INVASION 2113 (Saga i) (French Edition)
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Nematostatic effects of a leaf extract from Crotalaria virgulata subsp. Nematostatic activity of aqueous extracts of West African Crotalaria species. Flower specialization in a passively pollinated monoecious fig: Traits of living leaves and decomposition rate of species from a Mediterranean secondary succession. Variation in intensity of competition along a Mediterranean successional gradient. On the use of capture-recapture models in mist-net studies.
Monitoring bird populations using mist nets Ralph C. Molecular characterization of Moroccan fig germplasm using intersimple sequence repeat and simple sequence repeat markers to establish a reference collection. Spatial pattern of beech Fagus sylvatica L. European Journal of Forest Research Effect of climate on litter decomposition and soil organic matter sequestration in humus of Mediterranean pine forests. Glacial history and colonization of Europe by the blue tit Parus caeruleus.
Habitat quality as a predictor of spatial variation in blue tit reproductive performance: Observation et simulation de la progression du buis entre et Grass populations control nitrification in savanna soils. The biology and ecology of narrow endemic and widespread plants: Stream regulation and nitrogen dynamics in sediment interstices: River Research and Applications L'objet ou son image? Diet and gregarious breeding in lesser grey shrike Lanius minor in Mediterranean France.
A simple model for minimum crop temperature forecasting during nocturnal cooling. Isolation of 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci from Antirhea borbonica Rubiaceae. Modelling the species richness distribution for French Aphodiidae Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea. Allozyme variation of oleaster populations wild olive tree Olea europaea L. Immunological method for direct assessment of the functionality of a denitrifying strain of Pseudomonas fluorescens in soil. Journal of Microbiological Methods Diachronic vegetational analysis coupled to ecological sampling in a GIS framework: Publications de la Sorbonne, Paris, p.
Submergence-induced damage of photosynthetic apparatus in Phragmites australis. Environmental and Experimental Botany You can't judge a pigment by its color: Biologie de Sphodroxia maroccana Ley et description de la femelle de ce nouveau ravageur forestier Coleoptera, Melolonthidae. The effect of the soil-feeding termite Cubitermes niokoloensis on soil microbial activity in a semi-arid savanna in West Africa.
Dung or beetle, that is the question Olfactory sensitivity, a significant trait of life of the phoretic mite Macrocheles perglaber Acari: Influence of food availability on demography and local population dynamics in a long-lived seabird. Chironomids and pionid mites interactions under Mediterranean climatic conditions in southern France.
Biological control of Biomphalaria glabrata, the intermediate host of schistosomes, by Marisa cornuarietis in ponds of Guadeloupe: Geographical variation in the yellow-legged gull: Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research Geographic differentiation of morphological traits and isozymes in the Mediterranean island endemic Anchusa crispa: The growth respiration component in eddy CO2 flux from a Quercus ilex Mediterranean forest.
Estimating N transfers between N2-fixing actinorhizal species and the non-fixing Prunus avium under partially controlled conditions. Biology and Fertility of Soils Life-history variation predicts the effects of demographic stochasticity on avian population dynamics. The American Naturalist Morphologie de femelles de Tetraponera tessmanii.
Insect pollination and inflorescence structure in two species of Spiranthes orchids. Proceedings of the 4th International workshop on functional-structural plant models FSPM , abstracts of papers and posters, June , Montpellier, France, p. Estimating survival and temporary emigration in the multistate capture-recapture framework. Testing the additive versus the compensatory hypothesis of mortality from ring recovery data using a random effects model. Departure of migrating European robins, Erithacus rubecula, from a stopover site in relation to wind and rain.
Assessing the relative importance of different sources of mortality from recoveries of marked animals. Is the reintroduced white stork Ciconia ciconia population in Switzerland self-sustainable? How to measure information carried by a modulated vocal signature? The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Acoustic recognition in macaroni penguins: An evaluation of methods for modelling species distributions.
Journal of Biogeography Physiological and Biochemical Zoology Understanding the relationship between the inbreeding coefficient and multilocus heterozygosity: Isoprenoid emissions of Quercus spp.
Q-suber and Q-ilex in mixed stands contrasting in interspecific genetic introgression. Camargue, quartier d'hiver de canards et de foulques: Milieux et paysages de Camargue: Microsatellite analysis of genetic diversity of the Vietnamese Sika Deer Cervus nippon pseudaxis. Multiple genetic contributions to plant performance in Thymus vulgaris. Patterns and uncertainties of species' range shifts under climate change. Do we need land-cover data to model species distributions in Europe?
Effects of restricting environmental range of data to project current and future species distributions. Relating plant traits and species distributions along bioclimatic gradients for 88 Leucodendron taxa. Spatial relationships between tree-nesting heron colonies and rice fields in the Camargue, France.
Proposals to conserve names of extant fig trees against senior homonyms of fossils: Braun Heer and Ficus tremula Warb. Phylogenetic analysis of Geotrupidae Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea based on larvae. Some theoretical properties of the O-PLS method. Journal of Chemometrics Assessing spatial variation in browsing history by means of fraying scars. Can we reconstruct browsing history and how far back?
Lessons from Vaccinium parvifolium Smith in Rees. Global climate change leads to mistimed avian reproduction. Advances in Ecological Research Interspecific control of non-symbiotic carbon partitioning in the rhizosphere of a grass-clover association: Journal of Experimental Botany Values and science in ecological restoration: The worldwide leaf economics spectrum. Mouette rieuse, Black-headed gull, Larus ridibundus. Water balance of the olive tree-annual crop association: Agricultural Water Management Efficiency of near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy to assess and predict the stage of transformation of organic matter in the composting process.
Seasonal and annual variation of carbon exchange in an evergreen Mediterranean forest in southern France. The effects of deer on invertebrate abundance and diversity. Lessons from the Islands: Physique, psychophysique, Encyclopaedia Universalis, Paris, pp. Entre l'Homme et la Nature: Tibetan medicine and biodiversity management in Dolpo, Nepal: Tibetan medicine in the contemporary world: Belowground nematode herbivores are resistant to elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations in grassland ecosystems.
Rearing method and life-table data for the cocoa mirid bug Sahlbergella singularis Haglund Hemiptera: Journal of Applied Entomology Germination of an obligate seeder Ulex parviflorus and consequences for wildfire management. Cahiers d'Etudes et de Recherches Francophones, Agricultures High outcrossing rates in fields with mixed sorghum landraces: Animal movements in heterogeneous landscapes: Montpellier, July , Bertrand M.
Adaptation in parasitic mites: Montpellier, July A quick overview of the story of French acarologists. Getting serious about maintaining biodiversity. Investing in natural capital and economic development: South Africa's Drakensberg mountains. On humans and wildlife in Mediterranean islands. Lost species and animal survivors. Mediterranean islands Arnold C. Chemical Senses 33 Supplement: The chemical ecology of seed dispersal in monoecious and dioecious figs.
Small-scale spatial genetic structure in the Central African rainforest tree species Aucoumea klaineana: Colonization processes and the maintenance of genetic diversity: Seed supply, drought, and grazing determine spatio-temporal patterns of recruitment for native and introduced invasive pines in grasslands. Habitat amelioration and associational defence as main facilitative mechanisms in Mediterranean grasslands grazed by domestic livestock. Choosing where to reproduce: Public information affects breeding dispersal in a colonial bird: Maternal transfer of antibodies: Modern and natural coconut hybrids in Southern India: Journal of Ethnobiology Eleven polymorphic microsatellite markers in Cory's shearwater, Calonectris diomedea, and cross-species amplification on threatened Procellariiformes.
Molecular Ecology Resources 8: Data on the distribution of amphibians and reptiles from North and West Africa, with emphasis on Acanthodactylus lizards and the Sahara Desert. Assessing the effect of inbreeding and long-distance gene flow on the invasive potential of Senecio pterophorus Asteraceae. Australian Journal of Botany Increased fitness and plasticity of an invasive species in its introduced range: Radiation, multiple dispersal and parallelism in the skinks, Chalcides and Sphenops Squamata: Scincidae , with comments on Scincus and Scincopus and the age of the Sahara Desert.
Implications of the carbon cycle steady state assumption for biogeochemical modeling performance and inverse parameter retrieval. Global Biogeochemical Cycles Seasonal variation in species composition of an urban bird community in Mediterranean France. Landscape and Urban Planning Adaptive phenotypic plasticity in response to climate change in a wild bird population. Relatedness and social behaviors in Cercopithecus solatus.
International Journal of Primatology Genetic heterozygosity and sociality in a primate species. Age at maturity in wild baboons: Paternal effects on offspring fitness in a multimale primate society. Inbreeding depression in ring-tailed lemurs Lemur catta: Rapid evolution of seed dispersal in an urban environment in the weed Crepis sancta. Impact des incendies sur la tortue d'Hermann. Automatic generation of multistate capture recapture models. Canadian Journal of Statistics The history and current status of the French phenology networks.
The history and current status of plant phenology in Europe Nekovar J. Random walk models in biology. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 5: Plant species traits are the predominant control on litter decomposition rates within biomes worldwide. Sleeping sickness in West Africa Tropical Medicine and International Health Carbon and nitrogen dynamics of potato residues and sheep dung in a two-year rotation cultivation in the Bolivian Altiplano.
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis Helpers in colonial cooperatively breeding sociable weavers Philetairus socius contribute to buffer the effects of adverse breeding conditions. Is heterogeneity of catchability in capture-recapture studies a mere sampling artifact or a biologically relevant feature of the population? Western Palearctic list update: Systematic status and correct nomen of the western North African cat snake: Telescopus tripolitanus Werner, Serpentes: Colubridae , with comments on the other taxa in the dhara-obtusus group.
Tarentola annularis annularis Geoffroy de Saint-Hilaire, preying on a mammal. Pairwise comparison of soil organic particle-size distributions in native savannas and Eucalyptus plantations in Congo. Cost of adaptation to a metalliferous environment for Thlaspi caerulescens: La quinoa en Bolivie: Can functional classification of tropical trees predict population dynamics after disturbance?
Contribution of pitcher fragrance and fluid viscosity to high prey diversity in a Nepenthes carnivorous plant from Borneo. Journal of Biosciences Breeding system and pollination biology of the semi-domesticated fruit tree, Tamarindus indica L. African Journal of Biotechnology 7: Stable annual pattern of water use by Acacia tortilis in Sahelian Africa. Comparison of color and body condition between early and late breeding King penguins. Effect of date of emergence on the growth of the clonal perennial yellow Cyperus esculentus in the Haute Lande, south-western France.
Allee effect and self-fertilization inhermaphrodites: Female coloration indicates female reproductive capacity in blue tits. Characterization of 15 polymorphic microsatellite markers in the freshwater snail Aplexa marmorata Mollusca, Gastropoda. Prevalence and diversity of Lyme borreliosis bacteria in marine birds. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 8: Effects of leaf emergence on leaf lifespan are independent of life form and successional status.
Stomoxyine flies from Ethiopia. Can host-range allow niche differentiation of invasive polyphagous fruit flies Diptera: Outbreeding alleviates senescence in hermaphroditic snails as expected from the mutation-accumulation theory. The different sources of variation in inbreeding depression, heterosis and outbreeding depression in a metapopulation of Physa acuta. High genetic variance in life-history strategies within invasive populations by way of multiple introductions.
Genetic hitchhiking in a subdivided population of Mytilus edulis. BMC Evolutionary Biology 8: Culture of Plantago species as bioactive components resources: Tracing the colonization history of the Indian Ocean scops-owls Strigiformes: Otus with further insight into the spatio-temporal origin of the Malagasy avifauna. Host-parasite coevolution and patterns of adaptation across time and space.
Variation in mate preference across a house mouse hybrid zone. Regional phenological models for forecasting the start and peak of the Quercus pollen season in Spain. Comparing the effect of habitat on the magnitude of inbreeding depression in the Mediterranean native Senecio malacitanus and the alien S. Outils pour la gestion des prairies permanentes Cruz P. A conceptual framework for introduced species research in Haida Gwaii. Reduction in deer numbers on Reef and SGang Gwaay: Changes of the potential distribution area of French Mediterranean forests under global warming.
Analysis of band-recovery data in a multistate capture-recapture framework. Comparing clines on molecular and phenotypic traits in hybrid zones: On the distribution of Platyceps saharicus Reptilia: Colubridae in the Sahara. Spatio-temporal sharing between the European wildcat, the domestic cat and their hybrids. Demographic variation and population viability in a threatened Himalayan medicinal and aromatic herb Nardostachys grandiflora: Potential impacts of climate change on stable flies, investigated along an altitudinal gradient.
Relationships between chemical properties of larval media and development of two Stomoxys species Diptera: Muscidae from Reunion Island. Parasitology Research Supplement: The risk of flawed inference in evolutionary studies when detectability is less than one. Within-canopy sampling of global irradiance to describe downwelling light distribution and infer canopy stratification in a broadleaf forest.
Quality control of CarboEurope flux data - Part 1: Teasing out biological effects and sampling artifacts when using occupancy rate in monitoring programs. Journal of Field Ornithology Resilience of the British and Irish seabird community in the twentieth century. Paradox of flying to meetings to protect the environment. Pour la Science Dajoz, Ellipses, , p. A junk-food hypothesis for gannets feeding on fishery waste. Assessing the impact of climate variation on survival in vertebrate populations. Taxonomic and regional uncertainty in species-area relationships and the identification of richness hotspots.
On the relationships between stomatal resistance and leaf temperatures in thermography. Climate-driven diversification in two widespread Galerida larks. Testing Bergmann's rule in the presence of potentially confounding factors: Primary flavonoids in marigold dye: Proposed conservation landscape for giant pandas in the Minshan mountains, China. Elevated atmospheric CO2 fuels leaching of old dissolved organic matter at the alpine treeline. No stimulation in root production in response to 4 years of in situ CO2 enrichment at the Swiss treeline. High variation in foliage and leaf litter chemistry among 45 tree species of a neotropical rainforest community.
Costs of persistence and the spread of competing seeders and sprouters. Accuracy of song syntax learning and singing consistency signal early condition in zebra finches. Fungal sex as a private matter: Quantifying inbreeding in natural populations of hermaphroditic organisms. Temporal coexistence of dung-dweller and soil-digger dung beetles Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea in contrasting Mediterranean habitats.
Bulletin of Entomological Research Insectes d'altitude, insectes en altitude. Spatial and temporal variation of mountain dung beetle assemblages and their relationships with environmental factors Aphodiinae; Geotrupinae; Scarabaeinae. Relative efficiency of extensive grazing vs. Recruitment processes in long-lived species with delayed maturity: Senescence rates are determined by ranking on the fast-slow life-history continuum. Coloured patches influence pairing rate in King Penguins. Hypotheses, mechanisms and trade-offs of tolerance and adaptation to serpentine soils: Moroccan fig presents specific genetic resources: Peut-on classer le vivant?
Double-brooded great tits Parus major in Mediterranean oak habitats: Russian Journal of Ecology Interactions between ants and breeding Paridae in two distinct Corsican oak habitats. Bacteria from the rhizosphere and roots of Brassica napus influence its root growth promotion by Phyllobacterium brassicacearum. King penguin population threatened by Southern Ocean warming. Reply to Barbraud et al.: Rapport d'expertise, juillet INRA, Paris, p. Canine tooth size and fitness in male mandrills Mandrillus sphinx. Journal of Human Evolution Local genetic co-structuring of the ant Petalomyrmex phylax and its host plant Leonardoxa a.
Mutualism, hybrid inviability and speciation in a tropical ant-plant. Should the effects of landscape changes on biodiversity be taken seriously? Modelling rainfall interception in a mediterranean Quercus ilex ecosystem: Journal of Hydrology The relationship between forecasted rarity and species richness values for Scarabaeidae and Aphodiinae species in France Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea.
Insect ecology and conservation Fattorini Simone, Ed.
Seishun to Dokusho 4: Virulence evolution in response to vaccination: Why do female Columbian ground squirrels Spermophilus columbianus give an estrus call? The distribution of beneficial and fixed mutation fitness effects close to an optimum. The effects of deer and squirrels on forest birds: Deer and biodiversity on Haida Gwaii: Age-specific reproduction in a long-lived species: Aux origines des plantes: Phylogenetic relationships of the Gulf of Guinea Alcedo kingfishers. Blue tits Cyanistes caeruleus respond to an experimental change in the aromatic plant odour composition of their nest.
Aromatic plants in blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus nests: The evolutionary ecology of senescence. Suprafamilial relationships among Rodentia and the phylogenetic effect of removing fast-evolving nucleotides in mitochondrial, exon and intron fragments. Contemporary perspectives on the niche that can improve models of species range shifts under climate change. Tree species range shifts at a continental scale: Characterization of 15 microsatellite loci in the pulmonate snail Pseudosuccinea columella Mollusca, Gastropoda.
Combined approach using morphology and ITS-sequences for description of three new species of Macrocheles Acari: Effect of weather on the reproductive rate of Rock Ptarmigan Lagopus muta in the eastern Pyrenees. Impact of abundance weighting on the response of seed traits to climate and land use. Learning from the first release project of captive-bred mandrills Mandrillus sphinx in Gabon.
Factors affecting post-dispersal seed predation in two coexisting oak species: Seed removal in two coexisting oak species: Dynamics of understorey herbaceous plant diversity following shrub clearing of cork oak forests: Age-specific genetic and maternal effects in fecundity of preindustrial finnish women. Territory characteristics and coexistence with heterospecifics in the Dartford warbler Sylvia undata across a habitat gradient.
Estimation of sex-specific survival with uncertainty in sex assessment. Photosynthesis and leaf structure in domesticated cassava Euphorbiaceae and a close wild relative: Medical toxicology of natural substances: Regional variation in tropical forest tree species composition in the Central African Republic: Journal of Tropical Ecology Domestication and diversity in manioc Manihot esculenta Crantz ssp. Root traits and taxonomic affiliation of nine herbaceous species grown in glasshouse conditions.
Systematics of the Dioryctria abietella species group Lepidoptera: Pyralidae based on mitochondrial DNA. Changes in litter properties during decomposition: Searching for an indicator of N evolution during organic matter decomposition based on amino acids behaviour: Evidence from population genetics that the ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete Laccaria amethystina is an actual multihost symbiont.
Two steps to suicide in crickets harbouring hairworms. The cost of reproduction and experience-dependent vital rates in a small petrel. Evolution of cassava Manihot esculenta Crantz after recent introduction into a South Pacific island system: Combined mass mapping and biochemical characterization of grape beta-Glycosidase-enriched extract. Effect of high nest density on spatial relationships in two dominant ectatommine ants Hymenoptera: Differing nitrogen use strategies of two tropical rainforest late successional tree species in French Guiana: Iranian macrochelids II short description of four new species.
What about the genus Macrocheles? Journal de Botanique SBF Out of the rivers: Ambient temperature effects on photo induced gonadal cycles and lehormonal secretion patterns in Great Tits from three different breeding latitudes. A new model of gross primary productivity for North American ecosystems based solely on the enhanced vegetation index and land surface temperature from MODIS.
Remote Sensing of Environment Is land abandonment having an impact on biodiversity? A meta-analytical approach to bird distribution changes in the north-western Mediterranean. Spatial extent of bird species response to landscape changes: Saproxylic beetle assemblages of old Holm-oak trees in the Mediterranean region: Application of habitat suitability modelling to tracking data of marine animals as a means of analyzing their feeding habitats. Journal of Rural Studies Variable exposure and immunological response to Lyme disease Borrelia among North Atlantic seabird species.
Do volatile organic compound emissions of Tunisian cork oak populations originating from contrasting climatic conditions differ in their responses to summer drought? Deer prevent western redcedar Thuya plicata regeneration in old-growth forests of Haida Gwaii: Scaling environmental change through the community-level: First report on mangiferin C-glucosyl-xanthone isolated from leaves of a wild coffee plant, Coffea pseudozanguebariae Rubiaceae. Des fragments de nature: Commission Scientifique de l'IFB: Prior selfing and the selfing syndrome in animals: Isolation and characterization of new polymorphic microsatellite loci in the mixotrophic orchid Limodorum abortivum L.
Importance of causal analysis of threats to oceanic avifaunas: Genetic evidence reveals temporal change in hybridization patterns in a wild baboon population. Factors influencing duiker dung decay in north-east Gabon: African Journal of Ecology The potential of integrated modelling in conservation biology: Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems Is territory defence related to plumage ornaments in the king penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus?
Graecus P , Paris. Graecus Q ; Roma, Vatic. Graecus W ; Istanbul, Constanti- nop. Graecus E ; Bibl. Lo studio mettendo in risalto l'importanza grande di P nella tradizione del testo laerziano. Codici menzionati riguardanti Diogene Laerzio: La du manuscrit Cheltenham. The doublet readings in the Book of Kells. Hermathena, 94, , p. Many of these readings are in the nature of explanations by lectiones faciliores.
Old Latin readings in Kells sometimes side by side with the Vulgate ones have some affinity to the Greek text of D. Le martyrologe de Wandelbert. Analecta Bcllandiana, 79, , p. Edi- dit Heinricus Besseler. IL Missarum pars prior. Corpus mensurabilis musicae, 1. Missa sine nomine, M. La mort de saint Gothard. Tentoonstelling uit het kunstpatrimonium van Belgisch- en Nederlands Limburg. Recueil composite contenant e. Jean de Ruysbroeck, Jacques de Gruytrode, etc.
Recueil composite; IV Timmers, Heures; Annonciation min. Dunstan's Saint classbook from Glaston- bury. Amsterdam, North-Holland Publishing Co. Umbrae Codicum Occiden- talium, 4. De Bruyne dans le Madrid, B. Review of Wen- keback E. Classical Philology, 56, , p. Johannes Praussers Pre- digt iiber die Unaussprechlichkeit Gottes. Georgen ; Heidelberg, Coll. Eis, et Leuvense Bijdragen, 50, , p. La survie du verbe latin abominari et l'afr. Neo- philologus, 45, , p. Observations sur le vocabulaire de Paul Diacre.
Latinitas Christianorum Pri- maeva, Manuscripta, 5, , p. The second series, f. On the new edition of the Opera Sancti Columbani. Classica et Mediaevalia, 21, , p. Scriptorium, 12, , p. VIL 15; Vatican, Pal. Revue de 35, , p. Cois- lin 83, qui contiennent le texte de YHisto- ria Monachorum in Aegypto. The " Poenitentiale " of Robert of Flamborough: A prints part of a passage found in at least 20 of the 26 listed MSS. Of the 31 MSS. An edition is being prepared. Flanders in the fifteenth century: Catalogue of the exhibition Masterpieces of Flemish art: The Detroit Institute of Arts.
Signalons les mss suivants: Jean Mansel, La Fleur des histoires vol. I New York P. Jean de Wavrin, Chroniques d'Angleterre vol. Codex diplomaticus Bohemiae I, Nos , et Initia hymnorum Ecclesiae Graecae. Studi e Testi, Revue d'histoire 56, , p. Il appartenait aux grands docteurs du XIIIe s. Si oui, est-il authentique? Comme le dit fort bien M"e F.
John's College 57, , Oxford Bodl. Hatton 92, Paris Arsenal , , Paris B. Review of Grund- mann H. Barbireau and Bar- bingat: Journal of the American Musicological Society, 13, , p.
Book Downloading Sites.
Opera omnia Corpus mensurabilis musicae, 7 , Amsterdam ; argues that the two were persons from a their names a history of the origin of the error that identified them , b MSS. Un'ignota odissea latina dell'ultimo Trecento. Zabarella di cui ha note autografe nel f. Come autore della retractatio viene proposto con estre- ma cautela a p. Milan, Ambrosienne D 59 sup. Scrinium Lovaniense, Louvain , p. Cela n'est pas exclu. Les Questiones des canonistes. Bilan provisoire et plan de travail. L'obituaire de St-Victor de Xanten. Victor zu Xanten, hrg. Abbildung des Totenbuches in Lichtdrucken, hrg.
Kevelaer, Butzon et Bercker, ; 2 vol. Pelagius, der irische Paulustext, Sedulius Scottus. Aus der Geschichte der lateinischen Bibel, 3. Jehan Tavernier, XV9 eeuwse miniaturist, in het lient van archi- valische documenten.
Bulletin codicologique
Handelingen van de Geschied- en Oudheidkundige Kring van Oudenaarde, 12, , p. La relique de la Vraie Croix. S'il ne concerne pas directement les mss [il ne cite que. Il leur donnera, tout d'abord, ce que le Dr Thoby n'a pas su leur donner: Deinhardt, Bambergenses Fribourg, et d'H. Tuechle, Dedicationes Constanti- enses Fribourg, Je n'y trouve pas non plus l'article de M. Les palestiniennes, de Fumes et de Messines FI. Kunstmann Festschrift, Chapel Hill , p. De l'usage et de la lecture du martyrologe. Analecta Bol- landiana, 79, , p. The murder of Charles the Good, count of Flanders.

Translated with an introduction and notes by James Bruce Ross. Sources and Studies, Das atteste Fragment des Cornes des ht. Morin , mais sans arguments nouveaux. Impronte nella copertina del manoscrit- to di un lezionario milanese. Ambrosius, , supplemento al n. I, 16; Munich lat. Ephemerides Liturgicae, 75, , p. Wroclaw , pp. Francisci de Monte Leonis Orthographia. Los comenta- rios de los canonistas a las constituciones del Concilio IV de Latran, Admont 22; Bamberg Can. IL 7 ; Cassel Jur. Le feuillet Mingana 7 est palimpseste.
Le texte grec 1 Ioh. Le feuillet Mingana Georg. Rozprawy Komisji Histo- rii Sztuki, t. Le ms est incomplet: Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes de G. Il n'y a pas lieu ici d'y insister. On consultera les comptes-rendus de B. Courcelle, dans Revue des Etudes anciennes 62, , p. Vaticanus latinus XIe s. Mohlberg, Sacramentarium Veronense, Rome, Herder, Enkele opmerkingen over uitgavetechniek naar aanleiding van: De Tweede Rose, uitgegeven door Prof.
The principal point differentiating it. The largest part of the article is consecrated to interesting remarks concerning the edition of texts, especially in middle-Dutch. The orthography and the problem of typographical reproduction of the letter-types, the use of capitals and punctuation and other problems of the edition are studied in the light of the Heeroma edition method. Die Hymnen der handschrift Monte Cassino Anuario musical, 11, , p. Antikes und mittelalterliches Buch- und Schriftwesen. Ue ber lie ferungs geschichte der antiken Literatur.
Mit einem Vorwort von Martin Bodmer. Die mathematischen Schriften des Albertus Magnus. Angelicum, 35, , p. Admont ; Bruges, Ville, ; Leyde ; Munich lat. Leon Battista Alberti fra latinismo e toscanismo: Lingua nostra, , I, pp. Addenda et indices curavit Paulus Canart. Codices manu scripti recensiti. Sur soixante mss, 30 au XVIe s. Photius, Lettres XVIe s. Barlaam et Joasaph XVIe s. Glossary of the book. Terms used in papermaking, printing, bookbinding and publishing. With notes on illuminated manuscripts, bibliophiles, private presses and printing societies.
Aantekenin- gen van G. Gerson et les Chartreux. Religioso viro, fratri Johanni Cum olim saeculo militans Texts and Studies in the history of mediaeval education, 8. Aux origines de la Sorbonne. Mention du registre des prieurs Paris, B. Assise , ; Florence, Laurent. Erbe und Auftrag, 36, , p. Erbe und Auftrag, 37, , Munding, un des principaux collaborateurs des Texte und Arbeiten, la publication codico- logique des moines de Beuron. On doit au P. Granstrem en ; cf. Vizantijskij Vremennik, 12, , p.
Istoritcheskij otcherk iobzor fondov rukopisnogo otdela biblioteki Nauk. Elle se subdivise en trois groupes: Signalons le ms Q. The Medieval Cistercian Abbot. American Society Yearbook , p. The Catena of Codex Zacynthius. Il fait d'utiles remarques sur le traitement que subissaient les avant leur remploi. II ; Darmstadt, Landesbibl. The Verona Florile- gium of Archivum Franciscanum Historicum, 54, , p. IV , avec variantes des mss: Alman, under the general supervision of H.
British Association for American Studies. La Tour Saint- Jacques, 2, , p. La contemplation de Dieu. L'oraison de dom Guillaume. Introduction, texte latin et traduction de dom Jacques Hourlier. Parmi eux, 15 mss liste p. Royal 5 F vii XIIe s. Mainly a discussion of M's annalistic sources and of the 16th century marginal entries in the two MSS.
Les hymnes de Victorinus et les hymnes Adesto et Miserere d'Alcuin. Angers, ; Bamberg, Patr. Le plus important est un antiphonaire qui contient 11 admirables miniatures par Giovanni di Paolo, peintre siennois de ca. Analecta Bollan- diana, 79, , p. Analecta Boltandiana, 79, , p. Une nouvelle recension de la vie de sainte Eupraxie. Escurial Miller , Miller , Constantinople, Patr. Revue des Etudes byzantines, 19, , p. Un second saint Gordiusi Analecta Bollandiana, 79, , p. Magni Aurelii Cassiodori senatoris Liber de anima: Introduction and Critical Text. Class I a , descended from an insular MS: IX F ; Paris B.
Avranches 86; Bruxelles B. Lyell 49 ancien Admont, Bibl. The text of A is " nearest the original "; CMP are a family. The anonymous treatise of C, f. Other MSS quoted from are Dijon The Marginal Drawings of the Bury St. English " literal " concern; contacts with the imagery of the later folios of London B. Harley show that the Bury psalter is from the Canterbury and can be dated ca.
Other illuminated psalters cited are Boulogne 20 and Paris B. The Dedication of Francesco Corteccia's " Himnaria. Gazette des Beaux- Arts, 51, , p. Les gravures de Schongauer furent reproduites par des miniaturistes italiens, notamment par le Florentin Gherardo. The Fifteen Signs before the Judgement: A previously unpublished version from that of the Legenda aurea is printed from Paris Arsenal , beginning " Segnor, or faites pais, s'en- tendes ma raison "; is an another MS.
The other Brussels MSS of the Aurora, ; ; ; ; ; ; and , do not have the poem found in Un grec de S. Recherches de Science religieuse, , p. Mat- thaei, Evangelium secundum Marcum, Riga, , p.
XI decoration resembles Irish stone-carvings of saec. X- XI ; Rouen Bibl. Evrout, later at St. Ouen, a double psalter with commentary on the latter, see now L. MacNiocaill, Celtica 5, , p. This division the scheme of illumination: An Irish origin of this decorative scheme is perhaps suggested by the fact that two of the earliest MSS. The plates contain inter alia some excellent photos from the badly burnt Yitellius MS. Historia Francorum qui ceperunt Jerusalem by Ramond d'A- guilers.
American Philosophical Yearbook I, p. Una biblioteca cisterciense medieval: Analecta sacra Tarraconensia, 32, , p. Il nous montre, sur un exemple, tout ce que l'on peut tirer des catalogues de mss pour la reconstitution d'un milieu culturel. Taraconnensia 21 , p. Les catalogues de La Real sont de et de Historische schoonheid van Maaseik.
Gids samengesteld door G. Quintino, Quaestio- nes de sacramentis; Brugge, Bibl. Johannes von Paris, Quaestiones disputatae, Brussel, Bibl. Eudes de Rosny, Sentenzenkommentar; Paris, Mazarine Quintino, Quaestiones de sacramentis; Todi, Bibl. Quintino, Quaestiones de sacramentis; Troyes, Bibl. La copie unique, British Museum, Roy.
Trois annexes ce beau livre: Versification de la copie, 2. De telles observations ont leur incidence sur les discussions en cours, entre concernant le mode de des chansons de geste. Mais que vaut le texte reproduit? Le commentaire est un peu bref: S'il devait encore exister un exemplaire du IXe s. The Sources of the Ivories of the Ada School. Group 1 derives from Italian models of the early Christian period; for the Bodleian Book- cover 5 sources were used. Group 2 derives from the eastern Empire before Iconoclasm; the style of the Lorsch covers Codex aureus, Vatican and London Bookcovers appears of Constantinople towards the end of the 6th century.
Group 3 derives from contemporary models; in the Four Evangelists Paris, Cabinet des the frontal type appears to have been taken from a figure type of Christ which appears in the Ada Gospels of St. La chronique du Cantor n'est connue que par une copie assez tardive: Une note, comme il se doit,. Je prends, par ex. Katalog der griechi- schen Handschriften der Oesterreichischen Nationalbibliothek. Codices philosophici et philologici. Geleitwort von Josef Stummvoll.
Ce fonds comprend deux mss du Xe s. Ce fonds est riche en textes byzantins. Dans chaque cas, M. D'ailleurs, la pratique des filigranes qu'on ne peut sans erreur se de distinctions aussi pertinentes. Aussi doit-on s'empresser de les notices de M. Pseudo-Platonica in einer Ausgabe des 4. Studien, 74, , p.
Revue des Etudes grecques, 73, , p. Une publication distincte du fruit de ces recherches se justifiait d'autant mieux que ces commentaires forment dans cas des opuscules transmis du texte pindarique. Irigoin se recommande par sa rigueur. Irigoin des observations originales concernant les filigranes p. Papyrus Berlin P , P , P. Q 4A et B; Milan, Ambros. Trois catalogues de manuscrits grecs. La storia del testo. Revue de Philologie, 35, , p.
Hieroglyphic studies of the Renaissance. La Chasse exists in three mss: M, sixteenth century, successively in the Huzard, Pichon and. Schwerdt libraries, and since in Professor Tilander's own private collection; T, a fragment, J. It has been printed twice previously: In his introduction he describes the.
Les Dits du bon chien Souillard form a short poem of 50 alexandrines in couplets. The poem exists in four MSS. H, already described, ff. It has been published twice, in the same two editions as La Chasse. In his introduction he describes and compares the MSS. Les Louanges follow on naturally from La Chasse, but they have far less to offer as a literary The poem exists in one MS.
Professor Tilander establishes the date, analyses the language and the versification and then publishes the. The volume is completed by a glossary containing nearly head-words, a list of proper- names, for the most part canine, and a bibliography. It is a worthy successor to the five earlier books in Cynegetica series, three texts, two of them at least of considerable literary attraction, documented, impeccably edited. Quodlibets I et II. Jahrbuch des Stiftes Klosterneuburg. Band I der gesamten Reihe IX parut en Kortan, Ein neuent- decktes gotisches Vesperbild; G.
Gloses de Guillaume de Conches sur Macrobe. Note sur les manuscrits. Sitzungs- berichte der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Book Downloading Sites.
In Hieremiam, libri VI. Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina, Munie, , fragment du VIe s. Introduction, texte latin, traduction et notes de dom Paul Antin. Mais on trouvera p. Angers , XIIe s. Helmantica, 12, , p. Le Moyen Age, 66, , p. The Tree of Jesse Window of Chartres: Dijon 2, , and ; London B. Arundel 44; Prague Univ. Ses premiers et ses derniers il les trouve chez Roger de Wendover ou bien chez Paris. The Crusade and Death of Richard I. Anglo-Norman Text Society, t. XVII, Oxford , pp. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Fairfax 10, f.
Pour les autres mss, l'a. Journal of Archaeology 22, , p. Revue belge de Philologie et d'Histoire, 38, ,p.
The grantee has only begun his investigation of the extensive MS tradition. Cues 21; Erfurt, Amplon. Ceskoslo- venskfi fasopis historick'y, 8, I, Dun- barton Oaks Papers, 14, , p. Burgos Archivo Municipal Fol. The origins of the Chigi codex: Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 42 , p.
Review of Ross W. American Journal of Philology, 82, , p. Codex Bezae and Mill. Oxford Queen's College, Ms Coll. Cette copie permet de plusieurs lignes maintenant perdues du folio Uma- nesimo e esoterismo, Padova , p. Handschriften der Grafen von Nassau-Breda. Archiv fur Geschichte des Buchwesens, 3, , col. Die Handschriften des Leander van Esz. Archiv fur Geschichte des 1, , p. Johann von Valkenburg und seine Nachfolger.
Sieben Gladbacher Handschriften in Darmstadt. Archiv fur Geschichte des Buchwesens, 1, , p. Romance Philology, 14, , p. Arras ; Boulogne 15; Bourges ; London B. Johannes von Damas- kos. Studia Patristica et Byzantina, 5. Rares sont les manuscrits anciens; six pourtant sont attribuables au IXe-Xe s. Mais tel n'est pas l'avis de dom K. Ses notices tiennent souvent en deux lignes.
Ce n'est pas que dom K.
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