
Man Of Stone (Mills & Boon Modern)

Love in the Moon. The Toff and the Deep Blue Sea.

The Esther Garber Novellas. Passion and Glory Books Master of Illusion Book One.

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Master of Illusion Book Two. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long. The title should be at least 4 characters long. Your display name should be at least 2 characters long. At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information.

Man Of Stone (Mills & Boon Modern) - Penny Jordan - Google Книги

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  • MOTHER EARTH NEWS Digital Archive: 2011.
  • Un nouveau président pour rien (Documents) (French Edition).
  • Destinys Closet : Circle of Friends.

Item s unavailable for purchase. Please review your cart. You can remove the unavailable item s now or we'll automatically remove it at Checkout. Continue shopping Checkout Continue shopping. Chi ama i libri sceglie Kobo e inMondadori. Buy the eBook Price: I've noticed that there is usually lots of narration and descriptions in older Harlequin.

Definitely not in this one.

See a Problem?

I felt it was fast paced and entertaining. By the way there is a large age gap between the hero and heroine. The hero does mention their gap a few times. The heroine showed a lot of spirit, heck she posted an ad saying she was engaged to her super rich boss and she was just a "lowly" receptionist! She promises to return his engagement rings and jewelry he's given her and even her Aston Martin birthday gift!

Give it to me instead! I don't hate him or anything but I was a little annoyed with him. I dont think he really gave an indepth explanation with that and what Selina herself was doing is her marriage with her husband in trouble??? I also thought the "happy ending" was a little rushed.

Other than that it was an enjoyable story. I've always liked Carole Mortimer's books. Just read this novel and was thoroughly surprised at how enjoyable it was from beginning to end!!! Brooke is young and falls in love with Jarrod from a distance. Jarrod, a much older guy, is very cynical about women and love. Cressy, Sara's selfish stepsister, had filled Luke's head with lies, and now he believed Sara to be a despicable fortune hunter.

There was no way to change his mind. But Luke's hatred was only part of the trouble.

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For despite her efforts to the contrary, Sara found herself falling in love with her new husband. Be the first to review this product. All orders are shipped the next working day, depending on the time of day the order was placed and stock availability. Orders placed on Fridays will be shipped the following Monday. We are not able to ship orders to more than one address at the same time. However, if you would like to have specific items shipped to different addresses, please place each order separately.

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14 Mill Street, Yarker, Stone Mills, Ontario