Howard Street Days
The Magic Pass is your way to support the faire, and get something in return… specials, discounts, fun activities, free things, and more magic than ever!
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- $20 for a Magic Pass at the faire entrances..
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- How Weird Street Faire.
Your contribution keeps the faire going. The Magic Pass will be required for entry to the faire this year.
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- Howard Street Tunnel fire - Wikipedia!
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You can save money and time when you arrive with presale Magic Passes! And if that is still too much, there will be volunteer opportunities and many contests to win passes. A video of How Weird with music by Andreilien who played at the faire.
About | Howard Street Restaurant
A celebration of peace unlike any other! Thanks to all who participated in the 19th How Weird Street Faire! And thanks to San Francisco for staying weird and wonderful! Here is an interactive video of How Weird Click on the video and scroll around to see in all directions.
Howard Street Tunnel fire
Can You Dig It? After 9, years of civilization, we all need weird. Coming to a street faire near you! The theme for is a parody of the s, a time of high weirdness and much dancing. Celebrate the first How Weird Day! With 10 stages of world-class electronic music to dance the day away! Celebrate peace and weirdness at the greatest street faire in the galaxy.
A unique and designer shopping experience with vendors from around the world and delicious food and drinks. Find new things for the festival season!
Howard Street Sure Start Children's Centre
Art Alley on Tehama Street Featuring inspiring live and exhibited artwork. Around 4 PM smoke was seen coming from a sewer near the intersection of Howard and Lombard Streets, and the fire department was notified. Later, smoke emerged from the ends of the tunnel and from several manholes.
Eventually it was found that one of the derailed tank cars, carrying tripropylene , had ruptured and the escaping flammable liquid had caught fire. This fire also ignited paper and wood products in other cars. The fire burned for about 5 days. A National Transportation Safety Board report took three years to be prepared. The investigation was not able to find the cause of the accident.

Due to the insulation of the tunnel's thick brick walls, the temperature was relatively uniform across all the cars, approaching temperatures normally found in an oven or furnace: Thousands of Baltimore workers were forced to leave their jobs and unable to come back for several days until the city could assure that there was no further danger from either the fire or the water main flooding. MARC service was restored on July 23, Most of the roads around Howard Street, including I spur into Baltimore, experienced extremely heavy congestion due to street closures around the intersection of Howard and Lombard Streets, where the actual water main break occurred.
By July 24, , all but the blocks immediately surrounding the water main break were reopened to automotive traffic. Three weeks later, manhole covers flew into the air as underground explosions along West Pratt Street occurred due to residual explosive chemicals from the fire in the sewers.
Smoke from the incident and flooding from the broken water main caused three Baltimore Orioles baseball home games to be canceled that summer, as Oriole Park at Camden Yards was directly in the danger zone caused by the fire. The only other direct rail link is the Amtrak Northeast Corridor , a passenger line with only limited freight operations performed by Norfolk Southern Railway.
According to the U.
Department of Transportation DOT report on the incident, officials had long known that the possibility existed for a fire or other disaster to cause a significant problem in the Howard Street Tunnel. An article published in the Baltimore Sun on July 19, , contains a quote from an unidentified federal transportation safety official who observed, " If you had an explosion, fire would shoot out of both ends like a bazooka.
Estimates from railway publications put the freight traffic through the Howard Street Tunnel at 28 to 32 trains per day. According to a November report to Congress:. At one point during the fire, eight CSXT trains that would have used the tunnel were detouring through Cumberland, Maryland, and Youngstown Ohio; five through Hagerstown and Harrisburg; five through Cleveland and Albany, New York; and 12 trains were stopping in various yards. According to the DOT report on the incident, firefighting efforts could not begin until the exact location of the fire within the tunnel could be found, which finally occurred at 5:
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