
Highland Pull (Highland Destiny Book 2)

When realities shift once again, Randi realizes they may be pawns in a much larger game. The Highland Destiny saga continues with a tale of betrayal, murder, and magick that spans two continents and hundreds of years. Gabhran MacLachlan , Alysone.

Highland Pull

To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Highland Pull , please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Sep 18, Raquel rated it liked it. I gave it 3 stars because it was an enjoyable read overall, but I just kept wanting to get through it. Gab is an interesting character what with his dichotomous nature and all and some elements of the book were interesting, but what was a highlander Druid thing became a New Orleans voodoo and witches colliding with Druids thing.

Read that last half of the compound sentence again and there you have it. It was campy while trying to be serious and that never goes Eh. It was campy while trying to be serious and that never goes well. Furthermore, and the following is a spoiler For the last book, the story built in a way that I could buy the whole "Let's vow our souls to be bound for all eternity because I love you that much.

I read this because the first book really stuck with me. I wasn't terribly impressed with it at the time, but I kept remembering the story months later and was finally compelled to re-read it. It's an entertaining bit of fluff. I thought hey, if I remember it that long later, I might as well read the series. It's only 3 books and they're fluffy brainless reads. I wish I'd stopped at book 1. May 08, Vastine Bondurant rated it it was amazing.

The intensely primal, sensual cover perhaps? So where does that leave me except with one of the sexiest, reviewed shared courtesy of Miz Love Loves Books: Oh, hey, how did Ms. Harner pull THAT off? And I have to say this darks spirit was virtually a character of its own, even though we never see it, we only FEEL it inside him. It directs everything Gav does. It loves, hates, fears, cringes, lusts, taunts. It is a frightening yet beautifully described entity. I thought Gabhran was intensely sexy in his contemporary world, which in this book is set mostly in mysterious, brooding, sultry New Orleans.

But when his reality shifts to ancient Scotland we are introduced to the most savagely beautiful Highlander imaginable. Rugged, fearless, unbearably handsome and—oh, yes—a very primal yet tender lover. And the erotic scenes between these two, filled with vivid and titillating voodoo and black magic, was enough to make me ask the author to please give us more of the pair.

Like I said, the book was fabulous, romantic, sensual, panoramic in its descriptions of both worlds modern New Orleans and the primitive world of Scottish Highlands. Mar 15, Lexi rated it liked it.

Highland Push

This book definitely took a different turn than first, but not in a bad way. The first was very plot focused, even though it was a little long. This one split into multiple plots and characters while gaining a strong focus on sex. The book had a much strong erotic undertone than the previous - but the action and fantasy were all still present. I loved returning to the world, even if there is really no connection to the first in this one.

I felt the storyline was both extremely original and entertaining and confusing and all over the place at the same time. While reading it was apparent work was being done to set up for the next novel something that didn't happen in the first so I was a bit jarred to see these were different characters. So while the main plot was wonderful and super engaging, I felt a little taken out between the overuse of sex scenes and multiple plots.

I would have liked to seen a stronger focus on the main storyline - many authors do this and JR Ward is one I can think of off the bat so while it's not a bad thing it's not for me. I still truly loved the world building and the story. It was well thought out and crafted, some editing issues took me out however I think it's important for indie authors to be careful of such things. I definitely recommend this book and can't wait to see who we have in the next one. Miranda- I liked Miranda.

She was an interesting take on a stereotype and it made me happy. She wasn't the tough independent cop that is completely overused. Instead she was confident and good at her job but seeking solace with someone else. Her connection with Gav was sizzling. Gav- Gav was intriguing.

His connection with Miranda was absolutely present. But he wasn't the sexy alpha male I was hoping he would be. I was so ready for alpha male scientist. He's a little on the crazy side due to a spoiler I won't share and it made him fun to read but I didn't fall in love with him. Mar 30, Petula rated it it was amazing. This series definitely has to be read in order. Gabhran left Scotland in a hurry. Now he is in New Orleans. The darkness that invaded him at the Beltane is causing him an anger management problem.

The magic in New Orleans makes him feel welcome. The one thing I can say is that one of the bad guys seems like he just may come over to the good side and that is something I am willing to take, well not exactly. This is by far the most suspenseful of the series so far. Let the fun begin. Mar 15, Lexi rated it really liked it. It takes the wonderful elements from book 1 and the characters and storyline we were following from book 2 and combines them, chucking the unneeded stuff away.

The issues from book 2 with grammar were fixed and overused sex scenes were still there but not as many covering the great plot. Also my second favorite cover I loved book 1's. The storyline in this still focuses on love and the Druid war brewing and raging depending on where in the book you are. The only downfall I found with this was there were too many couples.

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I understand set up for a next book, but there were three couples focused on this book and not in a propitiate fashion to really fall in love with Alexander and Alysone. Alysone- Alysone was a sweet character. I found her innoncence and determination wonderful and of the females she has been my favorite.

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  • Highland Push (Highland Destiny, 3) by Laura Harner.

Alexander- Alexander was all that a sexy highlander male needs to be. He was brave and daring and gallant and of course, smoking in bed. I really felt the emotional connection between him and Alysone more on his end but loved them together. Sep 18, Raquel rated it did not like it Shelves: I'm sorry, but I thought this was terrible. From a "fantasy book" standpoint, there are some heinous inconsistencies in the magical details. From a "romance book" standpoint, it's just too much and too ridiculous to be any good.

To me This series has experienced a main character explosion leaving the story about as well organized as a tornado leaves a trailer park.

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The last book started to peek over the cliff of ridiculousness and this one just jumped right off in a spectacular backwards launch I'm sorry, but I thought this was terrible. The last book started to peek over the cliff of ridiculousness and this one just jumped right off in a spectacular backwards launch cannonball. It's kinda like someone put a bunch of different paranormal themes in a box and shook them all together before dumping everything out and then squeezed a big bottle of lube over the pile.

Oh And, now everybody's related. There's no incest going on, but seriously it's kinda weird.

Highland Destiny Series by Laura Harner

Everybody is so closely related I had to map it out in my head and double check. And, it's not over yet! There is not yet another book published that I'm aware of and I thought this was a trilogy. Nothing got wrapped up in this book. And the ending is a cheap trick cliff hanger. But hey, different strokes for different folks. You might like it. Jun 01, Monica Boots rated it it was amazing Shelves: This is book three in The Highland Destiny series.

I loved the first two books and was definitely not disappointed in this one. Alexander MacLachlan makes the ultimate sacrifice. There is no other way but Alexander has to stay in the past to fulfill his destiny while sending the people he loves to the future all for the survival of Druidry. The fight against the Bresal Eterlam continues as Elena, Faolan, Gabhran, Miranda Ian and Alysone search for the much needed secrets of the druids for they will need them as the time of the prophesied battle draws near.

There were some nice twists and turns in this book and I was hooked from the beginning. Very curious to find out what will happen next. Feb 23, Dianne added it. Oct 04, Laura Reading rated it really liked it. You will not want to do anything else until you know what happens next. The Dragon Blood Collection, Books A Laird for All Time. Rise of the Alpha. A Beauty and the Beast Retelling. Her Rebel to Kiss.

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