
Spezialisierung und Mobilität von Akademiker/Innen (German Edition)

Volume 25 Issue 6 Dec , pp. Volume 24 Issue 6 Dec , pp. Volume 23 Issue 6 Dec , pp. Volume 22 Issue 6 Dec , pp. Volume 21 Issue 6 Dec , pp. Volume 20 Issue 6 Dec , pp. Volume 19 Issue 6 Dec , pp. Volume 18 Issue 6 Dec , pp. Volume 17 Issue 6 Dec , pp. Volume 16 Issue 6 Dec , pp. Volume 15 Issue 6 Dec , pp. Volume 14 Issue 6 Dec , pp. Volume 13 Issue 4 Aug , pp. Volume 12 Issue 4 Aug , pp. Volume 11 Issue 4 Aug , pp. Volume 10 Issue 4 Aug , pp. Volume 9 Issue 4 Aug , pp. Volume 8 Issue 4 Aug , pp. Volume 7 Issue 4 Aug , pp.

Volume 6 Issue 4 Aug , pp. Volume 5 Issue 4 Aug , pp. Volume 4 Issue 4 Aug , pp. Volume 3 Issue 4 Aug , pp. Volume 2 Issue 4 Aug , pp. Volume 1 Issue 4 Aug , pp. Lohnungleichheiten zwischen Akademikerinnen und Akademikern: De Gruyter Online Google Scholar. Summary This article looks into explanations for the wage inequalities between male and female higher education graduates by examining three different explanations: About the article Published Online: Citing Articles Here you can find all Crossref-listed publications in which this article is cited.

Why do occupations dominated by women pay less? An analysis of sibling sex composition effects on graduation from a university or a Fachhochschule in Germany. By using the comment function on degruyter. A respectful treatment of one another is important to us. For further information check regulations of the study programme. Person responsible for module: Name of the professor: Workload and its composition self-study, contact time: Contact time Lecture, tutorial etc.

Methods and duration of examination: Emphasis of the grade for the final grade: Please check regulations of the study programme. Aim of the module expected learning outcomes and competencies to be acquired: Die Studierenden erlernen das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten. Sie werden mit der Herangehensweise an eine wissenschaftliche Problemstellung vertraut und sind in der Lage, die Ergebnisse ihrer Arbeit in der Seminarveranstaltung vorzutragen und an der Diskussion teilzunehmen. Contents of the module: Literature compulsory reading, recommended literature: Registration in Moodle Viadrina required.

Successful completion of the written exam min. Studentes who study on the basis of the old SPO, please contact accounting europa-uni. After completing the module students are able to: Teaching and learning methods: Lecture, exercises and case studies. Applying International Financial Reporting Standards, 4 th edn. For accounting periods beginning on 1 January Recent developments in international taxation R-Module.

In einer Zugangsklausur 30 Min. Ist ein Modul bereits bestanden, kann das andere innerhalb des IBA-Masterstudiums nicht mehr belegt werden. Gesamtworkload und ihre Zusammensetzung z. Gewichtung der Note in der Gesamtnote: Regeln die Bestimmungen des entsprechenden Studiengangs.

Fachliche und methodische Kompetenzen: Sie sollen einen vertieften Einblick in die Entwicklung und Analyse von Rechtsnormen sowie finanzgerichtliche, verfassungs- und europarechtliche Rechtsprechung erhalten und in der Lage sein, ihre fachliche und methodische Kompetenz im wissenschaftlichen Diskurs nachzuweisen. Lehr- und Lernmethoden des Moduls: Kudert and in Moodle Viadrina required. Die Inhalte des Moduls sowie die Anforderungen an die Seminararbeiten werden in der ersten Veranstaltung im November besprochen.

In dieser Veranstaltung bekommen die Studierenden die Themen sowie einen Betreuer aus dem Beraterkreis mitgeteilt. Kudert, Internationales Steuerrecht leicht gemacht, 3. Weitere themenspezifische Quellen werden in der Veranstaltung bekanntgegeben. Registrierung in Moodle Viadrina erforderlich.

Analysis of Financial Market Data with R. Grundkenntnisse in Finanzwirtschaft, Statistik und Mathematik. Literaturangaben entnehmen Sie bitte dem Moodle-Kurs. Contact time lecture, tutorials, seminar etc. Successful written exam min. The goal of the course is to relate the most important paradigms of finance as regards asset pricing to each other. This is done by deriving the so called Euler equation as guiding principle of asset pricing. Lecture with tutorials, self-studies. Participation in the track module "Asset Pricing". Submission of a seminar paper or slide set and presentation of the major findings.

Participants get to know and understand - recent research papers, research approaches, and research methods in the field They are able - to apply recent research approaches and research methods themselves General competencies: In-depth studies of selected research problems in the field. Zahlreiche Beispiele und Rechenaufgaben veranschaulichen die Inhalte.

Businessplan und Rating - Quantitatives und qualitatives Rating - Haftungsverbund - Ausfallwahrscheinlichkeit und Ratingnote 3. Umfassende Anlagen und Praxisdokumente werden gestellt. Successful participation includes a presentation and the passing the final exam. This lecture investigates various areas of financial behaviour and its psychological basis.

Emotions and social concerns can play an important role in financial decisions. Influences on decision behaviour, like nudging, herding, and other biases are systematically investigated in regard with financial literacy. Private as well as professional spending, saving, and investment decisions are often better described by bounded rationality and various choice heuristics.

Normative theory is further challenged by player heterogeneity and variations in the individual decision processes. The course builds on microeconomic theory and reaches from behavioural game theory to experimental economics with its main focus on the financial domain. Behavior of and within Groups V. Portfolio Choice and Wealth Management. A Course in Behavioral Economics. Insights into Irrational Minds and Markets. Es werden die Kenntnisse aus Betriebswirtschaftliche Steuerlehre im Bachelorstudium vorausgesetzt.

Auflage, Ewald von Kleist-Verlag, Berlin nacharbeiten. Erfolgreiche Teilnahme an der Abschlussklausur Min. Wer die Abschlussklausur nicht besteht, kann eine Wiederholungsklausur im Umfang von Minuten schreiben. Die Studierenden kennen und verstehen die methodischen Grundlagen der praktisch normativen Steuerlehre und wenden diese auf verschiedene Planungsbereiche an.

Wird in der Veranstaltung bekannt gegeben. Gute Kenntnisse laufende Unternehmensbesteuerung. Aufbau der Vorlesung 1. Einbringung Einzelunternehmen in Personen- und Kapitalgesellschaften 3. Erarbeitung einer Fallstudie in der Gruppe inkl. Er besteht aus zwei Teilen: German Accounting Case Law. Grundkenntnisse der Rechnungslegung nach HGB werden vorausgesetzt. Erfolgreiche Teilnahme an der Klausur Min.

Erfolgreiche Teilnahme an der Klausur 90 MIn. Bilanzierung case by case, 8. Die Teilnehmerzahl ist auf 24 begrenzt. Bitte senden Sie bis zum 9. Die Veranstaltung erfolgt in deutscher Sprache, die Seminararbeit ist in deutscher oder in englischer Sprache anzufertigen. The module aims at making students familiar with the objectives and procedures of the enforcement process of financial reporting in Germany, carried out by the Financial Reporting Enforcement Panel FREP. Moreover, the students will gain insights into selected accounting issues dealt with within the German enforcement process.

It covers the purpose and objective of the enforcement process as well as its key aspects. It also touches on observations made during the years since the enforcement process was established in Germany in The focus of the module is group class room work on real life accounting issues that were subject to the German enforcement process. Those accounting issues will include, but will not be limited to, the core subjects that FREP concentrates on in their work.

The accounting issues will be worked on using the original texts of the standards and interpretations of the IASB. After group work, the solutions will be discussed in classroom. Another part of the module will be made up by a real life enforcement case. Course participants will take on the role of either a representative of the company subject to the enforcement review by FREP, an enforcement advisor or of a FREP representative.

The case study will include group work on a series of accounting issues as well as role plays. Lecture, exercises, case studies, role play and seminar paper. Literaturhinweise werden in der Veranstaltung gegeben. Only summer semester Successful preparation of a seminar paper of ca. The participants will learn how to deploy model-based optimization approaches in the field of financial portfolio management. Recently, great progress has been made in taking into account uncertain data explicitly in model-based decision support systems to produce more flexible and robust planning solutions.

In this seminar, we want to discuss how these approaches can be applied to the field of financial portfolio optimization. In particular, we will investigate approaches from mixed-integer and stochastic programming. In addition, we want to familiarize ourselves with modelling languages for mathematical programming models and learn how to implement illustrative applications in portfolio optimization ourselves. Possible topics for the seminar paper are: Robust Portfolio Optimization and Management.

Additional topic specific material. Successful preparation of a seminar paper of pages including a small implementation project, an intermediate presentation in the middle and a final presentation at the end of the 2nd block min. In particular, we will investigate approaches from stochastic programming, robust optimization and dynamic programming. In addition, we want to familiarize ourselves with modelling languages for stochastic optimization and learn how to implement small illustrative applications in portfolio optimization ourselves.

Management Control Systems R-Module. Wintersemester aller 2 Jahre: Eine Bewerbung ist erforderlich. Die Studierenden kennen aktuelle Entwicklungen und Forschungsergebnisse der empirischen Rechnungswesenforschung. Die Studierenden erlernen Methoden des wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens, indem sie sich mit einer wissenschaftlichen Fragestellung auseinandersetzen. Management control systems, Theories, Issues, and Performance, 2. Forschungsmethoden und Evaluation in den Sozial- und Humanwissenschaften, 5.

Research Methods for Business: A Skill-building Approach, 6. Als Zugangsvoraussetzung werden daher die Inhalte aus Kudert "Internationales Steuerrecht — leicht gemacht", aktuelle Auflage vorausgesetzt. Eine vorherige Anmeldung ist erforderlich. Die Inhalte der Seminararbeiten sollen sich sowohl auf Grundsatzfragen als auch auf deren Umsetzung in der deutschen Abkommenspraxis beziehen.

Die Veranstaltung zielt neben dem Erwerb vertiefter Kenntnisse des Abkommensrechts auch auf die Vertiefung der Fertigkeiten des wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten und der didaktischen Vermittlung der erworbenen Kenntnisse ab. Kudert "Internationales Steuerrecht — leicht gemacht", aktuelle Auflage. Weitere Literatur wird im Rahmen der Veranstaltung bekanntgegeben. Knowledge in mathematics and statistics. The subject of financial econometrics has attracted substantial attention in recent years, especially with the Nobel Prize awards to Robert Engle and Clive Granger.

The objective of the lecture is to provide some knowledge of financial time series analysis, introduce some statistical tools useful for analyzing these series, and gain experience in financial applications of various econometric methods. Random walk model and efficient market hypothesis 2. Multivariate time series models and its applications 4. Multivariate volatility models 5. Analysis of Financial Time Series. Financial Modeling under Non-Gaussian Distributions.

The Econometics of Financial Markets. Princeton University Press, Participation in the track module "Econometrics of Financial Markets" is necessary. Submission of a seminar paper and presentation of the major findings. Introduction to German Foreign Tax Act. Die Eingangsklausur findet im ersten Block statt. Tobias Hagemann, Christian Kahlenberg. Kudert "Internationales Steuerrecht — leicht gemacht".

Basic knowledge of accounting according to IFRS is required. English im SoSe Deutsch. After completing the module students are able to - outline the substantive principles as well as the process of analysing consolidated financial statements under IFRS and under local GAAPs - interpret various disclosures - learn how to compare the financial situation of companies, understand cash flow, and grasp basic profitability issues and risk analysis concepts - apply analytical tools and concepts in competitor analysis e.

This course is designed to prepare students to interpret and analyze financial statements for tasks such as credit and security analyses, lending and investment decisions, and other decisions that rely on financial data. The course stresses the use of actual financial statements and real business examples. Course of content 1. Analysis of the Business Model 3. Ratios of Return and Profitability 4. Ratios of Financial Stability 5. Ratios of Working Capital Management 6. Lecture, case studies, and seminar. Successful completion of the exam min.

The module combines the basic principles of group accounting and group auditing. Firstly, a brief introduction to group accounting is provided. The emphasis will be put on the principal sequence of preparing consolidated financial statements. Subsequently, the basis of auditing consolidated financial statements is presented. Based on this theoretical background, an introduction to the different consolidation types is given. The main focus will lie on the equity consolidation. In addition the debt consolidation, the elimination of intracompany results as well as the profit and loss consolidation will be introduced.

The theoretical knowledge will be practiced in a number of tutorials. On the basis of this knowledge, the process of a group audit will be characterised. Thereby, the risk-based audit approach as well as the internal control system will be presented. In addition selected analytical audit procedures that are relevant for consolidated financial statements e. Applying International Financial Reporting Standards, 3 rd edn. Basic knowledge of accounting under IFRS is required. Please find more information on Moodle. T-Module new examination regulation: Successful completion of the exam 90 min and successful preparation of a term paper of 5 pages plus presentation group work.

G-Module old examination regulation: Successful completion of the exam 90 min. Students studying according to the old study regulation should send an e-mail to accounting europa-uni. The module aims at making students familiar with the objectives, principles as well as the most important standards of IFRS accounting and their implication on international capital markets. Key element of this module is the analysis of relevant IFRS standards against the background of their informational impact on the capital market. Therefore, we will shortly discuss the internationalization of accounting, the relevance of IFRS in this context and the effect of internationalization and IFRS on capital markets.

After this introduction we will touch highly important aspects of accounting — e. We will also have an insight into the basics of group accounting. All accounting topics discussed will be analysed with respect to their capital market relevance. Interdisziplinary Compliance Seminar R-Module.

Das Seminar ist auf 12 TeilnehmerInnen begrenzt. Interessenten bewerben sich bis zum Im Anschluss daran bearbeiten die Teilnehmer betriebswirtschaftliche und juristische Themenkomplexe aus dem Compliance-Bereich. Gastreferent wird gesondert bekannt gegeben. Literatur wird themenspezifisch gesondert bekannt gegeben. Summer semester ; every 3rd semester. Basic knowledge of domestic business taxation required. The participants learn the basics of cross-border business taxation and aspects of cross-border tax planning.

They gain the knowledge to tackle cross-border tax planning problems on their own. They become aware of the relevance of taxes in international tax planning and realize the limits of tax planning. They discuss critically the consequences of aggressive tax planning for firms and countries. Summer semester ; every 4th semester. Good knowledge in business taxation required. You cannot combine these two R-modules. You cannot participate in both R-modules at the same time. Preparation of a seminar paper, presentation of the paper and the discussion of the presentations of the other groups.

Participants gain an in-depth knowledge of international business taxation issues. In the seminar papers they examine the view of the tax authorities i. They learn to review academic literature, evaluate specific tax problems and scientific writing in the term paper. Workshop in cooperation with PwC. Erfolgreiche Teilnahme an der Abschlussklausur. Die Studierenden sollen einen vertieften Einblick in die Methodik und die Anwendungsbereiche der internationalen Steuerlastgestaltung erhalten.

NPV nach Steuern zu maximieren. Kudert, Internationales Steuerrecht leicht gemacht, 2. Weitere Literatur wird in der Veranstaltung bekannt gegeben. Machine Learning with R. Wir empfehlen, den Kurs "Analyse von Finanzmarktdaten in R" besucht und erfolgreich abgeschlossen zu haben. Leider sind diese idealen Bedingungen in der Praxis oft nicht gegeben. Literaturempfehlungen werden in Moodle bekannt gegeben. In this course the participants get to know institutional details of real-world exchanges by reviewing the common organizational features of these securities markets.

Additionally, the participants will study theoretical approaches that help to understand the functioning of securities markets. Basically, this course provides the participants with a look in the black box of price formation in securities markets. Market microstructure is the study of the process and outcomes of exchanging assets under explicit trading rules. This course restricts to the most active area of research in market microstructure, namely the trading of securities especially in secondary stock markets.

Participation in the track module "Market Microstructure Theory". This course focuses on the economics of information of financial markets and has two primary objectives. The first is to make the participants familiar with the major ways of thought concerning the price formation in securities markets from a microeconomic perspective.

The second objective is to provide the participants with the necessary tools of information economics as applied to the analysis of financial markets. In the end the participants will understand the informational role of prices and have a broader understanding of the informational efficiency of securities markets. The Rational Expectations Approach, in: Bhattachary, Sudipto and George M. Huang, Chi-fu and Robert H. Participation in the track module "Microeconomics of Financial Markets".

Good knowledge of linear models. Understanding of AR p processes is very helpful. Weighted average of an R project and an oral exam. The objective of the lecture is to provide a basic understanding of electricity markets and regression based modeling methods for electricity prices. The aim of this course is to apply estimation and forecasting algorithms to real data using the statistical Software R, to interpret and to visualize the results.

Introduction to electricity markets 2. Overview of different model approaches 3. Regression based modeling methods for electricity prices 4. Advanced estimation and modeling approaches. Lecture with included tutorials in R. The relevant material will be given during the course. A review of the state-of-the-art with a look into the future.

Estate planning and taxation.

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Grundkenntnisse im Steuerrecht werden vorausgesetzt z. Kudert, Steuerrecht leicht gemacht. Hierbei wird insbesondere auf die folgenden Aspekte eingegangen: Weitere Literaturhinweise werden bekannt gegeben. National Tax Structuring R-Module. Die Teilnehmerzahl ist auf 20 begrenzt. Eine verbindliche Anmeldung per E-Mail an srothe europa-uni. Die drei Teilleistungen mit der Gewichtung Der Fokus des Moduls liegt auf der methodischen Weiterentwicklung der Studierenden, auch im Hinblick auf die Masterarbeit.

Kudert, Steuerrecht leicht gemacht, 5. Im Modul Portfoliomanagement I sollen Studierende die Kompetenz erwerben, Portfolios aus Aktien optimal zu strukturieren und unterschiedliche Anlagestrategien zu evaluieren. Umgang mit e-Learning Medien. Weitere Literaturempfehlungen werden in den Skripten zur Veranstaltung genannt. Grundkenntnisse im Bereich des Portfoliomanagements und in der Statistik-Software bzw. Programmiersprache R sind empfohlen. Alternativ kann eine Hausarbeit ohne R angefertigt werden.

Successful preparation of a term paper as well as presentation of the results of work. The students should get familiar with quantitative methods for measuring the risk of financial activities. In many cases only the downside of risk is mentioned, rarely a possible upside, i. It is possible to write the seminar paper in English or in German. Moreover, all participants have to present their seminar paper in English. We offer introductory problem sets that help to work with the software packages R and SAS. You are allowed to use R and SAS in order to apply statistical methods to real data.

Princeton University Press, Princeton. Die Studierenden sollen lernen, anwendungsorientierte Modelle aus der aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Literatur zur empirischen Kapitalmarktforschung praktisch umzusetzen. Das Modul ist auch geeignet, grundlegende Kenntnisse in der Programmiersprache R zu vertiefen.

Das Modul ist damit auch geeignet, auf das Verfassen einer Masterarbeit vorzubereiten. Das Modul baut auf den Kenntnissen des Moduls "Analyse von Finanzmarktdaten in R" auf und kann gleichzeitig genutzt werden, um das Wissen aus dem Modul "Portfoliomanagement I" zu vertiefen.

Seminar in Accounting and Taxation. Anmeldung bis zum April per Email an accounting europa-uni. Die Teilnehmerzahl ist auf 16 Personen begrenzt. Vermittlung von Wissen in den Bereichen Steuern und Accounting: Die Studierenden vertiefen einzelne Aspekte aus den Bereichen Steuern und Accounting im Rahmen ihrer Seminararbeiten, wobei hier ein Fokus auf Themen an der Schnittstelle sowie der Auswertung empirischer Untersuchungen liegen soll. In der Mitte des Semesters finden Kolloquien statt, in denen die Gliederung in der Seminargruppe vorgestellt wird.

Sommersemester , Sommersemester Weitere Informationen zur Bewerbung entnehmen Sie bitte Moodle. Further information on how to apply for the seminar can be found on moodle. Please see moodle for detailed information on the topics of the seminar. Erfolgreiche Bearbeitung einer empirischen Fragestellung mit der Programmiersprache R in Partner- oder Kleingruppenarbeit. Die Themen werden individuell zu Beginn des zweiten Block festgelegt.

Each summer semester, started Participatios in the trackmodule "Statistical Quality Control". This lecture is about the use of statistical methods and other problem-solving techniques to improve the quality of products used by our society. These products consist of manufactured goods such as automobiles, computers, and clothing, as well as services such as the generation and distribution of electrical energy, public transportation, banking, retailing, and health care.

The word "quality" is often used to signify "excellence" of a product or service — we hear talk about "Rolls-Royce quality" and "top-quality". Quality can be defined simply as meeting the requirements of the customer. Why it is so important? A customer who is satisfied with quality will tell 8 people about it; a dissatisfied customer will tell it 22 people. So, to reduce losses and increase gains of the company there should exist special procedures to detect the problems and in this way improve the quality of goods. Quality improvement methods can be applied to any area within a company or organization, including manufacturing, process development, engineering design, finance and accounting, marketing, distribution and logistics, and field service of products.

During this seminar, the students should get familiar with the technical tools that are needed to achieve quality improvement in these organizations. Introductory lectures are planned. Besides that, a short revision of the next topics will be provided. Introduction to Statistical Quality Control: Modeling Process Quality - Useful discrete and continuous distributions - Describing variation and descriptive statistics 3.

Statistical Process Control - Statistical basis of the control chart - Choice of control limits - Sample size and sample frequency 4. Shewhart Control Chart for the location parameter 5. Statistical Methods for Quality Improvement. Statistical Methods for Reliability Data. Keen, Preferential regimes can make tax competition less harmful, NTaxJ Wintersemester alle 2 Jahre: Erfolgreiche Anfertigung einer Hausarbeit im Umfang mit Sie verstehen, weshalb das strategische Controlling an der Steigerung des Werts der Organisation ausgerichtet wird.

Die Studierenden sind in der Lage, sich komplexe Sachverhalte zu erarbeiten. Strategisches Controlling, Controlling und Strategie 2. Strategische Planung und Kontrolle 3. Performancemessung und Performancesteuerung 4. International taxation structuring R-Module. Es wird dringend empfohlen, parallel das Modul Internationale Steuerlastgestaltungen zu belegen!

Die Anmeldung ist nur im Zeitraum vom Verwenden Sie dazu Betreffzeile: Die drei Teilleistungen werden bei der Endnote Ewald von Kleist Verlag, wird vorausgesetzt. Solide Kenntnisse in der Rechnungslegung werden vorausgesetzt. Zur Auffrischung werden empfohlen: Auflage, Ewald von Kleist Verlag. Thomas Schmid, PwC Berlin. Erfolgreiche Teilnahme an der Klausur und an dem Unternehmensworkshop.

Completion of track module "Empirical International Economics". Research paper documenting own empirical analysis and brief presentation. Primary aim of the course is to teach students how to carry out their own empirical analysis, how to interpret and how to communicate results. The research module builds on the course Empirical International Economics and applies the learned methods to new analytical problems.

Skills and techniques developed in the course are easily transferrable to other field of empirical analysis. Students will complete their own predefined empirical analysis in the area of International Economics. To do so they will obtain and organize data, run regressions and simulations and write a short research paper. Articles to be announced during the semester Recommended background reading: Summer semester , irregularly.

As a prerequisite you need knowledge in microeconomics, math and statistics Bachelor level. You have to register by sending an E-Mail to obst europa-uni. Please use your Viadrina E-mail address if possible. The point in time you send the E-Mail serves as one decision criterion whether you are in or out. Afterwards, you will be registered automatically by our chair in the Moodle system. You cannot enroll for this course via the Moodle system by yourself! The capacity is limited to 20 students. In the first part of the seminar, each group will receive a case study and will work out a written solution and a presentation.

A presentation will be scheduled at the mid of the semester 8. Afterwards, all groups shall write their own case study and teaching note. Turn in at the end of the semester September Did you ever wonder why Google was fined EUR 2. Why can EU governments not subsidize their national airlines Alitalia, Air Berlin or foreign direct investment as they see fit?

The answer is because there is a watchdog sitting in Brussels and enforcing the European Competition Policy. Competition Policy is part of the policy objectives of the EU since its inception in Originally a policy field dominated by lawyers, there is today a clear understanding that economics play an equally important role. Competition policy and enforcement is concerned with economic concepts such as the relevant market, market power, entry barriers and the effects of certain restrictive practices on the market, be they mergers, agreements, unilateral behaviour or subsidies.

This course builds on courses in industrial economics and applies these concepts and methods to real world cases.

Wealth and Power in America: Social Class, Income Distribution, Finance and the American Dream

It is also open to law students with an understanding of basic micro-economic concepts. In each module students will discuss one or two landmark competition cases. At the end of the course students will be able to analyse cases by applying economic techniques to identify anti- or pro-competitive effects and to develop a possible theory of harm. The course Economics of European Competition Policy Course number dealt with the following topics see below. Hence, we expect that you specialize in one or two of these fields by solving and writing case studies in these fields. Objectives of competition policy 2.

Consumer welfare, efficiency gains and the market integration objective 3. Rules and institutions of EU competition law 5. Market definitions, market power, theories of harm and efficiencies II. Economic theories of harm for horizontal cooperation and collusion 2. Hard core cartels, fines and leniency III. The Law and Economics of Vertical Restraints 1. Input and Customer foreclosure through supply and distribution contracts 2.

Resale price maintenance and territorial protection 3. The block exemptions on distribution agreements IV. The Law and Economics of Abuse of Dominance 1. Single and collective dominance 2. Exploitative and exclusionary practices 3. The Commission's guidance paper V.

The Law and Economics of Merger Control 1. Horizontal, vertical and conglomerate mergers 2. Economic theories of harm: The EU-notion of state aid 3. Compatible aid and recovery In the past, students wrote case studies related to the following topics: Hence, students can expect to work on one of these case studies in the first part of this course.

For their own case study, students will be able to select from a list pf proposals or may come up with their own proposal after prior consultation with the course instructors. The EC Law of Competition. EU Competition Law and Economics. Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Cases in European Competition Policy.

EU State Aid Control: Registration via E-Mail required. Die Teilnahme an der Vorbesprechung ist verpflichtend. Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer melden sich per E-Mail an: Successful written paper; presentation it to the class. This integrated lecture Lecture with seminar elements provides an introduction into management strategies to tackle global climate change. Managing Climate Change a Climate change: The physical and economic nature of the challenge b The choice of targets and instruments for international climate change policy 2.

How to find an international consensus on mitigation b Rise and fall of the Kyoto-Protocol — The lessons learned c Beyond Kyoto: New Architectures for agreement 3.

Ebooks For Free Spezialisierung Und Mobilitat Von Akademikerinnen Pdf By Kai Ganguin

Re-thinking the efficacy of international climate agreements after COP15 a Linking carbon markets in the post-Kyoto era b Carbon Leakage and trade policies c Increasing participation rate in the international climate agreements d Beyond cost-efficiency and time schedules - a transformational approach towards climate protection e Bottom-up strategies for climate change policies f The role of financial transfers in the international climate agreements 4.

On the way to COP Climate and energy policies in Poland. Lectures, Short papers and presentations of students. Will be provided by the lecturer. Completed Bachelor, basic knowledge in Statistics. The course provides a brief selective overview of current empirical research in international economics with a focus on the analysis of offshoring and multinational enterprises. The lecture discusses current and interesting papers and introduces the respective empirical strategy and econometric method.

Methodologically the focus lies on applied panel econometrics. The computer exercise reproduces the main findings of the discussed papers using the original data applying the statistics software Stata. The entire course follows a hands-one approach combining theory and concrete empirical analysis. The home assignment will consist of a small empirical exercise on interpreting and criticizing empirical studies.

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  2. .
  3. Our Little Dutch Cousin!
  4. Versunkene Stadt des Diamantenfiebers: Auf nach Namibia / Reise in den Süden / Buch 4 (German Edition).
  5. The Smile on the Face of the Pig?
  6. Sredizemka.
  7. The Diary of a Zambian Saint?

Previous knowledge in Stata is not required. The empirical techniques taught in the course are readily transferable to other fields such as applied labour economics or applied environmental economics. Lectures and Computer Exercises. The course teaches core elements of economics of integration with a focus on the European Union. It covers relevant micro and macroeconomic theories as well as econometric methods to analyse economic integration empirically.

Primary aim of the course is to provide students with a solid knowledge of the workings of economic integration. Secondary aim is to give students a solid methodologically base to build upon in subsequent economics classes. This involves basic mathematical skills as well as statistical techniques. Richard Baldwin and Charles Wyplosz: Diese stehen untereinander im Wettbewerb; und jede Wettbewerbsform erfordert spezifische Verhaltensweisen. Hieraus ergeben sich ordnungspolitische Aussagen bzgl. Theorie der Unternehmung III. Oligopole und strategische Entscheidungen. Belleflamme, Paul; Peitz, Martin: Markets and Strategies, Cambridge University Press, International Aspects of Environmental Economics.

Erfolgreiche Teilnahme an der Klausur 90 min sowie schriftliche Bearbeitung von Pflichtaufgaben. International Environmental Agreements R-Module. First come, first served.

Masterstudiengang: International Business Administration

Knowledge in micro- and macroeconomics, math and statistics. A refresher of the macroeconomic models of the open economy will be provided in the exercise classes. We will analyze micro- and macroeconomic models to understand speculative dynamics on financial markets and stability of financial markets. We will start with analyzing the impact of the different groups of financial investors on asset prices. Afterwards various kinds of financial crisis including banking, currency and sovereign debt crises will be examined.

We will also discuss the policy implications and policy tools crisis to avoid such crises. Participants should deal with scientific literature and should present one paper in the exercise class.

International Business Administration

The basis for financial and currency crises? Globalization of the financial markets 3. Currency crisis models 5. Models of currency crises. Auflage Bikhchandani, S. Learning from the Behaviour of Others: Conformity, Fads, and Informational Cascades, in: Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. The role of expectations; in: American Economic Review, Vol. Exchange rates and international finance; Prentice Hall, Halow, 4. Journal of Finance, Vol. Bank runs, deposit insurance, and liquidity; in: Journal of Political Economy Vol. Herd on the Street: The Journal of Finance, Vol.

Information, trade and common knowledge, in: Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. To register for the seminar you have to send an E-Mail to Boeing europa-uni. Students should have the skills to discuss macroeconomic shocks in models of the closed and open economy in a graphical, verbal, and formal way. Students should be able to run and interpret OLS regressions. The essay is due on February 28, Both tasks can be done in groups of two students. All students have to actively participate when a group has to present its solution.

After successfully completing the course, students should be able to: Demonstrate knowledge about the models of international macroeconomics: Have a good understanding of the models of international macroeconomics and their implications. Have a good understanding of the assumptions characterizing each model and be able to compare models on the basis of these assumptions. Analyze complex micro and macroeconomic problems by applying several theoretical or empirical methods.

Should have the skills to conclude about appropriate policy response in the different settings. Demonstrate competences that enable students to: Apply their knowledge to other contexts, like news from the media, figures released in the press or in the statistics. Describe and explain their solution of case studies in a written or oral way. An alternative framework, the BMW model, has been proposed by Bofinger et al. The BMW model is able to discuss more recent concepts of monetary policy such as interest rate rules and inflation targeting.

Based on this model, many different macroeconomic questions can be analyzed. In the essay and presentation students should analyze and discuss a macroeconomic topic based on the BMW model and on additional literature. The specific topic for the essay and the presentation can be chosen in the first weeks of the course. Is there a core of practical macroeconomics that we should all believe?

American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, — The program LaTeX has to be used for all written papers as well as presentations. All solutions have to follow the structure of a scientific paper: Front page, table of contents, list of figures, list of tables, list of abbreviations, variables, indices. All equations have to be numbered consecutively. References as usual and a list of references in the end of a paper. Students have to follow the usual rules with respect to academic honesty.

Especially, we expect that students do not use any material Solutions from previous classes, papers written for different classes without referencing appropriately. As a prerequisite you need knowledge in microeconomics, macroeconomics, international macroeconomics, math and statistics Bachelor level. You have to register by sending an E-Mail to Dunsch europa-uni. The capacity is limited to 25 students.

The purpose of the course is to introduce the students to some of the most widely used models in monetary theory which built the basis for the monetary policy. The course provides basic tools for performing comparative static and dynamic analysis by relying on models for the closed and open economy. This tool-box contains verbal, graphical and mathematical tools.

In addition, the students get hands-on experience analyzing economic data by using Excel or an econometric software. In relation to the study program's qualification profile, the subject explicitly focuses on: Gain knowledge about the different theories that explain the factors which affect money demand or money supply.

Students possess the skills to analyze, compare and evaluate the consequences of various macroeconomic shocks on a small open economy. They also gain the skills to quantify these effects. To be more specific, students acquire the skills to apply, for example, Cramer's rule to solve a linear system of equations. Enhancing skills in application of statistical procedures to test hypotheses generated by the theoretical models. The students master the scientific methodologies of a univariate regression analysis, which includes hypothesis testing and confidence intervals.

These regressions might be of time series or cross-section regressions type. Panel econometric techniques are not applied. For example, we rely on regression analysis to derive the optimal weights of a Taylor rule for monetary policy. In the monetary policy part, students gain knowledge about the strategy, the objective, and the various instruments of the ECB.

We will clearly differentiate the two phases before and after crisis to understand the breaks in monetary policy. We will always try to refer to the theory part when analysing the consequences of, for example, quantitative easing for the economy in the short and long run. Students acquire the competence to manage work and master situations that are complex, unpredictable and require new solutions. This competence is practiced in 3 group assignments which should be solved in a group of students.

Group assignments train the competence to initiate and implement research activities within a professional cooperation and take on professional responsibility. The results of the weekly assignments are presented by one group of students to train the skills to present and communicate research based knowledge in a professional manner. Subsequent class discussions train the communication competencies of the group as well as their classmates.

In order to strengthen the competencies to independently take responsibility for own professional development and specialization a written exam is also a part of the overall grade. This will also strengthen the skills to structure economic thinking and to communicate with professionals and non-specialists in a written form. What do we know already? Demand for money 3. Money supply process 4. Monetary policy transmission 5. Rules versus discretion 6. Strategies simple rules for a stability oriented monetary policy 7.

Monetary policy of the ECB before and after crisis. Monetary Policy Oxford University Press