The Vibrations of Words

I'm confused, ashamed, and terrified of launching into some avalanche of filthy insults aimed at my husband or my child! Please help me; I need to figure out what this is, and how to overcome it! It seems like the more I pray to Yeshua the heavier this angry stone weighs me down. I'm unable to articulate a sound out of my mouth but articulate ith the written word, this makes perfect sense to me, most days I am centered and measure what I'm going to write, being human though I get it wrong sometimes, my teacher told me that your head and heart can sometimes give mixed messages, always try to come at something with compassion when you feel angry least said soonest mended, however once it is out it can't be taken back.
So never react in anger and also never listen to other people and there negative take on words Very insightful thanks x. Get yourself to feel like you have already won that lottery- not like u want to win it, and don't try to hard- as that also offers a resistance. Just enjoy the process and do not get attached to the outcome.
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The only thing u got to remember is that you always get what is right for you. Hi, I am very confused and need some answers asap. I am trying to win the lotter and I have been trying a little bit of everything to alter my mood. And I have been feeling better and better over time. And everytime I have a ticket I get a number but not enough to actually win something.
One time I actually did win 12 dollars. So I know I was making progress. But I was reading up that the universe doesn't go by ur word it only goes by vibrations and certain emotions. So does it rlly matter if I picture winning the lotter or not because what I'm actually sending out there is that I want to be wealthy right? So I should just feel the feelings of wealth from every avenue and I will receive that in whichever department the universe decides to give it in?
Thank you for your feedback. It is not really serendipity, it is called the law of attraction: That which is like unto itself is drawn. Or you can call it synchronicity.
12 Ways to Raise Your Vibration
I will contact you for info on words, better yet, sign up with hub-pages and post some articles here to share and for everyone to read. Thank you for reading this hub. I think everybody is entitled to their opinion based on their experience. In my opinion words are tools that can help you change your moods and vibration. It all depends on how you choose to use the power of the word or sound to your advantage. I am not saying your view point is wrong, emotions give us the charge, also transmit feelings without words, I understand that. What I am saying is that every word is a vibration as everything in this universe has energy, nothing is dead; not even a table made of wood.
High Vibrational Words
So all I am saying is that one should choose their words with care. The written word also conveys energy or vibration. Another way of looking at things would be as "the course in miracles" suggests:. Nothing in this world has any meaning, the only meaning it has is the meaning that I give it. Sorry for posting twice the same message Dear Vibhavari, i have a feeling that is not the word making disasters, but is the vibration - the vibrations of energy you control it, or not.
The energy, the quality of that energy that comes from our emotions, is determing the vibrations of the words we are using If we transform ourself, our emotions, then the word will have no bad vibrations. I just could send you mean vibrations, energy, without using any word, as we are interconnected - not by thinking! I already have a bad mood, you will just come around me and you will se how easily it will be for me to transmit my bad emotions not words to you - you will feel as bad as i am. My very feeling is that the word is just an instrument, he has no power without our energy - bad or good.
The very cause of our law vibrations is our emotions - i think this is the root of the problem, so with this we should start. There is a very smart guy that is talking about this - the word is not the problem, the problem is our preception, our emotions But, i have a question.. I mean, i could by angry and write you a letter I have the feeling that we are creating the vibrations of the words, and not the word is creating the vibration We have give some kind of "definition" to the words that we are using..
Im not a good english speaker Wouldn't be better to transform our emotions, instead of learning how to control our words? Maybe, if we have control our bad emotions, the beautiful words will come very naturaly? It works both ways. Every emotion you feel and every word you use is very important, not only in english but in any language you speak.
Maybe you are not good in english but the vibration rules apply for words in every language. Since this hub is in english, I have used examples of words in english, try the following experiment:. And see if that makes a difference to your emotions. Also check out http: Wouldn't be better to control our emotions, instead of learning how to control our words? Hi musclemonkey, thanks for stopping by.
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I'm glad I had something of value to offer you. Words have power, choose them with care. I am a strong believer of the effectiveness of the spoken word, but I never realised the way that the written word also effects our moods Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. HubPages and Hubbers authors may earn revenue on this page based on affiliate relationships and advertisements with partners including Amazon, Google, and others. To provide a better website experience, hubpages.
Please choose which areas of our service you consent to our doing so. For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: The Vibration of words Updated on May 17, In the begining there was the word Apparently the begining of creation was sound. We can do a small experiment here.
- Reality Is Made of Language. Words Create Your Reality. Heres the Data to Prove It! Please Share.
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- There are Vibrations in Words. – Love and Justis;
Look at the words here for a couple of minutes sense what they make you feel: Now take a look at these words for a couple of minutes sense what they make you feel: If you like, take a look at my book by clicking on the link below or typing it. Keep going my friend, there is lots to be discovered yet! Tony ya can't rule the world by actions, ya rule by the word. I hope this helps. Have a nice day! Hi Beauty, what you are actually sending out there is that "I WANT to be wealthy", so you are still not in the vibration of I AM wealthy" - as long as you continue to send out a want vibration, you will be in wanting mode.
HI Sheena Thank you for reading this hub. Dear Anca, I am not saying your view point is wrong, emotions give us the charge, also transmit feelings without words, I understand that. Another way of looking at things would be as "the course in miracles" suggests: Hi Anca, It works both ways. Since this hub is in english, I have used examples of words in english, try the following experiment: Books, Literature, and Writing.
Words are like your own incantation or magic spell spelling. Choose them wisely this week. Masaru Emoto performed a series of experiments observing the physical effect of words, prayers, music and environment on the crystalline structure of water. Emoto hired photographers to take pictures of water after being exposed to the different variables and subsequently frozen so that they would form crystalline structures.
The results were nothing short of remarkable.. After observing these miraculous results, Dr. Emoto went on to type out different words, both positive and negative in nature, and taped them to containers full of water. The results were as follows:. As you can tell, the water stamped with positive words is far more symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing than that stamped with dark, negative phrases. If you are reading this article on this particular website, you probably already knew that positive and negative thinking have a major impact on the surrounding environment.
That concept is relatively easy to grasp, but this extremely tangible evidence of it is astounding. Some may say that this could be the work of biased photographers or biased photo selection by Emoto himself. However, Emoto dispelled this accusation in an interview during which he stated: What kind of words would create smaller clusters and what kind of words would create larger clusters? Sections of this page. Join or log in to Facebook. Reality Is Made of Language. Words Create Your Reality. Heres the Data to Prove It!
From High-Frequency-Words To High-Vibration-Words | Learning to unlearn
Language connects to sacred geometry, and with it, to the universe! This is why music has such a power to draw us in and change our state of mind and emotions, because vibration and emotions are language. Watch this amazing documentary which delves into the hidden meanings behind Sonic Geometry: Similar to the fingerprints of humans, every sound in the natural universe has a unique, vibrational 'signature'. The CymaScope is a device that detects these vibrations and embodies them in a digital representation, allowing us to actually see these audio fingerprints, and they are truly amazing.