Dark Gold: Number 3 in series (Dark Series)
I started reading this book, and soon I was fully immersed in this world of dark sensuality and supernatural beauty, where the creatures of the night are a race of ancient immortals who live on blood. They fight against their own dark natures, and against their brethren who have succumbed to the darkness and became the evil vampires who pray on humans and destroy them. They walk throu What is it about these Carpathians?
They walk through centuries hoping they will find the one woman who will be their other half, their salvation from the darkness inside of them. Poor Alexandria was just trying to get a job when she encountered the vampire who would change her world irrevocably. And the whole time she was dealing with foul creature, I was waiting for Aidan Savage to make his appearance. As typical for Carpathians, he made a dramatic entrance. I was like, "It's about time! The third time was when he thought she was a vampire herself and was going to bite her to kill her.
But meeting her was fortuitous to him, because he sees colors. That's a sure sign to him about something He knows she's his lifemate, and he's selfish enough to want her to live and to be in his world, for she is his salvation. But Alexandria won't come into his world alone. She has a little brother that she loves dearly, and has cared for alone, since her parents died.
This Carpathian book started very dramatically, and the tone didn't abate. Simply put, I really enjoyed this book. I guess it goes without saying that I am a pretty big fan of this series. I like the uniqueness of it, the old world Carpathian men with their heavy air of mystery and magic. I like the dramatic, flowery language, the scary fight scenes in which the nasty vampires pull all sorts of monstrosities out of their bag of tricks, only to be vanquished by the Carpathians and their lifemates.
I like the elegant nature they have, their constant struggle with the dark side, and their reliance on their women to save them.
Their behavior is on the edge of what's acceptable in a modern day romance. They don't have much qualms against carrying their lifemates off and 'convincing' them that their future is tied to their own. Some are a little more cavemanish than others Rafael I'm talking to you. I feel that Aidan tried to give Alexandria room. Her situation was tough in that he really didn't have much choice about changing her since the vampire had already started the conversion, and she would have died if he didn't give her his blood.
He did try to give some freedom and time to adjust, as much as possible. Alexandria was in denial about her new nature, and I can't blame her too much. I'd be a bit upset if I found out I had to stay out of the sun, and drink blood to survive Although I don't think I'd mind the hot guy saying I was his lifemate too much. Not to mention the fact that her new lifestyle would preclude her being a full mother to Josh in some ways no baseball games and stuff like that.
Aidan really showed a lot of patience with her, only getting mad when she freaked out and ran out into the full sun, and got one heck of a sunburn. Otherwise, they had a fairly gentle courtship for a Carpathian and his lifemate. It's hard to condense down what appealed to me about this book. It was fun and interesting. When I read this series, it's unlike any other that I've experienced, and in a good way. I like this world, although it's pretty dark and scary.
I like the concept of these ancient males searching through centuries for their other halves. I like the humor and the passion, the intensity of emotions that the characters experience. And the action scenes are very good also. Although I can't typically read these books back to back, when I pick one up, I fall in deep and enjoy the time I spend reading them. Dark Gold was no different. View all 17 comments. The third book in the series, the Carpathian male attitude is still disturbing. As the books progress, Feehan has learn to use different pet names that mean the same thing. In this one it is 'piccola' which is basically Italian for 'little one', a term of endearment that she used in the first book.
Most of the action takes place in the first and last part of the book with the rest being filled with constant struggle for independence that never truly occurs. I have also found that Feehan's timeli The third book in the series, the Carpathian male attitude is still disturbing. I have also found that Feehan's timelines are completely out of wack. While the series is supposed to occur in modern times she uses a great many elements that denote this , as much as a quarter of a century passes as if it is only a year or two.
I have begun reading the fourth book, Dark Magic, and to reinforce my pet peeve about pet names, Feehan turns to French with 'ma petite'. Yes, it is what it sounds like. View all 4 comments. Aiden Savage was extraordinary and the most patient loving hero. Because she wanted to want another man and she actually went out to find a man. She even danced with them. I don't discriminate between hero or heroine when I'm getting mad over ow or om scenes. I do get way more mad when it's the hero but I can guarantee that there is no way this book would have been m 3.
I do get way more mad when it's the hero but I can guarantee that there is no way this book would have been marked safe if the hero would have been thinking that another woman was attractive and how he wanted to want and make love with any other woman..
Christine Feehan: Dark Series
So yea it bugged me that the heroine did this. Even though she was fighting the whole mate thing it doesn't make it right. She finally woke up but by then I was really reading for Aiden and the suspense. Kinda sad for him but.. I do think she was just scared and naive. Still really hoping that my Feehan fans will tell me if there are more books that are not heroine safe.
I need both sides to be loyal. View all 24 comments. The heroine was a wee annoying in this one. Her denial of what was happening and her continued effort to go out with another man brings this rating down from 5 stars. View all 8 comments. Jul 09, Epeeblade rated it did not like it Shelves: I wanted to clarify my previous poor review. I had too many problems with this book. First, the author immediately throws me out of the story by jumping between Point of Views in the same scene.
Second, she never really engages me with any of the characters, because they are the same damn characters from every "Dark" novel -- overprotective "alpha" male and gentle, compassionate woman. Plus, though the women are always portrayed as being independent, they are only independent as much as their male I wanted to clarify my previous poor review.
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- Christine Feehan Dark Series!
- Fools Rush In Where Monkeys Fear to Tread: Taking Aim at Everyone;
- Dark Gold (Dark, #3) by Christine Feehan.
Plus, though the women are always portrayed as being independent, they are only independent as much as their male lets them be. Instead of, you know, getting to know one another or even going out on a date. And, of course, her resistance looks stupid, since he's really rich and takes care of her and her poor orphan brother when before they lived in the slums of San Fransisco. I kept reading in the hopes of a decent sex scene at least.
However, that went on to disappoint. I just don't find drinking blood erotic, and I don't find total independence on one's lover appealing. And the inappropriate use of the word "creamy. View all 5 comments. Oct 16, Tilly Slaton rated it really liked it Shelves: Dark Gold is the Carpathian story of Aidan and Alexandria. This book si wonderfully amazing and I really enjoyed listening to Juanita Clark read it to me. Aidan, a vampire hunter that has existed alone for many centuries.
Sent to America to help protect the humans from the vampire predators, Aidan has known very few. Alienated from his people, he only exists with honor. Only exists to rid the world of his fallen brethren. Alexandria is a talented graphics artist who is trying to land a job as the Dark Gold is the Carpathian story of Aidan and Alexandria. Alexandria is a talented graphics artist who is trying to land a job as the new designer for a totally rockin awesome vampire game being released. Her parents died, and she has been left alone to care, to provide and raise her six-year-old brother.
Living in hell holes, scrounging for money and food to keep them moving forward, she loves Joshua dearly and will do anything to keep him safe and give him what she hopes will be a bright future. Kidnapped by a vampire who claims her as his mate, she and Joshua suffer through caves flooded by tides, violence and terror from the vampire, and attempted double suicide to avoid the terrible existence of what she knew would come. Rescued by Aidan, whom believes her a deranged vampiress, Aidan and Alexandria begin the relationship progression that all Carpathians must endure.
He is tormented by his inner demons. She defies him and refuses to accept that she is no longer human. Yadda yadda … The vampires want nothing more than to claim Alexandria, to use her psychic abilities in hopes to bring emotion and color back into their lives. This take is beautiful and I definitely recommend this to all mature adults in need of brilliant entertainment. Moderate to extremely descriptive violence woo hoo and extreme sexual content.
This book focusses more on the fear of attacks and the struggles within their relationship. Although the sexual content finally comes forth, there is very little. I do not advise immature adults to read this book. This warning is to those whom refuse to acknowledge that their children are NOT young adults.
I'm sorry but you are out. There is no free will, no choice whatsoever. On the contrary, to me they are weak and made weaker by the story. My definition of them would be "doormats". They are forced in to an eternal marriage to save a man. He is always right. And at the end of the story she is nothing outside him. Moreover, this third installment was: The story dragged on and on.
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View all 15 comments. Feb 25, Michelle O'flynn rated it liked it. Well I really like Ms. Feehan's stories when she stops reiterating and going over old ground again and again , but it is a shame that the characters are all type-cast. The men I can understand - it is a common trait for Carpathian males to be domineering, overly possessive and necessarily protective of their females , but I don't get why all the men go for the same type of woman.
They are always fiercely independent women who seem to be loners whether they be Carpathian or human, yet they alwa Well I really like Ms. They are always fiercely independent women who seem to be loners whether they be Carpathian or human, yet they always end up submitting - which is a good thing as we want the hunky men to stay alive with their emotions and colours intact.
But why the hell can't the women come from ordinary families,rather than always being damaged or wounded in some way? I have read these stories all out of sequence which hasn't caused a problem at all. So far I think now that they are being a bit mundane yet I strangely can't stop reading them as I want to learn all about ALL the characters now that I have encountered them in Dark Celebration, which is a bit of a disappointment as the series began so well.
Oh well, the sexy scenes bring some fun, although I do think Ms. Feehan should stop being so up tight with her tendencey to always describe the "feminine core" and "velvet sheath"! Jeez, I think we are all grown ups reading these stories. We again find the mating of a human and a Carpathian, the difference this time being that the human is being chased by a bloodthirsty vampire Paul and is rescued, and hence turned by Aidan. Adding to the story is her 7 year old brother Joshua, his housekeeps Maria and Stefan; and one of her ardent admirers Thomas Ivan.
It goes through the typical back and forth of the conflict the heroine goes post being turned- being able to communicate, the blood "Dark Gold" is the story of Alexandria and Aidan.
Christine Feehan Dark Series
It goes through the typical back and forth of the conflict the heroine goes post being turned- being able to communicate, the blood drinking, the craving and the hero's devotion and OTT protectiveness. Now my issue with this book is.. She was reluctant, annoying and half of the time kept flirting with a secondary character, trying to kill herself, pushing the hero away and just second guessing everything. She also tries to date and seduce her mentor I didn't like her at all. Aiden on the other hand grows on you and for me was the saving grace once Alexandria pisses you off.
Anyways, overall a good read. Safe with exceptions 2. Dec 29, Malinda rated it liked it Shelves: Aidan was good and Joshua Alexandria little brother was cool, but Alexandria was definitely a TSTL heroine and stayed that was through most of the story. Alexandria is a very talented artist that wants to get a job with a famous maker of vampire video games.
She's pretty desperate for the job because she's raising her 7 year old brother, Joshua, and they really need the money. Alexandria has never dated beca Alexandria has never dated because she's never found a man that attracted her. Carpathians are born vampires with other abilities like shape shifting to any form, even mist , magic spells and psychic powers. The males of the Carpathians have a darkness in them and if they don't find their lifemates, they can lose their souls and become evil.
The Carpathians are in dire straights because they don't have many women and the woman that do get pregnant usually give birth to males so their males aren't finding lifemates. Aiden is an ancient of the Carpathians and hunts the men that go evil and start killing humans. Aidan has held on, waiting for his lifemate for centuries and is close to the edge when the story begins. In previous books, the Carpathians found that human women with psychic abilities can be lifemates to Carpathian males and can safely be transformed to a Carpathian without going nuts.
Some of the evil vampires found out about this and this is why they seek out Alexandria although there's no indication of how they found out about her abilities. Alexandria is at a dinner interview for the job she wants when she's drawn out by a vampire who kills some people and then takes Alexandria and Joshua captive. Alexandria is desperate to find a way for them to escape and they go through a bit of hell at the hands of the vamp.
Aidan rescues them but he's as scary as the vampire and even after Aidan have saved them and taken them back to his home, Alexandria was majorly freaked by him and the situation. The vampire had started transforming Alexandria so Aidan had to continue it and she did not handle it well. TBH, I liked just about everything in this story except Alexandria. She was irrational and over dramatic and thought that ignoring reality would change it to what she wanted.
And for someone that supposedly loved her brother so much, she didn't take his needs into account when she was freaking out over her new life. Not to mention, Alexandria tried to go out with another man as part of her denial of reality even though she already knew she was repulsed by his touch.

It takes most of the book, but Alexandria does get past her issues and they end the story with a HEA together. I found this story a combination of enjoyable and frustrating. The whole frustration part lies completely on Alexandria's shoulders because she was a completely TSTL heroine. My eyes are sore from rolling them so many times. Outside of Alexandria I liked the story and is she hadn't been so annoying I'd have easily given it 4 stars. Regardless of my disappointment with the heroine in this story, I do plan to read more of the series.
Parker did a good job but the audio files weren't the greatest quality. I'm not sure if the quality issue is because the audio files were degraded and it took down the quality or if it was due to something else. Not a big fan of this narrator. Jan 06, Jen Davis rated it really liked it Shelves: This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. This book centers on Aidan Savage. He is born of the Carpathian Mountains of Romania. He is years old. Like others of his race, he drinks blood; he can shapeshift; he has telepathic abilities; and he can not go in the sun.
Like all Carpathian men, he lost his emotions and his ability to see in color after he turned Those gifts will not return unless he finds his lifemate, the other half of his soul. If he does not find her, he will lead a barren existence, until he chooses to end his life or become vampire, an evil being who kills and inflicts misery on others.
Aidan finds his lifemate, Alexandria, in the clutches of a true vampire. The beast is trying to take her for his own mate. And he has tortured Alex to a point where, when Aidan first sees her, he thinks she is a deranged vampiress and attacks her. Once he realizes his mistake, he gives her his blood to save her life. After his brutal attack, Alex does not see the difference between Aidan and a vampire. Aidan brings Alex and her young brother who she is raising back to his home. He realizes that the vampire had two blood exchanges with her --and his own blood exchange was the third necessary to convert a human woman to Carpathian.
The conversion is hard on Alex and she doesn't want it. She fights her attraction to Aidan. She fights becoming Carpathian. It's hard to see her stripped of her choices; her independence ripped away. Even though Aidan killed the vampire who first kidnapped Alex, another is searching for her, which puts her life in danger.
And there is drama in that, but the real issue at the center of the book is her fight against what she has become and her fight against her feelings for Aidan. It takes a long time for her to get past the idea that he is using his telepathic abilities to make her want him, as he pushes his will on her in so many ways.
I found I got angry for her many times in the book. As with all the other Carpathian men, Aidan believes his way is always the right way Of course, the sex scenes are pretty hot. That's one thing you can always count on in a Carpathian book. But I think we can start a fairly good drinking game, where you take a shot every time Feehan uses the word "velvet. Between the velvet sheath, the velvet fist, the velvet tip, the velvet over marble, and velvet voices, we could open a fabric store courtesy of "Dark Gold.
Despite my issues with bossy Aidan and of course my rant on "velvet" , I enjoyed this book. It was fun to see the heroine running away from our hero, despite the fact that he is gorgeous, rich and head over heels for her. Sep 13, Suz rated it it was ok Shelves: I began this series reading the latest Dark Slayer which is far into the series and enjoyed it fairly well. I'll write a review for that another time. Then I went to the beginning and started the series from there. This third installment in the series is my fourth dark book and in many ways I found it insufferable.
First the two things I liked about the book. I like the character of Aiden. He's quite likable and, although he's what is turning out to be so typically alpha to the idiot power mal I began this series reading the latest Dark Slayer which is far into the series and enjoyed it fairly well.
He's quite likable and, although he's what is turning out to be so typically alpha to the idiot power male typical of these books, he's still approachable and generally endearing. I also saw a lot more humor in this book than any of the others that I've seen so far. What is my biggest pet peeve so far with these books? It's the same thing I found so disturbing in this particular book. The heroines are whiny, insufferable, petulant children. I realized while reading Dark Gold that I was pages in and still slogging through "I can't accept what's happened to me and is right in front of my eyes because is toooo traumatizing Someone smack her and put her out of all of our misery.
See a Problem?
This so far seems to be the default for the female protagonists in the early books not so in Dark Slayer , but in Dark Gold the Alex character was too much to bear. I had no sympathy for her at all. I've just started Dark Magic in the hopes that the three book build up to Gregori's story is a harbinger to something better. However, I'm 60 pages in and so far Savannah is proving to be just another boring whiner. I'll stick with these books for a few more installments, clinging to Dark Slayer in the hopes that at some point the female characters will become a bit more interesting.
View all 3 comments. Aiden and Alexandria Barely 3. Jul 07, Estefany rated it liked it Shelves: View all 7 comments. Challenge by starting on my Christine Feehan backlog. I started the Carpathians series a while ago And now that I waited so long between reads, I am kinda thinking I should have started over at the beginning. I can't remember anything from the first two books. Should I go back and re-read the first two? Our millenia-old Carpathian in this book is Aidan Savage He was wonderfully deliciously savage because his beast was so very close to the surface.
Aidan was very close to that edge, the point where the Carpathian falls over into the dark side and becomes a murderous gluttonous vampire. The only saving grace for Carpathians is to find their fated female, the one that helps them feel emotion and see colors again. Aidan was a great hero, I totally loved him and have not one negative thing to same about his character, personality or behavior. I thought he treated the heroine extremely well, even when she was being overly difficult.
He was sweet and caring to the heroine's little brother, and he genuinely cared about the employees working in his household. He was super patient with Alexandria, placating her way beyond what I would have been willing to do. Plus with his striking and dangerous golden looks just made him the perfect package for a fangastic hero. When we first meet Alexandria Houton, she is a human artist or graphic designer going on a job interview It's not as bad as it sounds I hope because it seemed like they knew the guy and this was not an uncommon occurrence.
Aidan saves Alexandria and Joshua from a rogue vampire who desired to make her into evil life mate She was never really grateful to Aidan for saving her life, for providing her and Joshua a home, or for anything else he did. She lived in a ridiculous state of denial But what really got my goat was her decision to go out with the greasy gamemaker dude just to spite Aidan. She wasn't attracted to the guy and already knew that his attention made her skin crawl That just ticked me off.
After all of that, it was going to be nearly impossible for Alexandria to redeem herself in my eyes. While I was glad things settled down or heated up so to speak between her and Aidan Needless to say this was a combative relationship. Things don't settle between our couple until pretty late in the story. While I don't mind these slow burn situations, I prefer them to be a little less hostile. I was cheering for Aidan to claim his female and banish the dark beast that wanted to take over, so I was glad he got his HEA in the end.
The side plot involving rogue vampires provided a good distraction from some of Alexandria's behavior, and I enjoyed getting a glimpse into Gregor, who is even closer to the edge than Aidan. As pictured 29 paperback books by Christine Feehan. Dark Carpathian Books Author's Cut Special Edition. In Mass Market Paperback Lot of 15 Christine Feehan Books. Dark Guardian Ocean of Fire. This lot is for twenty-seven books in the Carpathian series by Christine Feehan.
Dark Fire - front cover deeply This near-complete series defines the entire paranormal genre. Size of book and cover art may vary. Size of book and cover art may vary and will not match the picture above. We also have bo Dark Nights by Christine Feehan Paperback, Dark Carpathian2 Books In Mass Market Paperback.