Your Emotional Hamster Wheel and How to Get Off It
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Get Off The Hamster Wheel Before It Throws You Off
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Conversely, if you describe a co-worker as arrogant and obnoxious, those traits will stick to you. So watch what you say. Showing vulnerability and a sense of humor make you more likable and approachable. It started to make me wonder if he really was an idiot! Radiate positive energy and good humor, not sarcasm.
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Would you rather be around someone who is happy and centered or frustrated and angry? Many people say they are optimistic and happy, but if you listen to what they say and the energetic vibe you get, you see that they are neither. This body language technique includes taking a sip of water when he reaches for his glass, and dipping your chip into the guacamole bowl at the same time.
When done correctly and subtly, these mirroring actions will instantly bring the two of you in sync, and it has scientifically been proven to make couples feel more at ease with each other. As painful and demanding as unrelenting intrusive thoughts can be — our minds are convinced the mental pain is more bearable than emotional pain.
Intrusive thoughts are really a defense mechanism from feeling our feelings. We start to recognize the underlying pain exists regardless of whether we change our external circumstances. Running from the pain of uncertainty Part of being human means that life is constantly changing.
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While we know this fact intellectually, emotionally most of us have a difficult time accepting the uncertainty of our lives. We try to control the uncontrollable, hoping for safety and security. There is a not-knowing and groundless quality to life.
What is one to do? The following is a brief outline of how to get off the mental hamster wheel and to start feeling your feelings. To get comfortable with uncertainty. Labeling the thought as intrusive and unwanted helps you defuse from its power. Give yourself time and space to get in touch with your feelings. While our minds move at lightning pace, our feelings are slower to reveal themselves and they often speak in the language of the body. Our task is to adopt a friendly and curious stance within ourselves to welcome our feelings. Take some abdominal breaths and see if you can settle your body toward quietness.
Try to find a physical place in your body that feels good or safe, grounding yourself to the present moment.