The Dream
The Dream Project is called to bring suffering children to Jesus and to raise children in family. We rescue children and equip them to bring others out of physical and spiritual poverty as adults. Our mission has not changed, but just as time changes, our approach changes over time. We do not abandon our children when they turn 18, our children are our sons and daughters and we believe in their potentials to be world-changers.
Our current focus is equipping the orphaned and vulnerable children we have raised that they would multiply what they have received. We also currently support impoverished families and orphans in our community, sponsoring their educations and supporting their basic needs. Over lives are brought hope! We are Empowering our Mozambican leaders and equipping them to break the mindset and cycle of poverty through faith and their hard work instead of dependence.
The first led by one of our faithful staff, the second led by 1 of our faithful sons. We will also plant a church and support the further educations of our children, including medical school for another 2 of our boys.
The Dream by Pablo Picasso
Profits from the businesses will help us to make progress toward our ministry becoming more self-sustaining. We also desire to encourage and provide rest and refreshment to staff who pour out their lives bringing hope to the poor. Partnership with Youth With A Mission is helping us to accomplish this mission. The training and sending of missionaries and advocating on behalf of voiceless children multiplies our efforts. Please partner with us that the Lamb would receive the reward of His suffering, the hungry would be fed, and the orphan would become a son and daughter.
- The Dream (Le Rêve), 1932 by Pablo Picasso.
- The Dream My Bones Dream | Eiko Ishibashi?
- By Little Everywhere & Stitcher.
D eliver family environments to orphaned, abandoned, and impoverished children. R escue and Restore children holistically, through education, Christian discipleship, and medical care; equipping them to bring others out of physical and spiritual poverty as adults. E ncourage and provide rest and refreshment to staff who pour out their lives bringing hope to the poor.
M ultiply our efforts through the training and sending of individuals and teams to the mission field. Please consider supporting supporting our empowering business initiatives: The Dream Project is a c 3 nonprofit corporation. All donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. The Dream Project operates in the highest level of financial integrity. The board of directors is comprised of business owners, professionals, Pastors.
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Each initiative is approved and overseen by the entire board of directors. This accounting firm has a designated staff that organizes every Dream Project financial contribution and ensures that each dollar is applied as designated.

The Dream Project missionaries have an additional level of accountability to World Missions and Evangelism, which is rated by Guidestar as a Gold Member. Bricks Build Homes Sponsor a brick to lay a solid foundation for children in poverty! Sponsor A Brick Today! The Dream Project is a center for vulnerable children. We support families in our community and have a family-style home for children who have been orphaned or made vulnerable either by poverty, or by the AIDS epidemic in Mozambique, Africa. Impact the lives of the vulnerable Financial contributions from supporters like you are the only way that The Dream Project can continue to provide care and support to children who, without it, would not have hope.
Housing Twelve young men were raised at 'Our Father's House' and provided with all of their basic necessities, including a place to live. Community Support Aside from the 12 children we have raised in our house, there are several families including dozens of children in the community who receive assistance with identity documents and education. Medical Assistance We provide help with medical needs in our community, we also provide health instruction to prevent some of the most devastating illnesses.
These inequities typically manifest themselves as the unintended or indirect consequences of unexamined institutional or social policies. Achieving the Dream believes that access to a high quality education in an inclusive environment is the right of all individuals and imperative for the continued advancement of a strong democracy and workforce.
- Mission, Vision, and Values;
- Sogna, Ama, Vivi: - Einrichten mit allen Sinnen (German Edition).
- Tornado.;
Achieving the Dream also believes higher education institutions have an obligation to work toward equity for their students. Equity is grounded in the principle of fairness. In higher education, equity refers to ensuring that each student receives what they need to be successful through the intentional design of the college experience.
Achieving the Dream expects colleges to dismantle the barriers facing underserved students. Colleges must routinely scrutinize structural barriers to equity and invest in equity-minded policies, practices, and behaviors that lead to success for all students. Skip to main content. Achieving the Dream is a comprehensive non-governmental reform movement for student success.
Together with our network of higher ed institutions, coaches and advisors, state policy teams, investors and partners, we are helping more than 4 million community college students have a better economic opportunity and achieve their dreams. Landing Page Header Image Strip.
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When we focus on meeting students—all students—where they are, and on understanding that their unique experiences are what bring such cultural wealth to our community colleges, we do a service both to the students and to their institutions. Mission, Vision, and Values. Mission To lead and support a national network of community colleges to achieve sustainable institutional transformation through sharing knowledge, innovative solutions and effective practices and policies leading to improved outcomes for all students. We are committed to the success of each other and the full ATD team.
Together,we create an empowering,collaborative,and trusting atmosphere where staff feel connected and respected. We believe meaningful change can be achieved through purposeful partnerships and relationships. We demonstrate honesty and trustworthiness in all of our actions.