
Cheers to Life - True to Myself

Own all of your flaws and be grateful to what nature has given you.

Cheer Up Sayings and Quotes

Are the people who you consider friends constantly bringing you down? Maybe you should reconsider about being friends with them. You don't need such negativity around. True friends will never make you feel bad about yourself. Stay away from the people who pretend to be your friends.

Another great tip that will help when you're feeling low is writing down every single thing or task that you have accomplished. Write even the smallest thing whether it is winning a local race or passing a test. Even making dinner for the first time or doing your own laundry is an accomplishment you should be happy about. Pin the sheet of paper on your fridge or any other place you can see it easily. Read the list every single day, make additions, and feel happy about what you've accomplished in your life.

Go for a run, hit the gym or start doing yoga. Staying active will help your mind and body to stop feeling low. You need to relax your mind. Over-thinking can cause depression, anxiety and panic attacks! Relieve yourself of every bad though that is consuming your brain.


Just let it all go, relax and connect with your own being. Whenever you feel low about yourself just go to a nearby spa and get a massage. Even changing your hairstyle or going for a complete makeover can help you feel better about yourself. If you don't like the way your face looks, then there's no reason why you can't have it changed a bit if it is something that you're doing for yourself. Think you need a facelift or want to do away with some wrinkles? See a cosmetician that has been properly trained.

There is some stigma attached to people getting little procedures done.

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However, research proves that taking care of your skin in such a manner can help people feel better about themselves. If you've done or said something bad then there is no shame in apologizing. But if the person you've apologized to starts making you feel worse about yourself and demeans you then you really need to stand up for yourself. Apologizing to someone doesn't give them the right to treat you like trash. Find yourself a hobby! It could be anything you're interested in or it can be something completely new. Even if people haven't complimented your singing it doesn't mean that you should never sing again.

Stand in front of a mirror and sing your heart out. Don't let anyone tell you that you're not good at something you're passionate about.

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Spending time doing something you enjoy will help you relax and bring a positive change in your life. You don't have to go through your struggle alone. If you have depression, anxiety, or the like, you can work with a therapist and your insurance will cover it! This is for you. Danielle Bernock is a the author of Emerging With Wings: Subscribe to her blog here.

Ziggy Marley - True To Myself (acoustic guitar version)

Sign in Get started. Music The answers varied in type and implementation but clearly music is a powerful tool to lift our spirits. Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness. Maya Angelou We use music to validate our emotions before we can change them.

Music can change the world because it can change people. When I dance, I forget everything else and just feel completely happy. Blake Lively Laughter People tap into laughter by many means. Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face. Victor Hugo Any way you do it, laughing, like dancing, releases endorphins and will help cheer you up. I think the world should keep laughing. Kevin Hart Words People already talk to themselves. I remind myself of the reality here and now. When you need hope. I speak scripture over myself.

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Scripture says David encouraged himself in the Lord…reminded himself of all the good God had done for him. Animals Puppies, dogs and yes, kitty cats too, bring a warmth that cheers people up. Never miss a story from P. I Love You , when you sign up for Medium.

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