Reverse Mortgage: A Revealing Look at the Pros and Cons - Mistakes and Traps to Avoid
Some folks begin having physical challenges, some have cognitive issues and some have both. Impact of International Trade Tariffs. In March of this year, the Trump Administration made good on campaign promises by announcing a new global trade policy that it believes will better serve Americans.
The low interest rate environment of recent years has presented challenges to retirees who rely on bonds to supplement retirement income. Low rates and sustained equity outperformance have made stocks more This Year's Fuel for Economic Growth. There are several factors expected to help fuel the economy through The first is government intervention through fiscal policy By , millions of baby boomers might well be living a meager existence. Marketing Timing Pros and Cons. Starting in , U. This is the third in a series of articles discussing various types of high-concept investment styles. This month we tackle socially responsible investing This is the second in a series of articles discussing various types of high-concept investment styles.
This month we explain evidenced-based investing This is the first of a series of articles discussing various types of high-concept investment styles. This month we start with goals-based investing Benefits of Delaying Retirement Number Many. Traditionally, retirement was short and peaceful. People worked jobs that were hard on the body — such as farming, manufacturing, tradesmen or railroad workers. If you made it to retirement, you were relieved According to a recent study by the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, the following percentages represent how much the average American will need to rely on personal savings to provide income throughout retirement At the end of last year, Congress was considering tying up a tax revenue loophole known as the Stretch IRA.
Currently, a traditional IRA can be passed from one generation to the next, thereby extending tax-deferred growth If you retire at the traditional age during your 60s, this could mean needing enough retirement The Republican takeover of the White House has stirred speculation that inflation will rise, largely based on positive consumer sentiment, steady growth in jobs and President Trump's support for increased spending After four years of inflation rates just at or below 2 percent, many economists believe America has finally entered a period of reflation.
Reflation is the turning point and first phase of economic growth toward increased Life Insurance - The older we get, the more financially complicated our lives become. It seems like one day we wake up and we have a mortgage, ongoing home repair and maintenance demands, a k plan Managing Risk in the New World. Managing Risk - What a difference just a few years, a few weeks, or even a few Tweets can make.
Ever since the turn of the century we've experienced a rapid boom in technology, the real estate and banking collapse, one of the Which Type of Bond Is Safest? A bond is a loan an investor makes to an organization in exchange for regular interest payments over a specific period of time. At the end of that period, known as its maturity date, the loan is repaid in The average monthly increase next year in for retirees By , one in five Americans will be 65 or older.
Should I Refinance Again? Refinancing is a matter of crunching the numbers. The real question is, will it save you money? The answer lies in several factors, such as the new interest rate, the new mortgage term, Unfortunately, in a highly charged election year like this one, uncertainty is the How to Manage Spending in Retirement. One of the most difficult things to do is plan for the unknown.
This holds true for retirement income planning. You don't know how much income you'll need once you stop earning a How Morningstar Rates Mutual Funds. Mutual funds started to become popular back in the s. However, there was one problem. While stock investors could get information on individual companies, Unlike the interest from bonds, stock dividends tend to grow over Investing in Big Ideas.
In the traditional sense of financial markets, they are cyclical.
Why one-third of homeowners are unhappy with their mortgage
Sectors get hot, industries bank on trends, and companies ebb and flow on the whims of consumerism. But at the micro level, innovation always persists. The Perks and Pitfalls of Managing Your k. The second program is auto escalation, in which the employer automatically increases the amount each participant defers to the k on an annual basis. Both of the plans allow workers to opt out of the automatic Bond Strategies that Benefit Investors. A portfolio of individual bonds can provide constant, dependable income both now and in the future.
Now that we're in an environment of rising interest rates, it's more important than ever to develop a bond portfolio Divorce Financial Agreement Strategies. In the United States, one out of three baby boomers is single. One in every four divorce cases filed involves a spouse over age What's more, over the past 20 years the divorce rate for people older than 50 has Financial planning can be intimidating, but personal financial planning is more like a puzzle you have to work out.
That's because traditional finance assumes that markets are As we approach the end of the year, it's a good time to consider making holiday charitable gifts - which might come in handy during tax season. In addition to the usual year-end strategies, Investing in the Silver Dollar Generation. Baby boomers continue to be a driving force in economic growth and innovation in the United States and throughout the world. In fact, people age 50 and older which According to the Employee Benefits Research Institute, spouses retiring in who take prescription drugs and want a 90 percent chance of having enough money for medical Planning for Rising Interest Rates.
For several months, the Federal Reserve Board has hinted that it will begin to raise the target range for the federal funds rate when it sees progress toward its objectives of As people near retirement, the traditional strategy has been to move all growth-oriented investments to more conservative vehicles. This might have worked fine back when Peer Lending as an Alternative Funding Option. Sometimes people look for alternative lending sources because they have credit issues and can't find a lender that will loan them money.
When this happens, the sources they find might How a Fixed Index Annuity Works. One of the most popular vehicles to help supplement retirement income today is the annuity. An annuity is an insurance contract that you purchase from an insurance company; it Disability insurance has traditionally been offered in two forms: Some companies offer a Much of that money will not be spent during the lifetime of the account owners, but instead be passed on to Health Savings Account Strategies.
While the growth in healthcare expenses has slowed in recent years 3. For millions of workers who don't have access to an employer-sponsored retirement plan, the new myRA which stands for My Retirement Account enables them to save for retirement Back-up Plan in Case of Dementia. Whether suffering from outright dementia, Alzheimer's or even just more frequent "senior moments," by about age 70 the human brain experiences a decline in fluid Tax Strategies For Rental Property.
Rental property can be a great long-term investment while providing current income. However, they also can be a lot of work. And continuing the role of landlord If you're of a mind Most people do not anticipate a situation in which a creditor will come after their assets, but these situations are more common than you might think. For example, say your Is Your Estate Settlement Ready?
Free Book: Reverse Mortgage - A Revealing Look at the Pros and Cons
Making Changes to Your Tax Withholding. If you claim too few exemptions on your W-4, you could be giving the IRS an interest-free loan each year. And while there's an exuberance that accompanies receiving a tax refund each Selling Your Business to Pay for Retirement. Many small business owners get so immersed in day-to-day operations that they don't take the time to consider long-range plans, such as retirement.
But even for those who are able to The Municipal Bond Market: Current Risks, Opportunities and Tax Advantages. Municipal bonds posted impressive returns in the first quarter of this year and are poised for a strong thanks to low supply and improving fundamentals at both state and local levels.
Planning for the Two Stages of Retirement. Throughout our careers, we stash away money for retirement. Then that fated day arrives when we push away from the desk and retire. Perhaps we receive a gold watch or other symbolic appreciation of our In his mid-twenties, Gary married a waitress named Tiffany. The marriage lasted only a couple of years, and then Gary went on to marry Jill, had two children — Caroline and Exotic Trusts for Specific Needs.
There are two basic types of trusts: Living trusts and testamentary trusts.

A living trust can be either revocable or irrevocable, and is set up during Six Facts about Spousal Portability. You may wonder why you should place investments in a Roth when you would lose the current tax deduction on contributions to a tax-deferred account. The following are eight good The Health Savings Account HSA was originally created to offer a financial incentive for individuals enrolled in a high deductible health care plan HDHP to save and help pay for some of their own health Year End Planning Tips.
As we enter the last quarter of , you should be considering strategies that will help minimize this year's tax burden. For example, now's the time to figure out if you'll be Rules for an Inherited IRA. Generally, investors open an IRA with one goal in mind: To accumulate assets tax-deferred in order to build a healthy retirement Saving for higher education isn't just about tuition - there's housing, books, computers, lab fees, student meal cards, travel expenses - and the list goes Non-Tax Reasons to Use a Trust. The American Taxpayer Relief Act of made permanent the lifetime exclusion for estate, gift and generation skipping taxes.
Obviously, a key reason people engage an irrevocable trust in The Future of Bonds and Interest Rates. In the second quarter of this year, the yield on the year Treasury bond rose 54 basis points to 2. Pension Buyouts and Trends. Rich pension plans appear to be rapidly heading toward extinction, much like single-employer longevity and the year anniversary watch. Digital Estate Planning Deserves Consideration. Estate planning grows more complex every day. Not simply because of changes in tax laws, but also due to trends in modern technology.
One of the things we learned following the housing bubble and economic recession was that too many Americans had their net worth tied up in their home values. Many employees who save for retirement through an employer plan have ravaged their accounts in recent years.
In fact, it's the more mature Key Investment Sectors for A presidential election can influence the investment markets based on regulatory policy guided by the White House and current Congress. However, markets are driven more by economic factors, Health Care Under Obama. Now that President Obama has been re-elected, the debate over repealing his Obamacare legislation has ended and plans are under way to meet the law's mandates by their respective dates. Year-End Tax and Portfolio Tips. One day, we might find ourselves looking back at as the grand old days of tax planning.
The Federal Reserve recently announced it would keep the federal funds rate at 0 percent to 0. This nearly three-year timeline presents an excellent opportunity Mortgage Opportunities Abound in Today's Market. By early summer of this year, year fixed mortgage rates had fallen to 3. One of the reasons rates have remained l How much of your business depends on the knowledge and talents of a small group of people - or even just one person? In a private professional practice, such as that of a doctor or attorney, the firm In today's complicated field of financial planning, no one professional can be a "Jack of all trades.
Financial Planning After a Layoff. In April, the national unemployment rate was at 8. The Costs of an Epidemic: Financial Planning for Alzheimer's Disease.
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According to the " Alzheime's Disease Facts and Figures," 13 percent of older Americans are afflicted with Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's ranks number six in causes of death, and Young and In Debt: What Should You Do? Members of the so-called Generation Y are in over their heads. Divorce rates in the United States have been declining for the past couple of decades, but are still quite common. Surprisingly, divorce rates drop during economic recessions. Still, an estimated Convert highly appreciated assets into retirement income.
For those who are fortunate enough to be in possession of a highly appreciated asset — whether as a result of hard work, luck or an inheritance —talking to a tax and financial expert to discuss tax and financial Learning to live on less is never easy. Sometimes the decision is made for you. If one half of a couple is laid off, living Health insurance premiums are rising: What can you do to protect yourself? As healthcare costs in the United States continue to climb, premiums are on the rise. Adding to the pain, coverage is being reeled in, co-pays are going up and deductibles are creeping higher.
About 55 million seniors receiving Social Security benefits and 8 million recipients of Supplemental Security Income will enjoy a 3. Adult children moving home after a job loss, divorce or other financial setback is an increasingly common trend. So-called boomerang kids are moving Is Now the Time to Invest in a Home? Despite all the economic uncertainty, the news for consumers might not be all bad. Short-term interest rates are low and will likely stay that way well into , based on public statements Senior fraud is a serious problem.
You have probably seen many examples in the news — and it can happen to you or your aging parents. A June study by But if the trend of tumbling home prices The Pros and Cons of Owner Financing. Existing home sales are down in most regions of the United States, and the depressed housing market continues to slump even with improved job growth. Expiring tax credits are a factor in lower than expected sales, as are Individuals and families need solutions to help cope with a long-term care crisis that, according to experts, has been in the making for decades.
Its long-anticipated arrival has been hastened by an economic downturn, burgeoning Recent tragedies highlight the need for financial disaster planning. Earthquakes, hurricanes and other natural disasters might seem like events that only happen to other people in far-off places. But recent events highlight the need Prior to December 17, , Americans faced uncertainty about whether the Bush tax cuts would expire at the end of the year as scheduled.
But the Tax Relief Did you know that more than half of all U. These business owners are sometimes referred to as homepreneurs. Keeping up with the federal rules and regulations for Individual Retirement Accounts is kind of like keeping up with the constantly changing tax law. While the finer points are best left to financial planners to Based on a new tax law that takes effect in , nowis the time to become familiar with cost basis.
Although inaccurate reporting can lead to dire consequences, the new law has as much to do with improving the Easy to get, but worth the price? Every so often, the topic du jour for financial planning is the reverse mortgage, especially when interest rates are low and older people find themselves in need of easily attainable sources of Older generations were taught to save for a rainy day but the concept of saving for a rainy day or for an emergency or for anything unforeseen was lost on the younger generations.
If your children are at a learning age Although the Act establishes As a homeowner, you probably do everything you can to protect your home, from taking care of maintenance items to locking the door when you leave, but how often do you check the Life Insurance - How much is enough? Do you have a family that depends on you? If so, you probably need life insurance. But exactly how much do you need?
The answer depends on numerous factors, but primarily this is based on your Managing your business by the numbers. Just about any accountant you talk to will stress the importance of timely financial information in managing your business. Your balance sheet and income statement can tell you a great deal about the health of Now that President Obama has signed sweeping health care changes into law, every American needs to determine how the new rules might affect their financial planning. This year, there is plenty of buzz over converting traditional individual retirement accounts to Roth IRAs, and rightfully so.
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This is the first year that higher income earners can convert to a Roth IRA and Caring for elderly parents is nothing new, but with longer life expectancies that commitment grows exponentially. In addition, the delay of starting families until careers are well-established has only Loans Should I fix my interest rate?
Chance of another rate cut drops A man and a woman Good on ya Gilly Will interest rates rise over the next few years? Should I give my daughter a credit card? Could the RBA be right? With RBA on hold, should I fix my mortgage? Will fixed rates go lower in ? Can I borrow to cover protected equity loan payments? Will there be only one rate cut? How can I time interest rate ups and downs? How can I avoid mortgage and baby stress? A rate cut is needed Waiting for Wednesday Is fixed or variable best right now?
Change direction, RBA Not the same rates mistake again! When should I fix my rate of interest? Is this the time to not fix rates? Could we see interest rates fall in coming months? What are the chances of a rate cut? Do current circumstances call for a fixed interest rate? Can I borrow in one country to buy in another? Are frequent flyers programs worth it? Will the Reserve Bank raise rates and should I fix my home loan? Should I use a mortgage broker or a bank? How can I check my credit report? Why one-third of homeowners are unhappy with their mortgage Should I lock in my loan?
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Budget surplus set to soar, Labor announces new policies at national conference and Theresa May lashes out at Tony Blair.