Sport, Politics and Society in the Land of Israel: Past and Present
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Dec 12, See Article History. Page 1 of Learn More in these related Britannica articles: Moreover, at the higher levels of education, the percentage of women students became progressively lower. The most striking feature of kibbutz education was that the parents forgo rearing and educating their offspring themselves and instead hand the children over to professional educators, sometimes immediately after birth.
The kibbutzim type of education developed for both practical and economic reasons, but….
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The goal of the Israel ites who escaped from Egypt and of those who…. Middle East , the lands around the southern and eastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea, extending from Morocco to the Arabian Peninsula and Iran and, by some definitions, sometimes beyond. The central part of this general area was formerly called the Near East, a name given to it by some of….
More About Israel 53 references found in Britannica articles Assorted References flag history In flag of Israel same-sex marriage In same-sex marriage: International sociology In sociology: Academic status space program In launch vehicle: Israel worldwide Jewish community In Judaism: Contemporary Judaism culture literature folk In folk literature: Regional and ethnic manifestations In Judaism: Modern Israeli folktales commemoration days In feast: National and local festivals In Holocaust remembrance days folk dance In folk dance: Israeli folk dancing View More.
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The ghost of conflicts past, present and future | Politics | Al Jazeera
Like a phantom in the dark recesses, these historical and contemporary traumas are a significant psychological factor in the failure of efforts to resolve the conflict. As the survivors gradually die out, their place is being taken by the ghost of traumas past - in other words: This historical trauma is behind what you might call Israel's power dysmorphia: Despite possessing the most powerful army in the region, many Israelis do genuinely believe they are the weaker party and the victims.
Meanwhile , Israel's victims, the Palestinians, have their own historical trauma to contend with: A life under occupation. As most Palestinians at the time were farmers, the land assumed romantic proportions. And as that land has shrunk, and defeat has pursued defeat, and exile begot further exile, the collective trauma has only been magnified with the years, especially in Gaza, where constant and repeated war and isolation have left most of the population shell-shocked and teetering on the edge of psychological collapse. For instance, a century after the systematic Ottoman mass killings of up to 1.
Moreover, Turko-Armenian relations are still poisoned by Turkey's refusal to acknowledge, let alone apologise for, what the majority of non-Turkish historians regard as a genocide.
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Sadly, in the Middle East, collective trauma is not just historical. The upheavals, wars and conflicts that have spread like wildfire over the past few years do not bode well for the future. In Syria, like Iraq before it , the civil war has distressed the entire population and created a lost generation of children whose trauma is likely to shape their entire lives. Long-term effects include the potential for violent behaviour, hooliganism, drug abuse, depression and health problems.
Severe trauma is also fertile ground for extremism because it answers the basic human need to " make sense of a very nonsensical situation ". This nonsensical situation has even awakened dormant traumas and grievances and let the genie of Syria's " hidden sectarianism " out of the bottle.