A Yellowstone Savage: Life in Natures Wonderland

The tour progresses area by area, and gives a description of the park's natural and man-made attractions as they were 70 years ago. Though currently out of print, this book can still be found in many public libraries. In , Mary Bradshaw Richards and her husband traveled from their home in New York City to Yellowstone for a nine-day camping tour of the park. Her letters to the Salem Observer formed this pleasant account of the many places they saw and the colorful people they met.
Merry Yellowstone Christmas | Unsinkable Western History
This edition includes helpful background information, annotations, and many historical photos. In less than a minute, the entire side of a mountain collapsed, sending a deadly landslide into the narrow canyon below, blocking the Madison River, and causing it to form what is now Earthquake Lake. The slide resulted in the burial of several campers at a popular campground, crumbled roads up to and in Yellowstone National Park, and damaged the Old Faithful Inn.
In the end, 28 people were killed.
See a Problem?
The details of this disaster are carefully told in The Night the Mountain Fell by a man who began on-site research for this book within hours of the disaster. A Yellowstone Album is described in the introduction as "the foremost photographic celebration of Yellowstone's rich and eventful history ever published.
Accompanying each photograph is a descriptive paragraph. Through his writing, it is obvious Dunraven enjoyed Yellowstone for its beauty and adventure. One of his favorite camping spots was in the area of what is now known as Dunraven Pass. Barber Mountain Press Publishing Company, Missoula, Montana, As its title suggests, this book is filled with black-and-white photographs of Yellowstone from days of the early explorers up to around Photos on all pages--many full page, with descriptive text and quotes throughout. Includes photos of Fort Yellowstone, Wylie camps, park hotels, early automobiles, tourists, rangers, and more.
Also includes brief park history leading up to construction of the Inn, and mention of some of Yellowstone's other structures.
Book Review: A Yellowstone Savage
Crisp color photos throughout, mostly of the park and the present-day Inn, with some historic photos. Life in Nature's Wonderland by Joyce B. This is an account of the author's experiences as an employee at Yellowstone during the summer of Included is the social side of life in Yellowstone, the excitement of discovering a new trail or any of the countless other wonders of Yellowstone, the reward of making new friends, and the sadness of parting at the end of the season. Written almost thirty years after the author's working years in Yellowstone, this book recalls anecdotes, people, and places as fondly as if he had just returned home at the close of the season.
Stewart began his Yellowstone working experience as a cafeteria worker in the early s and became an interpretive park ranger the next year. At Yellowstone he met his wife, and they both returned for several summers, rangering at the Madison Museum, where they were witnesses to the deadly Yellowstone earthquake of This is the definitive work on the hundreds of geysers of Yellowstone and has been called the "geyser Bible" by the Billings Gazette.
Geysers are grouped according to geyser basins, each basin having its own chapter.
The major geysers of each basin are then described in detail, including historical background as well as height, duration, and frequency of eruption. Each waterfall is given a summary description, along with an idea of how difficult it is to reach.
A Yellowstone Savage - Life in Nature's Wonderland (Paperback)
This book carefully explains the complexities of many of the issues that have surrounded Yellowstone since its beginning. Among the many topics presented, the book discusses the controversies surrounding Yellowstone's elk and buffalo herds, its bear population, the fires of , reintroduction of the wolf, the introduction of nonnative species, and the problems of being a park whose increasing popularity threatens its well being. Although it might appeal to a limited number of readers, this book is included here because it might interest some as it did this reviewer with its description of a 5-day package coach tour of Yellowstone in , and because of the author's unique interpretation of what Yellowstone meant to her, as well as inclusion of a few things she didn't like about the trip.
Joyce Lohse tells about her adventures during the summer she worked in Yellowstone Park. Jan 29, Jessi rated it really liked it Shelves: Although this only covers one summer , it is an interesting look at Yellowstone. Joyce Lohse worked in the accounting department so most of her time was spent in Mammoth and Gardiner but her descriptions are vivid and the reading flows well. And one little bit of advice really did stick with me as well-- p.
His message was that Yellowstone would become a part of us, and once we Although this only covers one summer , it is an interesting look at Yellowstone. His message was that Yellowstone would become a part of us, and once we left, it would haunt us, and we would be compelled to return again, and again. At the time, we found little meaning or importance in his words.
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Roni rated it it was amazing Jun 26, Sara Mcardle rated it liked it Sep 18, Alethea Williams rated it liked it Oct 11, Barb Salzman rated it really liked it Jun 17, Yasmin marked it as to-read Feb 08, Jbondandrews marked it as to-read Feb 08, Regardless of its origins, Yellowstone Christmas ranges from a sedate gathering of employees followed by a turkey dinner to a Savage excuse to blow off steam, so to speak.
My memories of traditions in Yellowstone Park, while I worked there in , are happy ones. Posted by joyce4books on August 24, in Uncategorized. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account.
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