Thanks to edelweiss and Simon Pulse for allowing me to read this book. Now Willa and Gunner were together and Brady was ready for something different in his life. What were the odds of them switching couples? But… things—and peopl Audiobook Review: But… things—and people—changed a lot in two years.
What did you like best about this story? The story, the characters, the twist of events, the ending. Everything was great in After The Game. They were barely friends at first and slowly they started trusting each other and then fell in love and that was the most beautiful thing to read—and listen to.
And of course, I always love kids in books and Bryony was certainly one of the best things in After The Game. Who was your favorite character and why? I loved Brady and Riley equally. Brady was strong and loyal, but he had to face a very hurtful truth about his family that broke his heart and made him re-evaluate everything in his life. They both, together, were great for each other. And the most beautiful thing is that they found love in the mess of their lives and it was everything. Jason Carpenter is one of my favorite narrators and I know I will always enjoy his performances.
He always gets into character and gives everything into bringing the hero—and the secondary characters—to life. Charlotte did an amazing job, too. I liked the softness of her voice and how she could portray a teenager but also make her sound very mature for her age. Her inflections were my favorite. If you were to make a film of this book, what would the tag line be? In the game of love. Would you recommend this audiobook to a friend? This is the kind of young adult book with all the things that makes it amazing. It has the teenage drama, it has development in characters and plot and the love story is so beautiful.
Sep 30, Krystal rated it it was amazing. Sad we have to wait another year for Nash but it'll be worth it! Oct 26, Monica Murphy rated it it was amazing. This series is consistently good and doesn't disappoint. But I always enjoy Abbi's writing. Nov 19, Shannon Moore rated it liked it. This isn't a bad book per se, but it's definitely not my favourite in the series. I feel that the author took a cop out in terms of plot and there are so many other directions that this could've taken.
For instance, one of the main things about the book was completely ignored. Brushed under the rug. For a plot twist that I didn't find terribly effective. I guess ultimately I'm disappointed. Riley and Brady could've been it but as of now, they're sitting as my least favourite. Which sucks majorly This isn't a bad book per se, but it's definitely not my favourite in the series. Which sucks majorly, because Brady has been a favourite of mine for the entire series.
Let's hope that Nash's story picks up again when the time comes. Oct 18, Ryan Buckby rated it liked it. I know this series is more directed at females however Abbi has included some series topics that have kept me interesting in reading this series. This third book in the series picks up immediately after the second book, we have Brady as one of the main character point of views and Riley being the second main character point of view in this story.
We also s Actual Rating: We also see other characters in this series return such as Maggie, West, Gunner and Willa so it was nice to see all the characters return that i have come to known over these three books. But this book mainly focuses on Brady and Riley two characters who've appeared in the series before and now we get to read about there stories and struggles throughout the book. Brady has grown over the three books and you can see it and for me out of all the male characters he has stayed the most genuine one out of them all.
We see Riley return back after leaving lawton some years back however she has returned with her daughter after some serious events took place before the main stories began. A lot of these topics have been all throughout the series and they have been done satisfactory enough for me not to hate on how they were written.
One thing that still annoys me in this entire series is how quick all these characters have begun relationships with each other there has been no time for character development and it feels really rushed and that's one thing i didn't like. The whole rape storyline with Riley was done very well and i was shocked that a whole town called her a liar and drove her out of town all because of the star athlete and trying to cover his mistake made me sick. Ok the Alzheimer's which is such a very terrible disease and for myself it really struck me because i know how it feels to watch your loved ones go through it and slowly deteriorate before your eyes so i exactly know how Riley and her family were feeling because it honestly sucks and you wish you could do more to help the person.
One of the main characters of this story and i really enjoyed this character and i know we get a little bit of her in the second book and i was hoping we would get more of her and i'm glad Abbi decided to write her in this book. Riley goes through a lot during the book from coming back to a town that hates her and think she's a liar, to over coming it and finally being able to show and be her true self.
I would like to see more of this character in future books possibly because i feel like her story isn't over just yet. The other main character and point of view for this book and a character we have seen in the first two books finally gets his story. Brady goes through a lot of change throughout the book and it all begins when he sees Riley and her daughter in a storm and offers her a ride home which she accepts from him. Brady also finds out that his father has been cheating on his mother when he walks in on them in an act that angers him, this kind of makes the character grow and become a better person while also trying to deal with the fact his family is broken and will never be the same again and he takes this in his stride and becomes a better stronger person for it.
After the Game | Book by Abbi Glines | Official Publisher Page | Simon & Schuster
Now that i have finished this book and i feel like that Brady, West, Gunner, Maggie, Willa and Riley's stories are over for now and we will move on to a whole new set of characters if we get a fourth book in this series and i will defiantly continue because i always have to finish a series i can't leave it here. This book is a quick read, its a contemporary novel with the romance, fluffly moments, laughs but also has those serious moments that make it a good story, so if you need to get out of a reading slump or just love contemporary novels then pick this series up.
However i do recommend starting with Until Friday Night the first book in the series. Oct 09, Theresa rated it really liked it Shelves: I appreciated that this story tackled some challenging issues Teenage pregnancy, rape, and infidelity without the over the top drama that can occur at times in YA novels The author allowed her characters to make honest, realistic choices with their obstacles that reflected their ages but also their developing maturity Jul 08, Elle's Book Blog rated it really liked it Shelves: August 22, Genre: Young Adult Romance Actual Rating: I wasn't sure how I would feel about Riley because she was bad mouthed so bad in the first two books, but she was redeemed in this one.
This goes to show you that everyone truly does have their own story and you should think about that before judging them. For those who are unfamiliar with the series not a lot of people, I'm sure each book can standalone as they featu Release Date: For those who are unfamiliar with the series not a lot of people, I'm sure each book can standalone as they feature different couples.
The characters from previous books are interconnected and do play a role, but not in a big enough way that this one would confuse you. This book features Riley and Brady plus Riley's cutie little girl whose name I cannot pronounce if anyone can pronounce it please leave me a comment This aggravated me so much LOL. Possible Spoilers Ahead if you don't know the Series Riley is the character from previous books who was shunned from her town because she said a football player raped her.
In the former books, Abbi Glines made her out to be quite the villainous liar when in actuality, she was not.

Readers will hear slightly about the rape, but there aren't any details so younger teens can read it. Anyway, the rape caused Riley to become pregnant and she now has a little girl named Bryony. Thinking that her life was only going to be about her and her baby girl, Riley is surprised when an old friend comes back in her life and wants to make amends for the way he treated her two years ago. He finally believes she was telling the truth. From here, a romance blossoms between the two. It's not a fast moving one, it's slow, heartwarming, and believable.
Unfortunately, there is some drama that the two need to get though within the book, and it's certainly not easy, but how they overcome everything and find a way to be in love is breathtaking. Abbi did a wonderful job with their story and I couldn't be more happy for how it all turned out. End Possible Spoilers I think Abbi Glines writes fantastic young adult romances, and I know that as long as she keeps writing them that I will read it. I do hope though that future books won't have similar dramas like some of her previous books and series.
I hate to read the same stuff over and over again. Fans of young adult romances and those who love the authors books will certainly enjoy this one. I think adults and teens alike will fall in love with this story of the characters. Aug 16, Kim rated it liked it. He is usually seen as the good, dependable guy who is destined to go places.
Although he has not really had good luck in the romance department with getting stuck with clingers or girls that choose the other guy, he is ready to find a real relationship like his friends West and Gunner have. But he is blindsided by the girl that unexpectedly returns to his life. Riley Young was basically run out of town with her family two 3. Riley Young was basically run out of town with her family two years ago when she claimed the oldest son of the most affluent family in town assaulted her and got her pregnant.
All of her friends, including Brady turned on her as they believed she was lying. But there is no doubt now that she is back that she has a daughter the right age. And due to some recent happenings with the man in question, Brady is starting to look at the situation in a new light. And the good guy in him feels guilty for his part in treating her badly. Riley is guarded, untrusting, isolated, and in self preservation mode.
She tries to put on shields to protect herself from the rejection and contempt that she is sure she will have to face now that she has returned to take care of her grandmother. She is strong, a survivor, caring, and determined to be the best mother she can be. Her daughter , Bryony is just darling and made me smile every scene she was in.
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Even though he knows his friends will not like it, Brady decides he is going to lead the way towards accepting her, becoming her friend, and help change the opinion of those that turned on her. Their tentative friendship continues to build and become more important than they expected. And Brady had no idea that he was going to need just as much support from her as he could give her. But their futures are ahead of them as the high school years are coming to an end and it looks like they may still be on two separate paths.
This is an enemies-to-friends-to-young love story about two people that never saw each other coming but soon developed a strong bond. It is about trust, change, growth, and acceptance. It shows the importance of finding your person that will be there through good and bad times and give you strength.
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And also about coming to terms with the past so that you can face your future. All of these characters have gone through so much and have relied on each other for support. There are still some eligible men in this town if she wants to continue this series. I think there could have been more brought up about consequences for her attack. Overall, this one was not as angsty as the first two books and the biggest drama did not even involve that situation. Since there was kind of an abrupt ending and no epilogue in this one, I hope she does return to Lawton.
I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review. Dec 23, Jeraca rated it liked it Shelves: I received this free eARC from Edelweiss in exchange for my honest review. I was a bit leery going into this book of the series after finding out who the characters were. Mainly about Brady because I really didn't like him in the second novel. He was so naive and whinny and annoying. It was all about him and no one else's problems seemed to matter to him.
And the way he used and strung Ivy around because it was convienant and he didn't want to hurt her feelings was a pile of crap and I just want I received this free eARC from Edelweiss in exchange for my honest review. And the way he used and strung Ivy around because it was convienant and he didn't want to hurt her feelings was a pile of crap and I just wanted to bash his head in. Suffice to say, I really didn't like Brady after "Under the Lights". But I did like Riley. When she picked up Willa and took her home with no questions, no pressure, no nothing except to make sure she got home safe, I admired her for that.
She seemed like a no nonsense type of girl and I respect that a lot - especially for a teenage girl. So I was absolutely excited to read it because of Riley, and I do have to say that the book was actually really decent by the time it finished. Riley was still a bad ass as she was for those brief pages, but now I know how much of an amazing mother she is to her sweet little girl Bryony.
I admire Riley so much because what she went through was a nightmare come to life. But for her to not only live past that pain and torture and be able to look at her daughter with only love and not hatred for what she represented? That is the strongest person I know - fictional or otherwise.
And Brady actually redeemed himself a lot in this novel. He stepped up and realized a lot of his mistakes that he made when he made rash decisions about Riley. And he finally had a glitch in his perfect life to make him understand what his close friends had gone through in the past months. Not that I'm saying everyone needs to have a bad event happen, but Brady wasn't able to fully understand and help his friends because he had never experienced anything like what they were going through.
Being able to go through a bad time and come out of it with optimism and still find the rainbow in the sky is something that everyone should go through - otherwise they take a lot of things for granted. Bryony was the best part of this novel and I loved her so much. Grandmamma was, on the one hand, pretty hysterical with her funny statements, but it is so sad seeing a loved one with Alzheimer's and forgetting everything about their life.
Abbi Glines was able to talk about a lot of tough subjects in this novel with grace and complete understand of what each character would go through as if the event was really happening. Rape is a subject that I do not read about - ever - period. It's the one subject I don't touch on, but I thought I would give this novel a try. I'm so glad I did because Abbi was able to talk about it in a way that didn't make me fear going outside and living my life.
She actually inspires people to keep living after a brutal event like that and how to go about doing it, just by writing a story where Riley kept going. In my book, that is the best writing someone could ever do. I'm so glad that I received a copy of this and I will definitely be remembering it for years to come. Can't wait to see with other masterpiece she comes up with next! Well, that was adorable. A really sweet and moving young adult football romance. I would've wanted an epilogue and a few sexy scenes, but it was totally ok the way it was.
Can't wait to see what Nash has to tell us next summer! Watching someone you love so much love lost in their own head was heartbreaking. Alzheimer's was a terrible disease. Riley's grandmamma has Alzheimer's and throughout the book you can definitely tell. I had a family member with the same disease and let me tell you something, it's awful.
So I can seriously relate to what Riley and her parents are feeling. In all three books we see different situations but they are all very real. Cancer, Murder, Su Watching someone you love so much love lost in their own head was heartbreaking. Cancer, Murder, Suicide, Rape, Cheating. All of these things happen, sadly, everyday. I really like the fact that Abbi mentions what people are feeling during these hardships and how people cope. There was a villain everyone was against.
I was that person. We hear stories of girls getting raped and then having everyone they know turn on them. Sadly, this does happen. During this book Riley has been shunned and abandoned by the people she thought she could count on the most. But she has become stronger and has been given a beautiful gift that had saved her. You just have to find it deep inside. We all have it, but it lies dormant until we need it.
Then we have to look for it and use it. They can share it with you or want to be a part of it, but at the end of the day it's yours. It's yours No one else can lay claim to it. Sep 17, AleJandra marked it as to-read Shelves: Aug 20, Tammy Zautner rated it liked it Shelves: I really want to rate this 2. But due to my mood and timing, I'm giving the book the benefit of the doubt. So, with that in mind, I'm chalking up my boredom and lack of interest to a this is me and not you type of issue.
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However, nothing about these two were gripping and captivating. Hell, even Brady's mom came off as more of a Stepford Wife. Eve I really want to rate this 2. Even after the big twist. In fact, everything about this crew was just too perfect. No real angst or drama, other than all the Boone turmoil. Which I usually love, but in this case, it didn't work. Glines just kind of glossed over too many sensitive topics.
Due to this, not much reality was exhibited when handling the outcomes, in turn sending the wrong message to impressionable minds. My main concern was Riley's rape. Nothing was ever done about this. Not even after people decided to start believing her version of things. Rhett gets away scott free. Because his family is prominent? Because he was once young and foolish? Because he was damaged from his f'ed-up family? No one ever confronts him. And the bit we do see of him doesn't really lead to any real answers either.
Overall, this is a quick, fast-paced read, with minimal angst or confrontation. View all 3 comments. A solid good book but i had some real and pretty big issues with this one. All three books in this series follow two characters - a football player of the high school team and the girl he falls in love with. So that is fine. All three books handle deeper, harder or troubling topics for both main characters. So that was expected as well. But sadly not fine in this book. I LOVE the football aspects of this book series and whi A solid good book but i had some real and pretty big issues with this one.
I LOVE the football aspects of this book series and while i personally think that naming the star quarterback Brady is not really Not only Bradys mother -since we already knew about her from the previous two books and how fantastic she is! They care about their kid, they take care of her, they support her, help her, are there for her and just respect her.
Riley is a mom, and she takes that seriously. She thinks about the future of her child just as much as she thinks about her own future. She also takes care of her alzheimer sick grandmother. So clearly she knows about responsibility and takes it serious. She doesn't want typical teenage drama. Because how rarely do we see especially female main characters that are NOT interested in drama? So that was great. About being raped at a young age, about having a child from that rapist, about having to go back to a town that pushed you away and ridicule you after being so brave and talking about your rape!
That is so fantastic to see! I also love that it talks about support groups in a positive way. Its just great to see a character that overcome actual real hardship and came out stronger, and it made clear that that is why they are stronger! BUT i also had a good amount of things i didn't appreciate and some i really didn't like about the book. I HATED that the rape of a 15 year old girl was treated a something that should be discussed and gossiped about and as if a 15 year old girl would ever choose to have sex with a years older guy -not just that but the older bother of her boyfriend!
I know a lot of people do react negatively to any girl and woman talking about rape and being raped and naming their rapists. Sadly that is how our world is. BUT i also think that if you write a book about that and make the rape victim 15 years old you should show that at least some people are on her side! I can not believe that everyone simply believes the older rich boy over an underaged girl!
So i think Glines could have done a better job of dealing with that overall issue. The overall issue of the rape was not at all handled well in this book honestly. Not just how disrespectful and hurtful and harmful the people around Riley are about what happened to her, but also how they react to her having a baby because of that rape. It was just not okay. And i think that Glines could have done worlds better if she would have tried and that would have made a much stronger book. I HATED how people slowly came around to "understanding" that "maybe" Riley didn't lie about being raped -but only after someone stood up for her, or saw her being a great mom to her little girl.
You do not believe a rape victim after shaming her and running her out of her home and town simply because your best buddy all of a sudden tells you to!
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You either do or you don't! I also HATED that people around Riley just expected her to be okay with them once they gone up to her and pretend everything as okay again. You apologise for mistreating that poor girl! That does not count! Why the heck did nobody ever tell Riley that they were sorry how they doubt her? Sign up and get a free eBook! After the Game By Abbi Glines. Part of Field Party. Hardcover eBook Unabridged Audio Download. Price may vary by retailer.
Add to Cart Add to Cart. Her sweet blond curls and big blue eyes were what normally met me when I opened my eyes. Jumping up, I ran through the already open door of my bedroom and sprinted toward the kitchen. A million things ran through my mind as I went the short distance. Bryony never got out of bed without me. Another crash happened just as I turned the corner into the kitchen. My grandmamma was standing at the sink with a frantic look on her face. The pot on the floor had been full of uncooked oats and milk, which were now splattered on the tile floor.
After the Game
Smoke was coming from the toaster behind her, and I moved quickly to jerk the plug out of the wall before things got worse. Spinning around, needing to see her face and know she was okay, I almost slipped on the milk under my feet. The wild curls of her hair were sticking up everywhere as she stared up at me with wide eyes and a frown. I reached down to pick her up before she stepped into the mess on the floor and cradled her against me. Holding her was enough reassurance to calm me down. This was normal for her. Some days were better. Today was not going to be a good day.
What do you want me to fix you, Grandmamma? She turned her gaze to mine, and the confusion there always made me sad. The woman who had taught me to make biscuits and sang me songs while playing the pots and pans like drums was no longer there. She was lost inside her head. Most mornings I woke up earlier than my grandmother. Today I had overslept. My mom normally woke me up before she left for work, but today she either had tried and failed or had forgotten.
That was her way of telling me she wanted food, and now. For a moment, Grandmamma had known that meant she needed to feed her. But that brief memory left and she had dropped a pot. A dish was also broken on the floor with what looked like applesauce on it. Then, of course, the burned toast. Watching someone you love so much live lost in their own head was heartbreaking. I turned my attention to my daughter and smiled. She loved those plates. Least I can do.