Confessions from Correspondentland: The Dangers and Delights of Life as a Foreign Correspondent
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Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Confessions from Correspondentland by Nick Bryant. He provides a window onto American politics that no insider can. From how Bush saves seats for his favorite reporters to how Clinton responds to questions about that little blue dress, Bryant discovers the dangers and delights of seeing the world through this unique and often strange perspective.
Paperback , pages.
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Published July 30th by Oneworld Publications first published August 31st To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Confessions from Correspondentland , please sign up. Be the first to ask a question about Confessions from Correspondentland. Lists with This Book. This was a fascinating read from a BBC foreign correspondent, who has a lot to say about recent history, from a first hand perspective.
There's some refreshing reading as he paints images of exotic and sometimes dangerous locations, and the major players who grace our This was a fascinating read from a BBC foreign correspondent, who has a lot to say about recent history, from a first hand perspective. There's some refreshing reading as he paints images of exotic and sometimes dangerous locations, and the major players who grace our news bulletins. With these first hand accounts mixed with the day to day life of a journalist, this is an easy read that delights with its insight.
It is also a book of self-contained chapters, so the topics sit within their chosen sections. Nick's views on the modern 24 hour news channel is also worth noting, seeing he began his career when the evening bulletin was all there was. I won't share these with you as they come at the end of the book, but his thoughts make you re-examine the dumbing down of the media. This book is rather excellent and it came as a surprise.
Maybe it was because of the title or the comic cover of the book or the cheap price on Amazon but i was not expecting it to be such a serious and well written modern history of events and conflicts. The narrative then goes back to explaining how he became a journalist working for t This book is rather excellent and it came as a surprise.
The narrative then goes back to explaining how he became a journalist working for the London Evening Standard, Daily Mail and onto the BBC where his first foreign assignment was to Jerusalem.
The date is NOV Rabin had attended a peace rally in front of the City Hall in Tel Aviv. As he walked off stage he spoke to a radio reporter and the assassin shot him 4 times. The assassin was 25 year old student and former Israeli soldier, Yigal Amir, and he claimed to be acting on God's orders. That's a way to start your first foreign assignment. Here is a very brief synopsis of his assignments: Bryant recites his time out in Washington and this is very interesting.
Bush inauguration Day on JAN The issue where the Democrat, Al Gore, looked to have won the election but due to the perplexing ballot papers down in Florida there were recounts.. North Korea, Iran and Iraq. Iraq War and then the Washington sniper. Afghanistan and the election where Hamid Karzi. General Pervez Musharraf was ousted from his army job so he seized control of the government through a military coup. India was transformed from a near Socialist economy to a fully-fledged capitalist one.
He stayed for 10 years and was replaced in by Narendra Modi. Srinagar is the largest city in the Kashmir Valley. Bryant was there in April to cover the opening of a historic new bus service linking Indian administered Kashmir to Pakistan administered Kashmir. Before the bus left militants were attacking the Indian Army and Bryant and his crew ended-up in the middle of it. Sri Lanka got independence in The Buddhist-Sinhala majority was determined to assert its dominance.
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They made the Tamils second class citizens. In the early s it became a full-blown civil war. A 26 year conflict claiming between 80 to , lives including the Tamils assassinating the Sri Lankan President, Ranasinghe Premadasa in and the former Indian Prime Minister, Rajiv Gandhi in In there was a ceasefire agreement.
This granted the Tamils a measure of self-rule over land in the north. That truce did fall into disrepute. There was the Boxing Day tsunami. Maldives got independence from Britain in the mid's. Within years most of the Maldives was set to become uninhabitable and plans are already in place to evacuate the , population.
Nick marries Fleur Wood and they have a baby and move to her native Australia. May 13, Calli rated it really liked it. The author is engaging, has some great stories, and has interesting perspective on a lot of significant events. He is honest about the good and bad points of the profession and brings a great, wry sense of humor.

My only criticism is an occasional sense of tone-deafness. The New Rulers of the World. Black Widow White Widow. All of These People: And Then They Came for Me. Travels in the New Third World. Etiquette Guide to Japan. Boye Lafayette De Mente. And So It Went.
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