Tastes of Persian and Armenian Cuisine
Vladica, c Physical Description p. Target Audience General Notes Includes index. View online Borrow Buy Freely available Show 0 more links Set up My libraries How do I set up "My libraries"? These 2 locations in All: Open to the public M Q This single location in Australian Capital Territory: This single location in New South Wales: None of your libraries hold this item. Found at these bookshops Searching - please wait We were unable to find this edition in any bookshop we are able to search.
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Customers who bought this item also bought. Learn to Read Armenian in 5 Days. Lionhart Inc Pub; 1st edition October 1, Language: I'd like to read this book on Kindle Don't have a Kindle? Share your thoughts with other customers.
Iranian cuisine
Write a customer review. Read reviews that mention middle eastern middle east lebanese or persian easy to follow eastern cooking secrets of cooking many years armenian lebanese find this book recipes food cook cookbooks meat recipe dishes pictures desserts ingredients lebanon. Showing of 21 reviews. Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews.
There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. There are only three cookbooks in my library that I regularly consult. One is, of course, Joy of Cooking, indispensable. I found it in an odd Chinese supply store in Syracuse.
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The third and equally eminent is this fine book. I believe I use some of Ms Chernian's techniques every day. There is much to learn here. The food is clean, delicious, and not difficult to prepare. I can advise non mammal-eating folks that ground turkey works extremely well, and load up on the allspice. Buy a spice grater and get whole allspice from Penzey's. You will not regret this.
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- Tastes of Persian and Armenian Cuisine | Elizabeth Vladica.
- Tastes of Persian and Armenian Cuisine.
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I think I have trie about sixty percent of the dishes in this book. It makes a fine Christmas gift.
Taste of Persia
The photographs are stunning. All around, one of the greatest cookbooks, ever. I lent my first copy of this book to a co-worker and oddly, never got it back. Had to order a second one because I use this so often.
Armenian cuisine
I have owned it for close to 20 years and always seem to find something new to cook. The recipes always turn out well and are always exceptional.

Some of the dessert recipes and traditional Armenian dishes like Topig and Sou Boureg are labor-intensive but these are the exceptions; a lot of the recipes are good for everyday cooking. Ingredients are not hard to find. I live overseas a lot in sometimes remote places and with a few spices, basmati rice, tahini and bulgur in my pantry, I can cook almost anything from here.
Secrets of Cooking: Armenian/Lebanese/Persian: Linda Chirinian: www.newyorkethnicfood.com: Books
Meat and dough-based recipes are the standouts in this collection. I've made several recipes from this book. Very authentic Middle Eastern recipes that taste great. My favorite is the Armenian pilaf. Just like mom used to make! Having looked the recipes over I am surprised that even though the book title is "The Complete Armenian Cookbook", there are so many favorite recipes omitted and other internationally favorite recipes are included. Armenian settled every corner of the world due to diaspora after their land was taken by the Ottoman Empire.
Having said this, the flavor and ingredients of Armenian food differs from one country to another where it is influenced by the local spices, and culinary practices. I grew up in the middle east and the Turkish, Greek, Lebanese, Egyptian, Syrian, Persian influences were present in our cooking.
I was looking for some of the older Anatolian cooking that I did not find in this book. This book is far from being the "Complete Armenian Cookbook" yet it gives one maybe some knowledge of the food and the ways of preparation Armenian Food. It is easy to follow, and has a good index to find your topic. Best cookbook for Middle Eastern food.