
PMBOK - Tecnologia da Informação em Questões de Concursos (Portuguese Edition)

Maka perlu dilakukan perhitungan parameter kinetik teras silisida kerapatan tinggi mengingat pengaruhnya sangat penting untuk keselamatan operasi reaktor. Parameter kinetik yang dihitung yaitu fraksi neutron kasip efektif, konstanta peluruhan neutron kasip, umur neutron serempak yang merupakan faktor utama dalam kontrol dan keselamatan. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa harga fraksi neutron kasip turun dengan naiknya densitas bahan bakar. Turunnya nilai parameter kinetik ini tidak mengganggu pergantian bahan bakar ke densitas yang lebih tinggi. Sehingga jika dilakukan pergantian bahan bakar maka ditinjau dari segi neutronik dan parameter kinetiknya tidak akan mengalami perubahan dalam pola operasi reaktor atau manajemen bahan bakar dan tidak akan berpengaruh terhadap keselamatan operasi reaktor.

A T three pole wiggler will be installed in at the straight section where the TOK is installed.

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NIJI-I is a 0. It has been operated from Feb. It has been operated in Aug. It will be used for ULSI lithography experiments. Full Text Available Dalam high temperature reactor, koefisien reaktivitas temperatur yang didesain negatif menjamin reaksi fisi dalam teras tetap berada di bawah kendali dan panas peluruhan tidak akan pernah melelehkan bahan bakar yang menyebabkan terlepasnya zat radioaktif ke lingkungan.

Namun masuknya air water ingress ke dalam teras reaktor akibat pecahnya tabung penukar panas generator uap, yang dikenal sebagai salah satu kecelakaan dasar desain, dapat mengintroduksi reaktivitas positif dengan potensi bahaya lainnya seperti korosi grafit dan kerusakan material struktur reflektor. Hasil perhitungan memperlihatkan koefisien reaktivitas Doppler tetap negatif untuk seluruh opsi bahan bakar yang dipertimbangkan bahkan untuk posibilitas water ingress yang besar. Efek water ingress lebih kuat pada model kisi dengan fraksi packing lebih rendah karena lebih banyak volume yang tersedia untuk air yang memasuki teras reaktor.

Efek water ingress juga lebih kuat di teras uranium dibandingkan teras thorium dan plutonium sebagai konsekuensi dari fenomena Doppler dimana absorpsi neutron di daerah resonansi U lebih besar daripada Th dan Pu. Secara keseluruhan dapat disimpulkan bahwa, koefisien Doppler teras RGTTK mampu mengkompensasi insersi reaktivitas yang diintroduksi oleh kecelakaan water ingress. The Maia Spectroscopy Detector System: The system developed by CSIRO and BNL combines a planar silicon detector array, application-specific integrated circuits for pulse shaping and peak detection and sampling and optical data transmission to an FPGA-based pipelined, parallel processor.

This paper describes the system and the underpinning engineering solutions. Cecidomyiidae was monitored weekly on its host plant, Eugenia uniflora Myrtaceae. Galls were collected from the field and raised in the laboratory to obtain adults. The females oviposit on young leaves of the host plant, with the first instar larvae inducing the gall, which is unilocular.

The last instar larvae drop to the soil to pupate and later emerge as adults. The galls occur from late August to early June, when young leaves of the host can be found, with populations peaking during the summer. The challenge for any security screening system is to identify potentially harmful objects such as weapons and explosives concealed under clothing.

Classical border and security checkpoints are no longer capable of fulfilling the demands of today's ever growing security requirements, especially with respect to the high throughput generally required which entails a high detection rate of threat material and a low false alarm rate.

Tera SCREEN proposes to develop an innovative concept of multi-frequency multi-mode Terahertz and millimeter-wave detection with new automatic detection and classification functionalities. The system developed will demonstrate, at a live control point, the safe automatic detection and classification of objects concealed under clothing, whilst respecting privacy and increasing current throughput rates. This innovative screening system will combine multi-frequency, multi-mode images taken by passive and active subsystems which will scan the subjects and obtain complementary spatial and spectral information, thus allowing for automatic threat recognition.

This paper will describe the project objectives and approach. Full Text Available Manfaat yang luas dari penggunaan reaktor riset membuat banyak negara membangun reaktor riset baru. Kecenderungan saat ini adalah reaktor tipe reaktor serbaguna MPR dengan teras yang kompak untuk mendapatkan fluks neutron yang tinggi dengan daya yang relatif sedang atau rendah.

Reaktor riset yang ada di Indonesia yang paling muda usianya sudah berumur 25 tahun. Desain neutronik dilakukan untuk bahan bakar baru U-9Mo-Al dengan kerapatan bervariasi dan jenis reflektor yang bervariasi. The research newest reactor in Indonesia right now is already 25 year old. Therefore, it is needed to design a new research reactor, called innovative research reactor IRR and then as an alternative to replace the old. Full Text Available PTRKN sebagai salah satu unit kerja di BATAN dengan tugas pokok dan fungsi yang berkaitan erat dengan teknologi reaktor dan keselamatan nuklir, menaruh perhatian khusus pada konsep reaktor pebble bed.

Model teras pebble bed didekati dengan memanfaatkan kisi teratur dari bola yang disusun sebagai kisi BCC berdasarkan sel berulang yang digenerasi dari sejumlah sel satuan. Deviasi estimasi keff yang dihitung dengan eksperimen dikaitkan sebagai konsekuensi dari komposisi reflektor grafit yang dispesifikasikan. Hasil ini menyimpulkan bahwa, sukses metodologi pemodelan ini menjustifikasi aplikasi MCNP5 untuk analisis reaktor pebble bed lainnya. The TRISO coated fuel particle is modeled in detailed and exact manner where random distributions of these particles in fuel pebble is approximated by using regular array of SC lattice.

The anarchist proposal of Feyerabend, then embryonic, was formulated in parallel by Rocha e Silva in his criticism of the scientific method. Two decades later, Feyerabend's ideas seemed implicitly to stimulate Newton Freire- Maia in his reflections on science. The web of interrelationships in the ideas of these three men - who never interacted - touches on central issues for Brazilian science from to , a period in which the latter is consolidated in a dialogue with the nascent reflection on science and the scientific method in Brazil.

Dampak yang ingin dilihat adalah kondisi teras selama terjadinya small break LOCA yang terdiri dari pembentukan mixture level dan transien temperatur kelongsong bahan bakar. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa mixture level untuk semua kejadian small break LOCA berada di atas tinggi teras aktif yang menunjukkan tidak terjadinya core uncovery. Adanya mixture level berpengaruh pada transien temperatur kelongsong yang menurun dan menunjukkan pendinginan bahan bakar yang efektif. Keefektifan pendinginan teras juga disebabkan oleh berfungsinya injeksi pendingin melalui fitur keselamatan pasif yang menjadi ciri reaktor daya AP Secara keseluruhan, hasil analisis menunjukkan model AP yang telah dikembangkan dengan RELAP5 dapat digunakan untuk keperluan analisis kecelakaan dasar desain pada reaktor daya maju AP The Support Operator Rupture Dynamics SORD code provides a highly scalable up to billions of nodes computational tool for modeling spontaneous rupture on a non-planar fault surface embedded in a heterogeneous medium with surface topography.

We generate a family of distorted meshes by simple shearing applied both parallel and normal to the fault plane of an initially Cartesian mesh. For shearing normal to the fault, shearing angle was varied, up to a maximum of degrees. For SCEC Validation Problem 3, grid-induced errors increase with mesh-shear angle, with the logarithm of error approximately proportional to angle over the range tested. Relative to the original Olsen et al, Tera Shake 2 simulations, our spontaneous rupture models find decreased peak ground velocities in the Los Angles basin, principally due to a shallower eastward connecting basin chain in the SCEC Velocity Model Version 4 used in our simulations compared to Version 3 used by Olsen et al.

This is partially offset by including the effects of surface topography which was not included in the Olsen et al. Some non-basin sites showed comparable decreases in PGV. These predicted topographic effects are quite large, so it is important to quantify. Pereira, Opt Quant Electron 47, TERA -MIR main objectives are to advance novel materials, concepts and device designs for generating and detecting THz and Mid Infrared radiation using semiconductor, superconductor, metamaterials and lasers and to beneficially exploit their common aspects within a synergetic approach. We used the unique networking and capacity-building capabilities provided by the COST framework to unify these two spectral domains from their common aspects of sources, detectors, materials and applications.

The main emphasis has been on new fundamental material properties, concepts and device designs that are likely to open the way to new products or to the exploitation of new technologies in the fields of sensing, healthcare, biology, and industrial applications. Results are presented along our main lines of research: Intersubband materials and devices with applications to fingerprint spectroscopy; Metamaterials, photonic crystals and new functionalities; Nonlinearities and interaction of radiation with matter including biomaterials; Generation and Detection based on Nitrides and Bismides.

The talk is closed by indicating the future direction of the network that will remain active beyond the funding period and our expectations for future joint research. Tera SCREEN is an EU FP7 Security project aimed at developing a combined active, with frequency channel centered at GHz, and passive, with frequency channels centered at 94, and GHz, imaging system for border controls in airport and commercial ferry ports.

The system will include automatic threat detection and classification and has been designed with a strong focus on the ethical, legal and practical aspects of operating in these environments and with the potential threats in mind. Furthermore, both the passive and active systems are based on array receivers with the active system consisting of a 16 element MIMO FMCW radar centered at GHz with a bandwidth of 30 GHz utilizing a custom made direct digital synthesizer. The 16 element passive receiver system at GHz uses commercial Gunn diode oscillators at 90 GHz followed by custom made 90 to GHz frequency doublers supplying the local oscillator for GHz sub-harmonic mixers.

This paper describes the development of the passive antenna module, local oscillator chain, frequency mixers and detectors used in the passive receiver array of this system. The complete passive receiver chain is characterized in this paper. The doping concentration and physical properties measurement of silicon water using tera hertz wave.

In this study, a tera hertz time domain spectroscopy THz-TDS imaging technique was used to measure doping concentration and physical properties such as refractive index and permittivity of the doped silicon Si wafers. The doping concentrations of the prepared Si wafers were varied from 10"1"4 to 10"1"8 in both N-type and P-type cases. Finally, the correlation between the doping concentration and the power of the THz wave was determined by measuring the powers of the transmitted and reflected THz waves of the doped Si wafers.

Additionally, the doped thickness, the refractive index, and permittivity of each doped Si wafer were calculated using the THz time domain waveform. The results indicate that the THz-TDS imaging technique is potentially a promising technique to measure the doping concentration as well as other optical properties such as the refractive index and permittivity of the doped Si wafer.

The Tera Paths, Lambda Station, and Phoebus projects, funded by the US Department of Energy, have successfully developed network middleware services that establish on-demand and manage true end-to-end, Quality-of-Service QoS aware, virtual network paths across multiple administrative network domains, select network paths and gracefully reroute traffic over these dynamic paths, and streamline traffic between packet and circuit networks using transparent gateways.

These services improve network QoS and performance for applications, playing a critical role in the effective use of emerging dynamic circuit network services. They provide interfaces to applications, such as dCache SRM, translate network service requests into network device configurations, and coordinate with each other to setup up end-to-end network paths. ESCPS addresses challenges such as cross-domain control plane signalling and interoperability, authentication and authorization in a Grid environment, topology discovery, and dynamic status tracking.

The new network middleware will take full advantage of the perfSONAR monitoring infrastructure and the Inter-Domain Control plane efforts and will be deployed and fully vetted in the Large Hadron Collider data movement environment. For assessment of test performance imprecision, functional sensitivity and linearity of dilution was examined.

The functional sensitivity was MAIA significantly deviate from linearity with a considerably higher slope within the lower concentration range. The evaluated progesterone assays both exhibit an excellent precision and a high degree of sensitivity. They offer a rapid and flexible method for progesterone determination which may be especially useful for the monitoring of ovarian stimulation during in-vitro fertilization.

El caso de la sostenibilidad de las organizaciones. Los Alamos has recently completed the latest in a series of Reconfigurable Software Radios, which incorporates several key innovations in both hardware design and algorithms. Due to our focus on satellite applications, each design must extract the best size, weight, and power performance possible from the ensemble of Commodity Off-the-Shelf COTS parts available at the time of design.

This processing capability enables very advanced algorithms such as our wideband RF compression scheme to operate remotely, allowing network bandwidth constrained applications to deliver previously unattainable performance. Analisis ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persen pengkayaan, distribusi suhu dan nilai keselamatan dengan koefisien reaktivitas teras yang negatif pada reaktor jenis PBMR apabila daya reaktor 70 MWe.

Analisis menggunakan program Monte Carlo N-Particle-5 MCNP5 dan dari hasil analisis ini diharapkan dapat memenuhi syarat dalam mendukung program percepatan pembangunan kelistrikan batubara The aim of this analysis, to know percent enrichment, temperature distribution and safety value by negative temperature coefficient at type PBMR if reactor power become lower equal to 70 MWe.

This analysis was expected become one part of overview project development the power plant with An evaluation protocol to test precision, trueness, linearity, carryover, and selectivity was set up according to Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute guidelines. The Bio-Rad D and the Sebia Capillarys 3 Tera instruments performed well for the determination of HbA1c in terms of quality criteria as well as for sample throughput.

For permissions, please e-mail: Food allergy guidance in the United States Military: A diagnosis of food allergy adversely impacts one's ability to join or remain in the military. Inadequate knowledge or misconceptions of current military-specific standards regarding food allergy and how these apply to enlistment, induction, and retention in the United States military can potentially lead to inaccurate counseling as each military service has specific regulations which impact the evaluation and decision-making process.

A flowchart was developed outlining each step of the military entry process for an individual with a history of food allergy. Further, summary tables were made to provide improved "fluency" regarding each service's medical regulations while key considerations were outlined for the allergist who is evaluating an individual who is seeking military entry or retention.

Both civilian and military allergists play an essential role in the evaluation, counseling, and management of patients with a food allergy history. Understanding the service-specific language and regulations regarding food allergy will improve the allergist's awareness, counseling, and management of these individuals.

Published by Elsevier Inc. Sejumlah 60 subyek sehat, terbagi menjadi dua kelompok. Masing- masing kelompok 30 orang. Kelompok I adalah Kelompok dengan kondisi arkus normal dan kelompok II adalah kondisi arkus flat foot. Penelitian ini merupakan non eksperimental cross sectional design. Pada kedua kelompok diuji hipotesis dengan Independent T Test dengan hasil p Optimization of a coherent synchrotron radiation source in the Tera -hertz range for high-resolution spectroscopy of molecules of astrophysical interest. Fourier Transform spectroscopy is the most used multiplex tool for high-resolution measurements in the infrared range.

Its extension to the Tera -hertz domain is of great interest for spectroscopic studies of interstellar molecules. This application is however hampered by the lack of dedicated, broadband sources with a sufficient intensity and stability. The beamline being optimized for far-infrared, we could characterize the properties of CSR and compare them to the incoherent synchrotron radiation. A double detection system allowed to correct the effect of the source-related instabilities, hence to significantly increase the signal-to-noise ratio. Pure rotational spectra were measured using these developments.

The case of the propynal molecule, for which a refined set of rotational and centrifugal distortion constants was calculated, proves the complementarity between CSR and the classical microwave or infrared sources. Subject and data source of the research the students class IX A sum 40 students. Collecting data method uses observation, documentation and test.

Analysis data uses critic and comparative. Structural and stratigraphic constraints on tsunamigenic rupture along the frontal Sunda megathrust from Mega Tera bathymetric and seismic reflection data. These data reveal rapid lateral variations in both the stratigraphic level of the frontal Sunda megathrust and the vergence of frontal ramp faults. The stratigraphic depth of the megathrust at the deformation front correlates with ramp-thrust vergence and with changes in the basal friction angle inferred by critical-taper wedge theory. Where ramp thrusts are uniformly landward vergent, the decollement sits directly on top of the oceanic crust that forms the bathymetrically prominent, subducting Investigator Ridge.

The two, separate regions of large tsunamigenic ground-surface uplift during the tsunami earthquake that have been inferred from joint inversions of seismic, GPS, and tsunami data e. We propose that enhanced surface uplift and tsunamigenesis during this event occurred when rupture propagated onto areas where the decollement sits directly above the basal muds of the incoming clastic sequence. Thus we hypothesize that frontal bi-vergence may mark areas of enhanced tsunami hazard posed by small magnitude, shallow megathrust ruptures that propagate to the trench.

Luterlik territoriaalkirik Eestimaal Tallinnas algas eile kolmas Vene filmide festival, mis toimub Tallinna kobarkinos ja alates In this presentation increasing of power output of the Dukovany NPP is reviewed. To operate all Dukovany Units safely with the perspective of long-term operation LTO of 50 - 60 years it is proposed.

Kas Euroopa on olemas? Greenpeace'i saavutusi; Greenpeace; Rainbow Warrior Aucklandi sadamas juulis Stalini-aegses kinohoones Tartus avati suurlinlik klubi "Illusion". Research procedure uses cycles. Hence, result observation of the teacher in learning shows advance significant. Hence, result observation of the teacher prepares class to learning shows significant. Hence, motivation of the student in physics learning from pre cycle to cycle II is significant. Hence, physics learning achievement of the student from pre cycle to cycle II are.

A workbench for tera -flop supercomputing. With but one exception - the Japanese Earth Simulator - none of these systems has so far been able to also show a level of sustained performance for a variety of applications that comes close to the peak performance. The reasons are manifold and are well known: Bandwidth and latency both for main memory and for the internal network are the key internal technical problems. Cache hierarchies with large caches can bring relief but are no remedy to the problem.

However, there are not only technical problems that inhibit the full exploitation by scientists of the potential of modern supercomputers. More and more organizational issues come to the forefront. The core of the concept is the role of the data. Around this we design a simulation workbench that hides the complexity of interacting computers, networks and file systems from the user.

Eluasemelaenude tingimused Eesti pankades. This eigenvalue problem is derived from a reduced set of linear resistive MHD equations which is often employed to study tokamak plasma stability problem. Both the determinant and inverse iteration methods are employed. The eigenvalue z must be real.

Mart Loog, Toivo Maimets. USA-sse emigreerunud Edmund Valtman sai Kuuba-ainelise karikatuuri eest Pulitzeri auhinna. Film valmib Euroopa Liidu Loov Euroopa programmi rahastusel. Riga Arena katusekonstruktsioon, auhind Maru kontsernile. Parima arhitektuurse lahendusega terasehitis: Gore Verbinski lavastatud filmis "Kariibi mere piraadid: Mustas talaaris mustvalge lipu all: Tema nukufilmid Saamueli seklustest on valitud festivali eriprogrammi.

Rahvusvahelise kaitseuuringute keskuse teaduri Kalev Stoicescu kommentaar. To meet the enormous computational needs of live- science research as well as clinical diagnostics and treatment the Hogeschool Rotterdam and the Erasmus Medical Center are currently setting up one of the largest desktop computing.

Mining Tera -Scale Graphs: Theory, Engineering and Discoveries. The spike happened because the company replicated sites using the same template, and injected the disconnected components into WWW network. By looking at the. Tera Hertz imaging of hidden paint layers on canvas. We show terahertz reflection images of hidden paint layers in a painting on canvas and compare the results with X-ray Radiography and Infrared Reflectography.

Nielseni "Mees ukse taga" "Manden bag doren". Lisatud Julia Pihlaku ja Riho Undi filmograafia lk. In the past several years socio-demographic research in Mexico has been showing important changes in the sexual and reproductive lives of youth, especially among urban population. Hence the importance of exploring what processes are taking place among rural and indigenous youth, where events such as sexual initiation, the use of condoms or other forms of contraception, and knowledge vary according to the level of.

Kolmekesi moodustatud reklaamiagentuurist Control Disain. Mustassa talaarissa musta-valkoisen lipun alla: Full Text Available Ulama Islamic scholars play important role in culturally paternalistic societies. However, historically speaking, history yet often features reality that differs from their normative role. This paper aims to reevaluate the prophetic role of ulama in Lombok, called tuan guru, in the context of religious freedom praxsis.

It is found that what is held by tuan guru in the realm of socio-politico-cultural tend to differ from his own existential theological spirit as one of socio-religious institutions. In the context of the praxis of religious freedom, tuan guru in general tend to play a role as a breeder and booster of anti pluralism discourses. Considering the theological claims of Islam itself as a spreader of mercy for all as well as political-cultural claims that Lombok is religious island, the island of thousand mosques, the realm seems ironic.

Deze samenwerking heeft geleid tot het Erasmus. Development of collective Thomson scattering system using the gyrotrons of sub- tera Hz region. According to the feasibility study, frequency around 0. Thus, only gyrotrons in the sub-terahertz range can meet these parameters. At the first stage of development, second harmonic gyrotrons have been developed. A sealed-off type of gyrotrons has been manufactured to improve a demountable one.

Measured output power has increased to about 60 kW. A heterodyne receiver system of a fundamental mixer with a fixed frequency local oscillator was installed on the upstream of the transmission line. Signals that can be attributed to the CTS were obtained and the analysis method of these data is developed. Design of radio-frequency cavities and Tera -Hertz electron injectors for advanced applications. Using RF cavities caused a revolution in accelerators and made it possible to generate high energy particle beams. In advanced accelerators, cavities are not only used to increase the particle energy but they are also widely used to improve the beam quality and additionally for beam diagnostic purposes.

In the present dissertation, such applications are discussed. The design pursues improving the mode separation of the cavity. The simulation result illustrates that the difference between the operating mode and its adjacent mode has been increased from 2 MHz for the existing cavity to 9. Thermal, wakefield and multipacting simulations have also been performed for the designed cavity in order to evaluate its operation efficiency. In advanced accelerators however RF cavities should be replaced by novel structures to accelerate the particles in shorter distances using higher operating frequency.

To this end, ultra-fast guns are designed which will be discussed in the last part of this work. The designed guns accelerate the electrons from their rest mass up to 2 MeV using a single cycle THz signal with a total energy of 2 mJ. The standard representations know as component trees, used in morphological connected attribute filtering and multi-scale analysis, are unsuitable for cases in which either the image itself, or the tree do not fit in the memory of a single compute node. Recently, a new structure has been developed.

GUSTO is a balloon-borne, 0. The baseline mission of days can be completed in one ULDB Antarctic balloon flight, and an extended mission of up to days is possible. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengungkap kaitan antarunsur struktur danmengungkapkan mendeskripsikan unsur-unsur struktur novel CSN dan mengungkapkanbagaimana penyimpangan-penyimpangan yang terjadi dalam sistem dan penyelenggaraanpendidikan di Indonesia. Untuk mengetahui penyimpangan-penyimpangan dalam sistempendidikan dalam novel Catatan Seorang Novelis makan penulis menggunakan teorisosiologi sastra.

Penyajian hasil analisis data menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis. Eesti Filharmoonia Kammerkoor Iisraelis. Suur koorikontsert Kuno Arengu auks. Kaljuste juhatusel annab Analytical model for the Tera Hertz current noise in nanometric Schottky-barrier diodes and heterostructure barrier varactors. In this paper we propose an analytical model for the calculation of the spectral density of current fluctuations in Heterostructure-barrier varactors.

Karina Sampaio Caiaffa

The structures of the calculated spectra are analyzed in terms of physical processes useful to optimize the device parameters for the extraction of the high-order harmonics. Shedding New Light on Exploding Stars: I proposed solving a key problem in core collapse supernova physics: A great deal may be riding on the solution to this problem. First, laboratory physics outstripped the supernova theorists, providing us with neutrino mass-squared differences and two of the three vacuum mixing angles.

This data had not been incorporated into core collapse supernova models before, but it clearly pointed to the possibility of major changes to our existing supernova neutrino paradigm. Second, knowing how the neutrino and antineutrino energy spectra and fluxes evolved through flavor inter-conversion could be crucial for determining and understanding the supernova neutrino signal, light p-process, and r-process nucleosynthesis, and possibly even the shock re-heating problem.

Moreover, much about fundamental neutrino properties remains unresolved by terrestrial experiment e. Unraveling the supernova neutrino flavor evolution problem coupled with a future Galactic supernova signal could allow determination of these unknown neutrino properties.

We solved the problem of coherent neutrino flavor evolution both 2 x 2 and 3 x 3 in the supernova environment, for the first time incorporating self-consistently the nonlinear geometric and quantum trajectory coupling outlined above. The results were unexpected and surprising. These results hold out the possibility that a future Galactic supernova neutrino signal could give us significant insights into both fundamental neutrino physics, otherwise inacces- sible in the lab e. First, the numerical solution to this problem was a monumental effort.

It took five years. It took the development of two nearly independent codes: We are the first to solve this problem. What we found was startling. Despite the small measured neutrino mass-squared differences, large-scale neutrino flavor transformation took place deep in the supernova envelope. This result is completely at odds with the MSW-based intuition that had dominated the supernova community.

In fact, the neutrino-neutrino forward scattering potential, which is the one responsible for the nonlinearity in this problem, can completely dominate neutrino flavor evolution even when it is small compared to the neutrino-electron forward scattering potential. Moreover, we found that trajectory coupling was a key aspect of at least some of this neutrino flavor transformation phenomenology. This justifies our numerical approach. We have made many discoveries with our codes. A simple method to increase the current range of the TERA chip in charged particle therapy applications.

Giuria,1, Torino Italy ; Fausti, F. Giuria,1, Torino Italy ; Giordanengo, S. Giuria,1, Torino Italy ; Marchetto, F. Giuria,1, Torino Italy ; Monaco, V. Giuria,1, Torino Italy ; Talpacci, E. Giuria,1, Torino Italy ; Vignati, A. Giuria,1, Torino Italy. The development of the next generation of accelerators for charged particle radiotherapy aims to reduce dimensions and operational complexity of the machines by engineering pulsed beams accelerators.

The drawback is the increased difficulty to monitor the beam delivery. Within each pulse, instantaneous currents larger by two to three orders of magnitude than present applications are expected, which would saturate the readout of the monitor chambers. In this paper, we report of a simple method to increase by almost two orders of magnitude the current range of an Application Specific Integrated Circuit chip previously developed by our group to read out monitor ionization chambers.

Selanjutnya diamati perubahan warnanya, bila terjadi perubahan warna dan oranye ke ungu atau tak berwarna maka telah terjadi reduksi krom valensi VI menjadi krom valensi Ill. Aspergillus niger ditumbuhkan pada media Potato dectrose agar PDA padat, dipindahkan ke media cair yang bensi bakto pepton, bakto dektrose dan srukronutrien. Produksi biomassa dilakukan pada labu erlenmeyer; setelah 5 hari dipanen dan dibuat bubuk.

Bubuk ini digunakan untuk mengambil krom dari larutan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa biomassa Fusarium sp dapat digunakan untuk mengambil krom dan larutan yang. Waktu inkubasi yang lebih lama meningkatkan absorbsi krom oleh biomassa Fascrium sp. Biomassa Aspergillus niger dapat digunakan untuk mengambil krom dari larutan. The aims of this research were as follows: The determination of groundwater pollution potential area was done by overlaying aquifer material map, groundwater table depth map, groundwater table gradient map, and soil texture map.

The result of the overlay was the potential groundwater pollution map. In order to find out the actual groundwater pollution, a quality test of the groundwater samples was conducted. Te result of the NO3 test was drawn in an actual groundwater pollution map. The actual groundwater map and the potential groundwater map were compared to know the difference between them. The result of this research showed that the area which had the potential groundwater pollution were those density populated and high houses density. Statistical analysis showed that a non-natural physical factors which has the most significant influence on the groundwater pollution was the groundwater flow distance.

Population density and the number of water consumers significantly influence the groundwater pollution. The estimation of economical loss by PDA substitution costs indicated that area which suffered the most financial los was Kotabaru regionan Rp. The estimation of the economical loaa by health substitution costs showed that area suffered the most was Gowongan region Rp. Nonlinear Circuits and Neural Networks: Advances in research have been made in the following areas: Riparian buffer restorations are used as management tools to produce favorable water quality impacts, moreover the basis for riparian buffers as an instrument of water quality restoration rests on a relatively firm foundation.

However, the extent to which buffers can restore rip This cross-sectional study examined 73 glaucoma patients and 19 normal subjects. VF and OCT in the retinal view were used to examine both the global relationship between the VF sensitivity and GCA thickness, and the superior hemiretina and inferior hemiretina. The relationship between the GCA thickness and macular sensitivity was examined by Spearman correlation analysis.

Sexuality is seen as a social construct accompanied by countless values and meanings. Amidst this broad cultural concept of sexuality, it is possible to perceive how this very concept is intertwined with prejudice and discrimination. When connected to the idea of disabilities, they escalade to even higher proportions. Musee du Quai Branly Pariisis. Arhitekt Jean Nouvel, maastikuarhitekt Gilles Clement. Yann Kersale teosest pargis. Assim, elementos como Hybris, Antinomia Maia Ruttu, Karmen Visnapuu, lk. Estonia kontserdisaalis ja 7. The nationality question in the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church, Kommenteerib Riho -Bruno Bramanis.

The needs for information technology are enormous and are in many cases the limiting factor. History history of science and technology to be 6. An absolute power meter for Tera Hertz radiation and the absorptivity of the Herschel Space Observatory telescope mirror coating. A new calorimetric absolute power meter has been developed for THz radiation. This broad band THz power meter measures average power at ambient temperature and pressure, does not use a window, and is insensitive to polarization and time structure of THz radiation. The operation of the power meter is.

Vestlusest dokumentalist Vahur Laiapeaga. Johnny Cash "American IV: Baby", Collins, Finghin "Dear Heather". Rector's office as of 31 December Jaak Aaviksoo, teadusprorektor prof. Birute Klaas, administratsioonidirektor prof. Tallinnas Mustpeade maja Valges saalis Severnoje Poberezhje Ilmunud ka: Eesti piirivalveameti peadirektor Roland Peets Schengeni viisaruumiga liitumisest, probleemidest piirivalves.

Kak nazovut god sledujushtshii? Populaarteaduslik film Kaali meteoriidiplahvatusest "Kaali saladus": Valminud on populaarteaduslik film Kaali meteoriidiplahvatusest "Kaali saladus": Linastus Eesti kalleim dokfilm "Kaali saladus". Artikli autor meenutab Veel Eesti animafilmist, tegijatest. Se describen cuatro especies de Aspergillus: Description of four species of Aspergillus are presented: Bassani — Brentner — Villicus: Reducing fat and sodium content in pork sausage Junior African Reducing fat and sodium content in pork sausage.

Euroopa Liidu projektist Early Warning. Tallinn, ; Ehala, Martin. Tallinn, ; Madisso, Maia. Keele- ja tekstiharjutusi abiturientidele. Tallinn, ; Ehala, Martin ; Veismann, Tiina jt. Imperatritsa ili sovetskaja zhenshtshina? Kunstnik ja moeajaloolane oma intervjuust kuulsa baleriini Maia Plissetskajaga , mille ta tegi detsembris Monte-Carlos esilinastuva baleriini portreefilmi jaoks.

Samale kohale ehitati hiljem korruseline Hilton hotell. Tartu ja Tallinna korteriturg. Phylogeny of the genus Stephomyia Tavares, Diptera: In the present study, a cladistic analysis based upon adult, pupa, larva and gall morphological characters as well as host plant data is carried out in order to discuss the monophyly of the genus and the relationships among the known species. The Stephomyia monophyly was supported by eight synapomorphies: The topology found was S. Avaseansil linastub kolm Eesti animafilmi: Projekt , valmis Kuldar and Marje Sink. Songs of Mother and Son", " Riho Sibul.

The Mordvinic languages between bush and tree: Suomalais-Ugrilaisen Seuran toimituksia ; Esilinastub seiklusdokk "Teekond Araratile". Balti riigid vajavad rakette. Kolm stuudio Nukufilm uut nukufilmi: Film sai teadusfilmide festivalil Ungaris 3. Kus ta siis ometi on - see Bob Dylan? Ars longa vita brevis est: Toronto eesti dokumentaalfilmide festival "Estdoc's". Uus animafilm "Wallace ja Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit": Selle loojast ja tema loometeest.

Kommenteerivad Riho Tell ja Toomas Uudeberg. Menetluses on kaks pankrotiprotsessi. Audiogaleriis eksponeerib oma helindeid Taavi Tulev. Mait Laas; 'Primavera', rezh. Riho Unt ja Hardi Volmer; 'Vares ja hiired', rezh. Priit Tender ja Mikk Rand; 'Bermuda', rezh. Riho Kuld on valmistanud kujule klaasist G. AA - Philosophy ; Religion.

AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology. Full Text Available Brethesia Maia , new genus and Brethesia myrciae Maia , new species of Cecidomyiidae are described and illustrated male, female, pupa and gall based on material collected in Minas Gerais Brazil. This new species induces leaf galls on Myrcia retorta Myrtaceae. Full Text Available Five new genera and fourteen new species of gall midges from restingas of Rio de Janeiro State are described.

The larva, pupa, male, female and gall are described for each species. The new genera are: Arrabidaeamyia, Epihormomyia, Manilkaramyia, Mayteniella and Parazalepidota. The new species are: Arrabidaeamyia serrata, Asphondylia peploniae, Clinodiplosis diodiae, Clinodiplosis profusa, Clusiamyia granulosa, Dasineura couepiae, Epihormomyia miconiae, Lopesia grandis, Lopesia marginalis, Lopesia singularis, Manilkaramyia notabilis, Mayteniella distincta, Parazalepidota clusiae and Paulliniamyia ampla. Inglismaal patenteeritud klapptooli adapteerisid Materjaliks lakitud teras ja nahk.

DNA sequence and prokaryotic expression analysis of vitellogenin To investigate the evolutionary Ameerika disainiklassikute Charles ja Ray Eamesi disainitud toolidest. Nende oma majast Californias, mis koosneb tehases valmistatud teras -, vineer- ja klaasdetailidest. Scientific and engineering applications e. Encryption, privacy, protection from malicious software. Tuuri "Cosmos Rocks" raames Riias toimuvast briti rockansambli Queen ja Paul Rodgersi kontserdist.

Endise Kommertspanga ehitatud Thamme juhtimisel ja hilisema Tallinna Telegraafi hoonesse Vene t. IT-spetsialisti Linnar Viigi ettepanekust portaal sulgeda. Juhendaja arhitekt Andres Alver, ehitamise Pedaspeale organiseeris suvepraktika juhendaja arhitekt Jaan Tiidemann. Seminari kavast, esinejatest, filmiprogrammist. This article informs project owners of the i Homme kell 13 avatakse Y-galerii hoovis linnafestivali "Eclectica" raames Using ethnography to build agent-based models may result in more empirically grounded simulations.

Our study on innovation practice and culture in the Westland horticulture sector served to explore what information and data from ethnographic analysis could be used in models and how. Evaluation of four methods for platelet compatibility testing. The 22 patients studied were refractory to transfusions of pooled random-donor platelets. The degree of HLA compatibility between donor and recipient exact matches v those utilizing cross-reactive associations was unrelated to the ability of the MAIA to predict transfusion results.

Assessing the Impacts of Forests on Human Welfare: First, we present results of the analysis of changes in the distribution of human population and forest land use in the region. Then, trends in wood products employment and income between Eleven eyes from 11 patients underwent mesopic and, after 30 minutes of dark adaptation, scotopic MP-1S: Goldmann V, ms, background luminance 0. Examination time, fixation stability, and threshold values were analyzed. After correction of the stimulus intensity for the S- MAIA results, the median difference for all stimuli between both devices for mesopic testing was The results indicate that robust testing of mesopic and scotopic function is feasible with both devices in patients with AMD, although both devices are susceptible to floor and ceiling effects.

Further software updates are desirable as FCP captures visual functional loss that is not noted with best-corrected central visual acuity and is important for clinical trials in AMD. Analysis of HbA1c on an automated multicapillary zone electrophoresis system. Hemoglobin A1c HbA1c is a frequently requested laboratory test and there is thus a need for high throughput instruments for this assay.

We evaluated a new automated multicapillary zone electrophoresis instrument Capillarys 3 Tera , Sebia, Lisses, France for analysis of HbA1c in venous samples. The total CV for the 12 capillaries varied between 0. In conclusion, the Capillarys 3 Tera instrument has a high assay capacity for HbA1c. Filtration as the main transport mechanism of protein exchange between plasma and the peritoneal cavity in hepatic cirrhosis. Peritoneal space to plasma appearance times ranged 0. The most powerful tests of stellar models come from the brightest stars in the sky, for which complementary techniques, such as astrometry, asteroseismology, spectroscopy and interferometry, can be combined.

The K2 mission is providing a unique opportunity to obtain high-precision photometric time Halo photometry is simple, fast and does not require extensive pixel allocation, and will allow us to use K2 and other photometric missions, such as TESS, to observe For the star Maia , we demonstrate the utility of combining K2 photometry with spectroscopy and interferometry to show that it is not a ' Maia variable', and to establish that its variability is caused by rotational modulation of a large chemical spot on a 10 d time-scale The features available in the CERN EDMS system provide the tools for managing the complete lifecycle of any technical document including a distributed approval process and a controlled distributed collaborative work environment using the World Wide Web.

The system allows management of structures representing projects and relative documents including drawings within working contexts and with a customisable release procedure. The knowledge managed by the system will facilitate later installations of similar centers planned for Lyon and Stockholm and will allow the reuse of experience gained in Italy. M45 is better known as the Pleiades, a young open cluster in Taurus. Again, this is a very bright 1. In Greek mythology these represent Pleione and her daughters with Atlas: Alcyone, Asterope a double star , Electra, Maia , Merope, MFA Graduate Show In the Usual Direction of Travel.

In this romance, clothes and its garment subscribe a critical discourse that reconsiders social, historical, and psychological relationships experienced by the reality of nineteenth-century. Social and cultural disintegration by critic and criminal subcultures conditioning. Epidemiological studies have demonstrated convincingly that airborne particulate matter has a major impact on human health, particularly in urban areas.

However, providing an accurate picture of the health effects of various particle mixtures — distinguished by size, shape, and composition — is difficult due to the constraints of currently available measurement tools and the heterogeneity of atmospheric chemistry and human activities over space and time. Atmospheric measurements collected by the MAIA satellite instrument featuring multiangle and innovative polarimetric imaging capabilities will be combined with available ground monitor data and a chemical transport model to produce maps of speciated particulate matter at 1 km spatial resolution for a selected set of globally distributed cities.

The MAIA investigation is also original in integrating data providers atmospheric scientists , data users epidemiologists , and stakeholders public health experts into a multidisciplinary science team that will tailor the observation and analysis strategy within each target area to improve our understanding of the linkages between different particle types and adverse human health outcomes.

Correlation of structure and function of the macula in patients with retinitis pigmentosa. To correlate the structure of the macula, as measured by spectral-domain optical coherence tomography SD-OCT and function, as measured by microperimetry MAIA in patients with retinitis pigmentosa RP and relatively good visual acuity. Prospective, cross-sectional, non-intervention study.

Thirty patients with RP and good central visual acuity were identified. The images were overlaid using the custom-designed software. The retinal sensitivity by microperimetry was correlated with corresponding retinal thickness, as measured by the SD-OCT. There was no association with either the inner retinal thickness or the choroidal thickness. These studies are important to establish surrogate markers that can be used as end points for various tests in future therapeutic clinical trials. New strategy of the optimized nuclear medicine procedures for diagnosis and management of thyroid disorder.

This investigation aims to find the optimal contributary RIA test for the final diagnosis of the thyroid disorder subjects. The obtained data revealed the following: T 4 -RIA is considered to be the optimal contributary single test in the final diagnosis of all thyroid disorders. Palomari Spolidorio e Prof. Aos alunos Colaboradores do trabalho: Perto da janela havia um pequeno jardim quase seco. Outras vezes encontro nuvens espessas. Pardais que pulam pelo muro. Gatos que abrem e fecham os olhos, sonhando com pardais. Borboletas brancas, duas a duas, como refletidas no espelho do ar.

Marimbondos que sempre me parecem personagens de Lope de Vega. E eu me sinto completamente feliz. Os crescimentos de E. KRa5 reduziu o crescimento de E.

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Cytotoxic and antimicrobial effects of analogues of cationic peptides and their influence in the expression of phenotypic and genotypic markers of dentin mineralization. Universidade Estadual Paulista; General Abstract The objectives of the study were to evaluate the cytotoxic and antimicrobial effects of analogues of cationic peptides and their influence in the expression of phenotypic and genotypic markers of dentin mineralization. L fibroblast cells were exposed to serial dilutions of peptides LL, hbdc V and KRa5 and cell metabolism was evaluated by methyl thiazol tetrazolium MTT assays.

Minimal inhibitory concentration MIC and minimal lethal concentration MLC of peptides and controls chlorhexidine CHX were determined for Streptococcus mutans, Actinomyces israelii, Enterococcus faecalis, Candida albicans, Fusobacterium nucleatum and Porphyromonas gingivalis, by microdilution method, after 4 and 24h. MDPC odontoblast-like cells were exposed to serial dilutions of peptides LL, hbdc V and KRa5 for 24 hours, followed by changes of osteogenic medium for 7 days and evaluated cell viability, total protein TP production, alkaline phosphatase ALP activity and mineralized nodule deposition.

The gene expression of mineralization markers Dentin Sialophosphoprotein - DSPP and Dentin matrix phosphoprotein 1 - DMP-1 was performed by quantitative PCR, after 24h of peptide exposure and incubation for 14 days in osteogenic medium. LL and hbdc V affected minimally. TP production was similar for all groups compared with the control group, except by hbdc V LL and hbdc V, at Considering DSPP and DMP-1 expression, no statistical differences were observed among the groups or when they were compared with the control.

This study concluded that KRa5 had superior antimicrobial activity compared to another peptides and showed anti-biofilm activity similar to CHX, causing minimal toxicity to fibroblast cells. Besides, KRa5 also stimulated initial mineralized nodules deposition, similar to another peptides, but in lower and minimally cytotoxic concentration. Bars indicate minimum and maximum values.

Boxes indicate lower and upper quartiles, respectively. Line in the middle of boxes is median. A Different upper case letter show statistical differences among the groups, considering each time separately, according to Mann- Whitney test p 0. Vertical axis represents the experimental groups and horizontal axis represents relative gene expression normalized by the negative control group gene GAPDH. Microgram per milliliter; Micrograma por mililitro ALP: Alkaline phosphatase activity ; Atividade de fosfatase alcalina AMPs: The objectives of the study were to evaluate the cytoxicity and inhibitory activity of analogues of cationic peptides on planktonic growth and biofilm of microorganisms associated with endodontic infections.

Minimal inhibitory concentration MIC and minimal lethal concentration MLC of peptides and controls Chlorhexidine CHX were determined for Streptococcus mutans, Actinomyces israelii, Enterococcus faecalis, Candida albicans, Fusobacterium nucleatum and Porphyromonas gingivalis, by microdilution method, after 4 and 24h. KRa5 had superior inhibitory activity compared to another peptides and showed anti-biofilm activity similar to CHX, causing minimal toxicity to fibroblast cells. KRa5 is a potential antimicrobial agent and could be used for endodontic application.

Thus, the first step of the endodontic therapy should be the elimination of microorganisms and prevention of reinfection in root canals 1. However, due to the complex system of accessory and lateral canals and the persistence of some microbial species, the chemical-mechanical preparation does not allow the full disinfection of the root canal system, becoming necessary the use of intracanal medication 2, 3.

Gram-negative bacteria, common members of primary infections, are generally eliminated from root canal systems, after chemical-mechanical treatment. However, most studies have shown that Gram positive bacteria are the most often present in these conditions, including streptococci S. Alternatives to traditional antibiotics have been studied for the elimination of microorganisms in Dentistry 5. Cationic antimicrobial peptides AMP can be found in several organs and fluids of the human body including saliva and gingival crevicular fluid.

Defensins and cathelicidins are of the most common and important AMP found in oral cavity. Defensins are small peptides 15 to 45 amino acids , subdivided into two main subfamilies: The only human cathelicidin known as human cationic peptide hcap is produced by epithelial cells of the lung, intestines, oral cavity and urogenital tract.

The hcap is broken by the action of proteases on small peptides. One of them and the most important is the peptide fragment LL which has. LL also attenuates cytokine production induced by LPS and the expression of chemokines in fibroblasts Among AMPs, hbd-3 and LL have shown excellent antimicrobial activity against oral pathogens, including gram-positive and gram-negative facultative or strict bacteria such as Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Streptococcus mutans, S.

Although cationic peptides have been pointed as a new class of antibiotics, long length of their amino acid chain or chemical linkages difficult their production as therapeutic agent. Short peptides or analogues based in original AMPs have been attracted attention because of the potentially lower cost of production and optimization of their antimicrobial and immunological properties 14, 15, This peptide analogue was equally chemotactic for cells expressing receptor CCR-6, including monocytes and T cells and maintained the inhibitory effect against P. Among these analogues, KRa5 exhibited potent antimicrobial against important Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria and the highest LPS-binding activity.

The objective of the study was to evaluate the cytoxicity and inhibitory activity of analogues of cationic peptides on planktonic growth and biofilm of microorganisms associated with endodontic infections. Solid phase peptide synthesis was performed manually by the method previously described by Merrifield, 18 , using Fmoc 9-fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl protocols on the Rinkamide resin.

After 2 h of incubation, the coupling was assessed by the ninhydrin test After this procedure, the crude peptides were precipitated with anhydrous ethyl ether and separated from the non-soluble material by centrifugation of the peptides. Subsequently, the peptides were extracted with 0. Molecular masses of peptides were estimated by mass spectrometry, using positive ion-mode electrospray ionization ESI apparatus Bruker, Germany and were in agreement with corresponding calculated values.

All solutions were filtered with 0. Cell cultures were sub-cultured every 2 days until reach the formation of a monolayer with an adequate number of cells for subsequent assays Proteases were then inactivated by adding 0. The colorimetric methyl tetrazolium MTT assay was used to evaluate cell metabolism by the cytochemical demonstration of succinic dehydrogenase SDH activity, which is a measure of the mitochondrial respiration of the cells.

Thereafter, the culture medium with MTT solution was aspirated, and the formazan crystals, resulting from the cleavage of the MTT salt ring by the SDH enzyme, were solubilized with acidified isopropanol solution 0. The values obtained from the 2 aliquots were averaged to provide a single value for each well. The purity of the strains was confirmed by the Gram's method Protocolo Anexo C. For subsequent microbiological assays, standard optical density was established for each microorganism: After reactivation of S. Microbial cultures were grown until reach the standard optical density - OD described on item Microbial strains and growth conditions and harvested by centrifugation Hanil Combi centrifuge, R for 10 min, at xg, the supernatant was discarded and the pellet re-suspended in 2x concentrated Mueller-Hinton broth Difco Laboratories , 2x concentrated RPMI medium Sigma-Aldrich for C.

All antimicrobial agents, except hbdc V, which was diluted in 0. The microbial suspensions were inoculated in each well containing the peptides previously diluted. The microplates were incubated at 37 C for 4 and 24 h for all microorganisms, except F. All experiments were performed in triplicate.

In order to obtain slices of dentin, roots were fixed to acrylic plates and sectioned transversally with two diamond discs Extec Diamond Wafer Blade, series , mm x0. Root dentin slices were cut in four blocks with 3mm x 3mm x 0. After autoclaving for 15 minutes at C, dentin blocks were stored at 4 o C until use within one week For recovery of bacterial cells within the dentinal tubules, blocks were submitted to a.

Specimens were vortexed again for 1 min and serially diluted. The experiments were performed in duplicate in two independent assays Two additional uninfected specimens were stained under the same protocol and used as negative control. The quantification of red fluorescence ratio in relation to green-and-red fluorescence was determined by software denominated Image J 1. Box-whisker plots were performed to represent the distribution of non-parametric data obtained in the E.

Mann-Whitney tests were applied to compare the anti-biofilm activity of KRa5 and CHX, considering time of exposure 4 and 24h and concentration of these antimicrobial agents 5x and 10x MLC. Antimicrobial activity Among the peptides, KRa5 had the best bactericidal activity for both times of exposure, showing MIC values ranging 1. Similar inhibitory effect was observed for hbdc V and LL against S. Figure 4 shows representative images obtained from E.

KRa5 Figure 4A showed slightly higher quantification of dead cells red points when compared to CHX Figure 4B and culture medium control Figure 4C which presented strong predominance of live cells green points. Discussion Traditional chemical-mechanical treatments with or not subsequent application of medication with synthetic substances on root canal systems are currently indicated for most of the cases of endodontic infection. However, in young permanent teeth, biological materials with antimicrobial properties could be an alternative to control bacterial infection, preserving cell viability in apical region and completing root.

AMPs have been studied as biological alternatives to synthetic antibiotics in virtue of their broad range antimicrobial activity, including oral bacteria In this present study, analogues of recognized antimicrobial peptides were tested to evaluate if chemical changes in their sequence or structure could improve antimicrobial activity of original peptides without cause toxicity to host mammalian cells.

This strategy aimed to reduce costs and difficulties with the peptide synthesis and the degradation by endogens factors. Due their cationic characteristic, AMPs have high affinity to anionic proteins such as albumin or glycosaminoglycans, naturally found in saliva, serum or other biological fluids, reducing their ability to bind to bacterial membranes. Besides, they may be degraded by bacterial or host proteases or become inactive by high concentrations of salts also present in these fluids These properties are not affected by high salts concentrations of monovalent and divalent cations found at biological fluids 7.

However, the complex structure of hbd-3, characterized by six conserved disulfide-linked cystein residues make peptide synthesis highly expensive. LL is another potent antimicrobial cationic peptide with several immunomodulatory functions, besides stimulate angiogenesis and re-epithelialization 8.

This peptide could serve as the template for the development of new drugs using functional smaller fragments for microbiological and immunological applications. KR amino acids 18 to 29 is the smallest peptide region of LL that still conserves antimicrobial activity similar to original peptide In order to improve the antimicrobial action, Jacob et al. KRa5 had higher inhibitory activity against Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria, similar to results found in the present study and anti-endotoxic effect comparable to original LL One limitation of peptide use as future drugs is the toxicity of peptides on host cells at therapeutic concentration.

Our results are according to Kluver et al. The authors demonstrated that the substitution of cysteines by alanines caused a reduction in the overall hydrophobicity become the hbd- 3 analogues less cytotoxic in comparison to original hbd In the study of KR analogues, KRa5 was toxic to macrophages cells at the concentrations above The authors explained that KRa5 had the highest hydrophobicity among the KR peptides causing higher cell toxicity, but increasing their LPS-neutralizing and antimicrobial effect.

In human body, high concentrations of AMPs are controlled by their binding to biological fluids proteins, reducing cytotoxicity All peptides tested were less cytotoxic than CHX solution in concentrations above 7. In the current study, peptide LL and analogue hbdc v have antimicrobial activity against the most of bacteria tested. Our findings corroborated with the results obtained by Ouhara et al. They demonstrated excellent antimicrobial action of original hbd-3 and LL against oral pathogens, including Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, such as A.

Forms of hbd-3, biologically or synthetically produced, were also evaluated by some investigators. They observed that rhbd-3 was effective not only against S. In our study, E. Anti-Candida albicans activity was not found for hbdc v different from the results found for the original peptide hbd-3 The first and only study that evaluated the antimicrobial activity of hbdc v was developed by Taylor et al. In this study, KRa5 was the most effective peptide with strong antimicrobial activity against all bacteria tested S. Most studies testing antimicrobial activity of new substances have been usually conducted using minimal inhibitory tests, determining bacteriostatic or bactericidal effect under planktonic conditions.

However, microorganisms form communities in a complex environment, called biofilms, which requires highly concentrated and more powerful antimicrobials.

In this study, peptide with the best antimicrobial effect, KR a5, was tested against biofilm of E. The original peptide LL and its fragments have shown their action in breaking three-dimensional structures of P. No study was found evaluating the anti-biofilm effect of KRa5. However, the same was not observed for E.

Overall, 4h of peptides exposure, both planktonic and biofilm conditions had better results in comparison to 24h. This result suggested that peptides could be naturally degraded with the time. Therefore, in order to maintain chemical and physical. Conclusion KRa5 had superior antimicrobial activity and showed anti-biofilm activity similar to CHX at non-cytotoxic concentrations.

Therefore, KRa5 could be a potential antimicrobial agent for endodontic application. Pathogenesis of apical periodontitis and the causes of endodontic failures. Bacteriological evaluation of the efficacy of mechanical root canal instrumentation in endodontic therapy. Scand J Dent Res Bacteria recovered from teeth with apical periodontitis after antimicrobial endodontic treatment. Int Endod J Jul;36 7: Stem cells in current paediatric dentistry practice. Arch Oral Biol Mar;58 3: Diversity of endodontic microbiota revisited.

J Dent Res Nov;88 Defensins in saliva and the salivary glands. Antimicrobial peptides the ancient arm of the human immune system. A comprehensive summary of LL, the factotum human cathelicidin peptide. Cell Immunol Nov; 1: Human cathelicidin LL is a chemoattractant for eosinophils and neutrophils that acts via formylpeptide receptors.

Int Arch Allergy Immunol. Involvement of the P2X7 purinergic receptor and c-jun N- terminal and extracellular signal-regulated kinases in cyclooxygenase-2 and prostaglandin E2 induction by LL The antimicrobial peptide LL is anti-inflammatory and proapoptotic in human periodontal ligament cells. J Periodontal Res Jun;47 3: J Antimicrob Chemother Jun;55 6: Antifungal action of human cathelicidin fragment LL on Candida albicans.

Analysis and separation of residues important for chemoattractant and antimicrobial activities of betadefensin3. J Biol Chem Mar 14; Structures of human host defense cathelicidin LL and its smallest antimicrobial peptide KR in lipid micelles. J Biol Chem Nov 21; Short KR analogs designed from human cathelicidin LL37 possessing both antimicrobial and antiendotoxic activities without mammalian cell toxicity. J Pept Sci Nov;19 Susceptibility of various oral bacteria to antimicrobial peptides and to phagocytosis by neutrophils. J Periodontal Res Oct;42 5: The Synthesis of a Tetrapeptide, J.

Videoaulas ITnerantes: Gestão de Projetos em Exercícios (GPRMultiEx) - Prof. Luis Claudio (Aula 01)

Synergistic anti-inflammatory activity of the antimicrobial peptides human beta-defensin-3 hbd-3 and cathelicidin LL in a three-dimensional co-culture model of gingival epithelial cells and fibroblasts. PLoS One Sep 4;9 9: National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards, a. Reference method for broth dilution antifungal susceptibility testing of yeast: National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards, b.

Methods for dilution antimicrobial susceptibility tests for bacteria that grow aerobically; approved standard, 5th ed. The vertebrate peptide antibiotics dermaseptins have overlapping structural features but target specific microorganisms. J Biol Chem ; Biofilm formation capability of Enterococcus faecalis cells in starvation phase and its susceptibility to sodium hypochlorite.

J Endod Apr;36 4: J Endod Jul;38 7: Use of antimicrobial peptides against microbial biofilms: Conformation-dependent antibacterial activity of the naturally occurring human peptide LL J Biol Chem Feb 6; 6: Structure-activity relation of human beta-defensin 3: Biochemistry Jul 19;44 Antimicrobial and chemoattractant activity, lipopolysaccharide neutralization, cytotoxicity, and inhibition by serum of analogs of human cathelicidin LL Antimicrob Agents Chemother Jul;49 7: In vitro bactericidal activity of recombinant human beta-defensin-3 against pathogenic bacterial strains in humantooth root canal.

Int J Antimicrob Agents Mar;33 3: Identification of peptides derived from the human antimicrobial peptide LL active against biofilms formed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa using a library of truncated fragments. Antimicrob Agents Chemother Nov;56 The human antimicrobial peptide LL and its fragments possess both antimicrobial and antibiofilm activities against multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii. The role of branched polyesters and their modifications in the development of modern drug delivery vehicles. Comparison of toxicity in L cells post treatment with different concentrations of peptides, chlorhexidine CHX and amphotericin APT.

Antimicrobial activity of peptides and CHX after 4h of exposure, in planktonic conditions S. Antimicrobial activity of peptides and CHX after 24 to 72h of exposure, in planktonic conditions S. A Different upper case letter show statistical differences among the groups, considering each time separately, according to Mann-Whitney test p 0. The aims of the study were to evaluate cell viability and the effect of analogues of cationic peptides on phenotypic and genotypic markers of mineralization in odontoblast-like cells.

LL and hbdc V affected minimally cell growth at the concentrations below KRa5 stimulated initial mineralized nodules deposition, similar to another peptides, but in lower and minimally cytotoxic concentration. Consequently, the first step of the endodontic therapy must be the elimination of microorganisms and prevention of root canal reinfection 1.

Due the complex system of lateral and accessories channels and the persistence of some microbial species, the chemical-mechanical treatment is not enough to promote complete disinfection of root canal system, become the use of an intracanal medication with antimicrobial properties indispensable 2, 3. Natural or synthetic antimicrobials have been studied as alternative agents to traditional intracanal medications, in order to eliminate bacteria and their toxins and not cause damage to the adjacent periapical tissues, leading to tissue regeneration and complete apical root formation in immature permanent teeth 4, 5.

Antimicrobial cationic peptides AMPs have been attracted attention in Medicine and Dentistry because of their wide-range inhibitory activity against several bacterial, viral and fungal species 6, 7. AMPs represent a family of peptides found in various sites of the human body, including oral cavity.

In order to maintain normal microbiota in steady state, besides their antimicrobial action, they also promote modulation of host immune responses 8, 9. The main AMPs present in saliva and crevicular gingival fluid are defensins and cathelicidins. The human cationic peptide hcap is the only cathelicidin identified in humans isolated firstly in neutrophil granules. After secretion, hcap is broken by the action of proteases in one long chain active peptide called LL and two smaller peptide fragments.

LL is a multifunctional peptide with antimicrobial function and ability to modulate innate immunity, besides to stimulate angiogenesis, skin healing and chemotaxis In virtue of high cost of AMPs production, several studies have proposed chemical modifications or reduction in the peptides length, conserving or improving their antimicrobial and immunoregulatory activity. Studies have investigated several properties of the smallest.


The most of KR analogues exhibited potent antimicrobial activity against strains of methicillin-resistant S. One of these analogues, KRa5, had the highest anti-endotoxic activity, similar to original LL In addition to antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory action, an intracanal medication indicated to immature permanent teeth should induce residual epithelial Hertwig sheath and promote the differentiation of stem cells into odontoblasts or induce remaining odontoblasts deposit dentin and the natural closure of the root apex.

In vitro studies have showed that LL activates EGFR epithelial growth factor receptor and JNK C-terminal kinase c-jun , molecules involved in cell migration and proliferation in human dental pulp cells, demonstrating that these peptides could contribute to pulp regeneration The aims of the study were to evaluate cell viability and the effect of analogues of cationic peptides on phenotypic alkaline phosphatase activity, total protein production and mineralized nodules formation and genotypic DSPP and DMP-1 gene expression markers of mineralization in odontoblast-like cells.

Solid phase peptide synthesis was performed manually by the method previously described by Merrifield 21 using Fmoc 9-fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl protocols on the Rinkamide resin. After this procedure, the crude peptides were precipitated with anhydrous ethyl ether and separated from the non-soluble material by centrifugation. Cells were sub-cultured at every 2 days until an adequate number of cells were obtained for the study.

Experimental groups were then determined: One first assay was conducted with peptides at the concentrations described above to establish the best concentrations of peptides for subsequent analysis. After that, all assays were performed with peptides ranging from Analysis of cell viability MTT assay Methyltetrazolium MTT assay is method determines the activity of succinate dehydrogenase - SDH enzyme - representing cell mitochondrial respiration and considered as the metabolic rate of cells.

Louis, MO, USA were added to each well and maintained for 40 min at room temperature to produce cell lysis. Then, uL of this solution were used for total protein production analysis. Thirty minutes later, the absorbance of samples was measured at nm wavelength by spectrophotometry. Total protein production was calculated from a standard curve using bovine serum albumin BSA concentrations This test uses thymolphthalein. The kit measures the product of hydrolysis, altering the ph.

The ph interrupted the ALP enzymatic activity and provides blue color to the solution that is directly proportional to the resulting enzymatic activity and is analyzed by spectrophotometer. The absorbance was measured at nm with a spectrophotometer Synergy H1. ALP activity was calculated by a standard curve using known concentrations of the enzyme Culture medium was replaced at every 24 hours. The samples were then submitted to the following amplification cycling conditions: Specific primers were synthesized from the mrna sequence: The CT values for each sample were normalized by the endogenous control gene: Statistical differences were observed for In relation to TP production, the best results were found to hbdc V The same group was not statistically different from the following groups: The highest concentrations of LL and hbdc V One of them is the antimicrobial activity against wide-range bacterial, virus and fungi species.

Recent discoveries point to important role of these peptides in various cell processes, such as proliferation, migration or chemotaxis However, long length of amino acid chains or chemical linkages difficult their production as therapeutic agent.

Then, these peptides are used as template to produce analogues with chemical modifications, but conserving or improving their beneficial properties to human body 12, KR is the smallest region of LL that still maintains the antimicrobial activity of the peptide Analogues of KR, such as KRa5, had their antimicrobial activity and LPS-neutralizing improved with minimal chemical changes in the original peptide structure In the present study, LL and hbdc V affected minimally cell growth at the concentrations below The peptide analogue, KR, was toxic to macrophages and erythrocytes in the concentrations above KRa5 was designed by replacing some amino acids like asparagin and glycin by lysines and adding leucins to increase positive charge and hydrophobicity angle.

These changes strongly improved the antimicrobial activity and LPS-neutralizing effect of KRa5 in comparison to original LL, however, reduced its compatibility to mammalian cells The authors observed a decreasing on toxicity on monocytic cell lines for hbd-3 analogues compared with the original hbd The analogue hbdc v was not toxic for odontoblast-like cells.

This is the first study that evaluated cytotoxicity of hbdc v becoming difficult our comparison with another studies. Total protein TP production is also an indicator of cell metabolism. This study demonstrated a direct relationship between cytotoxity and TP production. KRa5 at the highest concentration tested reduced cell viability and protein production, although statistical difference was not observed when compared with the control.

Alkaline phosphatase ALP is involved with the initial phase of dentine matrix biomineralization, promoting dephosphorylation of extracellular matrix proteins and providing inorganic phosphate The authors demonstrated that hbd-3 positively affected the differentiation of osteoblast-like cells provided by increased transcript levels of osteogenic markers, by upregulated ALP enzyme activity and by enhanced mineralized nodule formation.

In this present study, hbdc v, analogue of hbd3, had no effect on ALP activity, probably because of the modifications on their structure. These data suggested that the ability of LL to stimulate phenotypic markers of mineralization is cell type specific. After deposition of dentine matrix, mature odontoblasts synthesized proteins, such as dentine matrix phosphoprotein 1 DMP-1 , dentine sialoprotein DSP and dentine phosphoprotein DPP which are expressed during the active mineralization phase of dentinogenesis.

DSP and DPP have direct participation in calcium binding to previously synthesized collagenous matrix, initiating the formation of hydroxyapatite crystals within collagen fibres. Both proteins are encoded by the DSPP gene, which is cleaved immediately after secretion DSPP induces organization of intrafibrillar collagen mineralization and DMP-1 stimulates the deposition of mineral particles along the collagen fibril axis Although the expression of genes related to mineralization seems not to have been affected by the presence of peptides, mineralized nodules deposition was observed for all groups tested in this study, regardless their concentrations.

KRa5, hbdc v and LL at the highest concentration evaluated, increased the alizarin red staining values, showing that these peptides were able to stimulate cells to deposit more quantities of mineralized nodules. Studies are also necessary to evaluate the expression of other genes related to dentin mineralization or considering different times of peptides exposure. Conclusion Although KRa5 had no effect on ALP activity, this peptide analogue stimulated initial mineralized nodules deposition, similar to other peptides, but in lower and minimally cytotoxic concentration.

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Biochem Biophys Res Commun Jul 11; 4: J Cell Physiol Mar; 3: Zhang Z, Shively JE. Generation of novel bone forming cells monoosteophils from the cathelicidin-derived peptide LL treated monocytes. PLoS One Nov 15; 5 The antimicrobial peptide LL37 promotes bone regeneration in a rat calvarial bone defect. J Periodontal Res Oct; 42 5: Effects of zoledronic acid on odontoblast-like cells. Arch Oral Biol May; 58 5: Indirect cytocompatibility of a low-concentration hydrogen peroxide bleaching gel to odontoblast-like cells. Int Endod J Dec Engineering disulfide bridges to dissect antimicrobial and.

J Periodontol Dec;84 Submitted manuscripts must pertain to endodontics and may be original research eg, clinical trails, basic science related to the biological aspects of endodontics, basic science related to endodontic techniques, case reports, or review articles related to the scientific or applied aspects of endodontics. Authors of potential review articles are encouraged to first contact the Editor during their preliminary development via at Manuscripts submitted for publication must be submitted solely to JOE.