Kindred Spirits
They could be a friend, a family member, a teacher, a lover, or even a pet. Someone people have even made reference to feeling a kindred connection with specific places. The connection may be a deep one and, as you each take your life paths, you stay closely in touch. Like we mentioned earlier though, it could simply be a friendly acquaintance with whom you have an encouraging, supportive relationship for just a particular period or phase of your life.
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Many people will talk about energy when it comes to kindred connections. You might meet someone and feel that you immediately know them, which can be the result of the inherent energy matching.

Some people would argue that you may very well have met them before, just in a previous life. This is an agreement made before the current life where you agree with another soul to work together to test yourself and help your respective souls attain their goals.
Kindred Spirits: How to Know If You’ve Found One
Some of these descriptions might sound a bit like a soulmate. A soulmate is when two people feel bonded on a very deep level. The connection is undeniable.
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There are three types of soul mate:. This is someone who mirrors back our own strengths to us, as well as our shadows and fears. This kind of relationship can help us undertake the deep development work needed to become the best version of ourselves particularly because of the darker, shadow elements.
Kindred Spirits
A twin flame could be your wildest dream or your worst nightmare — even both. But if the rockiness of this connection can be worked through, after time it could develop into an extremely deep and valuable attachment. Kindred spirits also often have shared experiences of hardships and traumas.
The level of empathy, sincerity, and understanding between two kindred spirits is unmistakable. Kindred spirits are people that we share political views or spiritual beliefs with. They share our fundamental moral standpoints and all our non-negotiables.
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Kindred spirits also tend to have taste and talents which complement each other. One might be a musician, the other a singer. People can learn so much form kindred spirits. They teach us about our relationships with others and the world. But most importantly, they can also teach us about who we are in relation to the world around us.
Kindred spirits have a somewhat passive role in our lives. Soulmate relationships run much deeper. The connection between two soul mates is much stronger and intuitive.
A soulmate is quite likely to be someone who is your best and closest friend. It is someone who knows how you are feeling and what you need with a single glance. They can sometimes feel like mind readers because your conversation is not limited to spoken words.
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They answer our thoughts. You do not always marry your soulmates. One step deeper than soulmates is our Twin Flame. Twin flames are our spiritual twins.
Kindred Spirits - Wikipedia
They are our mirrors. Unlike kindred spirits and soulmates, we only have one twin flame in this lifetime.
It is hardly surprising that everyone from musicians and painters, to sculptors and artisans, tap into this meaningful name.