Another cold war casualty. In my judgment it is David Miliband who without doubt should be our next leader. Straw backs leader bid. And, without doubt , this region's great conurbations will have some catching up to do when they are in a position to seek similar status for themselves. Hope for the future. The ovation following his conference speech in Manchester showed without doubt that the vast majority of his party is firmly behind him. AS far as keeping punters who bet on sporting events informed, the BBC are without doubt the worst possible broadcasters. Beeb big losers in information stakes.
These examples may contain rude words based on your search. These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search. Search without doubt in: Climate change is without doubt the most serious threat to the global security and survival of mankind. The proposed African Union is without doubt a bold but indispensable undertaking. The challenge in Afghanistan is without doubt difficult and complex. The recognized quality and competence the Court's members ensures without doubt the credibility of that international body. Universality and effectiveness are, without doubt , inseparable concepts.
This is the 2nd book in the series, but could be read as a stand alone as well. I will be going back and reading the first story and anticipating the next story in this series. Azevedo does such a fantastic job of connecting you to the characters, whether they have a large part or a small part. I wasn't sure exactly what to expect with this book, and was pleasantly surprised.
I can't wait to read more from C. Jan 11, Cherry Hurtado rated it really liked it. I am so happy I was able to read this! This story was nothing like I expected.
Without doubt - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
The story was different the angst oh my god almost killed me! The love and ofcourse the Sexy Declan. Usually I find something that annoyed me or that I didn't like about the book. But I can't say there was anything in this book. The flow to the story was great the writing sucked me in really fast and without notice I was flipping pages without wanting to put it down. I read it in one sit which only means what I already said I loved it. This book is about Ava and Declan. She is a gorgeous girl and not only us she sexy but she is amazingly smart and strong for her young age.
She has responsibilities she shouldn't have at her age but doesn't make herself a victim about it. I have to mention that because I personally hate when the main girl is naive and stupid. But Ava was a character who felt real. She works and goes to school. Of course then we meet the sexy bastard Declan!

Oh god I found a new book boyfriend. I think he had me the moment he called her sunshine. This sexy bastard is a an MMA fighter who of course doesn't like relationships he likes to party and drink. But god what a change he makes the moment he meets Ava. Ugh I can't keep talking about him or I'll ruin the book! Anyways yes the book has drama. Perfect beginning and perfect ending! Let me just say I totally claim dec's sexy ass as my book boyfriend!!
Apr 26, Missy rated it really liked it. A nice sweet sexy read. One hot MMA fighter used to getting what he wants and one beautiful caring woman used to doing the right thing. One night as Ava is tending bar she can't help but notice this sexy guy on the security tapes and so begins her video stalking of Declan Declan and crew come into the bar one night and he can't help but notice this new sexy bartender. He ends up likin A nice sweet sexy read.
He ends up liking more than just her long legs, wavy hair, and beautiful eyes but also her sassy mouth Ava puts him through the ringer trying to get her to agree to a date but she stands firms even with her going attraction to him. Ava had alot on her plate and honestly tells him that but this just makes him admire her more for her honestly, and they start talking or texting daily. Getting to know each over the next few months their connection grows until Ava finally confesses her last holdout.
Declan can't help but think she is just so amazing, caring, and truthful that their relationship soon turns serious. But there are things in Declan's past that soon threaten their relationship. This was a wonderful emotional read, you really get to know both Ava and Declan I loved how tough and brave Ava was even when it bought her heartache. She still was sticking to her morals and trying to do the right thing. He will fight to the death to protect his family. This was an enjoyable first read by this author and hope the rest in the series are just as good.
Jan 09, Jennifer Diaz rated it it was amazing Shelves: She absolutely knows how to write a love story and in the second installment in the series, Without Doubt she does not disappoint. Even thought this is part of a series i 5 stars! Even thought this is part of a series it can be read as a standalone.
But I highly recommend reading the first, just because its so good! We start with Eva working her way through school and making ends meet. Even though she is young, she feels like she has lived a life time of responsibilities. She works at a bar in the evenings and goes to school during the day. That is her life. Then we have Declan. He is the typical young 20 something male enjoying life. He is an up and coming MMA fighter.
He has a reputation of a ladies man. But when he crosses paths with Eva, everything changes. We see a side of Declan that he has never shown to anyone else. This is a terrific story with twist and turns I never saw coming. Can Eva and Declan work together when their lives are so different? Eva is used to having her privacy and when Declan a rising star will be able to handle the pressure that goes with it?? You need to read to find out! Jan 09, Renee rated it it was amazing. There are of course some characters carried over from book 1.
I really enjoyed book one and this is a spin off, not necessarily a sequel but dont be cheated read book 1. Ava Sterling is tough! I loved her attitude at the bar when she first meets Declan. Of course it is sort of fate when they meet. She never works on Thursday, but he is always there on Thursday.
Secretly she has watched him on the video monitor, but in the bar, she is cool as a cucumber in a salad. There is a great buildup to her There are of course some characters carried over from book 1. There is a great buildup to her reveal.
English-German Dictionary
I didn't see it coming at all! She is focused on her goals and does her best to resist Declan. Oh gosh he is hottie! What a line he gives her over and over. The cutest parts of his dialogue were when he couldnt figure why she wasnt bowed at his feet. I thought the character of Declan was written really good. He was not extreme in his fighting career but there was a lot of discipline in that aspect of his life. He lacked discipline in everything else. His family was tight and he had a great relationship with Macie his sister.
I want to get a book for her! His parents were still together, they had wealth, but nothing over the top. His career was pretty much on track. I think he had goals, like Ava in his bed. It was a lot steamier than book 1. There were some scenes that had steam, but nothing extreme. I made a rhyme!
Anyways this was a really good book, I thought better than book 1. I really want more of these characters. Again the author blows me away with her names they were fantastic again! Jan 07, Carver's Book Cravings rated it it was amazing. Received an ARC for an honest review 5 star review This book is ah-mazing!!
I didn't want to put this book down. I read it in one sitting and was not disappointed. It was a book full of emotions. Ava is struggling to work, go to school and keep her secret hidden. She doesn't have time to date and have friends. She has been secretly watching Declan, but knows there is no point meeting him, because nothing can ever come of it.
So when she finally meets him, she is shocked that he can't keep his eyes Received an ARC for an honest review 5 star review This book is ah-mazing!! So when she finally meets him, she is shocked that he can't keep his eyes off her. She tries to push him away and keep he as just a friend, but he is determined to make her his!! Can she just be friends?
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Or will she tell her secret and realize he is it for her? Declan is an MMA fighter and is happy having different females on his arm. He has never had a relationship and isn't interest in one. Or so he thought. After the night meeting Ava, he can't get her out of his head. She is all he can think about and he isn't sure why she keeps turning him down. Can he get her to see that he wants more than a fling? Will he walk away from her secret? This book has some twists and turns I was NOT expecting.
Had me in tears fighting for then both. This is book two in the Without series, but can be read as a standalone. I really enjoyed Without Boundaries and This book. I recommend them both. As they will both be on my top reads list!! Amazing job on these books CJ Azevedo. I cannot wait to read more of your books!! Dec 27, Reanell Tisdale rated it it was amazing Shelves: Let me start this review off by telling you that I had read CJ Azevedo's first book Without Boundaries and I fell in love with her writing and couldn't wait to read this book. I went into this one blind, I didn't know the first thing about it other than it was book 2 in the series.
It has Let me start this review off by telling you that I had read CJ Azevedo's first book Without Boundaries and I fell in love with her writing and couldn't wait to read this book. It has everything I look for in a book. A sexy as sin fighter, likable herione, romance, angst..
Declan doesn't date, and Ava doesn't have time to date. But Declan is intrigued by Ava and wants to date her. Ava has crushed on Declan and he easily breaks her down and she agrees to date him, but Ava is hiding something. The reason she didn't have time to date, and she's afraid he will run when he finds out. But instead of running he finds her even more appealing after learning her secret. Things move fast at this point, and things from both of their pasts come back to threaten what they have.
Remember the angst I was talking about? Yep, it's at this point right here where things get real angsty. The story took a dramatic turn and I didn't expect it at all. I don't want to ruin the story for those who want to read it, just know that this book is brilliantly written with an amazing storyline. I give 5 brilliant stars!! Dec 20, Jill rated it really liked it. After reading a bit of a dark novel, I knew I had to read something a little more uplifting, and Without Doubt by C.
Azevedo was the perfect book to read! Without Doubt is the perfect love story. It takes you on a journey through the hardships of being with the one you love. We are first introduced to the beautiful, strong Ava Sterling. At a young age Ava had to grow up and take over some of the responsibilities that her sister left behind. It's because of these responsibilities that she's vowe After reading a bit of a dark novel, I knew I had to read something a little more uplifting, and Without Doubt by C.
It's because of these responsibilities that she's vowed to never let anyone in to her heart for fear of getting too close and being hurt. He's quite yummy, to say the least! From the moment Declan sees Ava he's drawn to her like no other. They both have strong feelings, and while Ava is trying hard to not let him in and break her personal vow, she finds it harder and harder as each day passes. This story is the true definition of love; demanding, hard falling, all in love. When a very shocking truth comes to surface about the two, they have to figure out if love, Without Doubt is enough to survive what they are now being faced with.
I loved the way C. This story was beautiful, and felt very real. I cannot wait for more. Dec 29, Adrian rated it really liked it. Part of a series but can be read as a stand alone. Ava is a 22 year old with enough on her plate for a dozen people to handle. She has sworn off men because not only does she not have time to date, she's learned that men don't stick around.
Declan is a hot up and coming MMA fighter and also doesn't date. He has his fun with the ladies then shows them the door. He's not used to being turned down. Ava has been secretly crushing on Dec for a while and is shocked when he asks her out……b Great story!! Ava has been secretly crushing on Dec for a while and is shocked when he asks her out……but he's more shocked when she turns him down. This is not your typical guy-wants-girl-and-will-stop-at-nothing-to get-her story.
Dec and Ava become great friends, talking and texting every day. But Ava has a pretty big secret, and she's sure that once Dec finds out, he'll walk. But once her secret comes out, not only does Dec not walk, he does everything he can to help. Well-written, funny, sweet and emotional story. Wonderful supporting characters and a hero and heroine you'll absolutely love. Dec is a bit over the top with his possessiveness, but Ava handles him well.
There are some crazy twists and turns and a huge WTF moment.
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Totally did not see any of it coming. Her chores leave her not much time for anything else than strict necessities, much less any time for dating or anything man related. Yet, when you take a liking to a delicious MMA fighter who's on a mission of chasing after you? Someone like Declan James? A man who doesn't date but is straightforward about having any female he wants, without even putting much effort into it. Here comes Ava, who catches his eye from the moment she delivers his order and the proverbial punch to the gut. The woman shoots him down, refuses to go out on a date with him. What is the problem boy?
You don't date, right? When things get heated between the two, an unexpected visit from Ava's sister threatens to destroy their relationship, just when they start to come to terms that maybe they are meant to be together Should we anticipate the happily ever after or wait and see the bomb drop? Azevedo's Without Doubt is the book 2 in the Without series, yet it can be read as a stand alone. Jan 03, Amazeballs Book Addicts rated it it was amazing. This was a great story.
This is the second in the Without series. It can be read as a stand alone. If you read the first book Without Boundaries, you met Declan in there. I really liked Declan's character and was super excited that he got he own book. Declan and Ava go through a lot of relationship stuff. I was definitely not expecting the twist CJ Azevedo threw at the characters.
Sometime when reading you can figure out the twist before you read it. CJ kept me guessing what would happen to Declan and Ava. The story was s well written that I never expected what happened to happen. I would definitely recommend this book. It's a sweet story and it doesn't have a cliffhanger. Jan 05, Ashley rated it it was amazing. I recieved a ARC for a honest review This book was absolutely amazing! It was so touching and many emotions. Let me begin with I loved the characters!!! Ava is a very strong independent young women who had to grow up fast amd take on a lot of responsibilities at a young age.
Declan is a sexy MMA fighter who gets what he wants and what he wants is Ava! When things start going from good to great there is always something or someone that has to take it away! A secret is reveal hearts are breaking I guess you'll have to read to find out! I will definitely recommend this book to everyone and it was worth 5 stars!!
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Jan 04, Kaila rated it it was amazing. I loved the characters and the plot. I love the complications and the main character trying not to fall in love. I loved the plot with her daughter. I loved Declan, he was amazing and sweet and yet a bad boy at the same time. The whole story was awesome. I have read that it is the 2nd in the series, but I didn't need to read the 1st to understand this one.