Scorched (Urban Christian)
I can't wait to read the next book!! I fucking hated this book. I feel like it was written by a five year old. The plot was so dumb and the characters were so annoying. I could not stand Trinity. Not only did I want to shoot her in the head, I wanted to shoot myself in the head to end my misery. Let my tell you why I hated it. First, let's start with the dumb-ass heroine, Trinity. She was so dumb, annoying, and stupid. L Oh my gosh I loved this book! Like, she was so fucking disrespectful to her mom.
Whenever she talked about her, it was always about how her mom blew her brains to smithereens. Trinity had seen her body, her head blown to smithereens. That is not enough time to start hating her mom and talking so causally about how she killed herself. I just feel like she was really disrespectful and that really pissed me off Every other page tears were steaming down her face, or splashing down on her cheeks, or coursing down her cheeks. It was really annoying that she kept talking about her dumb Fields of Fantasy.
Once or twice would have been all right, but she mentioned it about seven or eight times. No one gives a flying shit about that dumb video game, so just shut up about it!! Okay, now I'm truly done with her. Now onto the dragon. She was so annoying after she hatched. I really gotta find another word than annoying She acted like a freaking human at times.
Like, with all her nodding and shaking her head and shit. I mean look at the freaking cover, that dragon looks pretty cool and fierce and I can easily kill you with my fire and I will. They are supposed to be scary. Also, what the hell kind of name is Emmy? Talk about a wimpy one! Let's talk about the author now. Besides the fact that this book had a shitty plot saving the world, really??
Time traveling, double really?? Like, that's what made up the paragraph, was twenty thousand questions. Why hadn't he called? Had the blood on the knife been his? The fact that the agents were looking for him meant, at least, they didn't have him.
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But what about these Dracken people? Could they have captured him somehow? And if so, what would they do to him? Would they hold him captive until she agreed to turn over the egg? I was not impressed at all with her word choice. But on the last page, there was a freaking, I don't know, writing? The sun was so bright Trinity was forced to squint. The van roared to life and they pulled out of the parking lot and into the night.
That happened it a matter of freaking seconds!! What, does the sun go down in a nanosecond? Overall, I think I was generous giving this dumb-ass book two stars. If your reading this, I thank you for reading my rantings. You will totally regret it and wished you hadn't lost all those brain cells. Do yourself a favor and never read it.
Aug 24, Books rated it really liked it Shelves: Not only does it have an absolutely gorgeous cover, but dragons and time travel all in one story? Did it live up to my excitement and expectations? The first chapter jumps right into the action and thus I was hooked. Mancusi did the world-building for this book brilliantly. The same goes for character development. She brings fantasy into our world with a flourish and in many ways made it seem plausible that the discovery of a hidden dragon egg is possible. I really have to hand it to her. I did have a few minor issues with the plot, though.
The ending felt a little rushed and a few scenes — especially the one where Trinity reaches out to her mother in the nether — felt very…what is the word…formulaic? But by no means was the story predictable. There were loads of times I had no idea what was going to happen next, and thus I was often surprised. Yet, by the time I finished the last chapter, I was left with a ton of questions and things that made no sense to me.
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Overall, I really enjoyed this book. Emmy crawled into my heart even before she hatched from her egg. On that note I should also mention that the author made that choice nearly impossible. Which side should she be on? In the context of the story I can assure you this was not such a straightforward choice. There were many factors to consider. Scorched is a book that will set the imaginations for readers young and old alight with its imagery, dragons past and future, and the countless trips into the nether where absolutely anything imaginable is possible.
I recommend it to readers who enjoy fantasy, time-travelling, action and adventure, and of course: Jun 03, Sam rated it did not like it Shelves: Her gramp's pulls a crazy stunt by buying a 'dragon' egg to put on display in his museum. Trinity is face palming and pissed. Until she hears a little voice in her head only she can hear. Turns out the dragon egg is really a dragon egg and she is mentally linked to it. YA check, Dragons check The Bad: She is the same old goody-two shoes who likes boys and think soft core sexual thoughts but mentally slaps herself for it.
She also follows whatever character that claims to be the good guy. Trinity is familiar because she is in a lot of YA books. She may go by a different name, different story, etc. Why did I pick this book up? Why was I excited? Because of the fucking dragons! Not many dragons have debuted in the YAverse so I was on board when I first caught on to this title. Unfortunately the dragons take a backseat in this story. I say this because Trinity's mental relationship with her dragon Emmy is extremely analogous to Eragon's and Saphira's relationship.
In fact, it was so flipping similar it felt like I was reading a watered down draft of Eragon fan fic. I am just disappointed. I was excited about Scorched but I was given a story that utterly failed to entertain me. In fact the parts of her talking about the RPG were more interesting than the dragon itself.
This book had potential and promise, but it fell completely flat. It's just another sappy love triangle and another way to score a few bucks. Dragons are new and different surely some would pre-order it just because it has a dragon on it: Well played Mancusi, I fell for it. Jun 30, Amelia rated it really liked it Shelves: This is actually not bad. Honestly, I had low expectations going into this book but I was pleasantly surprised.
But first I have to say that this cover is a bit too "epic" for the story. Nothing that's pictured there actually happens XD But let me get back to the story itself I didn't expect this book to be full of There's a lot to talk about so I'm gonna start with the twins. Connor and Caleb had different personalities but enough similarities so you can see they are related. Also, at first it was a bit confusing for me because they have similar names.
Scorched by Ashea S Goldson (Paperback / softback, 2013)
But after a while, I could recognize them by behavior XD Trinity was also a great character. Considering she's living alone with her grandpa whose a bit silly and spends their money on nonsense, she had to take care of family finance and do everything normally an adult would do. But she didn't complain about her situation. At one point she just broke because of all the responsibilities and the seriousness of the situation, but she didn't whine about it or blame other people. She accepted it and tried to find a solution. She was really reasonable, and after the whole dragon thing happened, she didn't forget her grandpa and went on to become some epic dragon rider, she wanted to save him and everyone else that needed saving.
And when it comes to the twins, unfortunately there's a love triangle but to be honest, I didn't even mind it that much. It wasn't too cringey, and it didn't take much of the plot. That's another reason why Trinity was awesome. She didn't think about them, like which one to choose as a boyfriend. She was thinking about 1.
Seriously, grandpa is one of the best character's there, and their relationship is equally amazing XD Trinity was truly a great character and she surprised me many times. Especially when it came to her interaction with others. Both Connor and Caleb tried to convince her into something, just like others later in the book, but she didn't blindly trust either of them. She always tried to find out the truth and she always had her own opinion.
While these two suggested their own methods, she would find a third way and solve the situation. And of course, she didn't just wait to be saved, she always did her best and tried everything in her power. The whole power thing was a bit unclear to me, as well as the time travel thingy. I'm hoping there would be more talk about time travel in the sequel and also no more love triangle XD Here are a few quotes that show you how much fun this book is: Crazy evil twin from the future: This princess can save herself.
She paused, then added, "But I am glad you're here all the same. Apr 04, Jessica Goldenfurpro rated it liked it Shelves: Sure, it has dragons, but I wasn't particularly fond of the author's other series. I am glad to say that I actually ended up really liking the story and the plot! Trinity lives with her grandfather, who used to run a museum of fossils and other artifacts. Now, he has started added more unusual objects to the collection, like bigfoot dung, and the museum has been struggling. Instead of paying for living expenses, Trinity's grandfather buys an egg that he believes is a dragon egg.
When a boy from the future comes to take the egg, to prevent the end of the world by dragons, Trinity begins to question if this is all the truth. But she doesn't have time to think it over, as government agents and a dragon protection group are after the egg as well. First off, all my friends can tell you and I have been a wee bit obsessed with dragons lately.
So, I was definitely excited to read a dragon book, though I was iffy about the author. I absolutely did love the plot. The whole idea of people two hundred years in the future traveling back in time to save the world from dragons is a very interesting idea. I was not exactly expecting the time travel aspect, but I loved it! I also found the whole dragon aspect very interesting, of course, and I very much liked the idea of the Nether kind of like a dream world. I mentioned that I was iffy about this book at first, mainly because of the author's Blood Coven Vampires series.
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That series is okay, but the characters in that series had very very VERY annoying teenage voices with numerous pop culture references sprinkled in. I felt like the author was trying to hard to get a teenage voice. Thankfully, the author did not do this in this book. The teenagers in this book felt much more authentic. Though, the fact that this was in third person may have something to do with it. The characters were okay. I couldn't really connect with them as much as I wished, as is common when I read third person books, but I did like the characters. Trinity is a great main character and she is a common MC.
She has a normal life that is entirely changed with the introduction of the egg and I do think she deals with it well. I especially loved her relationship with Emmy, her dragon! Emmy is so sweet, even though she's a dragon, and she was very loyal to Trinity. The isn't really a romance in this book. There's a love triangle feeling between Caleb and Connor, but there isn't really much in the way of kissing, which I appreciate. My main problem with this book is something I really don't understand myself.
I was loving this book in the beginning, but my feelings went a bit downhill as the book went on. In the beginning, there were a few little holes in the story I noticed, but I figured they were easy to ignore. Eventually, things became harder to ignore and I became more confused. Not that the plot was bad or anything, I really liked the plot, but some things were just hard for my mind to wrap around.
If you would like to read a very new, unique look on dragons, then I do recommend it! Jun 05, Ashley rated it really liked it Shelves: Nose Graze — Young Adult book reviews 4. Most of all, I adored the story. That's what rocked this book. There were just so many elements that appealed to me. The dragons duh , the idea of a "chosen one", the time travel, the apocalypse, the goal to save the world..
It's the recipe for an awesome fantasy book. Another thing I adored about Scorched was how the author wove fantasy and science fiction together. On the one ha Nose Graze — Young Adult book reviews 4. On the one hand, we have dragons and "The Nether" a place where dead and unborn dragons live.. But we also have time travel and cool gadgets from the future. I thought the combination was really unique, and I loved reading a dragon book that actually takes place in present day rather than in a pure medieval-ish fantasy world. There were only two things I didn't like about Scorched. First, I didn't like the "almost-romance".
Trinity has "moments" with both Connor and Caleb. She never starts dating either of them, but she randomly kisses both of them sometimes on more than one occasion. So they weren't dating, it wasn't truly a romance, but she had intense "moments" with both of them I think because it just felt so out of sync with the story and completely unnecessary.
Also, she kissed them both like hours after meeting them. At first I thought it was an annoying insta-love-y triangle, but neither relationship ever developed, so it turned out okay, but it still felt unnecessary and awkward. And on a similar note, I kept getting Connor and Caleb mixed up. I was okay with them at the beginning, but as the story went on their roles and behaviours blurred, and I forgot which one was which lol.
I blame the fact that their personalities were so similar, they're twins, and they both have names that start with "C". Secondly, I wish there were more dragons! The first half of the book was before the egg even hatched, and then in the second half we only got bits and pieces of actual dragons. I kind of wanted actual dragon riding, dragon wars, and things like that. But since the dragon only just hatches in Scorched , we don't really get any of that we get stories about that, but it doesn't actually happen.
But, I'm pretty sure that Scorched is a series at least I hope so, based on that ending , and I'm really looking forward to reading the next book! Bring it on, Mari, I'm so ready! Jun 28, Farah Jay rated it did not like it Shelves: Fantasy, dragons, and twin brothers? Who would say no?! Unfortunately, this book did not live up to it's expectations. Trinity, the main protagonist, is a 16 year old girl with no parents. She lives with her grandfather, who owns a museum and is on the verge of being broke.
When her grandfather gets his hand of a mysterious egg, the museum gets broken into and Trinity is forced to protect the egg and go along with a stranger named Connor whom she just met. The book is somehow told from several P Fantasy, dragons, and twin brothers? The book is somehow told from several POV's, but it does not clearly state so. That was a bit confusing at first as well, but when you know you get the hang of it. The beginning was pretty exciting, and I was interested in finding out more about what happens later on. Unfortunately, things start to drag on. The characters weren't that memorable, so that was a down factor.
I also found the plot to be a bit messy. I always got bored, and the book didn't force me to sit down and read it. I couldn't wait to close the book and do something else. Not trying to sound too harsh, but maybe it's because the book was a bit too childish for me. It just didn't interest me, and kept on dragging on and on and on.
The book should have been two hundred pages instead of three hundred and fifty. The twins problem was sort of a cliche, and it was kind of obvious that one would be the good guy and the other would be the bad one. Overall, I just couldn't connect to anything in this book. The story was boring, the characters were bleh, and I didn't find anything amusing or even remotely interesting. A hundred pages in, I was forced to skip through a LOT of content because I just could not stand to sit down and read through another two hundred pages in. People who are fans of fantasy should still check this book out, though I would recommend this book to younger readers as well.
I would stare at it all the time while reading. I would end up staring at the cover more than actually reading the book! Any fan of Mari Mancusi. Mancusi's Blood Coven Series. So no matter the story I will always compare any other series by her with the first series I read by her. With that being said, this book was a nice average. I got through it without complaining and it was a fairly quick read. Trinity started off as a self centered too-dumb-to-be-believable character.
She actually trusted a complete stranger who Originally posted at: She actually trusted a complete stranger who broke into her museum to steal an artifact. Even after it being explained to her that Dragons existed and being sent on a "vision" of sorts, she still found it in her self to believe dragons DIDN'T exist. As the story continued to move forward she actually became a more likable character and accepted her reality. BUT her reality was still hard to deal with. She kept getting deceived by everyone she trusted. Conner was against dragons while Caleb was a "sympathizer".
Both were deceived by the people they trusted as well, but it was a LONG journey to discover that.
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While Conner the well intentioned thief turned good guy was the nice, gentle, friendly, all around nice guy, Caleb was the opposite. He was confidant and made clear what he wanted when he wanted it. They had a good contrast going on. Though it was a surprise the twist Mrs. Mancusi threw in there, some part of me was expecting it. What I didn't expect was the kids going from let's-be-friends to die-die-die in less than one page.
The Head Dracken really did a number on them. Apr 27, Andrea rated it did not like it Shelves: I love the cover. If I made a list of everything that happened I would say that should be an interesting, action packed and page turning story. I should love it. The problem is it was actually really boring. The plot and events that occurred was definitely YA, but the dialogue and all the writing felt like grade school. I really liked Emmy. I also enjoyed Trinity and the relationship between Emmy and Trinity. The boys were meh and other than one being on the good side and the other on the bad there was little to tell them apart.
I could care less if trinity ends up with either of them. There were surprises and twists, but it was still boring.

I listened to the book over three days and fell asleep each time. I never fall asleep during the day. I wish there were Cliffs Notes for the remaining books because I might want to know what happens. Maybe the next book is better?
Jun 17, Jenny rated it really liked it. As a result, an air of mystery is created for us readers before we even get to the first page, wondering how Ms. Mancusi is going to bring her beasts to life.
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Full review available at: Apr 15, Jodi Meadows added it. Aug 28, Tara Higgins rated it it was amazing. After reading it for a second time, I think the book is 4. May 09, Seeing Double in Neverland rated it it was amazing Shelves: For Full Review go to http: May 08, Lili rated it it was ok. I don't really know what to say about this book. I was expecting an amazing story. But, really, I ended up being disappointed more than anything else. I was considering giving this book a hesitant three stars, but I don't think it deserves it because too many cliches and unsolved plot points hindered this novel's brilliant plot from reaching any true potential.
Scorched by Ashea S Goldson (Paperback / softback, ) | eBay
The plot of this book was beyond amazing, I really loved it. It's not enough that a book evolving around dragons comes a I don't really know what to say about this book. It's not enough that a book evolving around dragons comes around, so I immediately jumped for this one.
A set of twins from an apocalyptic future taken over by demented dragons time travel to the present to either save the first dragon or kill it to alter the future. Sure, they both want to alter it, but they have completely different goals. Caleb wants to save it, Connor wants to kill it. And stuck in the middle is Trinity, a girl who previously had no idea that dragons even existed but is known as the girl that brings about this apocalyptic start after bonding with her dragon, Emmy. See, Trin is Fire Kissed, she bonded with a dragon so both are nearly invincible.
They can communicate with each other, feel each other emotions, die when the other dies. It's a race against time for these two brothers, constantly fighting against each other and Trin's raving emotions. I was beyond excited because it sounded so interested, which made my disappointment all the more terrible. I think I struggled with them a lot. Perhaps the only character I liked was Emmy the dragon, the newborn trying to learn the difference between protecting her Fire Kissed bond and killing.
But I didn't like anyone else, really. Trinity was bland to me, it often seemed like Mancusi was trying to get us to pity Trinity because her mother committed suicide since she had the gift--the gift to hear voices. Trinity was impulsive and she trusted too easily. This was full of those "strange man comes out of nowhere saying the fate of the universe is in your hands" type thing and she goes along with nearly anything. Really, she's a good girl with a big heart, but she was easily led astray, taken advantage of, over-emotional, and she just couldn't stand on her own two feet the way she hoped she would.
Because her mother committed suicide, she lives with her aging Grandfather. Her Grandfather reminds me of a seven year old boy who has no sense of reality and is not at all an adult figure. Sure, he loves Trinity with all of his heart, but that's about the only sign of a true caregiver that showed through in him in this book. And then there's Caleb and Connor. Both are passionate about what they do, but they're rough and slightly brutish at times when it comes to getting Trinity to go along with their different viewpoints. I liked Connor more than Caleb because he truly felt he was doing what was right, avenging his father's death and all, but neither blew me away.
I was stoked for a set of cute twins from the future, but they both let me down and have issues with interpreting emotions properly as well as conveying them. After the characteristics, my biggest problem was the futuristic technology and abilities. It's one of those things where a situation was desperate for a saving grace andoh my, gosh! It was frustrating to me that such things were not mentioned at all until they were need and then--bam! Yeah, the laser guns that make people's heads melt were pretty awesome, but the Bouncer?
Don't even get me started. A device that makes you jump super high if you step on it that was magically introduced to the story when Trinity was too weak to climb a fence. If I was from the future, I would not be creating a jumping device, that's all I'm saying. It was moments like this where sudden new abilities or technologies announced themselves only when convenient to the plot. Like the gift--the ability to push people to do things you want or speak to their mind or something like that. Honestly, I'm a little confused with it because I thought there were different kinds of gifts but apparently all people with the gift can speak to each other's minds.
Either way, you can communicate with people in your minds because suddenly--quite randomly in the present instead of the future--some babies were just born with the gift! It was not mentioned if it was a genetic malfunction, how it came about, nothing. Babies just suddenly started to be born with it! This really frustrated me.
There was a love triangle in this one, though it wasn't in your face. Still, the love connections were rather aggravating and instantaneous instead of emotionally thought out. As you guessed, Trinity is fighting with herself over the twins. She kisses them both at least once, but the end of the book left everything open. It doesn't address the prospect of who she truly ends up with in the end, which annoys me too. I hated the ending. It pretty much left most plot points unresolved.
With no sequel currently in sight, this angers me. Because it's a stand-alone, you want some sort of confirmation and while the ending is not a cliff-hanger, it left me with too many why's and how's and what's. What happens to Trinity and the boys? Is the future saved or is it killed? What about the race of dragons? Too many questions, no answers whatsoever. I suppose the only aspect of the plot that I enjoyed was the cult aspect of the Dracken.
Upon immediately meeting this group of people hell-bent on protecting the dragon species, I knew it was a cult and it'll be obvious to any reader with the ability to infer things after meeting slimy characters. But, of course, our annoyingly oblivious main character came to such thoughts way too late in the game for it to be safe. I found it interesting to explore these cult dynamics because of the psychological sways cult leaders exert over their followers in order to maintain their trust.
I thought that this was a really interesting aspect of psychology in general that was explored in this book. As terrible as it is, taking a bunch of orphans with nowhere else to go and giving them a home and the feeling of acceptance? All in all, when I was really able to immerse myself in the plot and get over the multitude of cliches listed above, I was able to enjoy this one, but the brilliant plot wasn't enough to redeem the character flaws and situational flaws that I found littered within this book.
There was very few attempts at humor to keep me smiling and the only time I cracked a smile was when I met a female dragon named Fred. Otherwise, the attempted humor and supposed action scenes that were meant to keep me on my toes did not keep my interest whatsoever. The first third of this book was really easy to get through, but the last two thirds the ones full of the action and plot twists were a trudge for me.
This book just wasn't meant for me. I hope someone else can enjoy it because of the unique plot, but I couldn't get past certain issues in order to truly enjoy this one. This was a really quick book to get through. I saw a copy of this while I was working at the library last year but didn't read it, so when it went up on Amazon for free I decided I'd download it and see. In like or I read the Draconian series by Adrienne Woods and enjoyed it despite how unpolished and juvenile it was. This book is similar to that series in the not-so-good ways.
Like the five Draconian books have their fair share of eye rolls but there's something fun about it all despite This was a really quick book to get through. Like the five Draconian books have their fair share of eye rolls but there's something fun about it all despite that. It's like a book written by a spirited 15 year old just discovering Microsoft Word's chapter settings and being inspired to plug out chapters each day after school. But this book isn't as fun or likeable.
It ultimately feels like a pretty childish tale targeted at the younger end of the YA demographic. It treats morality in a more infantile, cut-and-dry way like, the "sacrifice one to save a million" quandary is like "Well why can't we save the one and try to save the million too?
The whole kind of premise is that there's a dragon egg and the dragon within bonds with this girl, Trinity, and people from the future and the government all want to kill the dragon or take her DNA to make more dragons and end the world in a fiery apocalypse. A pair of twins on opposite sides--one who wants the dragon dead, the other who thinks dragons are good and will save the world--time travel to change the course of the future by finding Trinity and convincing her to either destroy the dragon or raise it and use it for the betterment of humanity.
Now, right off the bat, the issue at hand really stems from the fact that the dragon as a creature is pretty convoluted. Their consciousness exists in its own realm and babies are fully aware in the egg and they're sentient and they like psychically speak with people and bond with people, which is essentially the entire reason why Trinity is against killing Emmy, the dragon despite the fact that keeping her alive allows for her to be used to create more dragons to start the end of the world.
Emmy is like basically completely humanoid except she's a baby dragon, so because she can communicate complexly it kind of makes the whole "animal activist" aspect a little moot. Like she can prove pretty easily how she's capable of complex thought and emotion so why does she need a group to speak for her?
I think having the dragons be emotionally complex creatures with a less black-and-white communication system would have fared better and supported the argument of the book better. Like talking dragons works better in the Draconian series because they're like They transform from people to dragons. They're a sort of shifter. So it makes sense. But Emmy is just, always aware always since forever, so it really takes away from the story's potential so it can have the heroine have full conversations with her dragon.
Also like the villian was super obvious and 1 dimensional and I'm kind of sad what I imagined in my head about this book was not really what it ended up being. It was kind of bad. The one thing I did appreciate was that we're launched into the action really quickly and the book progresses super fast. I own books 2 and 3 because they were cheap. Like, 99 cents, so I figured why not? I'll probably try them out just to see if the story and author improve. Human Clones Book 4. The Deal, the Dance, and the Devil. Hit and Run Hallie.
Poor Little Dead Girls. Book Two of a Trilogy. Touched By An Angel. Someone to Watch Over Me. A Murder in Harlem. Men After God's Own Heart. My Soul Cries Out. Not with the Church's Money. Count It All Joy. Joy Comes in the Morning. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long. The title should be at least 4 characters long. Your display name should be at least 2 characters long. At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information. You submitted the following rating and review.
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