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A severe outbreak by Wednesday of next week? It's way too far off to say with any confidence, but I wouldn't be surprised.
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Here's an excerpt of an interesting article and useful new hurricane season tool at The Island Packet: The Experimental Storm Surge Simulator shows a street-level view of where water could rise in a storm surge. Increasingly severe coastal storms superimposed on rising seas increases the risk of damage, and the trends are already showing up in insurance premiums, according to Climate Central: The 8 inches or so of sea level rise since is contributing to regular high tide flooding along the Eastern seaboard and Gulf coast, including in Miami, Washington D.
- Le tisseur de vies (French Edition).
- Scheepjes Whirl - 781 Sea Breeze Tease.
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- Scheepjes Whirl - Sea Breeze Tease - Azuleta.
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By the middle of this century, seas are expected to be another four to 19 inches higher than they were at the turn of the century, threatening tens of billions of dollars worth of property in Florida alone. Our on-again, off-again El Nino warming of Pacific Ocean water is very much on again as temperature anomalies continue to rise in the central and eastern Pacific. Your results may vary. Remembering The Great Midwest Flood of I have vivid memories sandbagging the Racoon River in Des Moines, marveling at how high the waters were.
Here's an excerpt of a quick recap of historic flooding that spring, courtesy of cdapress. Dozens of major bridges were washed out from late June through early August of More than 5, barges, loaded mostly with grains and soybeans, were stuck on the Mississippi for weeks on end.
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The river is normally less than a mile wide, but by early July of , it had grown as wide in places as seven miles! In total, according to my weather scrapbooks, more than half of the levees along the Mississippi River and its various tributaries were broken by the surging floodwaters. Town after town along the Mississippi River southward past severely flooded St. The entire town of Valmeyer, Ill. National Guardsmen created sandbag levees in the parking lot, but the building was still several feet above the water line.
This makes sense, especially considering you're a sitting duck sitting in your vehicle. It may be the last opportunity to warm somebody that they need to be careful as they travel down the road.
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I guess we'll find out soon. Here's an excerpt from ScienceDaily: The team developed the new model by using data from the to hurricane seasons. They tested the new model by seeing if it could "hindcast" the number of hurricanes that occurred each season from to Can we rely on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook for the biggest weather stories?
How do we insure that consumers are getting information from trusted, verified sources? Here's an excerpt of a very interesting story at The Palm Beach Post: And what about the generation after that? Desalination plants are still prohibitively expensive and energy-intensive. But Santa Barbara is dusting off an old initiative to turn sea water into drinking water, a trend which may expand to other coastal cities suffering through prolonged drought. Here's a clip from NPR: That briny waste is one of many concerns raised by environmentalists and other critics of desalination plants like this one and others that are being planned and built along the California coast.
Right now, the sources of electricity available to run desalination plants are not environmentally friendly File photo credit above: The Carlsbad Desalination Project, scheduled to start operations in late , is expected to provide 50 million gallons of fresh drinking water a day.
Scheepjes Whirl - Sea Breeze Tease - Azuleta
Well there's a lovely thought, and odds overwhelmingly favor this will never happen. But it's good to have an insurance policy, right? Here's a clip from a story at The Washington Post: There are no aliens here, and no clones. Instead, the containers are full of humble seeds, frozen and preserved — hopefully forever or long enough, anyway. Scientifically inclined — and worried — humans built this. I can't say I agree with everything in this article - the very best local anchors Shelby and Magers come to mind worked their way up from reporter to anchor.
They were journalists first, and news-readers second. They actually earned a position of trust.
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Many in the print media have been historically quick to bash television news any chance they get, so I take some of this with a grain of envy-saturated salt. Here's an excerpt of an interesting read at New York Magazine: For all the histrionics, this incident of media blood sport was much ado about not so much. The network-news anchor as an omnipotent national authority figure is such a hollow anachronism in 21st-century America that almost nothing was at stake.
Vanity Fair underscores the fact that being a news executive or producer or "talent" at NBC News hasn't been much fun in recent years. He's extremely competent and professional; a reporter and journalist who paid his dues over the years. He struck me as a really good guy. I wish him luck and hope he can stay out of the line of fire in the coming months.
Cold snap hits United States. Snow fell in every state. That's over 2 billion atomic bombs worth of heat built up on our planet since As discussed in a new book by one of us Dana Nuccitelli Climatology versus Pseudoscience , research has shown that much of the heat buildup during that time was deposited in the deep layers of the Earth's oceans, temporarily keeping it from the surface Here's an excerpt from The Conversation: Looking at only the ocean plots, you have to go all the way back to February to find a month below average.
Acknowledging Climate Change, County by County. Yes, The Air Force is acknowledging the obvious - arctic ice is shrinking and thinning and that has geopolitical implications; here's a clip from an interview at Colorado Public Radio: Well, the Arctic ice pack is receding. I mean that's clear. We see that every year. Will companies and nations go up there for resource extraction, you know, oil, gas, minerals? Clearly, the climate is changing and the ice pack is receding. Air Force F intercepts a Russian bomber near Alaska. Here's the intro to an interesting post at Unsocial Media: Personally I'm not so sure, although I continue to see hopeful signs that a critical mass of Americans understand what's really going on.
Here's an excerpt of a story at The Washington Post: Climate-change deniers are in retreat. What began as a subtle shift away from the claim that man-made global warming is not a threat to the planet has lately turned into a stampede. The latest attempt to deny denial comes from the conservative American Legislative Exchange Council, a powerful group that pushes for states to pass laws that are often drafted by industry. The Toronto Star has more details - here's a link and excerpt: Last year, a Parks Canada manager said the glacier is losing more than five metres of ice every year and is in danger of disappearing within a generation.
This gets to the core of many skeptics' concerns just beneath the surface. Which means we'll find cleaner, more renewable ways to commute and power our homes and lives.
Here's an excerpt from Climate Central: Streaming and Download help. If you like Gabriel Koenig, you may also like:.

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