The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes
Written by Kathy Li. Here we say a fond fare-well to the finest Holmes on film. And not a minute too soon. Though the series was cut short by the tragic and untimely death of Jeremy Brett, the series should've died before this. They even had moments of humor cf. Holmes might be oddly whimsical as in "The Naval Treaty". But at some point melancholy fell over the stories. Certainly the lengthening of stories into artificial movies in "The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes" didn't better the series.
Instead of telling the stories in a straightforward way, stories begin to be blended into one another. Bizarre elements found their way into the tales. In one disastrous episode in the "Case Book" days, "The Sussex Vampire", the makers diverged from Doyle altogether for a totally whacked-out story that ought never have been told. But melancholy had claimed the series for her own. There were too many close-ups, the make up is weird in cases, and at some points hindsight makes you worry about Jeremy Brett's health. Naturally in the eerily title "The Dying Detective" he looks bad.
But he looks pretty bad in the rest of them, too. Though I'm sorry they couldn't have finished all the stories in the canon, they came close; and the way they were mucking about with stories and camera work and make up and overarching sadness in "Memoirs" makes one wish they hadn't gone this far. The loss of Jeremy Brett to the acting world casts a further pall over the proceedings. This is not the place to start for Brett's finely limned Holmes, and truly is for someone who obsessively has to own every episode.
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What is Emily Mortimer Watching? A nice locked-room-mystery with a melodramatic background story. The Adventure of the Resident Patient: Percy Trevelyan is a promising doctor but does not have the means to establish his own practice. Blessington offers him to set him up as a practitioner on condition that he pay him two thirds of his income, Trevelyan accepts this business deal, little knowing that one day, his business partner would develop strong symptoms of paranoia.
The Adventure of the Greek Interpreter: Holmes and Watson try their best to save the lives of Mr. Melos, the eponymous interpreter, and a young Greek who has been lured into captivity. The Adventure of the Naval Treaty: An important document, a Naval Treaty between Great Britain and Italy, has disappeared, and Holmes is the only one to be able to retrieve it. This story has a very ironic solution. All in all, this is a very entertaining collection of stories, but then Holmes and Watson are always a safe bank, at least in my books. We are getting more and more background information on Holmes, e.
Holmes also lets us in on some of his methods, which indeed may not seem exactly mad but unorthodox, when he says, for instance: Okay, he shows certain moments of vanity, e. Watson, who never seems to mind her husband spending so much time hunting criminals with his friend, not only neglecting his work as a medical man but also putting his life in danger. Apart from that, Holmes can also make mistakes, like the rest of us, as is shown in the second case in this collection, and he can feel delighted at finding that the truth is less detrimental to his clients than his theory made it out to be.
Pensaba darle 3 estrellas porque la verdad es que estos cuentos no me atraparon tanto como los de otros libros salvo "El problema final" que fue GENIAL. Todos estos detalles suman: Mar 02, Vanessa J. In , we had to read for classes one of the Sherlock Holmes' books. My teacher gave us three options. We had to vote for the one we considered the most interesting, and the winner was THotB. Since then, I made the promise to read the entire canon To get to TMoSH. Do you know why? Because in this one Holmes was supposed to die, and also because Moriarty app In , we had to read for classes one of the Sherlock Holmes' books.
Because in this one Holmes was supposed to die, and also because Moriarty appears. Okay, now off to review each story. A great horse Silver Blaze has just disappeared and he had a race the next day, so they need him because the bets are made and people might get angry if they don't get to see the famous horse running. This one is not outstanding, but it was interesting to see how Holmes deduced who did the villainy. It's not a complex one, but it's not predictable, so I really enjoyed it. Munro is married and has a happy life until one day he sees a yellow face inside a cottage where his wife was found once.
He's jealous and consults Holmes to see what he can get from his story. This one has a touching moment in the end, which I rather liked.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes
Oh, and Holmes is not perfect, ladies and gentlemen. He sometimes has his deductions wrong. A man is offered a job, but he's suspicious as to the employer's motives. Holmes and Watson hurry to see what's behind all that. Ah, there's always a fool. Someone is deceived, but Holmes managed to discover who the responsible for the tricks is before it was too late. A good story, in general. This is Holmes' first case, dated back to his university days.
I really liked this story. Watson always wants to know things about his friend's past, and here's where he got his fill. Sherlock was a misanthrope back in his university days. Ah, Holmes, some people never change This was a clever one. It rounds about a family ritual and the disappearance of two people.
As I said, this was clever and really intriguing. Holmes' way of solving the riddle for it is indeed a riddle is not the usual one, so I ended up enjoying it immensely. Holmes is sick, and he decides to give himself or rather Watson pushed him a vacation. In there, Holmes finds that there are also people who need him, so he decides to quit his vacation and solve a case for them, which is about a murder. The victim had a mysterious torn piece of paper in his hand, and it appear that this paper was very valuable. This one was very intriguing and thrilling. It had an intense action scene that I enjoyed deeply.

There was indeed a puzzle. If you can, try to solve it before Holmes reveals the answer. A man is dead and his wife is suspected. Holmes calls Watson Did you hear that, people? Damn Holmes and his ability to make complicated things simple. Why did he call Watson? Not because he needed his help, but merely to have someone to show his brilliance. But the story was interesting, and we have some more of Holmes ever-growing arrogance. Trelawney as his doctor and everything is well until one day something happens to Blessington and Trelawney's new patients seem rather odd, so he gets suspicious and asks Holmes for advice.
With each story in this collection, they grew better and better. This one was really interesting and it kept me glued to the book throughout the course of it. The answer to the problem was just as intriguing as the problem itself. A greek interpreter, Melas, is hired to a job. In his workplace, some weird things happen and Melas feels there's something wrong. In this story, Mycroft Holmes is introduced to Watson's astonishment. Sherlock Holmes has a brother. Mycroft was quite an interesting character.
He's just as intelligent as Holmes is, the difference being that Mycroft is kind of lazy and prefers to stay either at home or at his club. This one was a wicked and interesting story. An important document, a naval treaty, has just been stolen from Percy Phelps' office.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle | Lit2Go ETC
There are many suspects and they all could have a motive for doing the deed. This is the kind of story that I tend to enjoy the most. The mystery was present during the entire narration, and it always has you thinking as to who might have stolen the document. Holmes, now please take my application as your assistant. Holmes is hunting down his great arch-enemy, professor Moriarty. Moriarty is a genius and plus, he has malice, so that obviously makes him a dangerous man and Holmes is determined to bring him to an end.
The best story in this collection. Seeing Holmes trying to defeat an enemy that has his same abilities was great. The Sherlock Holmes' canon is one of my favorite series of all time. I read the nine books in a row without getting bored, so that should tell you something.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes
I continue to love Sherlock and all his treats. I love his arrogance, his misanthropy, his coldness, his intelligence They make him a really interesting character, and we know he's the master of deduction. I admit that even when my favorite collection of short stories is The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes my review , this one was also really good.
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And as I said, it's one of my favorite books of all time. When I graduate as a chemist, I'm gonna be like him, and my name is gonna be Vanessa the kick-ass, mad, gorgeous and sherlockian chemist. That sounds immature and stupid as hell, but I still wanna be like him. He looks so badass in there. Anyway, what are you waiting for if you haven't read this? What else can you possibly want from a book? There's mystery, there are murders, there's a sociopath with his assistant The perfect formula for a book.
View all 9 comments. Jan 06, David Sarkies rated it liked it Shelves: However, I will get around to writing about them when I finally get around to reading the books and I might read them a short story at a time, as I did with a collections of stories by Joseph Conrad. However, the problem with Sherlock Holmes is that it is, in a way, the lack of variety in the stories. In fact the novels also followed this structure as well, namely: Holmes is confronted with a problem which takes up the first part of the story , Holmes wanders about and works it out, Holmes then spends the rest of the story explaining what happened.
As it turned out this formula worked out really well, if the five collection of short stories, and four novels, are anything to go by. In fact, you have ones that involve missing objects, or objects that have been discovered and Holmes is attempting to locate the owner.
We have another one that involves a child of a previous marriage that the mother is trying to keep a secret, or a naval treaty that has become the centerpiece of a mystery. In fact it is not the crime that is important, it is the mystery, as in some cases it turns out that no crime has actually been committed. I guess that is one aspect of our human nature — we love mysteries. In fact not knowing is far more exciting than actually discovering the answer, because once we know the answer all of a sudden it ceases to be a mystery and the revelation turns out to be really boring.
One interesting thing is that it seems to be apparent that Doyle was attempting to wind up his Holmes stories — why else would he finish the final story by having Holmes thrown off the top of a waterfall. Otherwise, it simply might have been that he had become somewhat bored with the character and wanted to move on. The problem is that once somebody creates something that is beloved by the community, then it can be pretty hard to put it behind you.
In a way it is the curse of the celebrity status — once you have become a celebrity you are no longer your own person — you are now what the media, and the fans, make you out to be, and if it turns out that you break this mould, then you run the risk of losing that status all together — while it is painful, it is also incredibly addictive.
One simply cannot stop being a celebrity. Overall, this is a stronger set of stories than the Adventures, mainly through Conan Doyle's attempts to humanize Holmes.
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- The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle.
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That said, Conan Doyle also betrays a reliance on a couple of different themes that reappear throughout the stories, especially the too-good-to-be-true job offer that turns into a ruse for a larger crime. Yet another story where a person has dark secrets in their past that come back to haunt them. Still a good one though. The introduction of Moriarty as the mastermind of London crime despite never having been mentioned by Holmes in any previous story makes it clear he's simply a plot device.
But it's still a good and compelling story for all of that. May 15, Hiba Arrame rated it liked it Shelves: A collection of eleven short stories, all about Sherlock Holmes and more cases he was involved in, and regardless of the fact that I am one of the biggest Sherlock Holmes' fans, this one still didn't do its magic on me.
I got bored, the stories were trivial if compared with what I've read before, and they just didn't catch me or take me by surprise. The only one I really liked was "The Final Problem", but I still don't accept that ending as a logical one. Even my least favorite stories are solid, and there are several that are excellent. For context, these stories were all published between , at the height of both Conan Doyle's and his famous hero's popularity. Conan Doyle was growing extremely tired of his creation, and he wanted to write other, newer and more challenging things he did, almost none of which Project: Conan Doyle was growing extremely tired of his creation, and he wanted to write other, newer and more challenging things he did, almost none of which is read now by anyone other than Conan Doyle scholars and really dedicated Sherlockians.
He knew this would be at great expense to his finances. Writing Sherlock Holmes, though it bored him, was a profitable enterprise. My favorites of the collection include "The Adventure of the Yellow Face" one of the few stories where Holmes gets it wrong , "The Adventure of the Reigate Squire" which features Holmes and Watson being adorable, Holmes being tricksy, and an exciting confrontation at the end , "The Adventure of the Crooked Man" because it had a human element to it that I quite enjoyed, in addition to being a good mystery , "The Adventure of the Greek Interpreter" for Mycroft, whom I quite enjoyed in his literary form , "The Adventure of the Naval Treaty," the longest story so far, by about double , and of course, "The Final Problem," which though only introducing Holmes's nemesis Moriarty here for the first time, was really very well done.
You can see Conan Doyle's giving it his all, as he really believed he would never write Holmes again and wanted to go out on a high note. None of the stories struck me the wrong way, though. My edition the Stephen Fry audio includes "The Adventure of the Cardboard Box," which most American editions move to His Last Bow , because originally American publishers didn't want to include a story that featured adultery? List of cases List of investigators.
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Detective fiction short stories. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. The Hound of the Baskervilles.