Os portugueses são analfabetos sexuais... e emocionais (Portuguese Edition)
The data were obtained from assessments found in the literature. For a national measure, a weighted average of the estimated prevalence was used. Prevalence rates by age and gender were calculated for the elderly Brazilian population. Current investigations show a steep increase of dementia with age. Women and illiterate individuals have a higher prevalence. The mean prevalence in Brazil is higher than that found in the rest of the world. Dementia is a public health issue, and elicits a strong bioethical concern with aging, due to the loss of autonomy of the affected individuals and the responsibility of the health system to provide adequate care.
Dementia, Ageing, Demography, Bioethics. Em , uma pessoa completando 60 anos de idade, se homem, poderia esperar viver mais 21,2 anos; e se mulher, 24,8. Isto representa 12 anos do tempo vivido pelos homens e 13 do vivido pelas mulheres 6. Com base nessa estimativa, mulheres que atingissem 60 anos poderiam esperar viver mais 30,9 anos, ou seja, 6,1 anos a mais do que a expectativa estimada para Excluindo os estudos duplicados restaram Apenas sete estudos apresentaram dados por sexo, o que pode ser visto na Tabela 2.
Estas foram obtidas de um grupo de 1. O segundo estudo, de Chaves et al. No estudo de Catanduva, desenvolvido por Nitrini et al. O terceiro artigo, de autoria de Meguro et al. Resultados semelhantes foram observados por Meguro et al. Os resultados constam da Tabela 3.
S Kanso e D Fernandes trabalharam na pesquisa.
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The ageing of the world population: Rev Saude Publica ;21 3: Freitas EV, Py L, organizadores. Tratado de geriatria e gerontologia. Ageing and life course [homepage na internet]. Camarano AA, Kanso S. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. American Psychiatric Association; The older adult with intellectual disability.
No question was considered irrelevant by the participating women. In the fourth version of the FACIT-CD instrument, there were minimal alterations pointed out by the committee of experts, once again for localized adjustment of the text. Version 5, the final one of the instrument, was applied in the second pre-test. The question was analyzed by the specialist committee and since there were no problems with understanding in the first pre-test, it was decided to maintain the wording of the sentence.
This infection is considered the most frequent sexually transmitted disease all over the world. Since it is a sexually transmitted disease, and with the possibility of developing other HPV-related conditions, it is common for patients to experience anxiety, stress, fear, complications in interpersonal relationships, among other feelings. In this way, an objective assessment instrument for the physical and psychological functional evaluation of women with CIN can be very useful for clinical practice.
The entire methodological phase of translation and back-translation was thoroughly complied with, according to the method by Beaton et al. In this phase, the low schooling level might have influenced understanding of some of the questions.
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These are terms commonly used by healthcare professionals, but not by the population in general. Especially when the difficulty in understanding of some words was observed in half of the women interviewed in the first phase, we noted that, with the changes made and the additional explanations, performing the second pre-test occurred without further difficulties in understanding the questions that were restructured.
Half of the population However, the final version of the instrument could be understood by women, which leads one to think that the questionnaire may be applied with relative ease within the Brazilian context. Other Brazilian studies have pointed out the low education level as not being a significant factor in the translation and validation of quality of life instruments.
Even though the objective of this study was to translate the FACIT-CD instrument to universal Portuguese, a semantic and cultural adaptation is needed in other countries where the official language is Portuguese, such as, for example, Portugal, Mozambique, Angola, Cape Verde, and East Timor, among others. It is necessary to point out that women affected by CIN generally present with a greater number of psychological complaints, and the FACIT-CD instrument is composed of multiple questions that cover the theme, besides addressing other important issues, such as physical well-being, treatment satisfaction, and even questions that include the evaluation of relationships.
Although it was possible to translate the instrument into Portuguese, it is still necessary to evaluate its psychometric aspects in other studies before it is used to assess quality of life in women with CIN, both in clinical practice and in further studies. The process of evaluation of the psychometric properties of the translated and adapted version of FACIT-CD is still ongoing by the main author of this article.
This study demonstrated that the version of FACIT-CD translated into Portuguese is equivalent semantically, conceptually, and culturally to the original version in English and it is easily understood by patients with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. Therefore, it was considered suitable for the validation phase, which is currently underway. We also thank Dr. Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals [Internet]. WHO; [citado Jun 30].
HPV and cervical cancer in the World - report. Comprehensive cervical cancer control: Developing a measure of health-related quality of life for women with cervical dysplasia resulting from human papillomavirus infection. Health Qual Life Outcomes. Guidelines for the process of cross-cultural adaptation of self-report measures.

Spine Phila Pa Cross-cultural adaptation of health-related quality of life measures: A comprehensive method for the translation and cross-cultural validation of health status questionnaires. HPV in the etiology of human cancer. Social and psychological impact of HPV testing in cervical screening: Psychological effects of diagnosis and treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia: IBGE; [citado Mar 10]. Reliability and validity of a semi-quantitative FFQ for sodium intake in low-income and low-literacy Brazilian hypertensive subjects.
The authors regret this error. Paulo Prata — Zip code: This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Services on Demand Journal. Methods A descriptive cross-sectional study, with translation and cultural adaptation of the assessment tool performed according to international guidelines and the Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy FACIT protocol group.
Results The sample consisted of women with low education level.
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Conclusion The translated version of FACIT-CD in universal Portuguese language is equivalent to the original version in English and was easily understood by patients with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. If yes, answer the following three questions. It should be read: November 3, ; Accepted: How to cite this article.
Are you sexually active or would you like to be sexually active?