
Picking on Retards

I picked this up after reading Scott's earlier work Mr. Undesirable , which I found hilarious. This one not so much. Occasional laughs, but much less than his previous book.

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Also, the football angle and especially the ending was not believeable, as he depicted a high school team so great that only ONE touchdown was scored against them the whole season prior to the championship game. Many of the story elements just didn't ring true. View all 3 comments. Jun 07, David Bunegar rated it it was amazing. This book first got my attention because of the Goodreads friends' recommendations. I went to go buy it on Amazon and saw all of the character assassination attempts on the author.

Of course, that made me buy it. I do get bored with football, but the characters all drew me in. I encourage people to read this book.

Picking on Retards

Please go on Amazon and help the ratings go up. This book was good. The title made me mad, but the story was honest. It makes me mad when people rate books on Amazon or any space witho This book first got my attention because of the Goodreads friends' recommendations. It makes me mad when people rate books on Amazon or any space without reading it. Aug 27, Brenda Runco rated it really liked it. Truly enjoyed this book.

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I was a freshman in highschool when the "hero" of this story was a senior and I could so relate to the setting. It touched me though to know this "hero" was really someone's hero for who he was, not his athletic ability. Jul 19, Tess Johnston rated it it was amazing. I really enjoyed reading this book. It is full of cussing and sex, but since it's about a high school boy so it just seemed real. There were several laugh at loud parts. Kevin rated it it was amazing Jun 12, Jennifer rated it really liked it Mar 16, Karen rated it did not like it Jun 07, John rated it it was amazing May 01, Serena rated it liked it Mar 14, Deborah marked it as to-read Nov 17, Tyler Adkins marked it as to-read Jun 03, Jamie McKevitt marked it as to-read Jun 04, Catrina marked it as to-read Jun 04, Frances Madrid marked it as to-read Jun 05, David marked it as to-read Jun 05, Suzanne marked it as to-read Jun 05, Danielle marked it as to-read Jun 07, Letting the punishment fit the crime, the principal and his coach devise an ingenious way of teaching Butcher a lesson.

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He wont be suspended from school or kicked off the team, provided he agrees to one stipulation. Butcher Blake will be the new bodyguard for the boy, Ethan Miles. The rest of the Mustangs, however, dont like losing their partner in crime to some retard and they do all they can to make life even harder on Butcher and his new charge. Led by Derek Skyler and his personal Goon Squad, the remaining members of the team, and even Butchers girlfriend, launch an effort to wreck the new arrangement. No longer elite and no longer untouchable, Butcher begins to see that there is more to life than just football.

A realization that he fights every step of the way. Picking On Retards is a novel about the hardest lessons we learn. The ones about ourselves. If people deviate notably from the norm, many find it unsettling.

An instinct tells them that such "defectives" are bad for the survival of the race. If they are themselves on the margins of society, they may wish to assert their own strength by taking it out on those even lower in the pecking order. The crimes against the disabled which Rosa Monckton exposed tend to be committed by truant hoodies with Asbos, not by middle-aged owner-occupiers.

A terrible truth: it's natural to pick on the weak and disabled - Telegraph

But I am sure everyone reading this knows better-educated people who feel essentially the same way. I have often met people, usually men, who admit that they regard mental handicap as a disqualification from the human race. If they are naturally kind, they merely think it all too sad to discuss, and change the subject. If they are less kind, they see disability as something to be despised, even stamped out.

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The bleakest moment in the film was when Christopher said: His experience of life in "the community" had told him the same thing. It was not surprising to hear him say that he had been looking up the Exit website. This moment brought home to me — though this was not a point which Rosa Monckton made — how wicked it is to offer people help to kill themselves. No doubt there are a few strong-minded persons who know their own minds absolutely.

A terrible truth: it's natural to pick on the weak

But the far, far more common experience is of pain, weakness and fear. In a world which, as Rosa says, overvalues "usefulness, efficiency and power", people who lack those qualities are made to feel that their lives are not worth living. The euthanasia movement may be well intentioned, but its effect is the same as that of the yobs who smash Asher's window.