
25 Festive Smoothies, Shakes and More (Food Matters)

The strangest thing that I have ever tried to blend was flax oil capsules. I wanted to add flax to a smoothie, did not have the seeds or the plain oil on had, but I did have the gel caps! You had me at the consistency of ice cream. I love smoothies, and I have been dabbling more with a chocolate peanut butter date version.

Also thanks for the info about NOT dropping a whole chocolate bar into the blender. That sounds incredible…I have one for the ebook which is a peanut butter cup one…I also tried adding a peanut butter cup to the actual smoothie. Thanks for the tips on what NOT to throw in the blender too. Good thing I have all the ingredients on hand so I can make it for breakfast tomorrow morning!

Smoothie recipes

I wish I was just naturally graced with photography skills. I love avocado in smoothies too. And chocolate mint flavoured? You know how I feel about that. How have you never added avocados to sweet things?! Welcome to the light, my friend!

Healthy Peppermint Patty Smoothie

I love using avocados in pretty much everything. So delicious and creamy! I am now a huge fan and literally feel like mixing avocado with syrup and cocoa now…literally. Wow your recipes are out of this world!!!! I had no idea you had posted so many!!!! Can ice cream be a superfood? It provides calcium, protein, and happiness. Especially if it involves a creamy, thick, minty smoothie like this one. The strangest thing I ever blended into a smoothie was…navy beans!

This smoothie sounds awesome. As the weather gets warmer which for the record it is NOT yet getting warmer here in upstate New York… , we start eating a lot of smoothies. Now I can get behind that! And guess who has all the ingredients to make this bad boy?! I have two avocados destined for great things cookbook recipes sitting on my counter right now.

25 Healthy Smoothie Recipes That Taste Like Dessert

I am intrigued by the avocado in it, as I have never had avocado in anything sweet let alone a smoothie! This sounds delicious though…I bet this would give me the extra energy in the morning.

What I Eat Breakfast - Dr Mona Vand

Great recipe…and it looks delicious! I absolutely love reading your posts. They are so humorous. I am in heaven. It is just perfect. I think i will be buying ALL the avocados and freezing them!!! But just 6 small tweaks to your bedtime routine can make a huge difference.

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I decided it was time to get some outsider help. Don't have an account? This site uses cookies, to provide you a great user experience. By using Food Matters Website, you accept our use of cookies. Profile Edit My Details. Happiness Healthy Home View All. Breakfast Mains Sweets Juices Smoothies. Salads Snacks Drinks View All. Have You Tried This?

25 Festive Smoothies, Shakes and More | www.newyorkethnicfood.com

Hardick May 08, Article When Sleep is Elusive: Getting Quality Rest Dr. Libby Weaver Jul 25, Eric Z Aug 08, Take me to FMTV. Please log in to save this item to your account. It's an easy way to pack in the vitamins and give yourself a boost Start your day off with a little ray of sunshine - a low-fat smoothie that's two of your five-a-day and tasty too! Quick and easy to make, this banana, prune, almond milk and nut butter smoothie is an ideal on-the-go energy boost.

21-Day Food Matters Program

Blitz up mangoes with yogurt, cardamom, lime and honey and you have the most delicious Indian drink — a bit like a smoothie and great for breakfast Give yourself a dose of vitamin C in the morning with this vegan green smoothie. Along with kale and avocado, there's a hit of zesty lime and pineapple This creamy smoothie is packed with nutritious ingredients. Baobab adds a tangy, sherbet flavour and is high in fibre, antioxidants and vitamin C. Full of warming and nourishing ingredients, this creamy breakfast bowl can be ready in just 10 minutes. Blitz healthy ingredients for an energy-boosting breakfast.

Using unsweetened brown rice milk fortified with calcium and vitamins makes it more nutritious. A dairy-free vegan smoothie with fruit juice, tofu and oats to power you up at breakfast or provide sustenance for exercise. This tropical shake with creamy coconut yogurt, mango and passion fruit is dairy and soya free. Blend peaches, raspberries, orange juice and fresh custard into a fruity, creamy shake that's low in fat Frozen berries are a thrifty way of creating a healthy smoothie - pad it out with oats to make it extra filling.