The O Manuscript: The Scandinavian Bestseller
The Seer (The O Manuscript #1) by Lars Muhl
Kindle Edition Verifizierter Kauf. A must read, couldn't put it down! Written from the heart and going straight to ones soul and spirit! Eine Person fand diese Informationen hilfreich. Die hilfreichsten Kundenrezensionen auf Amazon. This book is another step to my spiritual learning.
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- The O Manuscript: The Scandinavian Bestseller: Lars Muhl: Fremdsprachige Bücher!
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It has helped me in myself study and has motivated me to step further into the deeper part of who I truly Am. I recommend it highly to those who are in real spiritual studies. Lars Muhl is definitely one of my spiritual heroes. Such a fascinating odyssey! The reader gets to experience with the author his personal quest through the Cathar country of southwestern France, where he confronts and sheds progressive layers of ego attachments, and finds communion with the Divine Feminine. I'm inspired to make my own pilgrimage there to join with Mariam Magdalena, the enlightened female companion of Jeshua.
Many beautiful passages of spiritual teachings, and much honesty about the personal difficulties the author went through to have these teachings revealed. An amazing journey, spellbinding and expanding one's consciousness!
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Covering the gamut and mysteries of centuries and at the same time experiencing and being allowed to partake in the extraordinary teachings being shared. I believe the mystery and nearly year search for the "The Holy Grail" has been explained, at least to me. I am delighted this masterpiece is being translated into English! I liked the way the author brought it all together: If you can get over the fact that his journey is real or not, and can make a leap of faith, then just by reading this trilogy you may find a peaceful sense of expansion.
He taught me how to let go of the burdens from my past. When this happens mankind will step out of his self-made prison and into reality. Throughout his initiation, Muhl was forced to confront his dark side, the shadows that kept him from true health and wellness. The lessons I learned are universal. It is not just a book, but an experience. There will be an awakening in whoever reads it. Also by Lars Muhl.
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