Homilies on the Gospels (Cistercian Studies)
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Forty gospel homilies
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Cistercian Studies Series LibraryThing has 4 suggested works for this series. Series description See the Publisher's Series: Related series Studies in Medieval Cistercian History. The Spirituality of Western Christendom. Homilies on the Gospels. Moral Reflections on the Book of Job. Related publisher series Cistercian Studies Series. Di fronte e attraverso ; Related places Aleppo, Syria. Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England, UK. Related events Douay—Rheims Bible. A Guide to the Essential Spiritual Classics. How do series work? Series by cover 1—7 of next show all. Contemplative Prayer by Thomas Merton.
Symposium Cistercian Studies by M.

The Praktikos ; Chapters on prayer by Evagrius Ponticus. Aspects of Monasticism by Jean Leclercq.
Works (262)
Thomas Merton on St. Cistercian Studies by Thomas Merton. William of St Thierry: The Cistercian sign language: Rule and life; an interdisciplinary symposium by M. Studies in Mediaeval Cistercian History: Presented to Jeremiah F. Merton's Theology of Prayer by S. Number Twenty-One] by M. The meaning of silence in the rule of St. Benedict Cistercian studies series by Ambrose G Wathen.
The art of preaching by de Insulis Alanus. No 23 by M.
Forty gospel homilies (Book, ) [www.newyorkethnicfood.com]
Studies in medieval Cistercian history. Russian Mystics by Sergius Bolshakoff. Saint Bernard of Clairvaux: Monastic Tradition East and West by M. The Spirituality of Western Christendom by E.
Discourses and Sayings by Dorotheos of Gaza. The Lives of the Desert Fathers: Historia Monachorum in Aegypto by Norman Russell. The Cistercians in Denmark: Symeon The New Theologian: Volume 1 by Armand Veilleux. Pachomian Chronicles and Rules by Armand Veilleux.
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Series: Cistercian Studies Series
Hildegard of Bingen's Homilies on the Gospels are here translated for the first time from Latin into English. Hildegard's sisters recorded and preserved her informal preaching in this collection of homilies on twenty-seven gospel pericopes. As teacher and superior to her sisters, Hildegard probably spoke to them in the chapter house, with the scriptural text either before her or recited from memory, according to Benedictine liturgical practice.
The Homilies on the Gospels prove essential for comprehending the coherent theological vision that Hildegard constructs throughout her works, including the themes of salvation history, the drama of the individual soul, the struggle of virtues against vices, and the life-giving and animating force of greenness uiriditas.
- Hildegard Of Bingen: Homilies on the Gospels (Cistercian Studies vol. 241) - Paperback.
- Homilies on the Gospels!
- NEW Homilies on the Gospels (Cistercian Studies) by Hildegard of Bingen | eBay.
- Journal of Early Christian Studies.
- Homilies on the Gospels: : Hildegard of Bingen; translated by Beverly Mayne Kienzle: .
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- Cistercian Studies Series | Awards | LibraryThing.
Moreover, the Homilies on the Gospels establish Hildegard as the only known female systematic exegete of the Middle Ages. Beverly Mayne Kienzle, John H. Homilies on the Gospels.