A Guide to Twitter for Dance-Fitness Instructors
To that end, I plan on sharing my twitter account DrCatalano with my students in my next course. In order to both entice students to follow an educator on Twitter and then to retain those students as followers I propose the following guidelines:. Many of our fellow bloggers publish stories on Twitter every day! So I thought it might be worthwhile to share the official Twitter logo and brand guidelines.
Twitter is a major company worth a lot of money. Their branding is important. That little blue bird has to be very specifically used.
5 Fitness Brands Kicking Butt on Social Media
Will the Twitter cops fly down and arrest you for not properly using it? Will repeated misuse annoy them? Below are just a few of the biggest things I personally thought were worth adding to your digital toolbox … or brain … or whatever it is you store information in.
We make every effort now to use the correct and updated logo though. Always capitalize the T in Twitter and Tweet. Want to step your Twitter game up? However, this sheet is already slightly outdated now that Twitter has done a slight redesign. For example, trending topics are now on the left, not the right as stated in visual below.
- The Teacher’s Guide To Twitter.
- The Teacher's Guide To Twitter | Edudemic!
- Recreation - NYU Athletics Official Site.
- Top 10 don'ts for wannabe teacher bloggers?
- THE WORMWOOD PACT (A Rich Hazzard Mystery Book 3).
- NYU Athletics Official Site?
- The Toothache Tree.
A handy way to retweet? Weigh in down in the comments as Katie and I work on building our own, more detailed, Twitter cheat sheet! Looking forward to your tips! Feel free to email them to us too by sending them to edudemic [at] gmail. Figuring out the proper way to leverage one of the most popular learning tools on the planet can be tough. We at Edudemic do regular features where we offer tips and advice on how to properly leverage Twitter.

So we figured a few Twitter tips for students and others might be in order. Twitter can open up new worlds to just about anyone involved in education. What Twitter tips would you offer? These are just a couple dozen but there are certainly more that should be added! Are you looking to figure out exactly which Twitter hashtag is the right one to follow? Be sure to check out the doc and the list below current as of September 14, Conference Model Built on Collaboration. The nationwide implementation of school choice would require a significant overhaul of the nation's education landscape.
The impacts, both positive and negative, are expected to be dramatic. Predictions for K Education in But while this holds true for every student, each of A Guide to Student-Led Conferences. At long last, online learning is maturing to the point of being a viable option for many. Let's uncover the truth about cheap online colleges and if they're right For those raised in the information age, life without the internet is no life at all. Affordable Online Colleges in America: Our Biggest Twitter Tips For Teachers For many teachers making a foray into the edtech world, Twitter is an excellent tool for consuming and learning.
Get useful information from other experts in your field. Make friends with your competition: It may seem counterintuitive, but connecting with your competition can help keep you in the know and well networked. Find a directory and more in this wiki. Check out this tool to locate people according to their interest group. Find people by industry or hobby using WeFollow. When you discover new followers, be sure to follow them back if they are interesting or offer value to you. Keep your follow ratio balanced: You can use this tool to filter tweets by zip code. Participate in Twitter events: Be a part of followfriday, musicmonday, and similar events to be a part of the community.
Search for others in your location with this site. With Twitterel, you can find users with common interests. Use Twinfluence to discover users with good reach, velocity, and social capital. Use Twellow to find Twitter users based on category. Twitter Snipe will auto follow users based on your niche. Talk to people about their interests: Check out the follow lists of people you find interesting and connect with them.
Find and share resources
This search engine offers results based on Twitter users with authority. Search for tweets around a specific area with the help of this tool.
- Las novias del mal (Spanish Edition)?
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- Guide To Education-Oriented Twitter Hashtags?
- Teachers on Twitter: why you should join and how to get started | Teacher Network | The Guardian.
Take advantage of the advanced search option on Twitter. Keep up with useful keywords and hashtags by setting up an RSS subscription for them. Pay attention to trends: Stay on top of the latest in your field by seeking out and participating in trending topics. For instance, students enrolled in political science degree programs may want to follow trending topics related to upcoming local and state elections. Retweetist shares popular trends, topics, and people using retweets on Twitter.
With this tool, you can find out if your keywords are popular on Twitter or not. Check out Tweetmeme to learn about retweeting stats for articles on Twitter. Find out about hot news with this tool that sorts URLs by how frequently they are mentioned in tweets. Twitter Sniffer for Brands: Twitter Sniffer makes it easy for you to keep track of conversations about you on Twitter.
Find popular quotes with this site that follows the quote hashtag. Follow Twitter conversations by keyword and category using Tweet Scan. Stay on top of 3 keywords at once with this keyword search tool. Pay attention to timing: Monitor the most popular hours for your Twitter followers, then concentrate your most important messages in those hours for more effective tweeting. Organization With these tips and tools, you can keep all of your information on Twitter well organized. Use a tool to manage Twitter: Make use of this tool to organize tweets from various groups into easy to manage categories.
You will be on Twitter all day and all night if you try to read every single tweet from your followers-just drop in when you can. See your Twitter stream in a tree with organized conversations using Tweetree. Make good use of alert tools: Analyze your keyword usage with this tool. Authority Building Follow these tips and use these tools in order to establish yourself as an authority in your field. Share tweets that others will want to retweet. Use popular tweets as blog posts: If you share a site or bit of information that turns out to be very popular, use it as a jumping off point for a blog post.
For wider educational debates, DavidDidau and JamesTheo are always posting interesting thoughts.
Teachers on Twitter: why you should join and how to get started
Take part in discussions, read blogs and see what resources are around. Teachers seem to be on Twitter and chatting on weekday evenings, and most subject areas have a specific chat period. For English, engchatuk sets up a discussion on Monday evenings that anyone can host. Use and follow hashtags. As an English teacher, teamenglish is essential, and you can find hashtags for your subject areas and more here.
Think before you type and remember your Ps and Qs. Be a radiator, not a drain. The lovely education bubble on Twitter can only exist for as long as we keep sharing ideas and resources. Order by newest oldest recommendations. Show 25 25 50 All. Threads collapsed expanded unthreaded. The team "revamped the posting strategy, changing it from purely promotional to mainly content and conversations," says D'Aromando. Equinox's slogan is "It's not fitness The new strategy has helped the brand grow its following to 48, Likes and 13, followers, in addition to producing a healthy lifestyle blog called " Q " and maintaining a Foursquare account.
The brand hosts promotions on its social channels, but more for experiences than for sales and discounts, says D'Aromando. Twitter , naturally, is more conversational, and D'Aromando says the audience is more of a mix of members and non-members than the Facebook Page. The handle is responding to questions, posting news, blasting blog content and questions to its followers throughout the day. And it's an engaged audience — on the brand's 20th anniversary last year, the hashtag Happy20thEquinox received more than 26 million impressions in one day.
Equinox is on Foursquare, too, but instead of offering discounts or freebies, the brand offers upgrades for checking in at the spa. The brand also ran a flash special in NYC for the 20th anniversary, giving away Equinox gift cards to the first 20 people who checked in at the party.
Our Biggest Twitter Tips For Teachers
But perhaps the crown jewel of Equinox's social efforts is Q Blog. They also take tips from followers — the Q tab on the Facebook Page lets fans submit questions to the advisory board, the answers to which become articles on Q. One byproduct of Q is that it's increased Equinox's presence on YouTube, and it's an area ripe for even more expansion in And these aren't record-on-your-iPhone-and-upload-to-YouTube clips — these are well done, beautifully produced videos, like the "NSFW" yoga one above.
To get even more distribution, Equinox is running the videos on StumbleUpon, which has increased traffic and helped the brand cast a wider net. Q is complemented by a weekly newsletter and a monthly email to keep healthy living — and Equinox — top of mind.
Under Armour purveys innovative clothes that keep athletes — or just your average gym-goer — comfortable, whether it warms them, cools them or wicks the sweat right off of them. The brand was started by a University of Maryland football player and has earned the trust of professional athletes, like Tom Brady, college footballers and high school teams alike. On social media, the mission "isn't just to start the conversation" — the fans are asked to participate in the brand.
One such activation is the Ultimate Intern program, a social play that asked students to submit a cover letter of characters explaining how they'd "ignite" the brand. There were thousands of applications, 10 finalists were interviewed via Skype, and ultimately, two college students were chosen to be Under Armour social media specialists for five weeks, cultivating the Under Armour fan base and live-tweeting events, such as the MLB All-Star game.
The high school lost four football players in a car accident in August, so this Fighting Undeniable "was a huge event for the school to rally around," an Under Armour rep says, adding that Mainland had its first pep rally in 11 years to celebrate. Now that's a meaningful brand engagement. There was a Facebook Page set up specifically for the Fighting Undeniable promotion, which saw 2. While that's a lot of engagement, Mechhi emphasizes that the actual activation didn't even cost much — the campaign was driven by the team's passion and love of the game.
The company's YouTube page has more than videos that have garnered more than 2. The videos feature Under Armour athletes breaking a sweat, and they make you want to turn off the computer and get in the game. Inspiring people to take it to the next level is what Under Armour is all about, and its social media campaign is geared toward that goal, too. The Canadian yoga brand is more than a place for apparel and workout gear — it's a haven for a healthy, happy lifestyle, and that's evident across its social platforms.
It's also about creating a hub for health that's more than just our products.