Shadow of a Stranger (The Strangers Book 2)
Is ‘The Strangers: Prey at Night’ Really Based On a True Story?
The Stranger Colin Baker , still stranded on Earth, has escaped his pursuers and found a safe haven under an assumed name. But his former associates want him back and are not giving up the It is the near future and, thanks to the Industrial age, an environmental catastrophe looms. The public is given gas masks as Toxic Air Alerts increase and it looks like the Earth is slowly The time traveling Foot Doctor discovers that the Cyberons and Autons are ineffectually trying to invade the Earth yet again. Can he and a helpful salesman save the day or will his arch enemy The Licensor defeat him for good?
Former UNIT scientist Liz Shaw investigates a series of bizarre murders near a soon-to-be closed psychiatric hospital. When the hospital is suddenly saved by a wealthy businessman events seem to run out of Liz's control. In , TimeLoop Productions edited in clips and photographs. When Liz Shaw returns from a working holiday in Spain a new and deeply disturbing case awaits. Corporal Alpha has outlived his usefulness or rather the government can no longer afford The Rani hatches a scheme to trap the incarnations of the Doctor and his various companions in a year time loop in Albert Square.
Zygon Commander Kritakh and his second Torlakh have been stranded on Earth for 20 years. Kritakh has lost his sense of purpose, can his second get him back on track?
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Sexy psychiatrist Lauren Anderson complicates matters further. The Stranger Colin Baker is feeling battered by his experience of traveling through time and space. The mysterious Stranger has rejected his long-time companion Nicola Bryant and exiled himself upon a barren, alien world. He seems to be determined to ignore the mysterious events occurring in the nearby marketplace where the circus tricks of a clown Michael Wisher are in fact claiming the souls of the local people.
Even the Governor of the town Wisher seems unwilling to intervene. Meanwhile, The Stranger's erstwhile companion has stumbled upon a bizarre garden party in which the guests keep falling foul of their genial host Wisher. Will the silent plea for help of a mute finally stir The Stranger?
What if the newly-regenerated Sixth Doctor decided to become a hermit instead of travelling through time and space? That being the case, this story begins a few months or maybe years after his regeneration, when a distraught Ms. Brown an older Peri with an English accent leaves the Stranger to his self-pitying contemplation. In the true fashion of a Doctor Who companion she immediately falls into some sort of trouble by coming across a surreal cocktail party hosted by an older debonair man played by Michael "Davros" Wisher.
Meanwhile, a young deaf mute's girlfriend is mesmerized and spirited away to a work party by an illusionist clown also played by Wisher.
The Strangers
After receiving no help from the town's elder again Wisher - the guy's prolific , the mute seeks the Strangers help. The Stranger is initially deaf no pun intended to the young man's pleas, but eventually decides to help him. The Doctor Who ties run even deeper when the Stranger and the young man are captured by the primary villain - the Controller, who looks suspiciously like the Master from "The Deadly Assassin".
The Master's propensity for disguises is echoed in the fact that the illusionist, the town elder, and the party host are all aspects of the Controller. I'm not knocking the Who-ish aspects of the story. In fact, I enjoyed them. The story was a simple run-around, but it was a treat to see Nicola Bryant and Colin Baker proving once again what a great Doctor he could have been without the clownish clothes and outside interference.
Worth a look by Doctor Who fans, especially if they're fans of Colin Baker. Start your free trial. Find showtimes, watch trailers, browse photos, track your Watchlist and rate your favorite movies and TV shows on your phone or tablet! Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Full Cast and Crew. The couple attempt to leave in James' car but another woman in a pin-up girl mask—Pin-Up Girl—rear-ends them with a truck, forcing them to flee.
Back inside the house, Kristen and James find a shotgun and wait for the intruders in a bedroom. Mike arrives and realizes something is wrong after seeing the smashed car in the driveway.
He enters the house, and James, mistaking him for one of the strangers, shoots him dead. Devastated, James remembers an old radio transmitter in the backyard shed. He leaves and encounters Pin-Up Girl, searching the backyard with a flashlight. When James tries to shoot her, the Man in Mask knocks him unconscious, discharging the gun in the process. Kristen hears the shot and runs to the shed. She finds the radio, but Pin-Up Girl smashes it with an ax. Kristen rushes back to the house where she encounters Dollface, who taunts her with a knife, saying, "You're gonna die.
Finding themselves tied to chairs in the living room with the strangers standing before them, Kristen demands, "Why are you doing this? The strangers then unmask themselves to the couple offscreen and take turns stabbing the couple before leaving the home. As they drive away in the truck, they come across two young boys on bicycles distributing religious tracts door-to-door.
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Dollface comes out of the truck and asks if she can have one of their tract cards. One of the boys asks her, "Are you a sinner?
The Strangers ( film) - Wikipedia
One of the boys approaches Kristen's body and attempts to touch it. As he reaches out to her, Kristen wakes, startles him by grabbing his hand and screams. Film scholar Kevin Wetmore noted the film's portrayal of violence as a reflection of its contemporary culture, writing: Unlike in eighties slasher horror, for example, where engaging in negative behavior such as drinking, doing drugs, having premarital sex are often forerunners to being killed by the killer s ; [here], death is random and unrelated to one's behavior.
In The Horror Show Guide: The Ultimate Frightfest of Movies , Mike Mayo noted the film's "grim realism," writing that the main characters "could have wandered out of a gloomy Ingmar Bergman film," ultimately branding the film as an example of "naturalistic domestic horror" akin to Michael Haneke 's Funny Games. The film has also been noted by scholar Philip Simpson as highlighting "the divide between the underprivileged and privileged classes," as well as for its inversion of commonly-held beliefs about violence in urban areas and pastoral ethics: One might call the narrative sensibility informing The Strangers 'pastoral paranoia', in that danger lurks among the rough folk of the country rather than the suburbs and cities.
Of course, it may be that provincial violence is a result of contamination, or in other words that the kind of stranger-upon-stranger violence typically associated with urban life metastasizes to the rural, a phenomenon noted by Louis Wirth. In his book Hearths of Darkness: The Family in the American Horror Film , scholar Tony Williams notes the film's setting within a s-era home as representative of an "American tradition of violence that is random and without any coherent explanation.
Bryan Bertino, on his inspiration for the film. Writer-director Bryan Bertino wrote the screenplay which was originally titled The Faces ; [9] it was the third screenplay he had ever written. According to production notes [9] and subsequent interviews, [10] the film was inspired by true events from Bertino's childhood: As a kid, I lived in a house on a street in the middle of nowhere.
One night, while our parents were out, somebody knocked on the front door and my little sister answered it. At the door were some people asking for somebody who didn't live there. We later found out that these people were knocking on doors on the area and, if no one was home, breaking into the houses.
In interviews, Bertino stated he was "very impressed" with some of the theories circulating on the Internet about the "true events" the movie is allegedly based on, but said that his main inspiration was the true crime book Helter Skelter about the Manson Family murders ; [12] some journalists speculated that the film was also inspired by the unsolved Keddie Cabin Murders of that occurred in a small vacation community in California's Sierra Nevada.
Bertino entered the screenplay for The Strangers into a screenwriting contest, after which he sold its directorial rights to Universal Pictures. When casting the two leading actors in the film, Bertino sought Liv Tyler for the role of Kristen. Often in movies, it's all spelled out for you, and the dialogue is very explanatory. But Bryan doesn't write like that; he writes how normal people communicate—with questions lingering. I knew it would be interesting to act that. Speedman was also impressed by the script, stating that "the audience actually gets time to breathe with the characters before things get scary as hell.
That got me interested from the first pages".
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In casting the three masked intruders, Bertino chose Australian fashion model Gemma Ward for the part of Dollface, feeling she had the exact "look" he had imagined; Ward was officially cast in the film in September Bertino had not initially planned on directing The Strangers , and had been disconnected from the project after selling directorial rights to Universal Pictures.
Despite weather complications, the film was largely shot in chronological order. During production, it was reported that Liv Tyler came down with tonsillitis due to the extensive screaming the role required her to do. I had been told that she really wanted to be scared.
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- Is 'The Strangers: Prey at Night' Really Based On a True Story? - Bloody Disgusting.
So we shot that scene, I ran at her, she started actually screaming, and then she kicked me away. The masks featured in the film were chosen by Bertino, who wanted them to appear as though the killers "could have picked them up at any store. In the screenplay and the original footage shot, the three masked strangers reveal their faces on camera. A musical score, consisting of 19 pieces composed by score producer tomandandy , was released on May 27, , and was distributed by Lakeshore Records. The producers originally planned for a summer release in July , [27] which was eventually postponed to November ; however, this date was postponed as well.
In late July , Bertino, Tyler and Speedman attended San Diego's annual Comic-Con event to promote the film; all three were present for a questions-and-answers panel session, as well as a screening of the film's official teaser trailer ; [30] this trailer was released on the internet several weeks later. It was not until March that a full-length trailer for the film was released, which can be found on Apple 's QuickTime trailer gallery. Two one-sheet posters for the film were released in August , one showing the three masked Strangers, [33] and the other displaying a wounded Liv Tyler.

Both the Blu-ray and DVD feature rated and unrated versions of the film, with the unrated edition running approximately two minutes longer. Bonus materials include two deleted scenes and a making-of featurette. The website's critical consensus reads, " The Strangers provides a few scares, but offers little else to distinguish itself from other slasher films. Unfavorable reviews included Roger Ebert 's of the Chicago Sun-Times , who gave the film one-and-a-half stars out of four, saying: Bertino's undeveloped protagonists are colossally stupid and frustratingly passive.
He tries to get under our skin with a pile driver. Among the positive reviews, Jeannette Catsoulis of The New York Times said The Strangers is "suspenseful," "highly effective," and "smartly maintain[s] its commitment to tingling creepiness over bludgeoning horror. Club said that "as an exercise in controlled mayhem, horror movies don't get much scarier. Additional positive feedback for the film came from Joblo.
In , the film was ranked 13 on " Bravo 's 13 Scarier Movie Moments" television piece, [57] and in a retrospective, Clark Collis of Entertainment Weekly deemed the film a "modern-day slasher classic. In August , Rogue Pictures confirmed that a sequel was in the works, [58] with Brian Bertino co-writing the screenplay with Ben Ketai. Prey at Night , the film was released on March 9, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
This article is about the horror film. For other uses, see Strangers disambiguation. Liv Tyler Scott Speedman. I was thinking about the Tate murders and realizing that these detailed descriptions had painted a story of what it was like in the house with the victims. But none of the victims knew about the Manson family or why it was happening to them. So, I got really fascinated with telling the victims' tale. And not filling it in with an FBI profile and not filling it in with finding out that somebody's grandmother beat them and now they want to kill everybody.
You read obituaries every day where someone is killed for a random reason. Yes, we may eventually find out why, but sometimes they don't. British Board of Film Classification.