Ripper: A Love Story
Yes, I do recognise that it's a work of fiction, but it does still So, there were some really good elements to this one, but also some shockingly underwhelming too There is no doubt that the author's ability is hovering in the background, and it's hoped that he can overcome it with the next book. Aug 30, Patricia rated it really liked it.
- Ripper: A Love Story.
- Barefoot King.
- Polen Witze für das Kindle (German Edition);
I got the Kindle version of the book free from Amazon. It starts out like that type story with the young lady finding her true love at a ball. But, the story changes from there and you see the connection to the Ripper. Although the book is different than I expected, I did enjoy it. Jun 05, B.
Jack The Ripper: A True Love Story
Whitney rated it really liked it. I really enjoyed this book and I loved the idea of a prince who might be Jack The Ripper. While reading this story, I kept thinking - What would I do if I suspected my husband of being a murderer? Kept me up a few nights with that one. Jan 09, Casey rated it really liked it. I am a huge fan of Alternate History books and Romance Novels are my secret indulgence. The story is told from the perspective of Coren Butler, the fictional wife of Prince Albert.
It is a different and imaginative take on the Jack the Ripper Murders.
Ripper: A Love Story by Lance Taubold
Tish rated it did not like it Sep 12, Cindy rated it did not like it Oct 29, Melissa Lee rated it really liked it Aug 21, Molli rated it really liked it Sep 30, Kim rated it it was amazing Sep 15, Deidre Livingston rated it did not like it Jul 25, Whitney rated it really liked it Jun 04, Bethany rated it did not like it May 15, Lakky Hari rated it did not like it May 17, Sherry rated it really liked it May 23, Debbie Jerome Alderson rated it it was amazing Jan 02, Claire rated it did not like it Dec 23, Kimberly rated it did not like it Jun 24, Sarah rated it it was ok Aug 15, Kelly Fox-LaPorte rated it really liked it Apr 22, Beth rated it did not like it Mar 26, Sadie rated it it was amazing Sep 02, Claiming the Chaperon's Heart.
The Shamrock and the Rose. A Stroke of Luck. Song of The Moth. His Sunshine Girl, an Historical Romance. How to write a great review.
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- History of Oregon (Volume 2);
- Jack the Ripper : A Love Story by Wynne Weston-Davies (2016, Paperback);
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There is talk of exhumation in order to prove this theory. This too is unlikely. In fact none of this is provable. The author gives no hard evidence for anything. He expects me to just believe him because he said so. In fact all it proves is that the ripper sells books, and ripperologists are scraping the bottom of the barrel. Kind of interesting for anyone with an interest in the case, actually less ludicrous than some, less entertaining than others.
Julie 73 rated it liked it Sep 11, Andrea Pryke rated it liked it Aug 17, The theory is well-documented, but all the claims and evidence to support it have to be validated - although sometimes the links are made to somewhat hasty conclusions. There is no certainty of any link between the two women except those brought by the author.

Thus, the theory offered is not very different from all the other presented in other books so far. However, offer an interesting point of view - which must be developed and analyzed - and a split of life and of Victorian society that is rare The theory is well-documented, but all the claims and evidence to support it have to be validated - although sometimes the links are made to somewhat hasty conclusions.
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However, offer an interesting point of view - which must be developed and analyzed - and a split of life and of Victorian society that is rarely exposed in such a clear and direct way. I would not regard it as one of the basic volumes of the personal library of a ripperologist, but one of those to be read as addendum and personal curiosity for free time. Su rated it liked it Aug 27, Donna-Marie rated it liked it Aug 08, Tom Mills rated it liked it Aug 10, Jacky rated it liked it Oct 11, Jillian rated it liked it Oct 27,