Ivanhoe (4/4) Le retour du croisé (French Edition)
In , Channel 4 withdrew Edge of the City , its controversial documentary made by Annie Hall that depicted parents trying to stop groups of young Asian men grooming white girls as young as 11 for sex. It had been seized on by the BNP as a party political broadcast. Colin Cramphorn, the then Chief Constable of West Yorkshire, joined groups such as Unite against Fascism in calling for the documentary to be withdrawn. Channel 4 complied, saying that the issue was not censorship but timing because of the proximity with the local and European elections.
But many argued at the time that the delay in transmission had strengthened the case of the BNP. After the film was withdrawn, one of the mothers sent Annie Hall a text message: For many white girls growing up in fairly traditional communities, the unfamiliarity of boys and men from different ethnic backgrounds can be exciting and attractive. Emma Jackson knows exactly how the pimping gangs operate in Rotherham because she was also a victim of one.
When Emma was 12, she was befriended by Asian boys around her own age who soon introduced her to relatives in their twenties and thirties. Emma had no idea she was being groomed and brainwashed until one day, totally out of the blue, she was taken to wasteland and raped by the gang leader. The attack was watched by laughing gang members and recorded on a number of mobile phones. Emma now gives support, through a charity set up to prevent the sexual abuse of children, to a number of victims of pimping gangs and has found that the girls are being targeted at an even younger age.
The younger you look, the more saleable you are. When I first wrote about the issue of Asian grooming gangs in , my name was included on the website Islamophobia Watch: So was that of Ann Cryer, the former Labour MP for Keighley in Yorkshire, who had been at the forefront of attempting to tackle the problem, after receiving requests for help from some of the parents of children caught up with the gangs in her constituency. According to some of the mothers, a fear of being branded racist makes many of the police and social services reluctant to investigate the crimes as organised and connected.
One mother from Rotherham, whose year-old daughter was groomed into prostitution and multiply raped during a month period, told me that almost every man convicted of these crimes in the north of England is from Pakistan but that the authorities insist that it is not relevant. There are, however, a growing number of individuals within the Muslim communities who are willing to speak out against the criminals.
Mohammed Shafiq, the director of the Lancashire-based Ramadhan Foundation, a charity working for peaceful harmony between different ethnic communities, advocates better education about sexual exploitation to be disseminated through imams and other community leaders. Certainly we need to ensure that more work is done within all communities that explores positive, healthy relationships, or these young men may end up being the abusers themselves. Rotherham-based Apna Haq offers support for women and their children suffering domestic abuse.
Its director Zlakha Ahmed told me that much of the community express their disgust at what came out in the recent trial in private and that there needs to be more public discussion of the issues. There are still people denying that it happens so the more of us who speak out about it the better. Emma Jackson is now 22 and devotes much of her time raising awareness about grooming networks among child-protection workers, police officers and the general community. Much remains to be done, she says, to end the complacency in dealing with the criminal gangs. These gangs will be allowed to operate with impunity if we deny their existence in some sort of twisted attempt to be anti-racist and culturally sensitive.
Some people, including many white liberals, are loath to admit what it is going on. If we do not tackle the problem head-on, and work together to combat this dreadful abuse of children, the only beneficiaries will be the extremists. As a Rotherham grooming gang survivor, I want people to know about the religious extremism which inspired my abusers Grooming gangs are not like paedophile rings; instead, they operate almost exactly like terrorist networks, with all the same strategies Ella Hill The Independent 18 March As a teenager, I was taken to various houses and flats above takeaways in the north of England, to be beaten, tortured and raped over times.
In mainland Europe, conflict surrounding immigrants and refugees has been fuelled by stories of women being raped by migrants. Islamophobic online hate and personal attacks occur every day. As someone who has experienced life inside a grooming gang, I can tell you with certainty that none of this is likely to make any difference to the behaviours of groomers. Like terrorists, they firmly believe that the crimes they carry out are justified by their religious beliefs.
If anything, rising anti-Muslim hate will probably make groomers stronger in their convictions, and drive ordinary young Muslim men towards fundamentalism, grooming gangs and terrorism. The camaraderie, protection, money, and kudos that these groups offer, makes them a strong pull for anyone. However big or small the problem of grooming gang crime is, it is big enough to warrant national concern , not only because of the severity of crimes, but because of the degree of terror and threats to life involved.
This really does devastate lives, families and communities. Experts say that grooming gangs are not the same as paedophile rings. In November , the Swedish government held a meeting where they stated that: The link between terrorism and rape undertaken by Islamist gangs was not being ignored. They called for counter-extremism education. This sounds like a balanced and intelligent governmental response to me. Religious indoctrination is a big part of the process of getting young men involved in grooming gang crime. Religious ideas about purity, virginity, modesty and obedience are taken to the extreme until horrific abuse becomes the norm.
They stay virgins until marriage. They are our girls. White girls sleep with hundreds of men. You are the other girls. You are worthless and you deserve to be gang-raped. This hateful religious hypocrisy strikes people to their very core. My main perpetrator quoted scriptures from the Quran to me as he beat me.
All the major world religions, including Hinduism and Buddhism, have also at some time been associated with extreme human rights abuses against men, women and children. I experienced horrific, religiously sanctioned sexual violence and torture — so I definitely believe that we need to be aware of religious extremism as something potentially harmful, so that we can protect people from it.
But for Tommy Robinson and his followers to focus on an entire religion, based on the cruel interpretations of some scriptures by some people, is unhelpful, to say the least. Many of his religious theories and conjecture are not anything that I can relate to in my real life experiences. Free-thinking men from Pakistani Muslim backgrounds, like Nazir Afzal, agree, and many deal with all of this incredibly graciously.
As a Rotherham grooming gang survivor, I am told that both child protection services and the prosecution of offenders is improving in most areas. I witnessed the ways young men are groomed to become perpetrators by older grooming gang members. Grooming gang crime is upheld by religious extremism. Like Sweden, we must officially recognise this, and work to curb extremist preaching, teach religious counter-narratives, give gendered extremism education and deliver quality relationships education, while learning the lessons from Prevent and Channel.
We need a careful, considered approach that is respectful of the human rights of everyone. Darren Osborne guilty of Finsbury Park mosque murder. A man who drove a van into a crowd of Muslims near a London mosque has been found guilty of murder. Darren Osborne, 48, ploughed into people in Finsbury Park in June last year, killing Makram Ali, 51, and injuring nine others.
Osborne, from Cardiff, was also found guilty of attempted murder and is due to be sentenced on Friday. The jury took an hour to return the verdict at Woolwich Crown Court after a nine day trial. Sue Hemming, from the Crown Prosecution Service, said: He must now face the consequences of his actions. Cdr Dean Haydon from the Metropolitan Police said: Jurors heard the area outside the Muslim Welfare House had been busy with worshippers attending Ramadan prayers on 19 June.
Mr Ali had collapsed at the roadside in the minutes before the attack. Several of those who went to help him said he was alive and conscious in the moments before being struck by the van. Osborne drove the van into the crowd at about Jurors were told the van only stopped when it hit some bollards. In just a few weeks, Darren Osborne went from a troubled, angry and unpredictably violent alcoholic to a killer driven by ideology.
The rapid radicalisation — the way he became fixated on the idea that Muslims in Britain were some kind of nation within a nation, is one of the most shocking parts of this awful crime. The sources of that radicalisation, including his obsession with a television programme about the Rochdale abuse scandal, show how difficult it is to predict who will become a danger to society.
But the fact that he smiled contentedly after he had run over and killed Makram Ali proved to the jury that his motive was ideological. Osborne is not the first terrorist to have radicalised so quickly. In , a young man who was groomed by Islamists went through a similarly rapid change. The speed at which these men and others went from a change of mindset to planning an attack is one of the issues that most concerns the security services.
Osborne told the court he had originally hired the van to kill Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn at a march he was due to attend. Osborne started following Tommy Robinson, one of the founders of the English Defence League EDL , and other far-right leaders on social media, in the fortnight before the attack. Mr Robinson sent him a group email saying: It is a nation built on hatred, on violence and on Islam. Harun Khan, secretary general of the MCB, said: Go to the website www. The site contains very straightforward info, including explicit animations illustrating the proper way to don or insert a condom.
You can stand with one foot on a chair, sit on the edge of a chair, lie down, squat, or for fun, have your partner help you out. What is it telling our youth? I get the sex-education thing for kids in schools, but mail-order condoms for year-olds??? They hear that kids are cutting schools to have orgies.
The first time we got a year-old was mind-blowing. Now, Foster and her colleagues barely twitch when a child barely in his or her teens tests positive for HIV. People gasp at that, says Foster, who diagnoses new HIV cases at a rate of two to three teens a month, up from one every four months just a decade ago. Because there are two groups of children in this city:. Those lucky enough to have at least one caring, available adult to guide them through sex-charged adolescence.
Like the child being raised by a single mom whose two jobs keep her from supervising her child. They just have more support to get them through it. He mentions a recent, awful survey of sixth-graders in West Philly, which showed that 25 percent of the children, who were just 11 years old, had had sex. We can, however, make condoms available fairly quickly to whoever needs them.
I think that jobs and education are the key to turning this ship. But it will take time and hard work in a period when the city is struggling financially. There are no easy solutions. This is a complicated problem, exacerbated by generational poverty and family collapse that paralyzes our cities in ways too myriad to address in one column. Giving out free condoms at school is not a surefire way to avoid teenage pregnancy — or it might not be enough. Access to condoms in schools increases teen fertility rates by about 10 per cent, according to a new study by the University Of Notre Dame.
However the increase happened in schools where no counseling was provided when condoms were given out — and giving out guidance as well as birth control could have the opposite effect, economists Kasey Buckles and Daniel Hungerman said in the study. Access to condoms in schools increases teen fertility by about 10 per cent, according to a new study by the University Of Notre Dame file picture Buckles and Hungerman looked at 22 school districts located in 12 different states, using data from the s.
Times have changed already and teenagers today are overall less likely to have sex and less likely to become pregnant, they wrote. Most of the free condoms programs in the study began in or and about two thirds involved mandatory counseling. The 10 per cent increased occurred as a result of schools that gave out condoms without counseling, Buckles and Hungerman said. Access to contraceptives in general has been shown to lower teen fertility, Buckles and Hungerman noted, or in some cases had no effect at all.
But condoms might have a different impact because of several factors, such as the fact that their failure rate is more important than that of other contraceptives. The time at which condoms are used could also explain why they have a different impact than other types of birth control. Condoms have to be used at the time of intercourse, whereas the pill, IUDs and implants are all taken in advance.
Free condom programs in schools could have led to two additional births per 1, teenage women so far, Buckle and Hungerman found. Health clinics based in schools that offered contraceptives were shown to significantly lower teen fertility in a study. Tous applaudissent le coup de force italien.
Le texte est soumis vendredi au vote de la Chambre des Communes. The first one is the problem of normativity. Second comes the problem of temporality, according to which moral panics can be characterized as short-lived episodes exceptions are Hall et al. In other words, the moral panics studied do not focus on the historically structured processes that have an impact on the development of the moral panics in the first place.
Subsequent revisions have led to the acknowledgement of the necessity for a time-frame and contextual analysis: The third problem is the one of un intentionality which ultimately is concerned with the question of responsibility. In contrast, the analysis of the mugging moral panic Hall et al.
Last but not least, Goode and Ben-Yehuda constructed the problem as one of intentional actions versus unintentional developments. Their approach distinguished between grassroots, interest groups and elite- engineered moral panics. The first model based the problem onto sentiments that were present in society in the general. The second model suggested that the reaction should be considered as an outcome of the efforts of specific moral entrepreneurs and particular interest groups in society.
The last model, the elite-engineered panic, was presented as a deliberated organised propaganda campaign aimed at diverting attention from real structural problems. Even with such contribution being made, the concept has been criticised for falling short of providing alternative means of explanation and theorisation Hier, A fourth problem is the one of anthropomorphizing. The claim that a society can engage in hysterical, panic-stricken behaviour has been criticised on the grounds that collective social processes cannot be rendered as individual psychological ones.
Another problem, outlined by Garland is concerned with the ethics of attribution, according to which the critical ascriptions which the concept carries also have an impact on its use. This creates situations in which the conditions for the analysis of a moral panic exist, but due to ethical consideration such an inquiry is not pursued.
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The aftermath of the tragedy contained all the necessary conditions included in the definition of the concept — expressed concern, hostility, disproportionality, consensus and a moral dimension was attached to all of the above, yet the episode itself was not categorised as a moral panic. The commentators involved into the analysis of the terrorist attack avoid the use of the term and considerable caution was exercised when discussing the event Walker, According to Garland one explanation is the widespread uncertai nty of the nature of the attack itself.
The use of the concept would clash with the prevailing moral sentiments of fear and grief that drove the reaction to the attack.
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What it shows, however, is the relationship that exists between the analysts and the social actors and the way in which they influence each other. That was the case when he was studying the media coverage of the Mods and Rockers and when Young was studying the reaction to drug taking in the late s and the early s.

To begin with, the modern moral entrepreneurs have adopted a status similar to the social analyst in terms of class, education and ideology and the likelihood for the two of them to perceive the problem in the same way has increased substantially. Fourthly, in contrast to the old moral panics, the new ones are interventionist — focused. The new criminalizers Cohen, who address the moral panics are either post — liberals who share a common background with a decriminalized generation, or are from the new right who argue for increased focus on private morality sexuality, abortion, lifestyle.
In contemporary times the denial of certain events, their cover — up, evasion and tolerance is perceived as morally wrong, and such denied realities should be brought to the public attentio n, which would result in widespread moral condemnation and denunciation. Potentially, this could also lead to the questioning of the notions of rationality, disproportionality and other normative judgements that have characterised the studies of moral panics.
By contrast to Critcher, Cohen accepts the possibility of counter — hegemonic moral panics. In addition, Critcher stresses the need to focus not only on the politics of moral panics, but also consider the economic factors that might limit or promote their development. Moving beyond moral panics, Hunt has argued that a shift has taken place in the processes of moral regulation over the past centu ry, whereby the boundaries that separate morality from immorality have been blurred. As a result, an increasing number of everyday activities have become moralized and the expression of such moralization can be found in hybrid configurations of risk and harm.
The moralization of everyday life contains a dialectic that counterposes individualizing discourses against collectivizing discourses and moralization has become an increasingly common feature of contemporary political discourse Garland, ; Biressi and Nunn, ; Haggerty, With the shift towards neo — liberalism, such regulatory scripts have taken the form of discourses of risk, harm and personal responsibility.
The moral codes that are supposed to regulate behaviour , expression and self — presentation are themselves contestable and their operation is not bound in a time — space frame. The problems with such an argument for expanding the focus of moral panics to encompass for ms of moral regulation is that it is too broad Critcher, and a more specific scope of moral regulation should be defined in order to conduct such analysis. As the focus of the concept was expanded significantly over the past 40 years, it can be argued that such a task is within the scope of academia due the cha nging nature of the contemporary world and social relation.
In fact, in such a world full of insecurity and one that is characterized by a constant fear of falling Young, a such an approach of putting reality on trial would be much appreciated. Ecrite par les vainqueurs mais cousue par les vaincus …. La tapisserie de la reine Mathilde. Guillaume et ses partisans font appel au roi de France Henri 1er , leur suzerain. The tapestry, thought to have been made in England, is history written by the victors but sewed by the vanquished; the Anglo-Saxon seamstresses who made it compelled to embroider the end of the Anglo-Saxon era.
As the earliest English non-legendary history play in terms of setting, King John is chronologically the nearest in time to the Norman invasion, yet it goes unmentioned, leaving a fascinating absence. It is almost as if Shakespeare is repressing the invasion, preferring to show England invading France. He makes no mention of William the Conqueror or the Battle of Hastings, even though the conquest shaped the reigns of the French-descended Angevin, Plantagenet, Lancaster and Yorkist kings he portrayed.
As every schoolchild knows, William was illegitimate. One of their allies was Robin Hood — Scott pioneered his deployment as anti-Norman insurgent, later copied by Hollywood. Hereward leads resistance to the Normans after Hastings until defeated at Ely. Mocking the certainties and priorities of textbook and popular history, it informed its readers that: Though best-known for her Regency romances, Heyer ventured into other periods and ambitiously tackled the 11th century in this Normandy-centred portrait of William the Conqueror that culminates with the battle and inevitably features his courtship of Matilda.
Jean Plaidy also went where Shakespeare seemingly feared to tread, depicting William in her s Norman trilogy. The Normans here portrayed as Vikings, as they originally were try to conquer France and are seen off by the plucky and ingenious Gauls. The foundational moment for the Eurosceptic movement that triumphed 28 years later in the Brexit referendum.
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Its hero is another Anglo-Saxon resistance fighter battling against Norman rule. The vast French vocabulary the Normans introduced — suspected by proponents of a blunter, more Saxon English, including George Orwell and Kingsley Amis, of embodying alien ways of thinking — is banished from the prose of the first-person narrative, and told in a version of Old English. A total of 67 medals with 27 golds put Team GB second in the medal table — above China for the first time since it returned to the Games in Britain is the first country to improve on a home medal haul at the next Games, beating the 65 medals from London They won gold medals across more sports than any other nation — 15 — and improved on their medal haul for the fifth consecutive Olympics.
Ivanhoe (4/4) by Walter Scott
UK Sport is the body responsible for distributing funds from national government to Olympic sports. This is the end result in Rio — the country should expect a return for their investment, it is incredible. Sweeney said it would be difficult for Britain to replicate their position in the medal table at Tokyo , at which he predicted hosts Japan, China, Russia and Australia would all improve. China did top one table in Rio — that of fourth-place finishes, according to data from Gracenote Sports.
Winning gold medals does not mean everything anymore in China. How did Team GB make history? It has been an Olympic fiesta like never before for Britain: Never before has a Briton won a diving gold. Never before has a Briton won a gymnastics gold. There have been champions across 15 different sports, a spread no other country can get close to touching. Only 20 years ago, GB were languishing 36th in the Atlanta Olympics medal table, their entire team securing only a single gold between them. This is the story of a remarkable transformation.
Biased judges or gracious defeat? As that nadir was being reached back in , the most pivotal change of all had already taken place. It has reinvigorated some sports and altered others beyond recognition. In Rio, Max Whitlock won two gymnastics golds; his team-mates delivered another silver and three bronzes. As a talented teenage swimmer, Adam Peaty relied on fundraising events laid on by family and friends to pay for his travel and training costs. In Rio he became the first British male to win a swimming gold in 28 years.
There are ethical and economic debates raised by this maximum sum game. At a time of austerity, that is profligate to some. We can maintain the momentum of success for every athlete with medal potential through to the next Games. The idea of marginal gains has gone from novelty to cliche over the past three Olympic cycles, but three examples from Rio underline how essential to British success it remains.
That can be the difference between winning a medal or going out in the first round. In track cycling, GB physio Phil Burt and team doctor Richard Freeman realised saddle sores were keeping some female riders out of training. To bring together a panel of experts — friction specialist, reconstructive surgeons, a consultant in vulval health — to advise on the waxing and shaving of pubic hair. In the six months before Rio not a single rider complained of saddle sores.
Britain won that gold on a penalty shootout, standing firm as their Dutch opponents, clear favourites for gold, missed every one of their four attempts. That hockey team featured Helen and Kate Richardson-Walsh, in their fifth Olympic cycle, mentoring year-old Lily Owsley, who scored the first goal in the final. A squad that won bronze in London were ready to go two better in Brazil. You see that on the pitch.
Leverage on the human beings as much as the science. In the velodrome, experience and expertise is being recycled with each successive Games. Paul Manning was part of the team pursuit quartet that won bronze in Sydney, silver in Athens and gold in Beijing. Expertise developed, expertise retained.
A culture where winning is expected, not just hoped for. Funding has not flowed to all British sports equally, because in some there is a greater chance of success than others. With 43 athletes they also had the biggest team of any nation there. Forty-nine of the nations there qualified teams of fewer than 10 athletes.
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Thirty-two had a team of just one or two rowers. Only nine other nations won gold. Then there is the decline of other nations who once battled with Britain for the upper reaches of the medal table, and frequently sat far higher. In , Russia finished fourth with 22 golds. They were third in and third again in Eighth in , sixth in Beijing, fourth in Athens, 10th here in Brazil. It is a remarkable depth and breadth of talent — a Games where year-old Nick Skelton won a gold and year-old gymnast Amy Tinkler grabbed a bronze, a fortnight where Jason Kenny won his sixth gold at the age of 28 and Mo Farah won his ninth successive global track title.
The abilities of those men and women has been backed up by similar aptitude in coaching and support. We do a lot in terms of people development. We are conscious when people are recruited to key positions as coaches they are not necessarily the finished article in their broader skills. After two decades of consistent improvement, Rio may not even represent the peak. Sports that have propelled Britain up the medal table have received extra investment while others have had their funding cut altogether Josh Halliday.
In the past 24 hours Team GB have rewritten their Olympic history, moving ahead of China into second place in the Rio medals table after winning a record-breaking five gold medals in a single day. So how has funding in British sport changed in the run-up to Super Sunday? Sports that failed to hit their medal target — including crowd-pleasers such as wrestling, table tennis and volleyball — either had their funding reduced or cut altogether.
Has that affected their prospects in Rio? It may be too soon to tell, but so far swimming is the only sport that has won medals at this Olympics after having it funding cut post The aim is quite simple: As it stands after day nine on Sunday, Team GB has one more medal than at the equivalent stage in London — their most successful ever Games. With six medals so far in Rio — one gold and five silvers — it has already passed its target of five for this Olympic Games. Its national governing body, British Swimming, will hope to be rewarded for this success with an increase in funding before Tokyo UK Sport funding for medal-winning Olympians is assured, but some of the clubs where they spend long hours training are struggling to survive.
The club is trying to raise sponsorship money through partnerships with local companies, he said, but has so far been unable to raise enough money to pay for coaches rather than rely on volunteers. We saw that a little bit, but of late that has dwindled a bit. It is well on the way to reaching its final Rio target of between eight and 10 medals. Funding for individual athletes Advertisement. Medals have gone up. British elite sport is certainly booming. They have argued that focusing disproportionately on sports such as cycling, sailing and rowing has meant those such as basketball risk withering because they were unable to demonstrate they would win a medal at either of the next two Olympics.
What about basketball, which has a lot of social potential in the inner cities? Why focus on specific sports? Why do we invest all this money in all those medals? Just to get the medals? To get people active? With a cold analysis of the objectives and the money invested, yes it has worked. They were given the objectives and they delivered. In May, Sport England, which focuses on grassroots sport, unveiled a four-year strategy to target inactivity. More than a quarter of the population is officially defined as inactive because they do less than 30 minutes of activity a week, including walking.
The move is a lurch away from the earlier strategy, which was set before London and focused on getting more people to play more sport with only mixed results. Severe cuts to local authority budgets are also squeezing resources at the grassroots level. The Amateur Swimming Association ASA said this weekend that there had been a huge jump in the number of people searching online for their nearest leisure pool during the first few days of the Games.
Meanwhile, the average level of swimming proficiency among schoolchildren requires improvement. Jennie Price, the chief executive of Sport England, said: Whether it encourages them to get more active, try something new or even strive for gold themselves one day, Team GB is making a massive contribution to sport back home. We need to capitalise on that, for example with programmes like Backing the Best where Sport England supports young talented athletes at the beginning of their sporting careers. Our main aim is making sure all young people get a positive experience when they try a sport and whatever they choose to do, come away with the good basic skills and having had a great time.
The Means to Success in World Politics. HOW many rankings of global power have put Britain at the top and China at the bottom? Not many, at least this century. If that was unexpected, there was another surprise in store at the foot of the country index: China, four times as wealthy as Britain, 20 times as populous and 40 times as large, came dead last. But the ranking gathered some useful data showing where Britain still has outsized global clout.
Britain fared least well on enterprise, mainly because it spends a feeble 1. And the quality of its governance was deemed ordinary, partly because of a gender gap that is wider than that of most developed countries, as measured by the UN. Governance was the category that sank undemocratic China, whose last place was sealed by a section dedicated to digital soft-power—tricky to cultivate in a country that restricts access to the web.
But many of the assets that pushed Britain to the top of the soft-power table are in play. In the next couple of years the country faces a referendum on its membership of the EU ; a slimmer role for the BBC , its prolific public broadcaster; and a continuing squeeze on immigration , which has already made its universities less attractive to foreign students. Its soft power endures—for now. Over the years, 26 different portraits of Elizabeth have been used in the U. However, some countries, such as Rhodesia now Zimbabwe , Malta and Fiji, used already existing portraits.
The Queen is frequently shown in formal crown-and-scepter attire, although Canada and Australia prefer to depict her in a plain dress and pearls. When Belize redesigned its currency in , it selected a portrait that was already 20 years old. Although She remains Head of State to many countries, over the years many member nations of the Commonwealth have adopted constitutions whereby The Queen is no longer Head of State. However, there are a number of nations who retain her as Head of State and she is still portrayed on the banknotes of numerous countries.
The Queen has been depicted on the banknotes of thirty-three issuing authorities, as well as on an essay prepared for Zambia. The countries and issuing authorities that have used portraits of The Queen are in alphabetical order: Arguably, there is some duplication in this list, depending on how it is viewed. Should British Honduras and Belize be counted as one issuing authority? Such decisions can be made by collectors for their own reference, but this list of countries should satisfy most collectors.
In total, there have been twenty-six portraits used on the various banknotes bearing the likeness of Queen Elizabeth. This study identifies the twenty-six individual portraits that have been used and also identifies the numerous varieties of the engravings, which are based on the portraits. The varieties of portraits on the banknotes are due, in the main, to different engravers, but there are some varieties due to different photographs from a photographic session being selected by different printers or issuing authorities. The list that follows this commentary identifies the twenty-six portraits, the photographer or artist responsible for the portrait where possible , and the date the portrait was executed.
Portraits used on the banknotes come from one of several sources. Most are official photographs that are distributed regularly by Buckingham Palace for use in the media and in public places. James Gutenberg ebook Henkisotilaan kertomuksia: Kustaa Adolfin historian tapauksista in Finnish , by C. Testamentti in Finnish , by C. Kuninkaankruunu in Finnish , by C.
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Scott's novels and poetry are still read, and many of his works remain classics of both English-language literature and of Scottish literature. Log in to rate this item. You must be logged in to post a review. There are no reviews for the current version of this product Refreshing There are no reviews for previous versions of this product. Moderation of Questionable Content Thank you for your interest in helping us moderate questionable content on Lulu.
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We were unable to complete your request. By Walter Scott Paperback: The Antiquary -- Volume