

The administration stumbled badly on foreign policy. To come upon accidentally or unexpectedly: They stumbled on a little village.

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Switch to new thesaurus. To catch the foot against something and lose one's balance: To move awkwardly or clumsily: To proceed or perform in an unsteady, faltering manner: To make an error or mistake: To find or meet by chance: A stupid, clumsy mistake: He stumbled over the edge of the carpet.

The Book in Three Sentences

This knowledge led them to insist that it was perfectly fine for them to eat food offered to idols. Paul, however, was concerned for those who had been saved out of idol worship.

Stumbling on Happiness by Dan Gilbert

For these people, eating food offered to idols was akin to idol worship itself. They closely associate eating food offered to idols with worshiping the idols themselves. But take care that this right of yours does not somehow become a stumbling block to the weak. And so by your knowledge this weak person is destroyed, the brother for whom Christ died.

Paul is ultimately concerned that the Corinthians will encourage fellow believers to act against their consciences. This is the issue at the heart of the stumbling block issue. Let me put a modern day spin on it. You however, are convinced that smoking cigars is wrong. Maybe you were brought up within a certain church tradition in which you were taught that smoking cigars is categorically wrong. Do I have to stop all cigar smoking because I know you think I am doing something wrong?

My liberty in Christ is not restricted simply by what other people might think of me.

Stumbled - definition of stumbled by The Free Dictionary

But and this is really important , if I smoke a cigar around you and that, in turn, leads you to smoke a cigar even though you think it is sin, then I have become a stumbling block. My liberty in Christ has actually encouraged you to sin against your conscience. Therefore, if food makes my brother stumble, I will never eat meat, lest I make my brother stumble. This fits perfectly in line with the commands of Jesus.

How to use a word that literally drives some people nuts.

  1. Hip joint contact forces during stumbling.?
  2. Stumbling-Block; Stumbling-Stone.
  3. Stolperstein - Wikipedia?
  4. Quickies vol. 2.

The awkward case of 'his or her'. Identify the word pairs with a common ancestor. Can you spell these 10 commonly misspelled words?

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  • Verb fall , slip , topple , trip , tumble Synonyms: Noun blunder , bobble , boo-boo , boob [ British ] , brick , clanger [ British ] , clinker , error , fault , flub , fluff , fumble , gaff , gaffe , goof , inaccuracy , lapse , miscue , misstep , mistake , oversight , screwup , slip , slipup , trip Antonyms: Verb get up , rise , stand up , uprise Visit the Thesaurus for More. Examples of stumble in a Sentence Verb I stumbled on the uneven pavement. The horse stumbled and almost fell. He stumbled drunkenly across the room.

    He stumbled over to the table. I heard him stumble over the unfamiliar words.

    Stumbling - Frank Crumit (1922) Lyrics

    She stumbled through an apology. The economy has stumbled in recent months. Noun was his hurtful remark a regrettable stumble , or was it made with artful intention? Recent Examples on the Web: Verb But something tiny is unlikely to stumble across something equally tiny like a single molecule. Ex-stripper with cash problems, Trump devotion," 27 Oct. Martinez, stumbled into a takeout restaurant, where customers attempted to save her life, police said.