Risking Fate: Mitchell Family Series Book 4
Home is Where the Heartbreak is. The Last Husband Forever Love, 2. Find You in the Dark. Loving Her Mitchell Family bk9. Jingle All the Mitchell Way. Replace me Book 2 in the Kin Series. Restore Me Kin Series Book 2. Diary of a Male Maid. Lustly an erotic novella. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long. The title should be at least 4 characters long. Your display name should be at least 2 characters long. At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information.
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Chi ama i libri sceglie Kobo e inMondadori. Preview saved Save Preview View Synopsis. Buy the eBook Price: Available in Russia Shop from Russia to buy this item. They are such the cutest couple and I can strongly and truthfully feel the love that Ty and Miranda have for one another Another ammmmazzzing book to add to the Mitchell Family Series!

They are such the cutest couple and I can strongly and truthfully feel the love that Ty and Miranda have for one another! It makes me jealous!! I felt it was full of drama--don't get me wrong, but it was a way to prove their love for one another was TRUE! I didn't care for him at first, but I felt he proved himself as a worthy guy in this book.
Cannot see what unfolds for him and Amy I will say it again--The Mitchell Family Series are one of my favorite book series of all times! If you have not read the first 3 books--STOP and go read them and then read this one, because they are worth every second and the many hours of losing sleep I endured! Nov 27, Cristin rated it really liked it Shelves: I am a total Colt fan, but this book made me love Ty.
I also love the family dynamic Another great book in this series that has me completely hooked. Nov 27, Jessica Viteri rated it it was amazing Shelves: She never let out one single laugh in regards to my sarcasm. I don't know why. I can barely explain it to myself. But he tugged at my heart from the very beg She never let out one single laugh in regards to my sarcasm. But he tugged at my heart from the very beginning. I just felt something for him. Maybe because I just knew that Savannah was not meant for him and his love was right around the corner.
Literally, underneath his nose and just a knock away. He kissed me one more time, holding his lips pressed against me. When he pulled away, leaving me panting, he smiled and grabbed my hand. I think, no I know, that is the main reason why I love Ty so much. A man with his daughter is one of the most beautiful things in this world. And that is exactly what Ty does for his daughter. He too becomes putty when he is with his daughter. She is his light, his reason for living and his heart.
There's a scene in the book where Ty is sitting outside on the porch with Izzy that I really love. I would like very much to quote the whole scene but A. I just love you so much. She was my baby, my little girl. I helped bring her into the world. I kept her safe and loved her unconditionally I changed her diapers, I spent hours talking to her through a computer screen I taught her how to get dressed, how to eat French fries, how to brush her teeth, how to pray and how to sing None of that had anything on what she had taught me.
Izzy had taught me what the real meaning of love was. She had given me this life I was living. Dec 09, Nicole rated it it was amazing Shelves: Again, here I am giving another high rating for this series. I didn't care too much for the skank flashback, as I like to call a particular amount of scenes, but Ty and Conner relationship make it bearable. Speaking of Conner, I can't wait to read his book.
So please Jennifer, make his book soon please and just as good or even better than the 4. So please Jennifer, make his book soon please and just as good or even better than the rest. Definitely give this a read. Aug 12, Sherry rated it liked it. This is for you Angela: How can I accurately describe this fourth installment of the Mitchell Family? I've pondered this and my best description of this one is like visiting the 80's and early 90's daytime tv and nighttime serials.
Do you remember Dynasty, Falcon Crest, Dallas? This is a mix of them all with a southern feel. Sometimes almost too much, but still entertaining. Jan 09, Sam rated it it was amazing Shelves: This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Loved this book, as with the others in the series there is drama and all the Mitchell family which we have all come to love! I think this may have been the best in the series and it just keeps getting better and better! I loved Ty Mitchell's character and his humour but felt annoyed at Miranda since she was constantly waiting on Ty to cheat and go back to his partying ways even though he had never gave her any indication of this.
Jul 03, Lindsay rated it it was amazing. I love this series! The only part I could do without is how it's constantly mentioned how much Ty has changes and how perfect he and Miranda are for each other. And every time they are with Van and Colt the same thing gets brought up again about them being so in love and so perfect. I read the first 2 books about how their relationship started so I don't need to keep hearing it over and over again.
But besides that stuff the books are really good. Apr 01, Abby Laritz rated it really liked it. The first 2 books of this series are great. The rest have seemed to be good, but not like the first two. I'm the type of person that wants to know what happens to the characters, so I'll read for that reason Mar 05, Pheonix Fanfiction rated it really liked it Shelves: The best yet by far! Amazing - Ty is now officially my favorite Sorry Colt! Have to be honest was a bit worried when I read other reviews thought it was going to be too angsty and cheesy but it wasn't!
It was written so well and was very realistic in my opinion! Nov 27, Daisy rated it really liked it. I cried I laughed and cried some more. I enjoyed reading more of Ty and Miranda's story. The things Ty says, so inappropriate unfiltered mouth love him he is so adorable sweet and caring. I loved this book. Nov 27, Teresasloveosbooks rated it it was amazing. All jenn's books are Amazing!!!!! Apr 06, Kellee rated it it was amazing Shelves: Dec 20, Jennifer rated it really liked it.
I love happy endings! I'm so glad it worked out in the end!! I'm going to miss my Colt! Maybe Ty a little. View all 3 comments. Jan 16, Kara rated it really liked it. Dec 07, Venessa rated it it was ok Shelves: Connor and Amy are the main characters of the next book but their initial meeting isn't shown. It's hinted at when it doesn't need to be. It would have made more sense and been more impactful if it was a surprise for the next book. Instead I know how they met and what happene Pov: Instead I know how they met and what happened, but all from someone else's pov.
Works (12)
Everything in this story just wraps up and moves on so quickly. And if you took out the sex scenes there really isn't much story left. No one matured and the plot is still too far fetched to be real. Ty and Miranda find out they're pregnant with twins. He detoxes and cleans up his act. He realizes Ty is a good man and treats Miranda and Izzy wonderfully. They go visit Colt and Savannah and stop for lunch. A woman notices Izzy and starts asking questions. Miranda comes out and rushes them out of the restaurant crying.
She tells Ty the woman is Tucker Izzy's biological father's mom. They get to Colt's house and she gets served papers. Tucker's mom is asking for visitation rights to her granddaughter. She helped kidnap Savannah book 3 so Miranda doesn't want anything to do with her. And they never told Izzy Ty isn't her biological father. They talk to a lawyer and find out the best way to get rid of the lady is to take a paternity test to prove Izzy is Ty's.
Ty tells Miranda he knows someone who can forge those tests, because they did it back in college. She says ok because she's scared the woman will take Izzy. He calls Heather, the girl he cheated on Savannah with and later beat her up book 1. Heather's brother now works for the hospital lab and agrees to fix the test for a grand. Ty pays and doesn't tell Miranda Heather is involved. She calls him to confirm and he lies to Miranda about who's calling.
He and Connor get the test done and they wait for the results. That day they go to the salon Miranda works at and Heather shows up. Heather tells him she remembered the test was that day and Miranda knows he lied to her. Miranda storms out and Ty chases her. He tries to explain but Miranda doesn't want to hear it.
Risking Fate (a Mitchell Family Series) Bk 4 : Jennifer Foor :
She's been insecure in her looks lately and had already been thinking he'd cheat. They go home and he keeps trying to apologize. He tells her he didn't want her too involved incase they got found out. She tells him she just needs space. She calms down and finds him in the barn. He explains everything and she believes him. He tells her he can't lose them, that their family is the most important thing in his life. She apologizes for not trusting him.
That night Izzy has a nightmare about them breaking up so he takes her to bed with them. Miranda gets his phone to take a picture and sees a text from Heather saying to call her for a good time. She texts back that he's happy at home with his wife, and calls Heather a whore. The next day Heather calls and says the deal is off. That he called her a whore and she and her brother aren't helping. He tells Miranda and she confesses it was her.
He gets mad and storms out. She finds him to apologize and he scolds her. She decides he should go to Heather and say she kicked him out. That he should seduce Heather to get her to help. That he can do anything except have sex with her, because that might kill her. He says no but Miranda begs. He agrees and has Connor punch him in the face to make it look more believable. He goes to see Heather and feels awful. He tells Heather what happened and she doubts him. She tells him she has the results but won't give it to him unless he kisses her.
He tries but can't. She gets him a drink and he blacks out. When he wakes up it's the middle of the night and he's in bed naked with Heather. He runs out and calls Connor. He tells Connor what happened and Connor thinks he was drugged. Connor tells him not to tell Miranda. To tell her he couldn't go through with it.
Ty doesn't want to but Connor thinks it would kill her to know he slept with Heather. Time passes and one day Heather shows up at the house while Ty's at work. She shows Miranda photos of her and Ty together and Ty using his mouth on Heather. Heather gives her the paternity results, which were successfully changed.
Miranda packs up hers and the kids stuff and gets Izzy from school to go back home to Colt's farm. Ty goes to pick up Izzy and finds out she's gone. He rushes home and sees Miranda has left him. He doesn't understand until Connor shows him the photos. He tries to call but she won't answer. Connor tells him to give Miranda space then tell her everything. Miranda is upset and Izzy gets upset.
They're both crying when a deer jumps into the road and she crashes her car. Miranda goes into labor and the paramedics take her. She asks for Ty. Ty rushes to the hospital and finds out she had an emergency c section and is still in surgery. He meets his sons but finds out Miranda flatlined on the table. Miranda pulls through and wakes up the next day. She remembers the fight and decides to go home with Ty for the sake of the children. He tells her everything that happened with Heather and she doesn't believe it.
Connor decides to help Ty by seducing Heather to find out the truth.
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Everyone goes back home but there's distance between Miranda and Ty. He tries to get back to their normal selves but she isn't ready. They miss each other. Miranda files the test results and has Izzy's birth certificate legally changed to show Ty as the father. Everyone comes over for Izzy's birthday and she gives Ty the birth certificate. Conner tells Miranda he seduced Heather and she admitted she drugged Ty. Everyone reconciles and is happy. Ty was his typical goofy self, but at the same time, seeing him so loving was amazing. It got to be a little too much. They are still enjoyable books.
Missing words, things not adding up from the other books, so that also takes away from the overall story. Nov 27, Jennifer Wolfel rated it it was amazing. What more can I say! I wanted to hate him after the first book I truly did but I never fully could! Ty and Miranda are so perfect for each other. Their love survives everything because they are so strong. It makes me believe that there is true love that can stand the test of time.
In the fourth installment of the Mitchell Family series, Jenn takes us back to Ty and Miranda's life after the wedding and all of the crazy that surrounded Colt and Van's loss and then triumph The struggle of TY The struggle of everyday life and living with a brother with an addiction and the constant outside forces that exist only brings their family closer together Miranda is so strong but yet she is volunderable which makes her even more endearing Ty is his ever sarcastic self and his cockiness is so fun and challenging!
He constantly makes me laugh and on several occasions almost spit food or drink out of my mouth! The love that he has for Izzy and Miranda knows no boundaries and they are pushed to the limit in this 4th installment. I can't help but wonder if eventually this will come back and haunt them, only Jenn knows what the future holds for this couple! I even found myself loving Connor in this book, he and Ty have seem to finally buried the doubt that the family had about Ty becoming a changed man consdering his past infidelity with Van!
Connor has a a bit more of a presence in this book as well. Not just as he is recovering from addiction but his loyalty to the family and the bonds that he has with his sister and now Ty seem to strengthen by the end with his efforts to write the wrongs of outside influences. I was not surprised in the least to see that heartless, worthless Heather show back up in the storyline. Boy is she ruthless and has to tact Jenn is just brilliant when it comes to controversy in this series. Bring the tissues out for the middle of this book it is an unexpected emotional roller coaster I wasn't quite planning on but knowing Jenn's writing I should have seen it coming it was just a matter of time for the tears, I can't say I've read any of the previous books without them.
Can't wait for more of the family and hoping to see even more Connor in the next book I really want to see that boy have a happily ever after and found myself cheering for him by the end of this book! I will love Ty and Colt forever but Connor sure snuck in there this time around!
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Jul 18, Nicole rated it it was amazing. This book really changed my feelings for Ty. He changed so much from the first book and I love him. Colt is still my top fave though and I am beginning to like connor as well. Hell all the MItchel Boys are amazing. This book was so good. I literally could not put it down and had to force myself to sleep that night I started it.