Dakota Defined (Dakota Lester Series Book 2)
She might be the only solution. Paperback , 1st Edition , pages.
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To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Accidental Werewolf 2 , please sign up. Be the first to ask a question about The Accidental Werewolf 2. Lists with This Book. Nov 26, Elizabeth rated it it was amazing Shelves: Mara wants to be a mom and have little werewolf babies. Problem is no one in her pack is interested in mating with her. She takes it amongst herself to make a serum in her lab in order to impregnate herself with werewolf babies. However, something goes terribly wrong and Harry, a Pack Cosmetics accountant and her long-time secret crush , accidentally drinks the serum and turns himself in to a werewolf!
How is Mara going to get herself out of this mess? Yeah, so she accidentally turned him into a werewolf but what was an accountant doing in her laboratory in the first place? This book is a wild ride full of werewolves, vampires, a demon, a witch doctor, a half zombie who eats only vegetables and two human kids acclimating to life with their Uncle Harry. Could it possibly get any wilder? Yes, yes it can!
This is my first Dakota Cassidy read and I absolutely loved it! This book was such a delightful read and a refreshing twist on the paranormal. I loved the witty dialog and the hilarious characters, Nina the vampire being my favorite. Her profanity-laden banter had me laughing out loud the whole book. I loved reading about all these different characters and even though this is the eighth book in the series, I never felt lost not reading the previous books.
The romance between Harry and Mara completely warmed my heart. I loved watching these two stumble through the book and ultimately fall in love. I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a hilarious, paranormal romance. Oct 11, Carmel Rabid Reads rated it really liked it.
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I adored the opening chapters of this book! That seemed to happen to me a lot while reading this book; as each character was introduced I had a hard time resisting the sudden urge to download their respective story to my eReader. Meet Carl, the vegetarian zombie with a love for broccoli! Not many authors can pull off such outrageous humor in Paranormal Romance but after only one novel, Dakota Cassidy has proven that she deserves to be on my bookshelf beside some of my long-time favourites like Molly Harper. Something About Harry is hilariously funny with great characters that left me wanting more and even though this is the sixth installment in this series, I never once felt lost.
Dakota Cassidy has just made an insta-fan with this book! View all 3 comments. Feb 04, Cathy rated it really liked it Shelves: The books in this series are always good. Cassidy does a great job of carrying through all of the things that make the series wonderful while still making each book feel unique enough to stand on its own. I always enjoy watching them embrace a new Accident with open arms. It makes me wish I could be a part of their family. And I enjoyed this Accident a lot because there were kids involved, it added another layer of love The books in this series are always good.
And I enjoyed this Accident a lot because there were kids involved, it added another layer of love and concern to the mix. It was strange though, this was the first time in this series that there were a bunch of little things that bugged me about it. For example, they made a point a couple of times about how well the supernatural people could hear. Mara had told Harry, accidentally, that she'd heard something he'd said from across the room during the noise of the office party.
So was the best way to keep their huge secret of Harry being a werewolf and them faking being a couple to hide it to then sit in the middle of the cafeteria surrounded by werewolves with super hearing and talk about it? They tried to explain it away by saying that they tune out what they aren't interested in so it should be safe. But Harry used the example of him being able to hear something gross that another guy was saying as something he was tuning out, which just proved the point that anyone being snoopy could hear them.
Since many people there were interested in their "new romance," it made what they were doing extra stupid, why would anyone tune them out when they were the best gossip in years? And I had a hard time this time believing that Harry had no idea how attractive he was. He's described as gorgeous with a hard body he worked hard to maintain and he wasn't a huge nerd or horribly shy or completely socially inept or anything that would make him isolated socially and unaware of his appeal. He was a tiny bit clumsy, so what? Had bad luck in his relationships and had sworn off of them for a while, fine, that explained why he kept his distance from Mara in the past even though he thought she was attractive.
And I didn't have a problem with him being clueless enough to miss her making a pass at him at the Christmas party and then regretting it later. But every woman in the company and mother at the kids' school was panting over him, he couldn't be that clueless that he didn't know he's at least somewhat attractive to women. And all of the men thought Mara was hot but somehow she thought none of them wanted her too. There was no reason shown for why Mara was so alone and lonely other than her self-stated awkwardness with men.
But then why show a group of guys making crude statements about how hot she was? Either they wanted her or they didn't. This was the first couple in the series that I didn't find that believable. I believed that they cared for each other. And I loved the kids and their need to connect with them and help them. There was just some things off with the dynamics of the story that are usually spot on in Cassidy's books.
The Accidental Werewolf 2: Something About Harry
And there was some bad editing too. I was happy to find out where Carl came from since he was a sweet part of the next book, which I accidentally read before I read this one. He was a sweet part of this book as well. I love how Nina is such a softie for kids and people who are really vulnerable. I this was another great Accidental book for what they do best, love and family, both the ones they were born with and the one they chose for themselves.
The OOPS family is still so warm, so loving, so funny, I'm always up for a visit with them and the visits never seem to last long enough. That there were some picky details that bugged me a bit didn't matter very much in the end. It was just unexpected from this series, which is usually so consistent and spot-on. Jan 12, Heather rated it it was amazing Shelves: This review can also be found at my blog: Wings of Nephilim Oh my.
Dakota Cassidy has never disappointed me and this one just scored another win in my book. I guess I'll begin with the plot. The accidental series is always fun and amusing. I know I'm in for a fun read right from the first page. The way Harry became a were was good for a laugh and I always enjoy the sniping at eac This review can also be found at my blog: The way Harry became a were was good for a laugh and I always enjoy the sniping at each other. The humor - Dakota's style of writing to me never gets old. I can't get enough of it.
There was a lot I wasn't expecting from this novel and it really blew me away. She really pulls you through the story, I barely was able to put it down sleep was necessary, as was work unfortunately. Which to me I really really love. I like it when I'm surprised even when I'm trying to figure it out earlier. The action and feelings of the characters were so spectacularly written, I felt the desperation and sadness with them. The ending was full of adrenaline and I think I was making myself read faster, I had to know how it was going to go down.
The epilogue was just I'm a huge sap so I love love loved it.
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I straight adore her OOPS cast. Nina is terrifyingly like myself with her attitude and I love love love it. Her vicious-ness and sarcasm. It never gets old for me. I loved that we got to see more of Marty and her handsome Keegan, with bits of the other cast thrown in for some additional love. Also loved all the character interactions. The additions of Mimi and Fletcher were straight cotton candy. Then we have our main characters.
Mara was a great heroine to root for, she had some real girl problems. Harry was a delicious mixture of geek with sexy. Some of his lines and thought processes. I definitely want a man that looks at me that way. Then the actual sex. The pages were scorching hot. It's scenes like this that ruin a girl's expectations. Other than that the fluffy romance was also well written and the change from annoyance to like to love was believable. I really really enjoyed this book.
It was super quick, full of wit and modern day references? XD It was riveting, I felt pulled in and it didn't let me go until I was finished. I never felt it drag, it was written in third person yay! Thank you Dakota Cassidy. A very sad edit: I misread the year. I'm devastated right now. Dec 20, Michelle Leah Olson rated it it was amazing Shelves: Shy werewolf Mara Flaherty has carved a career for herself as a chemist at Pack cosmetics but there are just two things she still really wants. One is a child of her own and the second?
Well that just happens to be the uber sexy but conservative accountant Harry Ralph Emerson. Only problem is Harry seems oblivious to her fumbling overtures and there's no one else she's that attracted to. Using her skills she creates a serum that could help her get pregnant with her own werewolf cub but problem is it gets drank by mistake and unfortunately the unlucky person is Harry and suddenly he finds himself not just an accountant but an accountant sprouting fur!
Not given to panic Harry goes online and finds an organisation calling themselves Out In The Open Paranormal Support -OOPS- and having done their quiz comes to the worse possible conclusion, that he's turning into a werewolf! Calling them for help he gets more than he bargained for as the snarky vampire on the phone just doesn't seem to appreciate his predicament. When help does arrive Harry quickly learns that not only has he changed but just about everything he believed in was a lie as well. Finding out he's been working with supernatural creatures is just the beginning.
Mara, who he'd secretly liked is responsible for his transformation and he's expected to keep it a secret as she would be in trouble with her pack. Mild mannered Harry suddenly finds himself at the mercy of his inner beast and it looks like he knows just who to unleash it on. Mara's mortified at what's happened but together with her friends is convinced they will be able to help Harry if only he would let them! Finding out he has two small children at home to look after complicates things and the small matter of Maras libido where Harry's concerned doesn't help, but when the children are threatened Harry and Mara have to work together.
These books are usually a riot and this one was no different. Ms Cassidy writes a delightful contemporary paranormal tale that's full of fun. Not intended as dark or particularly erotic but warm, amusing fantasy. Her rich characters jump off the page and although not always likeable snarky vampires! Frequent popular culture references had this reader laughing out loud but what remains with me is the loving and close relationships that her characters share. A delightful read to brighten the dullest day!
Nov 19, Stephanie G rated it liked it Shelves: Tall, Dark, and Furry to come along. Someone is accidentally turned into a paranormal, the turn ee? Ok, maybe not ride off into the sunset but you get the picture. The first half of the book or so is spent with Harry mad at Mara. It only took a couple pages before Nina had me cracking up.
Everything in this book is predictable except for who and why a secret attacker is after Mara and Larry. Kudos for the curve ball because I would have bet money I knew who was behind it all. Other than that, this is a standard Accidentally Friends installment. Hilarious for the most part with several scenes that are drawn out into snark-offs I skimmed through and a cute HEA to wrap everything up. Oct 15, Dawn rated it really liked it Shelves: There is humor-oh lord a ton of it which I love, amazing cast of characters and romance all rolled up in one book.
She has this ability to make you fall in love with her characters and laugh at their antics, thoughts and more when you read one of her books. I have to admit Harry and Mara wormed their way I into my heart the moment they popped up on the pages. Harry is organized, determined to have nothing go wrong in his life. These two characters just delighted me to pieces. You got Harry who is just about freaking out over this change and then there is Mara, who feels guilty Harry is experiencing this and loving him at the same time. Add in some meddling in laws and that pesky turning into a werewolf thing and you got the makings of a story that surely knocks your socks off.
The secondary characters keep the story moving smoothly and were just as intriguing as out main characters. It is just that good! If you enjoy laugh out loud moments, Exquisite characters and a story that leaves you breathless then grab The Accidentals series by Dakota Cassidy. Jan 12, Robin Christofaro rated it really liked it. I won this book in a contest. Although it isn't something I'd typically read, I thought I would give it a go. I'm really glad that I did. It was a fun and enjoyable read! It follows the story of Mara Flahrety, a werewolf who desires to have a baby without a mate.
Mara is basically a genius, so she concocts a formula to do just that. It seems like a great idea in theory. However, when Harry not Harold Emmerson, her secret crush, drinks the secret formula, what happens is NOT according to plan. H I won this book in a contest. Although Mara and Harry are the main characters, the supporting cast is just as enjoyable to follow and get to know.
The story is great and there are many twists and turns. And it does not end up as you would think. Overall, I really enjoyed this book. I think I will be going back and reading many more Dakota Cassidy stories!! Feb 13, Serenity rated it it was amazing Shelves: I love Dakota Cassidy's books so much.
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She can do no wrong in my eyes. She is absolutely one of my top favorite authors. I love the one line the witch doctor said: Mar 31, Morgan rated it really liked it Shelves: This series is like junk food mixed with comfort food. You know what you're getting and you might feel a little bad afterwards But sometimes you want that satisfying mix of a mostly predictable storyline and familiar characters.
Definitely one of those "series" that should be read in order. They don't so much stand alone as prop each other up. I really liked this one. This series is hilarious! Mar 24, Valerie Jackson rated it really liked it. I love this whole series. The characters are so well written and the friendships ring true. Jan 04, Jennifer Hevern rated it it was amazing. I totally recommend all of her books. Hilarious, laugh out loud fun with some romance and a little mystery. Love this book Like all the rest of her books, I laughed so hard. Read them all, they are great, fun, light reading.
Jun 08, Monica Lopez rated it really liked it. Funny, mystery, paranormal romance. Aug 05, John Piper rated it it was amazing Shelves: Awesome series I love it! One of the best written series Ive ever read! It's definitely a must read!! Nov 01, Christian rated it really liked it Shelves: Apr 24, Stephy rated it did not like it. The house near the end of the film was not real. Hitchcock asked the set designers to make the set resemble a house by Frank Lloyd Wright , the most popular architect in America at the time, using the materials, form and interiors associated with him.
House exteriors were matte paintings. A panel of fashion experts convened by GQ in said the gray suit worn by Cary Grant throughout almost the entire film was the best suit in film history, and the most influential on men's style, stating that it has since been copied for Tom Cruise 's character in Collateral and Ben Affleck 's character in Paycheck. Hitchcock had his agent check his contract, learned that he had absolute control over the final cut, and refused. One of Eva Marie Saint's lines in the dining-car seduction scene was redubbed. A DVD edition was also released.
The site states the critical consensus as, "Gripping, suspenseful and visually iconic, this late-period Hitchcock classic laid the groundwork for countless action thrillers to follow. Time magazine called the film "smoothly troweled and thoroughly entertaining. Weiler of The New York Times made it a "Critic's Pick" and said it was the "year's most scenic, intriguing and merriest chase"; Weiler complimented the two leads:. Cary Grant, a veteran member of the Hitchcock acting varsity, was never more at home than in this role of the advertising-man-on-the-lam.
Hitchcock has plumbed some talents not shown by the actress heretofore. Although she is seemingly a hard, designing type, she also emerges both the sweet heroine and a glamorous charmer.
North by Northwest - Wikipedia
Film critic Charles Champlin saw the film as an "anthology of typical Hitchcockian situations", and was particularly taken by the scene and suspense in which Grant's character avoids death when attacked by a crop-dusting plane in the cornfields, which he believed was representative of Hitchcock's finest work. The London edition of Time Out magazine, reviewing the film nearly a half-century after its initial release, commented:.
Fifty years on, you could say that Hitchcock's sleek, wry, paranoid thriller caught the zeitgeist perfectly: Cold War shadiness, secret agents of power, urbane modernism, the ant-like bustle of city life, and a hint of dread behind the sharp suits of affluence. Cary Grant's Roger Thornhill, the film's sharply dressed ad exec who is sucked into a vortex of mistaken identity, certainly wouldn't be out of place in Mad Men.
But there's nothing dated about this perfect storm of talent, from Hitchcock and Grant to writer Ernest Lehman Sweet Smell of Success , co-stars James Mason and Eva Marie Saint, composer Bernard Herrmann and even designer Saul Bass, whose opening-credits sequence still manages to send a shiver down the spine. Author and journalist Nick Clooney praised Lehman's original story and sophisticated dialogue, calling the film "certainly Alfred Hitchcock's most stylish thriller, if not his best". Horning , Robert F. In , North by Northwest was selected for preservation in the National Film Registry by the United States Library of Congress as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant.
North by Northwest was acknowledged as the seventh-best film in the mystery genre. Hitchcock planned the film as a change of pace after his dark romantic thriller Vertigo a year earlier. The title North by Northwest is a subject of debate. Many have seen it [ citation needed ] as having been taken from a line "I am but mad north-north-west: The whole film is epitomized in the title—there is no such thing as north-by-northwest on the compass. Lehman states that he used a working title for the film of "In a Northwesterly Direction", because the film's action was to begin in New York and climax in Alaska.
Then the head of the story department at MGM suggested "North by Northwest", but this was still to be a working title. Other titles were considered, including "The Man on Lincoln's Nose", but "North by Northwest" was kept because, according to Lehman, "We never did find a [better] title.
The film's plot involves a " MacGuffin ", a term popularized by Hitchcock: Late in North by Northwest , it emerges that the spies are attempting to smuggle microfilm containing government secrets out of the country. They have been trying to kill Thornhill, whom they believe to be the agent on their trail, 'George Kaplan'. North by Northwest has been referred to as "the first James Bond film" [51] due to its similarities with splashily colorful settings, secret agents, and an elegant, daring, wisecracking leading man opposite a sinister yet strangely charming villain.
The crop-duster scene inspired the helicopter chase in From Russia with Love. The film's final shot—that of the train speeding into a tunnel during a romantic embrace onboard—is a famous bit of self-conscious Freudian symbolism reflecting Hitchcock's mischievous sense of humor. The film's title is reported to have been the influence for the name of the popular annual live-music festival South by Southwest in Austin, Texas, started in , with the name idea coming from Louis Black, editor and co-founder of the local alternative weekly The Austin Chronicle , as a play on the Hitchcock film title.
The third episode of the Doctor Who serial " The Deadly Assassin " includes an homage to North by Northwest , when the Doctor, who like Hitchcock's hero is falsely accused of a politically motivated murder, is attacked by gunfire from a biplane piloted by one of his enemy's henchmen. North by Northwest was adapted as a stage play by Carolyn Burns. The adaptation premiered at the Melbourne Theatre Company in From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
For other uses, see North by Northwest disambiguation. This article contains a list of miscellaneous information. Please relocate any relevant information into other sections or articles. Retrieved April 24, North by Northwest ". Retrieved February 17, The Dark Side of Genius: The Life of Alfred Hitchcock.
Paramount Marches to a Different Drummer". The American WideScreen Museum. Retrieved December 4, The Man Who Knew Hitchcock: Mount Rushmore and Hitchcock's North by Northwest". An Introduction to Film. Archived from the original on February 17, GQ rates the most chic men's clothing on film". Movies That Defined America. Retrieved July 30, Archived from the original on August 17, Retrieved August 17, Retrieved February 28, Weiler August 7, North by Northwest Opens at Music Hall". The New York Times. The Complete Films of Cary Grant. Archived from the original on January 13, The Movies That Changed Us: Reflections on the Screen.
The craft of the screenwriter. Hamlet thus hints to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, his friends, that his madness is only an act to protect himself while he gathers information on his father's murder. The James Bond Movie Encyclopedia. Retrieved April 19, Slick and entertaining adaptation of Hitchcock's iconic film".
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