
The Cambridge Introduction to Narrative (Cambridge Introductions to Literature)

Is it narrative or is it life itself? The rhetoric of narrative. Narrative rhetoric at work. Closure suspense and surprise. Closure at the level of expectations. Closure at the level of questions. The absence of closure. The peril of buying a story. Narration on stage and screen. Constraints of the marketplace. Character and self in narrative. Flat and round characters.

The Cambridge Introduction to Narrative

Can characters be real? Life writing as performative. Battling narratives are everywhere. Critical reading as narrative negotiation.

The Cambridge Introduction to Narrative - H. Porter Abbott - Google Книги

Closure one more time. This book was informative and for an english textbook wasn't too torturous to read. Chapters were broken up to make it easier to keep track of vocabulary and chronology of concepts. One thing I really liked about this textbook is that it was helpful for my learning in the class and was a good guide for me to keep track of everything we went ove I read this for my college Foundations of Literary Analysis class.

One thing I really liked about this textbook is that it was helpful for my learning in the class and was a good guide for me to keep track of everything we went over in the course. The book we read with this book, Critical Terms for Literary Study, has a lot of the same concepts, but was basically the vocabulary that was described and applied in the Cambridge Introduction to Narrative, but those same vocabulary words were each divided into their own separate essays in Critical Terms for Literary Study, basically taking 20 pages to define a single word whereas in Cambridge Introduction to Narrative the vocabulary words were clearly and concisely defined with brief paragraphs, making it easier to memorize.

All in all, this textbook isn't too bad for required reading in an english class. I would recommend this book long before Critical Terms for Literary Study. How stories—all kinds of stories—work, explained clearly in terms that do not require a graduate degree in linguistics. Highly recommended for fiction lovers who would like to look 'under the hood' and learn more about how narrative works. Jul 09, Andy rated it really liked it. A fascinating, very readable book.

Particularly strong in the early stages, covering a number of technical questions - I found myself stopping frequently to think about a lot of them, and pondering the connections between narrative and the fundamentals of human cognition. Not quite so focused and compelling for me later on - but that might well be a function of my mental limitations rather than the quality of the book.

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  • The Cambridge Introduction to Narrative by H. Porter Abbott!
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Definitely one that I will be returning too for rereading. Well its required uni reading, its good for writers who want to improve story structure. Its academic in style so not light reading, but it is very readable.

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Which for me is in short supply ATM, cos I'm ill its a really good book. By far the most helpful and clear text book I was assigned at uni. Mar 27, maha added it Shelves: This book was written for literature students, not military operational planners. Additionally, most of this book is intuitive - you probably already know it.

If you listened to Serial, you definitely know it, but perhaps you don't realize it yet. That's the thing about narrative; if you are willing to ask questions like "Is Narrative life itself? Unless you are a literature student, read chapters 2 and 3 to identify the primary This book was written for literature students, not military operational planners. Unless you are a literature student, read chapters 2 and 3 to identify the primary elements of narrative construction and chapters 13 and 14 for narrative contestation and negation.

Operational planners probably need to have a working understanding of narrative, but not enough to read pages of this book - perhaps the suggested reading of narrative in the law at the end of Ch 13 would be more useful. Aug 03, Jesse Field rated it it was amazing. Judging by the cover, this looks like a dry, pedantic work, intended for bulk sales through university courses.

Cambridge Introductions to Literature: The Cambridge Introduction to Literature and Psychoanalysis

And so it is, really. But Abbot's pedantry comes alive, just the way that Jonathan Culler's work so often does. Abbott has a great sense of his audience and what will interest us -- chapter 11 on contested narratives uses the Lizzie Borden case to wonderful effect, for example. But Abbott makes his performance colorful without oversimplifying -- he supplies some of the best articulatio Judging by the cover, this looks like a dry, pedantic work, intended for bulk sales through university courses.

Bestselling Series

But Abbott makes his performance colorful without oversimplifying -- he supplies some of the best articulations of post-structuralist challenges to narrative theory, and purposefully leaves all of the top issues unresolved in a effort to have us think about "closure" as one of these issues. I'm stunned on my first read, but confident I'll be coming back to this.

The second half focuses more on how we interpret narrative, which I found to be less interesting.

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However, this book achieves what it sets out to do: It is accessible, readable and exciting and as such it is much bet 3. It is accessible, readable and exciting and as such it is much better than a lot of introductions on whatever subject that are out there. After my professor introduced some basic concepts of narrative theory to my class, I was really intrigued by the concept. Found this to be a wonderful introduction to more in-depth study of it, and it even gave me some super useful information that I'll be using in my senior research project next Spring!

An unusually readable introduction to the basics of narrative. I use it for a second-year course introducing narrative theory and poetics, and even beginning students find it accessible yet challenging. Apr 21, J. Simplistic, but helpful for people new to narrative theory. If you have more experience in the field, however, it can be dull and lacking in helpful information. Aug 28, Samuel Van rated it really liked it.