Touching Ghost (SEALs On Fire Book 6)
Sadie had always been too good for the likes of him, a son of an alcoholic and slated to become no better. He should keep her at arm's length, but he wants nothing more to burn up the sheets with the sassy lady she's become. Sadie isn't fooled by the badassed, dangerous facade Ren wears like a second skin. She only sees the sweet yet conflicted boy she loved and lost all those years ago. Afraid to let him go off on another dangerous mission without knowing how she truly feels, Sadie needs to find the confidence to make the leap from friends to lovers.
You can download Apple Books from the App Store. Opening the iTunes Store. If Apple Books doesn't open, click the Books app in your Dock. Do you already have iTunes? Click I Have iTunes to open it now. Feb 23, Tamara rated it it was amazing. Ghost is sweet and sexy. The kind of damaged hero I love!
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Apr 08, Amanda rated it really liked it. Aug 23, Evie rated it it was amazing. This is the first time I read Regina Carlysle and let me say, she keeps it as real as it gets. I've read most of them, I think I may just have two more to read, but from all of the ones I've read, this is one of my favorite ones. Ghost and his comrades are in town for a short break after a mission in the Middle East. He doesn't know how long he has to relax but plans to make the best of it. Like his other friends, he plans to have a good ti OMG Like his other friends, he plans to have a good time both in and out of bed.
The only thing is: As soon as he has dinner with her and bids her adieu he plans to join the rest of his friends at the bar and pick up any woman who wants to go home with him, no promises asked. What he doesn't expect is for Sadie to look as good as she does. He's always had a thing for her but would never act on it because Sadie is a dear friend, for starters. Then, he feels she deserves someone better than him, someone that can give her what he can't promise her. Sadie has had it. She's always had Ghost's attention but not the way she wants it.
She wants to taste this man, she wants to know what is like to kiss him, be in his arms, she wants him. She no longer is the little girl she once was and it is now or never. So without a second thought, she kisses him. He can push her away, or he can give her the night she's dreamed of. To her surprise, Ghost doesn't push her away.
Instead, he opens up and demands she give him more than she offers, consequences be damned. The way Regina describes the characters' actions is just so darn real, it made think of Anyway, in my opinion this is thus far the best story in these series. I thoroughly enjoyed it and look forward to read more of Regina's work.
Apr 12, Niina rated it really liked it Shelves: I love friends to lovers stories!
Touching Ghost
I will always have a soft spot of them and Touching Ghost was hot addition to the group! I loved how Sadie was Ren's only source of light during his childhood years and how much he adored her even if he was afraid to do anything about the growing attraction. Sadie though is not and she's about to speak her peace and see what happens, either Ren rejects her or they can finally become more than friends.
I really enjoyed reading Sadie, she was the sweet girl next do I love friends to lovers stories!
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I really enjoyed reading Sadie, she was the sweet girl next door and a smart doctor to boot - and when with Ren she developed a sexy sensual side. She made the sweet side to the story very believable. Now Ren, the big, bad and built SEAL was all against hurting Sadie which he reasoned his navy career would do, and him using that speech as pillow talk sure fires some sparks courtesy of Sadie!
I love a girl who doesn't cower back! The romance was sweet but in a very erotic romance way.
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- Touching Ghost (SEALs On Fire #6) by Regina Carlysle.
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What am I saying? Okay let me be specific: I loved the sweet love story of Ren and Sadie, the desire, the love and the respect, but the sex was awesome too! Mar 12, Sharon Xuereb rated it liked it Shelves: Love a friends-to-lovers story? Then this quick steamy novella might be for you. It is book 6 in the Seals of Fire series but can be read as a standalone.
But I did feel like there was more of a story to tell for Ren and Sadie. There seemed to be an interesti Love a friends-to-lovers story? There seemed to be an interesting back story to them and I would have like to have learnt more about it. I would gladly read more of this authors work.
To see this and more reviews visit Sharon's Book Nook! Ren "Ghost" Ramsey and Sadie Ballew have formed a close friendship since childhood.
Ren had an abusive, alcoholic father and a dysfunctional family. Sadie was the only child and came from a well to do family. This time she's determined to let him know exactly how she feels. They have a sexy, steamy time together but because of Ren's past, he feels he is not worthy of Sadie. But Sadie refuses to take no for an answer.
Loving can be terrifying. Sometimes you just have to go for it. Mar 18, Betty rated it it was amazing. But before joining them for a night on the town, he meets with a close childhood friend that he hasn't seen in years. She has set up his meeting to have a fling with Ren She has been in love with him for years and never let him know. She was afraid that telling him would ruin the friendship. I will be looking for more from this author. Mar 22, Emily rated it did not like it Shelves: Compleat and utter tripe! I had to stop reading this it was SO awful.
So glad I didnt pay money for this. Its like a Xrated verson of a naval recruiting add. Poll some Afghanistan vets n ask if they sleep better after killing people. I'd quote other lines in this book but they were just so freakin hokey Unless may Compleat and utter tripe! Unless maybe you have some corny GI Joe fantasys. Mar 12, Char 1RadReader59 rated it it was amazing.
This story by far has to be one of my favorites.
Although, I loved them all so far with one more to read. Their erotic encounters you can just feel the love all the way to your toes without any declarations. I thought the language crude and unappealing, especially since it was supposed to be romantic instead of faceless f-ing. It was also repetitive, as phrases were oft reused from scene to scene.
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Despite being a part of a series the book stood alone. Mar 05, starsaga rated it really liked it Shelves: The sweetest book among this series! I loved this short little hot book. The heroine Sadie was the sweetest of all, and makes me want to go into my library and read every Regina Carlysle book I have if she can write characters like these. I just wanted a longer story, I hope these are short reads are somehow going to be put into a longer book, because they are all very well written and my favorite type of book to read but they need to be a lot longer to be appreciated.
May 14, Shelly Schulz rated it it was amazing Shelves: This one is my absolute favorite so far in the series. Ren is adorable, and charming and has a little bit of hurt under his rugged SEAL exterior. I really love his chemistry with Sadie, and the way he cares so much for her. This one is more romance I think than anything--Ren is still very much an alpha male, but he treats Sadie so well and he's not as aggressive as the others. I just love this one so much.
Other Books in This Series
Seriously one of my favorites. May 05, McKenna rated it it was amazing Shelves: I do hope their is a follow up so I can find out what happened to all the Seals.

If you are looking so something short and NOT so sweet but very hot this is a great series. Mar 16, Djg rated it liked it Shelves: