Mediterranean Boss, Convenient Mistress (Mills & Boon Modern) (Hired: For the Bosss Pleasure, Book 1)
It was blind flying for miles I was right close to the Kround At Matlice. Disoouraged by continued fog and convineed the was growing worse as he speeded east. Hswks turned aouth and dtanbed into comparatively clear Centhraed en Page t. The Hilton left Fernandlna on who were watching the. All the persons on the end of the pier were thrown Into the water, fourteen feet deep at that point, and a scene of the wildest confusion foOowed.
Ambulances from New Haven were despatched to the scene a. Kavanaugh and then turned and rescued a two-year-old babjT as the chUd and tti asalhsr. The occasion is an "Cast Prussls fldeUty tour" arranged by automo- bile dubs from all over Germany to show their loyalty to tiip province which is separated from the rest of Germany by the PoUdb Strip known as Pomorze. LeavluR Her- riding went over the baxUl on the muda on July 30, the schooner, in two weeks, developed bad leaks. The bodies were taken to Bar- kervllle. Constable Wclsman, of Barkerville, is investigating.
Tsylor, of Barkerville, to Queend when the bodies arrived. Ba raturnad early Batur- day. Riding on top of the high load of liunber, they waga apparently un- aware the tniok waa about to go over until too late. They bad blimber aboard uninvited. The front wheel of the truck struck a soft shoulder where the road had been top meadonB.
In which a man. In connection with the sale, it ia recalled a ir,. If not to ehaaga It tola i retentkm of the amendment. The approval of thirty-dx states necessary to kill the prohibition amendment Waahington. Our modern methods, combined witli accurate - u ntifu kii uledKe have taken the place of oM fashioiit-. I Of the pajroUa reported.
We wilj tell you in advance whtt tha cost will be. The saving will amaae you. Before hLs hteamer arrived at her anchorage late today. Ma- chado and his party, accompapled by police guards, entered a closed I automobile and drove to the hailKM- Machado arrived here August 13, after leaving Havana by plane the day Mora and mending the night at ai - - - - - W.
- Kundrecensioner.
- Getting There.
- Drawing: Faces: Vol 1 (How to Draw & Paint)!
- Fler böcker av Kathryn Ross.
- Empty shelves;
Owned and have for dif- able to re. Al- thouRh a door wa. One of these is the shortage in certain lines, due partly to hot dry weather, which has af- fected r. In addition to this, of courae, the rsnaoad aetlvlty In the logguig campa on the Island has created a further demand that practically did not odst last year or the year before.
On the other hand, the amount of British Columbia. Canadian and British canned product. In like manner, tlie coffee market, which has been a great deal firmer during the pa. SheUed walnuts ana expected to be ooMlderably higher before the arrival of the new crop in Novem- ber, while other varieties or nut. Many of these lines are now selling at bargain pr1rp.
Of the manv pro- duct. Laid down OOSts are higher and the demand for these lines Is growing steadily. Vegetable lines, according to re- ports on wholesale row In the city Continued from Page 1 air. He headed southeast, hoping to strike either the tit Lawrence or Ottawa Rhrer. Kingston airport attadies did not know who he was tntu they glaneed at his signature on the rsflster after his departure.
Hawks breezed into St. Hubert airport at Montreal at Eastern standnrd time, toolt on gas and wa. Louis airport, here, at 1: Taylor, of Vancouver, and then was driven by car to Wolfe's Cove, where he boarded the liner Empress of Aus- tralia and handed to Captain Grif- fiths a letter from Mayor Tavlar. Hawks said hU radio was working durtaff ths fhght.
He had trfed to get in communication with New York and with Canadian short-wave stations, but without success. Tlicre will be championships far p6it. Coast Shipping, metal trades and metal mining were next in that order, being between fS. Print- ing and pohUdiing. Some 63, persons were employed in industry, com- pared with 98, m Tables for those In receipt re- lief wefto also appended, and show an Increase in the ntunbers of un- employed up to March of this year, when 1.
Instancing how industry was hit by the deprsesion. Contracting shrank [from 1. Bell appeals for co-operation on the part of Industry to re. M yesterday, has already demoli. A Clyde gas coal dedter and a sttmm donkey engine have also been burned. One hundred and seventy-. The forest on the other sid of the lake Is also ttuaatened t flames.
E mpire Bagdad Hails Triumphant Iraq Troop scenes had not lieen witnessed the capital within tha aascory the Uvlng. Iraq Moslem troops marched through Bagdad today on their re- turn from. Tliey 'vcrr acclauni d by a wildly enthusiastic populace. Hs eama to tha'ever teat.
The biggest advance is expected In potatoes, which wiU be at least 7 tons short of reqiarementa for the neat nine months' consumption. Then the magistrates retired to con- sider the point, annoiuidnt on their return some time later that they dssmed the qucr. The Btreete through which the Lindberghs passed were thronged wiUi cheering people. It will pay I'ou to consult him. Hoir 4o yov naan cracked up? That was hard Itak, fcut I wasn surprised.
- 47006469 Biography Satyajit Ray the Inner Eye the Biography of a Master Film Maker.
- Postcolonialism and Political Theory (Global Encounters: Studies in Comparative Political Theory).
- Murder in the Garden of God.
- Female Alien Killers.
This India k a wild and heartless land which iiwmi or later gets us white folks. He was a cheery lad, Petersen. Twice we threaded the Khyber Pass In search of the rough, tough, red- shlru last year. What hap- health cracks out hare— the night before he was to go to hospi- tal he reached for a gun.
And tiny gates to shut us RtMn the night. Molded the hills with M Bzultant hands. ShiMllnc the valleys for Wide pasture lands. And so this towering peak Forever bears. Old finier-marfes upon Its ratted stairs. At that time the frontier was ablaze with uproar. We all car- ried shooting Inms. Petersen went at his news Job Intently, seriously. I gleefully and recklessly I galloped about in the woman baza: Into the fabulous den.
Petersen was serious and! Be later "reached for a gun" again. It doesn't pay to be serious in Hindustan. I come up to Bombay, my best news pal of the Ka. I climbed fancy fa. Tliere was the Aga i t. Khan s place all clo. A haar market in bath water. It also Jumped from the new ground onto a ridge above the city's Sooke Lake flowliiie. Ernest Macdonald, city wat- erworks superintendent, stated last night that the watershed was not in danger, as the shed lay miles away. The flowline is of concrete construction. After hours of confereaeos, with spokesmen for organlaod labor re- fusing to retreat from their opposi- tion to any staMBisnt rsgardlng the organizatibn Of labor beyond tha' contained in the Recovery Act.
The wording of the new section which the manufac- turers arc demanding and whicn Johnson and Donald R. William Green, president of the American Pcderation of Labor, and, the labor adviser to Johnson on the i plain that it would fight flre. Provincial direction and mendatlon wa. And over it he laid With loving care, The mantle of His Forsver there.
Fall UlilC Dresses need warranted it. Brit- ish Columbia s flrr menace tonight was believed under control. Several hundred flreHghters on the Lower Mainland tonight were effecUvely checking the flames, and ' unlsss a brisk wind sprang up. Pire at Haney, which swept through hundrMs of acre. The melancholy days have sure come to Bombay. Suddenly a great His attornevs immediately con- black cloud swept silently overhead I tended he. Lumber Company, had apparently spent Its force and was being held in check by firefighters.
Fires at Boston Bar and in farm lands near Chilliwack were gradu- ally losing their force, and were thought to be under control unless wcathar eonditions changed. Itaiperatures were lower and hu- midity had risen, relieving the fire situation generally throughout the province.
President A J Morley. A iNidge ,n the nonovan-Corkery main line and some. TTie fire, together four hours, a total of eighty-throe incendiary fires, meetly in cut-over forest areas, have been reported to Supervi. Good- year, he said They were set by persons clearing lands, for deer hunting, or for pasture, or dellb- eraUijL to onato liro-fighUnf Jobs, he said. They worf not seriously hurt. The eternal fVre of sandalwood, where Parsee people came to wor-. I was ghoulish y i. Smoke from the fire of the dead' curled around as if it didn't know where to go. A priest in a white raincoat came up with n bra.
Insull, should be extradited or not. The vultures looked on In no hurry. They knew it was their meal. I didn t wait to see the bhxls pounce. I came sUidtng fast down the hill with my head up. I sUrted to whistle. You cant let that kind of thought get on your mind In India.
Olves you the shakes. Pale pills pur- sued by pvplo pooplo. Originally the dLstricts were named and sold In large sec- tions for a mere song. Later, blocks from these sectlorw were. Few popple realise what U means to compile a map. Theae original districts, sections, blocks and lots have to be shown, also parks. Victoria have been specialising In thi.
Orern said thU ofTence was extraditable in Oreece A ma. It Is asked, how- ever, that all using the woods Isabella Point and the northea. Naitalmo and Al- beml reports were not to iMttd. Ratea are estremely nuonable. Thought in certain sections as to how Government should be con- ducted iMina to rest upon private humor. It Is man-made, for. In the struggle upward, has no puih ol eaay sacrifice. There are envy, greed and love of ease to be conquered ; there is the gloom whlrh.
His servants are raised and strengthened. Re, who can put all enemies under Hl. Like a elarton note above the. History is a treas- ure-house of valuable information. History reeords the fact that the present Viscount Orey M Valladon strove mightily to convince the statesmen of Oermany of the madness of their to Japanese manufacturers are invading the world to a greater and greater extent beoauss In some respects, but not in all, that country is pro- ducing better articles than are being produced elsewhere and at a lower eost.
Japan In the fu- ture will be in nn even better po. The possession of Manchukuo has conm. Japan's handloaps as an Industrial nation have largely disappeared. She is destined to became an increasingly formidable factor in the world economic situation. Bodley, writing in The London Sphere, says he does' not believe that the Japan- ese are able to undersell their competitors In the market. He attributes this ability to their nature of leadership will be displayed. Up to I ara 01 iivmg. The trhole situation is fraught with danger for the future.
Many of those very persons fire wholly apathetic. These are the days of political renegation. Apostates stalk the land going to and fro. There Is unreasoned and unbalanced criticism flowing from a babel of opinions. There would be an element of Intense humor In it all were it not for the implication that its outcome will be unstable Oovemment In the province.
It Is far from a happy commentary oh the times In which we live; that men's thoughts should be so varied and so bemused. According to the present outlook it would seem 90 If leadership is what Is wanted to provide the lemedy. Where is that leadership to be found?
How much then must be venturri! There Is no compromise between the way of the world and the way of Heaven. It Is a ease of complete sacrifice, even of self. The novitiates never know what may be demanded of them. Christianity is not a question of impulse, of merely good Intentions, or of intermittent prac- tice. It is a life of complete self-renunciation. The price to be paid is a great one. Happiness in- creases in proportion to the way that fidelity to an ideal Is shown.
The Cross may be heavy to bear but increasing strength is given to those who shoulder it, until ultimately It beco m es the gleaming Insignia of victory. Those who can iMasure the reward of a career on. There may be much of the worldly Bfe lost, but. It afTords a paradox to inibollevers that the religious person can llnd more in the present life Aan those who are un-Ohrlstlan. It isr k fiset, however, that the chri. Through such an apprni. Moral purposs is lower classes as. Bodley, do not work under worse condi- tions than the British or Americans. In the matter of accommodation and food the majority are better off In Japan.
There Is no doubt that the output of merchandise is obtained at a lower cost than in other parts of the world, but that is mainly because the Japanese are thriftier, more industrious, and the women perhaps defter with their hands than their sisters of the West. Threshing is "practically at a standstill. Meanwiiile, the doctrinaire madness that has ruined Russian agriculture blunders on to a conclusion which bids fair to be like nothing the world has seen.
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How many have perished sinee the bsgmnlng of last Winter can only be guessed; we have scattered first-hand evidence in plenty, but no statistics. There IS nothing that the world oUtside Russia can do; but ,it loa. The truth of this matter is that the way was prepared tot the Great War when the Kaiser was a young man and Prince Otto Bis- marck was his Chaneellor and ehlsf coun.
I am ronylnced diKe. We do tiiat In our zeal our calmer moment would be afraid to smneir. The Weather So the die was cast on the day when the Kaiser "dropped his pilot ' And there might not have been war If the youth of Germany had not been enthusiastic for it. It was the shot fu-ed by the youth who slew the heir to the throne nf '. The old and experienced Rapaburg who fit upon the throne of Aus- tria did not want war. The last of the Romanoffs was eonsttutlonally opposed to war, but there was a revolution in the making in Russia, temealsd by young men.
Rollweg as a student of Teutonic Kultur and exponent of German principles did not b'-'ieve that Great Britain would go to war for the sake of a mere. The youth of E2: VemoB Grand Vbcks Min. Prince ueorge—Baroraetcr, MMi calm; sisar. Rnteewi nm mm m n m , WM: Tatoosh— Baronirter, IMS; wind. M mUcs; elsar PortUnd- Barometer. Is mtsrasttag ta note that vsuh Ptovindal Legislature Cll. The money saved could be devoted to more useful purposes.
It would be a proper move to reduce the number of rep- resentattves ta not over twenty. At timcfi there was strong opposition to what was considered Improper leg- islation and the voters mn not long in showing their resentment. In fact at one period upwards of people stormed the LegUlature as a means at showing their op- position to an obnoxkMis bill. Those wers the days when freak legislation was not tolerated and the people did not take long to let the Oovem- ment know just whsre they steed in the matter.
The labors of the legislative bodies In early days were different. It can be readfly seen that the needs of a new country were numerous and that the early legislators had to deal with the in- troduction of laws for many pur- poses. The bringlnK In of these statute. The matter of regLstration of births, deaths and marriages was neglect- ed for many years to a large ex- tent. It is true that the church reeords in the earliest of pioneer times covered a large portion of the field.
Provision was made as far as possible by the Hudson's Bay Com- pany to mset these various wants fin some respects. Both the Cath- olic Church under the kuI dance of Bishop Demers and the varioui; Protestant denomlnatioas kept reg- istration books, but In the matter of births the church could not furnish the exact date until the baptism of the children took place. The intro- duction of cleai -cut reKi.
Take as another exartfple and an entirely different m. Tlieyilere re- MuroefUl, snergetlc men, many of unportant business concern. Portabms at last soocmpUahsd this feat hi the fif- tieth game, and how Itr. J mMth ar Ausuit. Wimbome at once plunges pompously toto the history of the game. He tolls ue aU about "Royal Tenms" as It was originally called. He seems keener to flaunt his historical knoiiedge of the game rather than his practical knowledge -if any.
Next comes a man by name P, H Nowell Smith, who, in polite ternus tells sexagenarian that he's Just a bimch of whiskers. He states tiiat the ding-dong sets that continue long after dark— each player win- ning his senrkie m turn— are on the decline. Be also points out that an examination of recent important play, vis. Now heres a cunniUK little letter by E P. What do you auks of: Sir,— Another advantage of the abolition of the second. It would be no longer necessary to play out sets when the score reaehas five games all.
This would save a great strain on the playerr endoraaoe and obvi- ate the frequent upsetting of tevr- nameht time-tables. Have a look, anyway, at: About forty yearn ago l competed in a one-day mixed double. The result was exceUent. The games were shor- tened without any appreciable det- riment to the rallies.

The untvenuu opinion was that it nuMte a bettor and fairer game. In the Wlntor table tennis; and the rule in table tennis does not admit of a. The consequence Is tiiat my service in table tennis Ls. In table tennis X know that I have no sec- ond chance; eonssquenUy I use my best endeavor to make my servtoe as aeeurate so possMe. ZakMmten - nU T know that I have a second: I consequently my first. More often than not my nrxt. Hunting Costs, Water- pioof Clothing. Rubber Boots, Wadere, Sleeping Bags.
Thr lyindon Times evidently thoui? On the other hand, surely the gaae la at- tracUve and satisfactory eaoiMh in , Its present shape. D -Why not leave well alone — and. Buy s Bntisk Austii Thos. M tao vuiord oolofcrauoa. In payinv Mibi, Bowion the high comphment that waa tandarad bar. John H Aiwii wa. Photo shows more th an two hundred of the dflri'. G, of Toronto, chairman of the conferee.: B aaPe H K.
In he was created Gold Commissioner for the whole of the district. He was educated at the Hunting- don Academy, and urcw up to be a tall, slim young man. In his legal studies when. Schuyler, he determined to go to BrltLsh Columbia, and. Others wcio of the same mind, and at Fort Garry the partle. One lone woman and thrse Ifabes were in the party of 1ST wiie set out. Suffice It Is to say that seven of the gal- lant adventurers died an route. He first engaged In different occupa- tions, being of a practical nature.
But mining was what he was chiefly Interested In. He became the moving q lrlt of saclsl activities In the region, or- ganising the circulating library, and the dramatic society. His clerical ability and knowledge of law were utilized by many, and with charac- teristic generosity he was always laady to serve. They were taken to the Jubilee Hos- pital, where first aid wa.
The accident occurred when a car. An automobile, also being driven west on Yates Street by Mr. The same Is true of nroached by Arthur Checkley, who ' pictures. The Intention Is to a. There are the usual clafises for oils, water colors and crayons, com- mercial art. H Macintyre, chairman ol the many a day! They are written to her father. In this first letter Pat ex- plains: Coast Indians, and If for no other reason than that they depict phases of aboriginal life that are now almost a thing of the past, her pictures have a unique and powerful interest Other Victoria arti.
CromweU bottles and wooden steins add. In addi- tion to those already mentioned, a variety of other articles were also displayed, including cider barrels trenchers, a huge umbrella stand made In the form of an old-fash- ioned milk pitcher, and beaten copper wood and coal boses. One of the most Interesting ex- hibits was an actual water-beaker, taken from one of the old whalers which piled the northern waters In the days of the "Sea Wolf ," A man from MontreaTwas peer- ing Into the depths ol the Oraad Canyon.
From the time that he became MhUng Re-. Harper, declared that the theory of Ur. But John Bow ion inaint. Bates, another In- dependent candidate. From all parts of the audience dls- Plateau country. Menelaws and Oeorge South- Tlic ensuing letters, then, are to well who is lending some of the Teg. Falrbalm actions, people and thoughts that Influence her life.
Olnter and Pat are stajdng with a Mrs. Is extremely con- ceited. To punish him, Pat Inserts a matrimonial advertisement under gust with the psrty system and party ; his name, stating that prospective patronage was expressed. The deep, lovely, lasting waves. With over 10, permanents to our credit assures you of experience. Arts and Crafts Society are being pnd will.
Woolver , ham's astonished IndlgnaUon. A number of amusing M. Both Arthur and Ginger turn up— separately — and madly In love with each other. Eventu- ally- inevitably— Pat Is expelled from the hostel, and a providential invitation arriving from Paula iX Le Touquet, Pat and the eloping iinger and Arthur go there. It Is not to be supooned that Pat gives up as eesllv as that, and owing to her Information. In the tatter year he was lavahded to England and given a poet la the Ministry of Munitions. Westmaeott practised as an amy ooach in London, and later was appointed to the lecturing staff at the School of Military Administra- tion.
He remained there some yean, and saw the school grow to be the targest and most Important Brttlah aofaool in the repMhile. Not the least amusing Is thst of the eat. As she Is now thoroughly wphlstlcated. Read thla-Huid the 5V oke Road Is followed as far as the Colwood fare of the many boys, who have passed through hLs hands His work, both Inside and outside the school, as an examination coach and tutor In classics, modem languages and Bngliah subjects has long been rec- ognised, end BUUiy of hU former student.
Metchosln and Sooke dtatvids. Re Is alM known to many Victoria resi- dents for his series of weeklv trav- degues over the radio, and for a series of historical dramas centering on the lives of famous characters In Irlstory. Now you may know independence and the thrill f,f owning yr. Under Section 78, Houses for Sale.
In the West the thrtfly and Mif -reliant Douk- hobon and aome of the other set- tlera from foroljn lands grrow their own flax, spin linen threads, from the fibre and weave cloths. Another, far was takan out by Hop Laa Oa.. Belgium and Ireland, where famsn tabs grsat ears to kstp the Length, fineness, solidity and. To achieve this objective the. The flrst prooasa after pulling Is termed "rippling. The next process U to obtain the flaxen flbre, lint free from the wcody covering, or "boon. A beach party will be held in the evening. Committees are working on a programme of sports and novelty evenUs.
Munieai corner Douglas and Ya! Saretv as the liiiiglar ttlaiiii In ihr Iniii'liiig wai set ofl. JU result in decomposition of the flhre, thus ruining It. When the-nttlng has been com- Ipletsd. These knives strike the flax in the direc- tion of Its length. This process is repeated several tlmea befoca the flax is ready for market, and some- times It Is "hedded" to separate the longer and better portion of the flbre called "line" from the shorter and ravelled portion called "tow. Hand Bridge Construction— Excavatlon. Steel work noon, at Beacon Hill Park, at 3 o'clock.
The complete programme follows: A lengthy programme dard i: Butchart's Gardens, allowini; our litiiir ill i. Reservations must be at Dominion ' Hotd fiftsen miavies before leaving dase. Ride in the best. SIX of the games, the clUef stated. I The over-development of party as organization in provincial politics follow.
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Much the same Idea occured to me some time ago, with this dif- ference. As this park is under the guardian. If sU the adjscent mtmlclpallties, and the Provincial and Dominion Qovem- ments were requested to co-operate and make it a worth-while tribute for all time Al. Bennett had a great send- off today whsn he entrained at Wa t e rt oo Statkm bound for South- ampton and home. Sec- retary of State for the Domlalana, and Edward Mar. I'it and Workmanship Ouarantced. Cliarlie Hope Gov t St. Tha basl man Is rarely pop- ular. Par many yMis this has beni the almost general praetloe of the political parUes.
Instead of the best and strongest men beintr In the Most of the ball games were with T,cp;islatlvr A. All relief to families was pnill the wires behind the scenes, given! This is no democratic go v e r nment, each ca. Cartaspondingjceductions lo ail Eastern points. A man who was charged with stealing savaral yards of cloth aaid that he hiM enee been an aetor. He ma hahiy just taktag a curtoin.
The return of the bicycle to pop- ularity may be due to the fact that so many people desire to combine a sense of safety with the timi of rounding a comer on two wiaeis. For ten minutes the two dashed over tte fields, and fhiaUy the offiatr eaught the flaataig hunts- man. One hears much of services ri n dered to the party, but seldom of services rendered to the province Many voters hold the idea that If thrlr party i.
Voters have the power to do away with the spoils system in all parties, by giving their services without deehtog any ether reward than the general proepertty of the proTlnoe. In the my rsspfigihis job of choosing candidates from the large number ofTerlng. For a paovtndal pol- icy, to be sound must conform to realities, because realities will cer- tainly not conform to policy Politicians give much Up service to the so-called equality of man.
Staiee men are Dom wtth unequal abilities and re. Ohrls Luff got eleven votes snd A. Norman Brown thirty-three for thirty-four. I am not sure about this. This makes forty-flve at the most. Further, there were a few city representatives, who prob- ably did not vote; in all. Though I am a. If not more so. I dont think that It serves any good purpose to exag- gerate thinu. It has been a wonderful time and I am deeply appreciative. Bennett em- phatically replied. Press photographers prssseJ around for final pictures.
Ben- nett had a small, brown papei' parcel In his hand. He put the parcel down, faced Hi, photogra- phers in a smiling po. Violinist and Teacher i'rivalc. The treatment is ab. Women's Canadian Hub, Emprc. Arnold Wolfers Joint Dinner Meeting. Members urged to attend. Morrill, forty-nine, baaement excavator, was believed by deputy sheriffs to have shot and killed De- lia Stltt. Officers called to the sesne of the tragedy said they believed Morrill first fired five shots st the two A.
BIy til and A. Dhighy races, open-air dancing in the eve- ning. Mr Mltor, to make the elec- 1 obtained honorable mention in re- tOTB realize that they have to pull 'cent examinations of the A. Mimosa — Sage, guide, phyloao- pher and friend, will consult ancient sands, and help pea. Sawdaxt In Any diiced pricea. A ttl t p h sn s call will briiw a gardener to your home within the hoar for any work at all, and at prtoes whleb cannot fail la eallsCy yau. AsriaMiinl A tt o c hrtton W. MM tht wtomn wen Ur Alfred end Ifr. Pacdlii, of Kerel- atOke. The three- tiered wedding cake, with silver plliara, centred the supper table, wiiteli wu aovafld with iOMU ttmk nam of amrw and Iptnk fwwl PMC and gjrpMphiia Those helping were: The bride and groom left later for a hoDeymoon at Up-Island poittU, tba brkla traveling in a frodt of hyadnth bUia triple sheer, and an eggBhail swagier coat and hat.
Daniel, Van- couver; Mr. She wore a mohair hat to match. Members are also requested to note that on the following Tues- ilay evening tht Wall sMson villi begin by the nomination and elec- tion of members for offlco for the sca. Plher one teaspoon of salt, three -quar- ters of a ea.
Lighted pale green tapers in liver holders flanked the main ornament. Smith, hairman of the I match and handicap committee, I wa. Van Uouten and Un. Margeson, Haney Murphv W. Keating Claude Rodmnr Green. Bockwlth and of Mrs. Beckwith, Linden Avenue, ,vnd Mr. Reynolds performed the i,crv- Ice, and the organist. Btout, played the bridal mu. The bride, who wm given in marriage by her unols, Mr. Beckwith, wort her traveling frock of Wedg- wood hhM with a eloBs-flttlng hat to match, and a oonage bouqust of bridal roses and swansonia.
She WM attended by her. Brown, of Riverside, Cali- fornia, in a smart gown of beige georgette and brown accessories, who wore a corsage of coreopsis In blending shades. Brown sup- ported the groom. Miller, brother-in- law and Bister of the bride, where refreshments were served, Mr. McNaughtan leaving later for a motor trip on the Island. They will make their home la Vaaooom. DX, has been postponed from Friday, September 1, to a date which will be an- nouaood later.
Laurence, are day Up-lsland, Mr. Beaumont and family and W, oakess and family are spending a holiday at Vesuvius Bay. Hafer and their two sons. Blend sugar, flour and. Mix well, serve to ratse fund. Deane Dickinson, son Mr and Mrs, W. Paul and of Mrs.
Bell, Somass Drive, announce the marriage of their daughter. Helen Mildred, to Mr. Charles Le Roy Hart, of Ta- roma,. Charles Hart, of Spokane. Victoria, on Friday, August 25 Rev. Wither Buckley offici- ated. One look-s at the top and expects to find a pair of sailor s trousers below, but finds a graceful long skirl in.
A silk Ue in front and eight crystal buttons down the middle of tho back of the skirt further add to the nautkal effect. Colonel r Ross Napier, and four others wlio. MS at - Photosraafe ky XalsM. Johnston, of Tsouhdem Road. Heather was placed on! Befoia "stepping out" of an eve Marjorle Thomjwtt. Dancing will be enjoyed from E: R HarneM ajid Mrs. Ramsay win be the Joint conveners! It to ay part to hear what to said on both sides, and by the time the case to over.
Tickets may be obtained from the A. Slirl- boume Street, nt 7 ,30 odry-k and transportation will be arranc from there. Hemsley Arthur, who have been a cold. John's GlTurch, yMtentoy tfttrnoon, at a: Ttw flower girl was little Marcla Waato n. The beautifully-decorated three- tier cake centred. Among the guests at the werldu k were Mr. G Mof- fatt, of Vancouver, and Mrs. Patterson, at their home, Ksqiilmalt Road, when the Young People'. Margaret, daugtlter of Mr. Taylor, Richmond Road, is four and a half years old.
BunBtk The Pet Shop Ladjr ImUy Walker, wiao opened the affair at S o'eloek. Miss who was also the general convener.
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All the stalls were sold out long I before the fete came to a clase. Shower Mr Geoff Edgelow with party of the many competitions and games] Mls. Ben well with party of most popular being gras. WlUiam- whleh were managed by Mr. The gifts were concealed in a son with party of eight, Mr. Mc- " natural-built wishing well of moes dure with party of two, Mr. Richard Day and Mr Jack Patterson. Later In the evening a buffet aupper was served, the ta M a cl o th bUng emtred with son with party of two, Misses Daphne Pooley.
Joiui Bacon Lyon, of Clsar- water. Mrs Lyon and Mrs. Oames and songs were enjoyed and piano solos were con- tributed by Ml. Mrs D Walker, Mrs Wool- lett. Bor- rowman, Mrs Shipway, Mrs. Shep- herd and Misses Una Bevan, K. She is expected to arrlvt. We Want You to See Them! Gorgeous new silks, velvets and satins They reveal the much-talked-of "Mae West influence" They're so very brilliant Ana So Modcraiely Fiicea We've made absolutely sure they'll be within the scope of even the most modest ol mcomea. And, of course, our popular Budget Plan to At the disposal of anyone wishing to pgy in conveniently small amounts.
HockmR, Charles Mc- under the convenership of Mr. Miss Hilda Wat- su. Kersey Lees Knox, A. An entertaining programme was arranged by Mr. Rupert Walker, who played several pianoforte num- bers,, ius also did Mr Donald Nelson assisted by Mi. The Invited Entertalnlag Today guests were Me'sdame. Gorge Road, have as their Ruest for the Summer months their grand- daughter. S Sylvia Bell Klrby R. Fred Spencer will entertain at tea todax, at her home, "Sea- crest," Beach Drive, In honor ot Major andltained a number of her frleiid.
Wingfiekl-Digby and their son. SehinUnan, of El Centro. M Roger- jon Thur8day,"Mrs. Shadbolt, M, Hamil- ton and Jean Oeddn. To Reside in Vancouver Mrs. Davies, of Roslyn Road. Harri- 1 charming garden and admired the, Mr and Mrs Maurire Stewart Phipps, of Calgary and her daughter, Barbara, are. Martha Dorman for Seattle and Bremerton for a son. Maur- week's vacation Slmp. Iklie Beauty Shoppe PkoM.
Jorre, Marie and Philip Annatrong. A number of mteresting photographic aouvenlri of the camp were paased around while tea was being served by Mrs. Long snd her daughter.
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MoOallum and his Hotel, as visitors from TnO. Becauae It's Healthful, ket Street, place shortly. FhuMster, Balmoral Road, to Mr. McNaugh- ton, which took place yesterday. James Simpson, of Nanalmo accompanied by her. William Cooper Ottawa Tlie wedclliig will Hadley. Hunible-Blrkett have left Danlell. Mur- Francis Ttirkey Mis. W Hodsdon left [yesterday for an extended visit to I the British Tsie.
Winter, of Dunedln Street, and her daughter. Winter's eldest daughter, Mrs. Oraham, while in Vancouver. Darld Rothweii, of Vancouver, who has been m. Refreshments were served at midnight. Gel- ling Mrs Ci Markland Mr. W J Carter and Mrs. Among the guests were It 9 Mr Llewellyn Jone. Smith, water color arll. RoMnson, Edna Robinson, B. Tea mey be in ihe next pietnre? The Heir from Nowhere. The Chatsfield Collection Books Harlequin Presents October - Box Set 1 of 2. The Royal House of Karedes: The Italian's Virgin Bride.
Royal and Ruthless Bundle. The Italian's Baby Bargain: Innocent in the Desert: June Harlequin Presents. The Ruthless Greek's Virgin Princess. Shackled to the Sheikh. March Harlequin Presents. April Harlequin Presents. Surrender in the Arms of the Sheikh: Bought by the Billionaire. Harlequin Presents November - Box Set 1 of 2. For Love Or Money Bundle.
Stolen by the Sheikh. Harlequin Presents September - Bundle 1 of 2. Harlequin Presents May - Box Set 1 of 2. The Mancini Marriage Bargain. The Chatsfield Box Set Volume 2. Brides of Convenience Bundle. Modern Romance November Books Modern Romance October Books How to write a great review.
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