Jehovahs Witnesses - The Good... The Bad... The Deceptive... And Worse! An Exposé -
The battle over Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia
Richard Hudson NC , in a joint statement yesterday rebuked the Russian authorities for cracking down on religious liberty. This distracts from real efforts to fight terrorism. I urge the Russian government to drop the case immediately. Pacifism is a core value of members, who believe that the Bible should be taken literally. They are pacifists, so they cannot be radicalized, no matter what you do to them. They can be used to send a message.
During Soviet times, the KGB accused them of spying. Commission on International Religious Freedom said in a statement earlier this month. Experts see it, too, as part of a broader campaign against Russian civil society using the anti-extremism law. Officially, the rule was touted as a measure against radicalized violence from homegrown and foreign terrorists. Koptev and the others were banned from traveling.
Many lost their jobs. Authorities told them they would be set free if they denounced their faith. Under Russian law, a religious association or organization is subject to termination if it does not remedy the specified manifestations of extremism before the required deadline or displays any new ones. The charity had also dropped the last of its legal cases against the inquiry, the supreme court having refused to hear that particular case in July. Watch Tower has therefore agreed to withdraw its application for judicial review of the production order, and a consent order has been filed with the high court to conclude the proceedings.
Her case was dismissed in November for failure to serve the defendants in a timely manner.

Introduction to Sunshine After the Fog. Here we take an introductory look at Steve Guziec's background and experience, and his life inside of the Jehovah's Witness Organization. Steve also discusses the term "cult," what it means, how it can be applied, and why he uses the word. Church elders recommended that Lopez and his mother attend the services because Gonzalo Campos, the church leader, would be a good mentor for Lopez.
The church elders recommended Campos even though they knew that he had molested a boy as early as The boy told his mother, who reported it immediately to the church leadership. Once the trial began, Campos later confessed to abusing at least eight children between and The court granted a motion filed by prosecutors and declared the group extremist. The books talk about how to have a happy life, what you can hope for, how to develop good relations with God and what you should know about God and its meaning. The church sought permission to appeal the decision.
Stewart, who carried out Bible study sessions and door-to-door evangelical rounds, molested the girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, on a weekly basis.
The Commission believes that the specialist Tribunal is the right venue for such cases and is pleased that the Court of Appeal has confirmed this. Miriam Anderson passed away at 27 after refusing to accept a blood transfusion because of her religious beliefs. Anderson gave birth to a baby at the Atlanta Medical Center in Georgia and 10 days later experienced heavy vaginal bleeding. She called and medical personnel offered to take her to the hospital, but she refused. Later that day, she called again and was taken to the ER.
She was given an ultrasound and several other tests. The attorney sued the hospital and emergency-room ER doctor on behalf of the plaintiff for medical malpractice, and the hospital for negligent misrepresentation, among other charges. The ER doctor was exonerated. Most organizations appear to be complying. The convicted individuals had continued to meet, pray, and read the Bible even after the community was banned in the local area.
Church Elder Max Horley told the Royal Commission that it was mandatory to get rid of all the notes that were taken during meetings between him and elder Bill Neill. When the abuse victims tried to reach out for help, they were told not to say anything, and were forced to meet their abusers in person.
In all, church officials were demoted. No one was reported to legal authorities. All child abuse and complaints, which averaged one a month for 65 years, were carefully recorded and hidden away in sealed files. A royal commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse has heard that the theocratic church records on average one child abuse allegation every month; yet in 60 years, it has never reported any of those allegations to police.
The commission chair, Peter McClellan, pointed out there are mandatory reporting obligations when one has reason to believe that a child has been sexually abused. In December of In May , the Charity Commission opened an inquiry to determine whether adequate safeguarding procedures were in place following revelations that trustees of the charity had allowed a convicted pedophile to question his victims. The abuse came at the hands of a pedophile, Peter Stewart, who had previously admitted to the organization that he had abused another child.
The organization will appeal. Guatemalan schools request publications from Jehovah's Witnesses.
In Guatemala City, three schools have requested publications from Jehovah's Witnesses in an effort to curb youth crime in the country. The school has also added the video The Prodigal Returns to the school curriculum. Former Jehovah's Witness accuses church of hiding child abusers from congregations. For many years, Conti was afraid to tell anyone of the abuse out of fear. Years later, after she grew up and left the church, she found out that Kendrick was on a sex-offender registry for molesting his own granddaughter.
When they began to gather evidence from the local church leaders in California, they made a shocking discovery. Simmons and Conti learned that Kendrick had abused his own stepdaughter. Furthermore, the elders of the church knew about this and never said anything. Conti and her attorney took the case to court. Conti has moved on with her life and is now engaged and graduated from college. He says he never touched Candace Conti. Once all these cases were public and members and church leaders were found guilty of sexual abuse, several churches made changes to their policy concerning child abuse.
In childhood sexual-abuse case, California Appellate Court finds church has no duty to prevent members from harming each other. Although the elders informed the Watchtower, the Watchtower did not notify the police or warn the congregation. Christian to determine whether a duty existed.
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The court concluded that the burden that the duty to warn would create, and the adverse social consequences that the duty would produce, outweighed its imposition. The woman refused a transfusion when, nearly seven months into her pregnancy, she developed complications related to leukemia. Sascha Callaghan, an expert in ethics and law at the University of Sydney, said the law as it stands allowed the mother to make decisions that would affect the fetus, even if it probably would have been able to survive outside her body.
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They protected and harbored a criminal. In January of this year, the Kurgan municipal court also handed down a decision that Witness publications are extremist. TASS reports that the Kurgan court decision will be appealed. Both parents appealed the ruling. Two other High Court judges were asked to consider similar issues earlier this year and reached differing conclusions based on the details of the respective cases.
He ruled that the doctors rightly considered and had to respect those wishes. From the s to early s, the Roman Catholic Church was rocked by allegations of rampant sexual abuse by priests and paid millions of dollars in settlements to victims. The lawsuits allege that the abuse began in after Afanador migrated from another Connecticut congregation to the East Spanish congregation, and a mother in the previous congregation claimed he had molested her children.
The other congregation reportedly sanctioned but did not expel him, which enabled him to move on to East Spanish, where he quickly rose to a position of ministerial servant.
Jehovah's Witnesses
The suit states that Afanador and his wife met and soon moved into the home of the Almovodor family in New Haven to help babysit the children Sybelle, Evelyn, and Ferdinand after the parents divorced. Afanador first enticed 8-year-old Sybelle into sexual acts that younger sister Evelyn observed. He also sexually abused Ferdinand more than 25 times. The Almovodor family claims the abuse finally forced them to move back to the Dominican Republic. They told church leaders there what had happened, but nothing was done. In previous lawsuits, Witnesses elders have been criticized for discouraging reports of suspected sexual abuse by church members and leaders in hopes of limiting lawsuits and negative publicity.
The two-witness rule requires either that an accused person confess to sexual abuse or that two witnesses to the act come forward to file a formal complaint. One of the defense attorneys said church leaders have given the two-witness rule priority over state law that requires clergy to report known or suspected instances of child abuse, and that it is preposterous to think an abuser would ever allow someone else to witness a sexual act with a child. Can I get a volunteer [to] please watch me? The Connecticut lawsuit also attempts to explain how the church hierarchy and practices may lead to the cover-up of abuse, noting that little is done without the approval of Watchtower, the organizational elders who advise congregational leaders through secret handbooks that cover everything from routine church operations to how to respond to allegations of sexual abuse.
The church was to be served with the lawsuit on Oct. The court found violations of different articles in the cases of different applicants. The highest number of violations, against 88 applicants, were found with regard to Article 9. The court found that the conduct of the Georgian authorities at that time was inappropriate and that sometimes state officials even participated in attacks on Witnesses.
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As a result of the ruling, Georgia has to pay each of the applicants who were subject to violations a euros compensation, and an additional 15, euros to cover the expenses of the trial. Lawrence told police he had confessed his crimes to the church at the time he committed them so the elders would take him back into the fold. The DA also alleges that the church prevented the victims from telling police what Lawrence had done to them.
Lawrence had faced more than years imprisonment if convicted of the charges. Jehovah's Witnesses and the Third Reich: Sectarian Politics under Persecution. Journey to God's House: An inside story of life at the World Headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses in the s. Held Captive By Religious Belief: Jehovah's Witnesses - The Good Leaving Jehovah's Witnesses and the Watch Tower after thirty-five years of lost dreams. Growing Up in Mama's Club: Awakening of a Jehovah's Witness: Escape from the Watchtower Society.
Out of the Cocoon: The Confessions of a Converted Jehovah's Witness. I Wept by the Rivers of Babylon: A Prisoner of Conscience in a Time of War. Jehovah's Witnesses and the United Nations: How the Watchtower Society Fooled Millions. Judgment Day Must Wait: Why Is Important to Jehovah?
Combating Cult Mind Control: EXiting the JW Cult: The Challenge to Heal: After Leaving a High-Control Group. Fading Out of the JW Cult: How To Leave A Cult: Captives of a Concept Anatomy of an Illusion. A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom. The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment. Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype. Eat Pray Love 10th-Anniversary Edition: Anatomy of the Spirit: The Seven Stages of Power and Healing. Attack of the Theocrats: