

Working at eye level.

Organizational resistance to change is lower. In financial markets, it is said that fear is more powerful than greed. This is also true in the context of an operating business in a turnaround phase, where the greater the fear, the easier it is to get buy-in to make drastic changes quickly. This fear often manifests from a realization that cash is going to run out shortly. Conversely, in a growth situation, past immediate success tends to immunize the organization's mindset from believing anything fundamental needs to change.


Recovering to previously achieved levels is easier. Just as it is easier for an athlete to achieve a previously attained milestone than it is to breakthrough to a new personal best, it is easier for a company in a turnaround phase to get back to a level of revenue and profits it has previously delivered. Instilling this goal in a turnaround team's mindset is often easier than challenging an already winning team's mentality to break new records not everyone has the single-minded determination of elite athletes.

The stars in the organization becomes more evident.

Turnaround - Wikipedia

A turnaround situation really exposes who is good at what they do for example, a salesperson that is still meeting quota or an accounts clerk that is still delivering on collection targets and spotlights underperformers who are no longer buoyed by a high tide. As Warren Buffett once said, "When the tide goes out, you find out who has been swimming naked. For surface finishing and protection against rust, Sedus does without paint, instead using powder coating, which is more compatible with the environment and of a higher quality.

  • Turnaround!
  • The Takeover.
  • Becoming the Church: Lessons for Todays Disciples?
  • Das Geschworenengericht in der attischen Demokratie (German Edition).
  • What it is:?
  • turnaround | Definition of turnaround in English by Oxford Dictionaries.

The perfect chrome surfaces are impressive, as is also their environment-friendly mode of manufacture. Thanks to the company's own highly modern galvanising plant including water purification system, the environmental account is well in the black. Find further information on the subject of sustainability at Sedus Stoll AG here.

Working at eye level. Working at a high desk?

How it works (Example):

Please take a seat. Backrest Different cover for backrest upholstery Base Aluminium base, powder-coated white Aluminium base, polished Model colour mechanism and plastic parts black Miscellaneous Soft castors for hard floors Plastic glide Felt glide.

Swivel chair

Instructions Instructions for use PDF. All files in this category. Campaign for healthier backs high desk chair PDF.

Campaign for healthier backs turn around PDF. Instructions for use PDF. German Design Award Interior Innovation Award Five iF design prizes PDF.

Focusing on communication solutions PDF. Contact persons and showrooms.