Befragung von Kindern und Jugendlichen: Grundlagen, Methoden und Anwendungsfelder (German Edition)
- Nicola Baumann, Publikationsliste.
- Second Sight - The Elixir of Life.
- Navigationsweiche Ende.
- .
- Beer Brewing For Beginners: 108 Home Brewing Beer Recipes Even Dummies Can Do Easily!!
- Beethoven-Haus Bonn.
- Now What?!
Items such as a conversation game, a town map game, puzzles and a crossword offer a creative and active approach to the information. Aus diesem Ideen- und Erfahrungsschatz ist nun ein Buch entstanden. Instrumentenkunde Autographe und Widmungen. Exhibition companions Accompanying publications for exhibitions of the Beethoven-Haus. Rotterdam und 's-Gravenhage Den Haag Bildungsreise: Aschaffenburg und Mergentheim Reise ohne Wiederkehr: Wien Blockseminar beim Lehrer: Prag — Dresden — Leipzig — Berlin Nachklang: Pressburg und Pest Konzertreise: Eisenstadt Die Kurreisen: Teplitz — Karlsbad — Franzensbrunn und Stippvisite: Retz Die letzte Reise: Ein letzter Traum Umrechnungstabelle: Interregnum and reorganization Bringing opera to the stage Nikolaus Simrock - Court musician and entrepreneur The Bonn premiere of Mozart's "Magic Flute" Beethoven's operatic experiences in Bonn and their dividends.
Jahrhundert Exlibris Beethovens 5. Symphonie im Bild Beethoven - passt immer Humorvolles und Kurioses.
Psychologie - Fakultät für Human- und Sozialwissenschaften - BERGISCHE UNIVERSITÄT WUPPERTAL
Aus der Not eine Tugend? Die zehnte Symphonie Silke Bettermann: Beethovens Symphonien in der bildenden Kunst Julia Ronge: Interview mit Kurt Masur. Jahrhundert Andreas Sopart Exkurs: Aus dem Leipzig Johann Sebastian Bachs ins Bodmer Personen- und Sachregister. Beethovens Lebenshaltungskosten "Ohne Geld keine Musik". Beethovens letzte Wohnung Walther Brauneis: Beethoven auf dem Totenbett Silke Bettermann: Musik zu seinem Gedenken 1. Gedenkfeiern und Gedenkmusik - Katalog-Nummern 3. Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine Jahrhundert Beate Angelika Kraus: Seine Musik als Marche lugubre 1.
Beethoven-Reliquien - Katalog-Nummern 2. Teueres Angedenken - Beethoven und die Erinnerungskultur seiner Zeit 1. Vom Grabmal bis zur Haar-Reliquie. Zeugnisse der Erinnerungskultur - Katalog-Nummern 2. Allegro di Confusione - oder: Gielen Leyendecker-Stiftung Landschaftsverband Rheinland.
Orgelbauer bei der Arbeit IV: Organisten in emblematischen Darstellungen VI: Printed with the kind support of the Gielen Leyendecker-Stiftung and of the Landschaftsverband Rheinland. Max Unger als Maler Annette Hagedorn: Printed with the kind support of the Gielen Leyendecker-Stiftung.
Von bis Mitarbeiterin des Beethoven-Archivs in Bonn. Auf den Spuren Beethovens.
Johannes Brahms - der legitime Nachfolger Ludwig van Beethovens? Die Originalausgaben der Klaviersonaten Beethovens. Annual publications Annual Beethoven-Haus membership publications. Vorwort Faksimile "Willst du vielleicht Schiller lesen?
Facsimiles Selected manuscripts in facsimile editions. The Diabelli variations op. In an unprecedented joint effort, noted artists and numerous public and private sponsors made possible this spectacular acquisition. The facsimile edition makes for the first time this important Beethoven autograph, which was previously in private hands, accessible to all who are interested in viewing it: Das Faksimile gibt ein Entwurfautograph wieder, das sich im Beethoven-Haus Sammlung Bodmer befindet und mehrere Entwicklungsstadien aufweist.
Die Mondschein-Sonate ist eine der bekanntesten Klaviersonaten Beethovens. Awarded with the German music edition award ! Facsimile Transcription and commentary Further reading. Drei Goethe-Lieder von Beethoven. This work caused H. Bodmer to add the manuscript to his comprehensive collection of Beethoven memorabilia which he left to the Beethoven-Haus on his death in A course in music history Commentary. In autumn Beethoven left his hometown Bonn to move to Vienna. On his departure his friends presented him with a Stammbuch farewell album. The second album belonged to Babette Koch, who later became Countess Belderbusch, with whom Beethoven was closely associated in his youth.
It is bound in blue silk and contains 41 entries. These albums form an important addition to the few documents pertaining to Beethoven's youth in Bonn. Printed with the kind support of the Gielen Leyendecker-Stiftung and the Landschaftsverband Rheinland.
Navigationsweiche Anfang
Thirteen of Beethoven's letters to Countess Josephine Deym are published in this volume. Written between and , they bear witness to Beethoven's love for the Countess and document the beginning, the climax and the resigned end of the relationship. Josephine Deym is considered by many researchers to be the "Immortal Beloved", to whom Beethoven addressed his famous letter of 6th and 7th July When Beethoven's brother, Caspar Carl, died on the 15th November , he left a will which sparked off a legal battle between Beethoven and his sister-in-law, Johanna van Beethoven, concerning the guardianship of his nephew Karl.
After four years of constant disputes, during which the guardianship changed several times, Beethoven finally turned to the Court of Appeal. In the draft of the memorandum, Beethoven refers to the magistrate's reports and outlines in no uncertain terms the state of affairs from his point of view. The original is a forty-eight page document, in which Beethoven gives free rein to his thoughts. It is characterized by numerous alterations, deletions and additions, and the style clearly shows how emotional this matter was.
Beethoven's petition to the Court of Appeal proved successful: Publication series Publication series on Beethoven research. Vorwort Sebastian Hansen Begleitmusik: Mozart's Dedication to Haydn Bernhard R. Lisette Elise Barensfeld Vienna in Premiere of Beethoven's Archduke Trio Op. Concerts at the French Ambassador's Residence Vienna in Vorwort 1 Einleitung 2 Grundlagen 2. Fugentechnik im Sonatenzyklus 6. Poesie und Poiesis 7 Synopsis Literaturverzeichnis. Schindler und Beethoven 1. Nach Beethovens Tod Kapitel 2. Schindlers Beethoven-Biographie in ihrem Entstehungskontext 2.
Der Beginn der Beethoven-Biographik 2.
Erste Auflage 2. Die Jahre und 2. Polemik gegen Ries und Holz 2. Die Beethoven-Biographien der er Jahre 2. Versuch einer Deutung Kapitel 4. Schindlers Einfluss auf die Beethoven-Biographik 4. Wo arbeitete Beethoven im Sommer an seiner Dritten Symphonie? Lewis Lockwood The Three Years — A "Fallow" Period in Beethoven's Career? Publikationen zu Beethoven Personenregister Werkregister. Vorwort Einleitung 1 Beethovens Studien und ihre Rezeption im Nachhaltigkeit des Kontrapunktunterrichts 6.
Vorwort I Prolog Methoden der Beethovenforschung. Zeit in Musik und Narration 2. Beethoven als Chauvinist II.

Beethoven, Bach und die Illuminaten Tomislav Volek: Mozartsche Fragmente und Beethovensche Rente. Die langsame Einleitung zur Kreutzersonate. Form und Vorbilder Richard Kramer: Zwischen Assimilation und Provokation. Bemerkungen zur "barocken" Beethoven-Interpretation Christopher Reynolds: Wer verfasste die Orgelstimmen in Beethovens Messen? Die Plattenkorrekturen in den Erstausgaben der Sonaten op. This publication contains essays by the music historian Rudolf Bockholdt on compositions by Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven and Schubert.
The focus is on Beethoven as well as on questions of overriding importance concerning the music of the Viennese Classic What is the musical Classical period? How does language influence composition? The texts were written between the years and They convey Bockholdt's methodical flexibility which adapts to the challenges of each work, enabling him to delve into the fundamental problems. The texts have in part been written especially for this purpose and are in part lectures directed at different kinds of audiences.
This gives rise to a variety in the methods of presentation, which clearly shows that the music from the Classical period puts objective demands on its linguistic presentation which must not be ignored. However, this by no means implies linguistic eccentricity. Aside from its academic value, the book can be used by the reader as an intensive self-study course on the subject of music of the Viennese Classic. Schubert und die Kadenz Die Kunst, heim zu finden. It was also consulted as a primary source for the first time.
Part one addresses the history of performance and institutions. The findings concerning repertoire, performance practice and places aside from the Paris Conservatoire also previously neglected orchestral organisations, churches, salons and opera houses also provide information on musical life and insights into social history. A second part is devoted to aspects of reception and the history of ideas. The way Beethoven's music was received in France proves to be a complex phenomenon fusing different elements: Against this intricate background Beethoven's diverse works receive considerably different interpretations.
Paris und Frankreich 2. Beethoven und die Welt der Oper: Ein Gott und sein Tempel: Beethovens Werke in der Kirche und als geistliche Musik 6. Beethoven und die Monarchie: This amount is subject to change until you make payment. For additional information, see the Global Shipping Programme terms and conditions - opens in a new window or tab This amount includes applicable customs duties, taxes, brokerage and other fees.
For additional information, see the Global Shipping Programme terms and conditions - opens in a new window or tab. Grundlagen, Methoden Und Anwendungsfeld e See original listing. No additional import charges on delivery. This item will be sent through the Global Shipping Programme and includes international tracking. Learn more - opens in a new window or tab. Doesn't post to Russian Federation See details. Sell one like this.
Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. A new, unread, unused book in perfect condition with no missing or damaged pages. See the seller's listing for full details. Motivation and Emotion , 40 1 , Flow and enjoyment beyond skill-demand balance: The role of game pacing curves and personality.
Motivation and Emotion , 40 4 , Behavioral achievement priming in math and language. Enjoying influence on others: Congruently high implicit and explicit power motives are related to teachers' well-being. Do I feel ill because I crave for work or do I crave for work because I feel ill? A longitudinal analysis of work craving, self-regulation, and health.
Journal of Behavioral Addictions , 5 1 , Going beyond self-report in the personality, affective, motivation, and social domains pp. When death is not a problem: Regulating implicit negative affect under mortality salience.
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology , 56 6 , Effects of implicit failure priming on cognitive and motor performance in elementary school children. Swiss Journal of Psychology , 74 2 , Testing the convergent and discriminant validity of three implicit motive measures: Motivation and Emotion , 39 6 , Fluctuation of flow and affect in everyday life: A second look at the paradox of work. Journal of Happiness Studies. Does achievement motivation mediate the semantic achievement priming effect?
Journal of Experimental Psychology - General , 5 , The relation of flow-experience and physiological arousal under stress - Can u shape it? Journal of Experimental Social Psychology , 53 , Live to Work or Love to Work: Work Craving and Work Engagement. Selbstregulation von Emotionen als Schutzfaktor gegen gesundheitliche Auswirkungen von Mobbing. You are not alone: Relatedness reduces adverse effects of state orientation on well-being under stress.
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin , 39 4 , The stories children's books tell us: Motive-related imagery in children's books and their relation to academic performance and crime rates. Journal of Research in Personality , 47 4 , Failure cue priming and impaired cognitive performance - Analyses of avoidance motivation as a mediator and fear of failure as a moderator.