortal. Imagine the love and gratitude of these invisible mistresses and the ardour wherewith they strive to please the charitable Philos- opher who applies himself to their immortalisation. Sir," I once more exclaimed, "I renounce — " "Yes, my Son," he continued as before, without giv- ing me an opportunity to finish, "renounce all futile and insipid pleasures such as one finds in the society of women; the fairest of them all is horrible beside the most insignificant Sylphid.
No revulsion ever follows our wise love making. How greatly you are to be pitied for your inability to taste the pleasures of the Philosophers! I caught a glimpse of it from a distance and perceived it to be covered with characters which I could not quite make out. He read it attentively, seemed vexed, and kept mutter- ing to himself.
I believed that he was evoking spirits to compass my ruin, and I somewhat repented my rash zeal. Heaven has destined you to be the greatest Cabalist of your time. Wisdom of the Serpent. The unfoldment of the supersensible or spiritual nature of man is but the progressive manifestation in him of that vital energy derived from the Sun and its Divine Source, known throughout the ages as the Solar Force or Serpent, and proceeding from the Creator of the Sun and Worlds, the Great Architect of the Uni- verse.
Lo, these are parts of His ways: The Solar Force is the ser- pent in the ancient symbol of the egg and the serpent. If it does not come to pass now and through my mediation, it will at the good pleasure of your retrogade Saturn. Sir," I responded, "as much and more than all of them; but, my dear Sir, could you not arrange with your Fellow Initiates that I should not be compelled to devote myself to these young ladies of the Elements?
Few Sages, however, have been able to resist their charms. Nevertheless, there have been some who have reserved themselves wholly for greater things, as you XXX] will in time know , and who have not been willing to do the Nymphs this honour. Admire the simplicity of Nature in all her marvellous works! And in this sim- plicity a harmony and concert so great, so exact, and so essential that it will compel you, in spite of your- self, to relinquish your idle fancies.
Those reserved for greater things. Nature, yet whom we in no wise wish to deprive of the society of the Elemental Peoples because of the compassion which we have for these same Peoples. As you will learn later, how- ever, the moment his sin had precipitated him into the dregs of the Elements, the harmony was disturbed, and there could no longer be any relation between him, gross and impure as he had become, and these pure and subtile beings. How remedy this evil? How restring the lute and recover that lost sovereignty?
Why art thou so little studied? Do you not under- stand, my Son, how easy Nature finds it to restore to man the estate which he has lost? Sir," I answered, "I am very ignorant con- cerning all these facilities of Nature to which you refer. We have only to con- centrate theJFire of the World in a globe of crystal, by XXXV means of concave mirrors; and this is the art which all the ancients religiously concealed, and which the divine Theophrastus discovered.
Thereafter the Inhabitants of the Sphere of Fire are our inferiors, and enraptured to see our mutual harmony re-established, and that we are again drawing near to them, they have as much friend- ship for us as for their our kindred, and all the respect which they owe to the image and lieutenant of their Creator. They pay us every attention they can bethink themselves of, through their desire to obtain from us ' the immortality which they do not possess.
XXXV Globe of crystal. This luminosity of the finer bodies is the manifesta- tion of the emotions and thoughts of the individual. It is termed the aura and interpenetrates the physical body, being present during life and withdrawn at death. Kilner, in his book ''The Human Atmos- phere," describes a method whereby persons having ordinary vision are enabled to see this aura.
XXX- Exalt the element oe fire. This Fire, once liberated, begins immediately to displace the sluggish nervous force and to open and perfect those nerve cen- tres or minor brains, atrophied from disuse, which when regenerated reveal to man superphysical states of con- sciousness and knowledge of his lost Sovereignty over Nature. The Solar Force manifests on the physical plane by passing through the ganglia of the sympathetic nervous system and thence up the spine to the brain where its currents unite to build up the deathless Solar or Spirit- ual Body.
In its passage from one ganglion to another its voltage is raised, and it awakens and is augmented by the power peculiar to each ganglion which it dominates. If the aversion you have evinced should prove lasting, my Son, you might be able to adapt your- self to a Salamander; perhaps it would never speak to you of that which you so greatly fear. As they live for less time, they have more to do with us, so their familiarity is easier to obtain. Then separate the Elements scientifically, which is particularly easy to do with Water and Earth.
It is marvellous what a magnet for attracting Nymphs, Sylphs, and Gnomes, each one of these purified Ele- ments is. After taking the smallest possible quantity every day for some months, one sees in the Air the fly- ing Commonwealth of the Sylphs, the Nymphs come in crowds to the shores, the Guardians of the Treasures parade their riches. Thus, without symbols, without ceremonies, without barbaric words, one becomes ruler over these Peoples.
They exact no worship whatever from the Sage, whose superiority to themselves they fully recognise. Thus venerable Nature teaches her children to repair the elements by means of the Ele- ments. Thus harmony is re-established. Thus man re- covers his natural empire, and can do all things in the Elements without the Devil, and without Black Art. Thus you see, my Son, the Sages are more innocent than you imagined.
Have you no answer to make me? These ganglia or centres are the "concave mirrors" whose property it is to concentrate the Fire of the World or Solar Force.
- Mein Weg zurück Band 2: Was bleibt ist Hoffnung (German Edition).
- Comte de Gabalis.
- The Enigmatic Rake (Mills & Boon M&B) (The Faringdon Scandals, Book 3).
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In the cerebro-spinal system there are many centres awaiting regeneration. Hence the spinal cord is the relaxed string whose pitch must be raised by the exaltation of the Element of Fire which is in us. Knowledge as to the development of this Force has been sacredly guarded in all ages lest man, through ignorance, should employ it to his destruction. That soul who will renounce all personal ambition, and will seek by selfless service of his fellow beings to obey the Divine Spirit within may, without external teaching or assistance, evoke this Flame and achieve unaided a knowledge of Nature's secrets and mysteries.
But un- less governed by the God within, and with selfless pur- pose, this Fire will intensify the lower passions and make the man a destructive force working contrary to the Law of Nature. Pie who seeks divine knowledge will surely find ii: God forbid, my child," he exclaimed. On the contrary, I forbid you to trifle away your time over it. I have told you that the Sages only teach such things to those whom they have no wish to admit to their company. You will have all these, and infinitely more glorious and more desirable advantages, through Philosophic Procedures which are quite different in XXX- character.
I have only described these methods to make you see the innocence of this Philosophy and to allay your panic terrors. And al- though I have not yet made up my mind to this arrange- ment with the Salamanders which you propose, I cannot help being curious to learn how you have discovered that the Nymphs and Sylphs die. The Earth and Water bodies are interpenetrated by a body composed of still finer matter vibrating at a still higher rate, the mental body in which thoughts register, called the Air body.
And informing these three bodies and engendering them is the Divine Spark, the potential Solar Body or God in man, existing as it were in em- bryo awaiting the evolution of the Earth, Water and Air bodies, to sustain the flow of the Solar Force which shall stimulate and perfect its divine unfoldment. To seal a goblet of compressed Air, Water, or Earth, means to master the body, emotions and mind, and to differentiate appetities from emotions, and emotions from thoughts, for the purpose of gaining absolute con- trol over the personal self.
It is true, as the Comte de Gabalis here points out, that it is far easier to govern the body and emotions than to gain the mastery of the mind. This mastery should be striven for, and may be achieved through concentration in meditation, and by persistent effort at all times to impress the mind to reject false- hood and accept only Truth, that it may purely reflect the God within.
Page , Com- mentary Continued. So that I regard this aversion of yours, my Son, as a very pernicious temptation and a most un- charitable impulse, and you ought so to regard it. Furthermore, as to the death of the Nymphs and Sylphs, of which you speak; who compelled the Oracle of Apollo to say, as Porphyry reports, that all those who used to speak through the Oracles were mortal like him- self? And what, think you, was the significance of that cry, which was heard throughout the coasts of Italy, and which struck such terror into the hearts of all who chanced to be upon the sea?
Were then these gentlemen, whose fellow- ship you extol to me, the false gods of the Pagans? He is too wretched and too weak ever to have had such pleasure and authority. And if man will persist in this practice he can enter into an harmonious relationship with the Di- vinity within and from that source can gain knowl- edge, which is the result of the soul's own experience while passing through the higher and lower states of matter. At the same time, if man will concentrate upon the highest he can evoke from within self that Solar Force and Power which, if directed upward, will awaken and revitalise those ganglia or organs of perception hitherto withheld from his use.
If it be true, "From God we came, to God we return," life is but the attainment of that consciousness which is of God. And man is there- fore shut out from the knowledge of his true being and estate until he seeks at-onement with his own Divine Life-Principle, and its evolution and manifestation in him. Thus concentration in meditation, holding the mind receptive to the Divinity within and in a positive atti- tude of repression to all outside thought, is seen to be an exalted form of prayer or communion with God, Nature, whereby man may become a sharer in the wonders of God's Omnipotence and recover his lost Sovereignty.
Thus they had little difficulty in causing themselves to be mistaken for divinities so long as the Sovereign Being neglected the salvation of the nations. Yet the Devil did not derive from his mischief all the advantage he had hoped. For from that time it chanced that as Pan, the Nymphs, and other Elemental Peoples had XL found a means of exchanging this traffic in worship for a traffic in love, you must needs remember that, among the ancients, Pan was held to be the king of the so-called incubus gods who ardently courted maidens , many of the Pagans escaped from the Devil, and will not burn in Hell.
Here is the great mystery of all that part of Philosophy which has to do with the Elements, and which, if you have any self esteem, will surely remove the very unphilosbphic repugnance which you have been evincing all day long. We ourselves hold to the ancient religion of our Fathers the Philosophers, concerning which I must one day in- struct you. But to resume the thread of our discourse, those men whose melancholy immortality would be but an eternal misfortune, those unhappy children whom the Sovereign Father has neglected, have still the re- source of becoming mortal by allying themselves with the Elemental Peoples.
Thus you see the Sages run no hazard as to Eternity; if predestined they have the pleasure on quitting the prison of this body, of leading to Heaven the Sylphid or Nymph whom they have immortalised. XLII Sects and religions, their cause. And this is what Plato remarks in the Phtedo, that the soul is drawn into bpdy staggering with recent intoxication; signifying by this, the new drink of matter's impetuous flood, through which the soul, becoming defiled and heavy, is drawn into a terrene situation.
But the starry cup placed between Cancer and the Lion, is a symbol of this mystic truth, signifying that descending souls first experience intoxication in that part of the heavens through the influx of matter. Hence oblivion, the com- panion of intoxication, there begins silently to creep into the recesses of the soul. But all, indeed, in descending, drink of ob- livion; though some more, and others less.
But those discover most who have drank least of oblivion, because they easily remember what they had kno'WTi before in the heavens. Macrohius, Commentary on Scipio's Dream. Thus the Sages, or the friends of the Sages, to whom God inspires us to communicate any one of the four Elemen- tal Secrets, which I have well nigh taught you, may be set free from the peril of damnation. I even believe that it would be beyond the comprehension of all our magistrates as well, and that if they could dis- cover who these people are who escape the Devil by this method, as ignorance is ever unjust, they would take sides with the Devil against these fugitives and would use them ill.
Your Judges are strange folk! They condemn [a most innocent action as being the basest of crimes. What barbarism it was to sentence those two priests, whom the Prince de la Mirande knew, to be burned, each of whom had had his Sylphid for the space of forty years! HI The second death. Nature, indeed, bound the body to the soul; but the soul binds herself to the body: Nature, therefore, liberates the body from the soul ; but the soul liberates herself from the body. Hence there is a twofold death; the one, indeed, universally known, in which the body is liberated from the soul; but the other peculiar to Philosophers, in which the soul is liberated from the body.
Nor does the one entirely follow the other. And what ignor- ance on the part of Bodin to call her a sorceress, and XLIV to make her amorous intrigues a justification of the pop- ular misconception regarding the so-called sorcerers, in a book as extravagant as his Republic is rational! The Sages eat only XLV for pleasure and never from necessity. The Philosophy of Nutrition. There is an indestructible force inherent in all matter. Its mode of action is unchanging and it plays unceasingly upon humanity, acts simultaneously in all spheres of being, XLV yet does not express itself in concrete form.
This Force has the property of stimulating the atoms to as- sume new relationships J and galvanises the energy latent in dormant cells into a higher state of action. Food is the medium through which this Force acts in the human body. During metabolism that atomic energy is liberated which stimulates into conscious action those cells whose activity is required to carry forward cell evolution. Food, therefore, gives to the body only stimulation to atomic action. During the process it loses none of its properties, but is merely changed into other states or conditions.
At his present stage of evolu- tion man depends upon food solely because he has not become conscious of the Law governing the Force which gives atomic action to all parts of his organism. For there is a Law which governs the action of this ever flowing stream or regenerating current directed upon matter. When man, in time, becomes conscious of this Law he will be able to assimilate this Force and will no longer be dependent upon matter for the support of his physical organism.
This Earth applied to the navel, and renewed when it is too dry, makes it possible for one to dispense with eating and drinking without the slightest inconvenience what- ever, even as the veracious Paracelsus relates that he himself demonstrated during six months. We eat only when it pleases us to do so, and every super- fluity of food vanishes by unconscious transpiration. We are never ashamed of being men.
He is represented as bearing a caduceus or staff, gift of Apollo the Sun God, and emblem of the God's message to mankind. This staff represents the spine containing the cerebro-spinal nervous system which is the wand of the magician, while the two interwining serpents which ascend symbolise the positive and negative currents of Solar Force directed upward for the stimulation and evolution of the Solar Principle in man. Upon his left arm Hermes bears the Infant Bacchus, the Redeemer. I was pensive and my pity for the Comte's madness, which I fully realised would be hard to cure, prevented my be- ing as much amused at all that he had told me as I should have been, could I have had any hope of restoring him to reason, I kept searching an- tiquity for some counter arguments which he would be unable to refute, for, on my adducing the opinions of the Church, he had declared that he cared for naught save the ancient religion of his Fathers the Philoso- phers; and to seek to convince a Cabalist by reason would be a long-winded undertaking, besides I was not anxious to get into a dispute with a man whose mo- tives I did not as yet altogether understand.
The Philosophers hold that the relation of the Creator to His Creation has been the same in all ages ; that all creeds evolved by man are but man's concept of this relation and in no wise alter it; that the Truth regarding the Fatherhood of God, Sonship of His Mes- sengers, the great Teachers of humanity, and Brother- hood of all His creatures, is superior to creeds and religions, and will unify them when once apprehended.
Pagan Oracles whom Scripture everywhere calls devils, and not Sylphs. But not knowing whether the Comte might not in the tenets of his Cabala attribute the an- swer of the Oracles to some natural cause, I believed that it would be to the point to make him explain what he thought about them. He gave me an opportunity to broach the subject when, before entering the labyrinth, he turned towards the garden, "This is very fine," he said, "and these statues are rather effective.
He believed the majority of these figures to have given forth Oracles in bygone days, and paid exceedingly dear for them on that account. O God, will people never in this world know that Thou hast precipitated Thine enemies beneath Thy footstool from the birth of time, and that Thou dost hold the demons prisoners under the earth in the vortex of darkness?
No- where was there to be found so vast a collection of curiosities of every description, such extensive gardens, so superb an orangery, nor such grottoes, fountains and cascades surpassing indeed anything previously known. These celebrated gardens, extolled by contemporary authors, and even envied by the great King Louis XIV who sent Le Notre to Ruel to study and reproduce them on a larger scale as Versailles, are a sad example of the transitoriness of the handiwork of man. A gradual deterioration culminating in their destruction during the Revolution has left almost no trace of them extant.
For not long ago it was decided by the leading minds of the day, in a conference called for the purpose, that all these pretended Oracles were either a fraud due to the avarice of the Gentile priests, or but a political trick of the Sovereigns. But these learned men did not alter their decision that there never had been any Oracles.

Lavisse, when summarising the foreign policy of France from to In France, after several ambassadors had been ill treated, was represented at the Porte solely by a merchant whom 'the nation' had chosen. There was therefore in that direction a lost position for French diplomacy to regain. Lavisse, Histoire de France. Compare Muhammed and the Muhammedans. There were so many virgins pregnant with the destiny of mortals, who brought forth the good and bad fortunes of those who consulted them.
For he who thus introduces God into human affairs is lacking in rever- ence for His Greatness, nor does he maintain the Majes- ty and Glory of God's Worth. Translated from Plu- tarch's Cessation of the Oracles. They call them Gallicens, and are of opinion, that through the singuler wisdom wherewith they are en- dued, they rayse the seas and winds with their charmes, and transforme themselves into what Beastes they will, and heale such diseases as to others are incurable, and knowe things to come and prophesie of them, but not unto any other than such as sayle thither for the nonce, and come of set purpose to demaund Counsel!
Do they not recover lost beads and pilfered watches? Do they not learn news from distant countries in this way, and see the absent? LV Master of Israel. The Comte's words are quoted from the third chapter of the Gospel of St. The four letters of the word agla and their significance are: The First Cause, Positive Force. Hence agla is seen to signify the First Cause in triple aspect and to be a synonym of the ancient He- brew word Al — the Sun Creator of the Sun of our Solar system.
They would have taken me for a fanatic, for, depend upon it, they have no faith what- ever in that sort of thing, and even if I had known the Cabalistic Procedure to which you refer, it would not have succeeded when pronounced by me; I have even less faith than they. If you had reason to believe, however, that your gentlemen would not credit that which they can see any day in Paris, you might have cited a story of rather recent date: That Oracle, which Celius Rhode- LVIII ginus says he himself witnessed, delivered towards the end of the last century by that extraordinary woman who spoke and predicted the future by means of the same organ as did the Eurycles of Plutarch.
Principle, to which the Sun behind the Sun is manifest as a radiance of unspeakable glory realised, or partici- pated in, as an ecstasy of consciousness unframable in any medium of expression known to the finite mind. In some Christian churches this state is called Union with God, in the East, Yoga, and among Initiates of all races has been striven for though rarely attained.
by Abbé N. de Montfaucon de Villars
It is "the flight of the Alone to the Alone," says Por- phyry. Agla is here used as a substitute for the Ineffable Name of the Sun behind the Sun, which is the Lost Word of Masonry and Sacrificial Word pronounced by the First Cause of the Brahmins, and whose prop- erty it is to open the human consciousness to this estate of oneness with God.
Reference is made to this Name in the Egyptian Book of the Dead: Therefore the Spirit which Sambethe har- boured in her breast was not a devil nor was her Apollo a false god, for idolatry did not begin until long after the division of languages, and it would be far from the truth to attribute to the Father of Lies the sacred lx books of the Sibyls, and all the proofs of the true re- ligion which the Fathers have drawn from them. And then, too, my Son," he laughingly continued, "it is not for you to annul the marriage of David and the Sibyl which was made by a celebrated cardinal, nor to accuse that learned personage of having placed side by side a great prophet and a wretched demoniac.
Since either David strengthens the testimony of the Sibyl or the Sibyl weakens the authority of David. Sacred Books of the Sibyls. In Libri Divin- arum Rerum, Lactantius quotes Varro as saying that these books are not all written by one Sibyl, but are called Sibylline because by the ancients all prophet- esses were called Sibyls. And Diodorus Siculus states that the Sibyl was actuated by the spirit of God and that the name Sibyl signifies "being full of God. The pleasantry of the Comte as to the marriage of David and the Sibyl is a reference to the words occurring in the Mass for the Dead, ''Teste David cum Sibylle.
They were held in profound veneration and were consulted only by decree of the Senate. Is it your opinion that the Devil is sometimes divided against himself and against his own interests? Satan is never divided against himself. It therefore follows either that the Devil has never spoken through the Oracles, or that he has never spoken through them against his own interests ; and therefore if the Oracles have spoken against the interests of the Devil, it was not the Devil who was speaking through the Oracles.
Le Comte de Gabalis
On all these occasions the diviners and their auspices were in perfect accordance with the prophetic verses of the SibyL"t There is a famous tra- dition that the first Sibylline Book was sold to King Tarquin, one of the early rulers of Rome, by the Sibyl who dwelt at Cumae, in Italy. Now Justin Martyr states that it was the ancient Babylonian Sibyl Sambethe who came to Cumae, and there gave Oracles which contain the true religion, and which Plato admired as divine. Thus Sambethe, the most ancient of the Sibyls, is seen to have initiated the Sibylline Oracles which guided the destinies of ancient Rome as well as the Delphic Oracles which exercised such influence over the evolution of ancient Greece.
Sibylline prophecy of world peace. Page , Commentary Concluded. Their religion and the interest they took in the matter might have prejudiced them, and seeing Truth to be rather poor and naked in their own time, LXI their love of her might have caused them to borrow from Falsehood's self some robe and ornament for Truth's adornment.
They were men and consequently capable of bearing false witness, according to the maxim of the Poet of the Synagogue. I shall therefore take a man who cannot be suspected of such a motive, a Pagan, and a Pagan of a very different kind to Lucretius, or Lucian, or the Epicureans — a Pagan thoroughly im- bued with the belief that there are gods and devils without number, immeasurably superstitious, a mighty magician, or supposedly so, and consequently a great partisan of devils, namely Porphyry.
Here are word for word some Oracles which he reports. LXI Maxim of the poet of the Synagogue. It reveals itself by virtue of itself. This Fire cannot be contained in any place; it is without form and without substance J it girdles the Heavens and from it there proceeds a tiny spark which makes the whole fire of the Sun, Moon and Stars. This is what I know of God. Seek not to know more, for this passes thy com- prehension howsoever wise thou mayest be.