Tangled Autumn (Mills & Boon M&B) (Betty Neels Collection, Book 8)
Not top of the line Neels, but great fun Betty Neels plot 17B--She's the ward sister, he's the consultant. Not top of the line Neels, but great fun none the less. Review Tally - based out of 5 Briefly, part of this is from another review, but will explain my bias a little.
I discovered her when I was 10 or 11 years old. Over the years, I have collected every Betty Neels novel ever in print.
- Follow the Author.
- Betty Neels Collection.
- Echte Golfer weinen nicht: Amüsantes von Fairway und Green (German Edition).
- The Kingship of Self-Control: Individual Problems and Possibilities!
- Betty Neels.
- Product description?
Even special ordering them all the way from England because I was having difficulty finding them over here in the States. There are times I go looking for a specific book and cannot find it because although I remember the book, I don't remember the title. I find this deeply frustrating especially when I have so many books I have to go through just to find one specific book.
This being said, I want to help others like me out there, who are fans of Betty Neels or who are looking for a specific title, but feel helpless lost in the sea of her amazing amount of books. So, I am going to post a brief spoiler at the beginning of her books here in this section in the hopes I can help you find that one book you must read again. This one is a little complex, and I will have to drop some hefty spoilers if this is the book you're looking for. Our hero is Consultant James Thackery - for those of ya'll who are sticklers, his Mother is Dutch, Father British - and he's been in love with Ward Sister Clotilde Collins for a long while now, but sadly, she is engaged.
Thackery steps in to help when her financially motivated fiance is too busy for her. After the funeral, she learns her home has been mortgaged and will need to be sold. With the normal adage when it rains it pours, after finding out his fiance is broke and cannot buy him a practice, her fiance breaks it off with her. Of course, much more happens, but I don't want to spoil it too much for you. Those of ya'll that are Betty Neels fans know the general premise is a rich handsome doctor falls for a nurse sometimes she is not beautiful, she might be under appreciated or from a home of privilege but has recently fallen on hard times.
Her romances are usually light, sweet and quick reads usually no more than 9 chapters. Highly enjoyable any volume you pick up.

To be honest, if you didn't know who Betty Neels was when you picked up this cover, you might not know it was a romance from the look of it. But prior to her passing and when she did pass, there were a number of her books that were reissued with these more artsy covers. I also have the original cover this was released in paperback, which does say romance.
Her stories are just so light and refreshing. It's not something I can explain very well. I am sure if you're a fan, you will know what I am talking about and if this is your first chance at reading a Betty Neels title, you'll kinda understand what I am saying after you finish it. I put this at a 4 only because this title is not one of my personal all time favorites, but I do highly recommend it.
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Jan 20, Pamela Shropshire rated it liked it Shelves: James Thackery is a sweetheart, being diametrically opposed to Clotilde Collins' fiance, Dr. This is pretty evident right away, but becomes crystal clear when Clotilde's parents are killed in a car crash in France while on holiday. Bruce is MIA, while James comforts Clotilde, goes with the family solicitor to bring home the remains, and helps Clotilde arrange for the funeral. So we aren't surprised when Bruce breaks off the engagement when it is discovered that Cloti 3. So we aren't surprised when Bruce breaks off the engagement when it is discovered that Clotide's parents left no money for him to buy a partnership.
Clotilde, however, is devastated. She also has to sell the family home; unbeknownst to her, James buys it. The reason for all this knight-in-shining-armour act is obvious - to everyone except Clotilde - James loves her. She has a silly idea he is going to marry a doctor at the hospital, Mary Evans, she of the permed, tinted hair and padded bra.
TGB often has the hero's sister come to the rescue and James' sister, Katrina is no different. She makes friends with Clotilde, giving James a reason to stay in close contact. I'm not quite sure whether Katrina knew James was in love with Clotide and just played dumb or whether she was in the dark as well. We still reach our HEA just the same. Aug 26, Rita added it Shelves: Yet another following her same formula. In this one, the perfect, tall, large handsome surgeon takes the ward sister to visit his Dutch maternal grandparents who live in a gorgeous large old house with servants near Leiden.
Altho Neels lists the standard sights in Leiden, there is no sense of the atmosphere there. The only thing Neels describes convincingly in her books is the interior of houses. This book has more description than most of the nursing activities in the hospital, and yet th This book has more description than most of the nursing activities in the hospital, and yet there again it fails to interest me.
Aug 28, Beth rated it it was amazing.
Tangled Autumn (Mills & Boon M&B) (Betty Neels Collection, Book 8) - Betty Neels - Google Книги
This was the first Betty Neels book I had ever read. It got kme started collecting all of the Betty Neels books. She was a wonderful writer, and she will be greatly missed. Her spirit and genuine talent will live on in all her stories. Being able to put my imagination into words. Holland or the English countryside, because I know them both well.
Can there be one? Surely if two people in love are sharing a meal, bread and water would be just fine.
Perhaps Brief Encounter, which I doubt anyone remembers. A ring set with stones that spelled Dearest. He gave freedom to so many. A member of the nursing profession, having been that for many years. Are You an Author? I love all the old fashioned sweet romances by Betty Neels. I read them all many years ago and am now reading them for the 2nd and even 3rd times on my Kindle. She wrote them all on a formula.
Once For All Time
Usually a romance between a Dutch doctor or professor and an English young lady. There is always some type of conflict that has to be settled before the happily ever after. Another great story by Betty Neels. So charming and sweet, delightful. Also easy to read and no violence or such. No descriptive sex scenes either. I like Betty Neels' books and even though I'm pretty sure the heroine will be the one living happily ever after, I like that there's that hint that it might not quite happen.
Lovely descriptions of Scotland and Holland, especially Scotland - I could almost smell the beautiful air! These are books I can lose myself in, for just a while! I love it because I always get what I expect. Never any surprises with Betty Neeles. A happily ever after in Scotland for Sappha and Andrew with a couple of road blocks here and there. Sappha wants a change of scenery to mend her broken heart.
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While Andrew is driven by work to guard his heart. Get to Know Us. Amazon Web Services Goodreads Shopbop. Not Enabled Word Wise: